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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Yet another sign of someone who speaks about something they don't know about.... If you guys want, I can make an article on my website about the whole claim that Bush lied about WMD's and how it's false. There is video, written reports, etc. where Saddam claimed to have Weapons of Mass Destruction. BUT he said it because Iran was threatening to invade them(Iraq). He did not say it as a threat to the U.S., but our government got a hold of the threats via their sneaky ways of keeping tabs on everything/everyone. Saddam's threat was empty(supposedly) and he admitted that. It served its purpose(kept Iran out) but did not keep us from stepping in. On top of that, Saddam was practicing mass murder on his own people. Over the past 10 years or so(before 9/11) he had killed tens of thousands of his own people for various things. Not to mention he and his brother were raping women by using their power(if the women said no they would be sentenced to death) among other things. If we stepped in against Hitler, why not Saddam? Now then, consider what happened when we first went to Iraq. This wasn't highly publicized but anyone who has done the research instead of saying "Hm, it was on the news...It's 100% true" should know this : when we first went to Iraq, Saddam actually claimed to have chemical missiles aimed towards Baghdad. In that, he said if we did not leave his country he was going to launch them to kill himself and everyone around it(including our troops who were going there). So, there are just a couple of the things people claim aren't enough justification to move in against Saddam. Don't even get me started on his own people and their feelings towards him, or the explanation as to why they are against the USA now. And like I said, if you wish I can make an article about it, explaining why we were not wrong for going there(not personal opinion, I will give well documented information). For the record, if all you watch is the news, you will never learn the truth about anything. The news is a money-making organization and they use what's called "Yellow Journalism." If you don't know what that is, I highly suggest taking a journalism class in college or doing research on it. You will learn a lot.
  2. I think VLC is the best media player around... I personally use it on Windows(Sadly I can't game on Linux, so I'm stuck with Windows) but out of probably 50+ programs it has been the best. Fastest, easiest to use, works with all media types "out of the box," etc. And I thought you could skin it... I know on Windows it comes with new skins so I assumed at least you can do it... Or maybe that's just for Windows? I'm not quite sure. But even without skins for it, I find it to be the best of everything, . Why fix what isn't broken? (Edit : What is Beryl? Not sure what that is/how it affects the video being shown)
  3. lol, I just hate when people get mad about things to do with politics and stuff like that. For example, "Bush sucks, he put us in war with Iraq!" is a very common phrase I hear (not exactly, but along those lines). The reason this irritates me is *he* has no power except for exonoration (freedom from prison). Other than that, it's CONGRESS who decides what we do and do not do. And amazingly enough, Congress during Bush's administration was half Rep. and half Dem. which means the Dem.'s were also agreeing we should go to war. So to blame anything on Rep. or Bush is showing pure ignorance.Sorry for dragging that out, it's just a great example of things I hate about humans. "Ignorance is bliss."
  4. Whether there were dinosaurs or not is unknown...There are many things missing from the Bible.For example, it explains that Adam and Eve were made by God. This would make them brother and sister. So if they were to mate, it would be incest, which I'm not 100% sure if that's a societal taboo or a religious one, but I think it's a religious one as well.So after they mated, their children would have to mate, and on and on and on.So for it to make sense, it is clear that others were also created. Hence why there are Blacks, Mexicans, Indians, Whites, etc. etc. Adam and Eve could not have made all of the different races by themselves.Under the basis that there are missing stories from that area, it seems very possible to me that there was life before Adam and Eve (such as dinosaurs) that was not documented.To take it one step farther, Adam and Eve could have been cavemen during dinosaur days.There's just too many unsolved questions.I'm Christian and believe in God and the Bible, but you can not dispute the fact that there is a lot of missing information.
  5. Is Windows 7 faster or slower at transferring files than Vista? My biggest complaint between going from XP to Vista is my file transfers are much, much slower. Even with UAC off it takes 3-4x as long to transfer a large file. Was this cleared up in Windows 7 or is it still prevalent?
