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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I would love to try FF13 but I don't have a Playstation 3...I've been following the FF series since FF7 though, of which I would vote as my favorite. As for FF13, been following it for a few years now. They were already talking about it when FF9 came out,;p.
  2. The only real "boost" that programs can do for you is to cache files better.They don't really speed anything up, instead what they do is, like for example you go to yourname.com:1)Your browser loads up all of the text and headers2)Your browser loads up the background3)Your browser loads up the other graphicsNow what happens with all of that information is that it is saved in your temporary files. As you do a little more browsing it is wiped from those files(also you can use Refresh and that will clear out the files for whatever page you're on and redownload them).The programs that "speed up" your internet are just saving those cached files by increasing the time and size of files that your PC will keep before wiping them. If you are going to a site with a 3 Mb flash file everyday, why keep downloading it? So the program will save the file so you download it once and never again.As far as I know, firefox is a great browser for doing that, and of course it's free.Another alternative is increasing the number of connections your internet can send out to websites, but that is more for broadband than dialup.
  3. In psychology classes you will learn that astrology to tell about a person's personality is completely fake. Everything that is put in the papers regarding how you are based on your birthdate/year is generalized. It's written to where you could choose another sign other than your own and still get the same "wow, that's really me" feeling to it.
  4. Wacoms are like boards that connect to your PC, right? If so, what would make these better than tablet laptops? Just the fact that you can upgrade and have better stats on a PC than with a tablet laptop?I've been looking into one of the HP tablet laptops for a while but they're still not down to a low enough price, considering it would just be a hobby system.
  5. Is this site still down for everyone else? I see some recent posts regarding it but I am unable to view it.
  6. This really depends on what you use the email account for. I have like 750 MB's used on my gmail already, possibly more. Some uses that people find for email accounts(myself included) are to send files using, to host files, etc. For example if you have a 300 MB file and don't want to host it yourself or use one of those free programs that bogs down all of your resources with ads, you can just make a gmail account, send the file to that account, and then allow others to log into it to download the file.
  7. What is netsend? Is it just to transfer files from one PC to another over a network, or is it more like a FTP client?
  8. Well I personally have a WiFi internet connection(Where I live it's either that or 33.6k dialup...We can't even get 56k out here) so mine ranges anywhere from 400 Kb/s to 4 Mb/s(Around 50 KB/s to 480 KB/s download rates).To fix your issue of "too many graphics" I would suggest having two versions of your site - one with graphics and one without.
  9. Yeah, after I posted this I talked to some others near me and apparently I live in a cave or something..They all heard about it as well. Seems it happened near us in fact(not sure where).I wonder if we'll have more.
  10. This is a little disturbing to think about, being that we aren't used to it, but if you look at other countries they do a lot of things you may think are sick.I for example think eating bugs would be gross, but in some countries it's a delicacy that only the rich could enjoy.Although I do find it a little weird that someone drank cow urine to see if it helped cure them of various ailments...I would not want to be the first to try that, .
  11. Your ISP didn't lie about your connection speed. It's not "1 megabyte a second," it's "1 megabit a second."If I remember correctly 8 bits = 1 byte, so you divide by 8. If your internet is 1 Mb/s then your download speed is ~115-120 KB/s or 1000Kb/s.Here are the abbreviations:MB = MegabyteMb = Megabit(1/8 of a megabyte)KB = KilobyteKb = Kilobit(1/8 of a kilobyte)Hopefully that helps you understand better, . People just always misinterpret MB and Mb as being the same, even though they aren't.
  12. These "arrows" you all talk about. Are they actual pictures(visible)? I'm on IE7 and I see nothing. They just look like normal links to me. Is it my browser or am I still misinterpreting what this is about?
  13. I have a hard time trusting used computer parts though. You never know if they work, how old they really are, etc.Even if the part works it could die in a day or two and you would (generally) not have a warrantee on it.I've always felt that it is much safer to buy new than to risk it on buying used.Obviously there are some parts that are well worth the risk, when you can get a $100 item for like $2 or something. But don't pay even near retail.