  6. I agree...People have been saying for over 50 years that "we are close to the rapture." Nobody knows when it will happen, so to say it is "soon" means nothing. There are many things people keep trying to relate to "the end" such as current presidents, wars, etc. but the truth is only one person knows the truth: God.
  7. This is in response to one of the older posts but maybe someone can answer it.... I'm wondering what exactly Google Analytics does for us. I went ahead and signed up to it and added it to my site but all it does is track the visitors and stuff? It seems to be just like AWStats in Cpanel, unless I'm missing something.
  8. Fixed those issues, . The reason I had the bold text in the middle was to act as separators, much like a book does with chapter headings or a newspaper with their headliners. Do you really think it looks better on the left side instead of the center?
  9. rval....Your post was long so I won't quote it...Too much there.I do want to say your input is extremely helpful though. At the moment it's 4 AM so I won't be making any changes right now...Just winding down while I get ready for sleep really...But tomorrow I will see what I can do to make some changes.Seriously, the details you gave were exactly the kind I was looking for. It helps to pinpoint exact issues and some of them you noted(like the lack of search boxes on category pages) I didn't even know about. I thought search was already on every page... What I just noticed when looking at the site though is I have "Title Filters" there on categories. Would this be what you mean or did you mean a search for the entire site?The subsections is definitely a good idea. I'll have to see exactly how I want to implement that though.As for the nav-bar it was just put together as I thought of things to add(I actually just started designing the site 2 days ago) but I definitely do need organization in it. I'm also going to change "Other" to "News" and move it from the "Subjects" area...Since it's mostly news anyways. For holiday related things I'll make a new section as well, for the Easter article for example.In terms of the blue text on the Easter thing, you're absolutely correct : especially considering my links on the site are all blue! What color would look decent for that then? Just leave it black like the rest of the text?And as for the text being on the left..You meant the subheadings, correct?(For the two things listed above, regarding the Easter article, I went ahead and fixed them just now. Let me know if it looks more solid like that? About changing the font to something like Sans-sarif, I'll have to look into that tomorrow to see how to go about it, if it's possible. The same with the line spacing...)When it comes to the last point, about making it to where others can contribute and all, that's actually my main goal. At first I plan to take care of everything while the site grows, and over time I want it to grow into a more social community. I also have some other ideas(other than forums) for when that happens. I won't give up on this project at all. Everything I do with it teaches me something. If I run out of things to make topics about I'll just ask around about things people have questions about and work off those, . Can't ever learn too much!Also, this goes to everyone who reads this. If you're interested in taking part in the site in any way, shape, or form, you can let me know via a PM here or email (rpgsearcherz@gmail.com) and explain what you want to help out with, why, and what you expect in return. You can also use my email to request certain topics and I'll see what I can do to fulfill them!
  10. Well I guess in a sense it is on-topic considering saved passwords can be seen by others...Meaning maybe it's not such a good idea to be saving them to begin with. As for the master password...It really wouldn't matter. The password list is stored on the PC somehow, and based on how the program reads the list it is most likely clear-text. That's not safe. At all.
  11. I stumbled across this thread out of curiosity but thanks for that information! I didn't know Firefox makes it that easy to see saved passwords. It's making me doubt the amount of security the client has.... I mean if it keeps unchanged passwords....Something can probably get ahold of the list.
  12. Do any of you who are posting about how great RC is have a server that's up?(and game obviously). Or do you happen to know of one? I'm a little interested in this but I would rather see a game in action to see more about how well it runs, what type of RPG's it's for(yes...there are different types...point and click, WASD, mouse based, etc.), and the graphics in it.And thanks in advance.
  13. I've heard of the "chupacabra" a lot in videos mocking the Spanish fear...But I don't believe it's true. To me, it's more like "Bigfoot" or something like that. People have "seen" him but visions are nothing but illusions. You see what your mind wants you to see.
  14. Hmm....When you try to load the page directly(yourdomain.com/) does it load up for you? If not, that's your issue...If it does, I'm not sure what else to try.
  15. Thanks for that information. As for the niche of the blog, it's kind of a personal knowledge thing...It's going to be about things I experience and/or learn on a daily basis. I'm always out looking for new things to experience, and I have a lot of knowledge built up. So really the posts will either be about things I experienced(And my experience with whatever it was, and knowledge I can convey to others about said experience) or about things I don't know and researched(In which case I convey everything I learned, along with where I learned it from). Think of it like a broad research site - not research as in "I did this and this happened" per se, but more like "I wonder how Wifi transmits signals..." and then have a long article solely about what I learned about the Wifi and how it transmitted signals. I'm just under the assumption that if things interest me they will interest others as well. A lot of people just don't know where or how to research things. They could spend 10 hours on Google looking for something or I could do the work instead and make it much more compact and easy to read while still giving a detailed answer to the question. My reason for doing the blog is because if I'm learning anyways, there's no harm done. There are 3 template files..One normal, one IE6, and one IE7. And in the normal one the format used is: #header {padding: 30px 0;} So would it still need to be in the format you posted or is it using a different method?
  16. I actually just made a thread for the Websites Review section to explain more about the site/the plans/etc. if you can please accept it, . We can continue that thread over there to keep from thread-crapping here. In the meantime I'll see about adding dates to blog entries but the reason I hadn't was because it's updated daily anyways, so I didn't think it would be a huge issue. (When you go to the specific sections you will see the dates and name of the various articles).
  17. For the verification I always upload the html file. Put it into your /public_html folder or whatever it's called. Make sure it is NOT in a subfolder. And then click on the verification again. It should work.I use Google Webmaster tools for all of my sites. I just verified one last night in fact, so I can verify that it still works.Let me know if you still have issues after trying the .html one and I'll detail exactly what I do for verification.
  18. Hey all, just wanting some input about my blog...Things you would change, things you like, etc. More or less I'm attempting to keep it graphically solid, yet without overdoing it. I want it to load fast for those on dialup(yes...people still use dialup) as well as those who are surfing using cell phones, PDA's, etc. I also set up a RSS feed, but my knowledge about the RSS thing is very limited...I don't really understand the point of it or anything, except for linking it up on other websites I guess?(So people can have their site auto-update with my new articles?) Anyways, the purpose of the blog is to give knowledge out to others. I learn things everyday and I thought it'd be nice to help give the community the same privledge. Instead of having to do their own research, users can read about things I've already done the research for. Also, I plan to add an area where people can make requests and they may be granted as well, for example, "I would like to know about..." and then I would research and create an article for it. I am not going to add that part to the site until I decide exactly how I'll decide which ones to do and how to go about it. For some sections, like the math section, I also plan to add videos later(maybe sooner...depending on if I can find my capture card) to better explain how to do various problems. Math seems to be one of the issues people have the most so hopefully my expertise on things can help others. For example, explaining better ways to do calculations of things, how to graph things, etc. In school it's more of a "2 + 2 = 4" thing. I plan to turn it into a "2 + 2 = 4. Here's why..." thing. Sooo, enough rambling. Please let me know what you think about these things: 1)The design of the site. Does it look decent for how it is now? Would you change the nav bars? I felt putting them on the left side made them more user friendly... 2)The look of the articles...Do you think they look good as they are now? 3)The design of the various sections...If you look under a specific section you will notice the articles there are listed by date and name. I felt this makes it much easier to find what you're looking for. Especially with the search box at the top. 4)Speed of loading...Please let me know if you have any issues with how fast the site is loading for you. 5)Looks of the site...This is different than the design. This is for issues relating to how it shows up to you. Do things look out of order? Are the graphics messed up? Etc. 6)I was thinking of adding forums to the site as well so people can more directly ask questions about things they don't understand. Do you think this would be a good idea? It could end up turning into a community. 7)The idea of the site...Do you think it's a good idea? I've seen other sites with tutorials and stuff but I'm going to take it to a more personal level. I love to learn and so I feel it'd be great to share the learning with others. When people ask questions I can't answer it allows me to learn more as well. So it's a win-win situation! 8)On a rating of 1-10, what are the chances you would participate/keep up with a site like this? I'm trying to ensure that I'm not wasting my time by setting everything up just to find that nobody uses it anyways. And answer this honestly. Don't say "10" and never visit, (1 is lowest, 10 is highest). That's all I can think of for now. Thanks for looking at this and I hope to see your opinions! Anything I forgot, please let me know. All input is taken seriously! You get to help shape the site, The address is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . It represents Bryan's(my name) World...And the things around it. I just felt it fit in nicely with what I was going for. Sadly the domain BryansWorld.com was taken.
  19. Okay, I'm not sure what the rule on double posting is here but I wanted to share the blog's address with you. To clarify for mods, I'm making the second post so he can see it in the "New Posts" area instead of possibly missing it due to it not showing up. Anyways, the address is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ That is a very plain look for the site. I just chose it because it works great, has the features I need, and doesn't make it feel cluttered. I hate things like Wordpress where people have 50,000 links on every page and stuff. My setup is very narrowed compared to most. If you have any questions about it, let me know! Hopefully my site helps show the capabilities of Joomla, although Joomla isn't made for blogs. (If you click on one of the articles you will at the top see the top viewed articles and related articles. Also, I disabled all registration from the site to clear it up more, and enabled comment posting for guests. Last but not least, when you click on one of the categories you will notice each of the articles is listed in list form, along with the date. This makes it very easy to search through.)
  20. I vote HP as being the best brand solely because of their customer support. They go above and beyond what others provide support-wise and help with not only issues their stuff has caused but also they will help with solving issues with NON-HP added products!Not to mention they don't care if your warrantee is "in" or out if you just have questions/need help with researching stuff.
  21. That is an awesome picture! The details on it are astounding as well. Was the dragonfly stationary when the picture was taken or was he moving?
  22. It may be because they only do indexing every X days then. I could just be making the sites at around the same time they do re-indexing on their results.As for the "more visitors" = indexed thing you posted previously.. Not necessarily true...My clan site only has ~60 uniques a month and we were ranked #1 in Google for weeks under very common terms like "Takeover" and "Aion Information."Your ranking is based on your SEO.
  23. If Google bot is visiting your forums you should already be listed...If you're not something is wrong. Possibly blacklisted?Usually my sites are indexed on Google results within 3-4 days, but I also do heavy SEO work on them.At the end of the day, it's all about your efficiency with SEO'ing your site. PHPBB does have some mods for SEO but they're really not that good.
  24. Awesome. If I do, it will be a short while before I get the chance. As for the grinding aspect of games...I really prefer it. My favorite game so far is Lineage II, and it's because it is hardcore anti-carebear. In case you haven't played it, it takes around a year of no-lifing to hit maximum level on one class, and you can have up to 4. On top of that, if you die in PvP, PvE, Sieges, or any other way, you lose experience(at max level one death = around 4 days of nolifing to regain the experience). I can't stand games where people can lose over and over without worrying because there is no true loss. In L2 if you die you are using up your time. It causes there to be a lot more competition and people are much more efficient in playing. Regardless, can't pass up the chance to try out another game for free, .
  25. If all C commands still work as normal C does, it should be fine then...But if it's an "upgraded" version that uses new commands as well as old, it may not have as much control. It'd be just like taking a jump from C++ to C#. C# is much easier to use but C++ has more control. Both can use the same commands though as far as I know. The only diff is in C# you don't have to tell memory locations for arrays and stuff, it's done automatically.
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