  14. Having it read files still makes it a static page as far as I know. My understanding(although limited) about the way Google recognizes updated pages is by the last save date.For example, if Google is reading the following 3 pages...And their update times it would be like this(theoretical):Home : Jan 31, 2008Sub1 : November 19, 2007Sub2 : November 19, 2007Now in this scenario I wrote it as assuming that the two sub pages were using calls to other documents(like text documents for example) to get their information.Because my guess is that Google would read the page itself, and yes it would see the text information, but being that Google did not directly access the text file(or xml or whatever) it would use the original save date from the Flash file's page. So even if you had it updated daily with new text files it would still show the old date.I could be very wrong on this, but I do think that it is something to look into. Also, I would really appreciate a more "professional" opinion on the matter.I've thought about doing a few pages of a smaller site in all flash but this is what holds me back.
  15. I am sure others have the same issue as me regarding this, so I'll ask...What is this for? Looking at the links on your demo page I didn't see anything different there as compared to just using normal links. Like what is the "content: "\27A0"" there for?
  16. Thanks for that link, superjavy. I didn't even know about that site.Also, another site that I forgot to mention(unsure how I missed it) is fatwallet. You will find a LOT of nice deals there. The most recent ones I can think of were:1 TB External 7200 RPM HDD(Maxtor) with 5 year warrantee - $70 shipped, no taxand19" Flat panel monitor(5ms response time, 1440*1280 I think) - $71 shipped, no taxI think the site is pretty good when you are in the market but do not mind researching ahead of time.If you really want to save money on PC parts, the best thing to do is start planning about a month in advance. From that point on get a list of what items you would like, but keep the list somewhat "loose," meaning that you would be open to swapping out a few parts on the list. From there, keep up with all the deals that are going on online, and you can save a lot of money.My most recent PC, after 8 days of waiting, is:E8400(3.0 ghz dual core)8800GT(670 mhz, 512 mb memory)2 GB 800 mhz ramNew mobo500W psuAll for $450 shipped, brand new. At the time it was worth ~$900 but I got almost everything with rebates.
  17. Just to confirm something, the usage of Flash in a website would be for a "static" site, right? One that has very few, if any, updates.If so, would it really even matter if Google would index it? My understanding is that sites that are not updated very often will not be indexed very high, if at all, to begin with.
  18. When you run lean backwards. When I was running with someone who ran track for 5-6 years he explained it to me and a few others.More or less what happens is most people run leaning forward. Doing so closes up your lungs so that you aren't getting the full amount of oxygen that you would otherwise. By running straight up or leaning backwards a little(if you watch track runners you will notice they do it) you open your lungs more, thus allowing more oxygen in.Aside from that the stitches I think is from being out of shape. This doesn't mean fat or anything, it means you don't run all the time on a normal basis. The more you do it, the easier it gets.
  19. I'm confused by all the speak of what browser is "faster." I load pages almost instantly regardless as to what browser I'm using. So by "faster" do you mean which one uses the least ram? If so that can still be countered.Or are these things always for those people who are still on....Dialup?
  20. You really strayed off topic with your post here Adriantc, but I would like to know the same thing about the window focusing. My purpose is different than yours(to keep two game windows up to where Windows will keep both screens updated) but really the same thing.More or less my issue is that with 2 game screens up one ends up falling way behind the other(lagging back) due to being out of focus. It seems when windows aren't in focus Windows drops the priority on it significantly.And increasing the priority on a window always seems to greatly destabilize the PC.
  21. There's really no way to 'stop' warez from being out there for everyone to download.Much like everything else there are ways around any rule, regardless as to what the rule is. There are ways to get around speeding laws, murder laws, tax evasion, and anything else that you can possibly think of.Do I feel that downloading warez is wrong? Yes. Why? Because you are in a sense stealing from another person.Downloading warez is like going to McDonalds and ordering your food and then taking off with it as soon as they set it on the counter, without paying for it.Or stealing gas from a gas station.Those who argue that you aren't stealing physical items do have a point there, but again it's also wrong. Going to a doctor, psychologist, etc. and not paying them is theft as well. It's not a physical item, but it's still wrong.Now, on the note of it being illegal...I don't agree with all laws. Just because it's illegal doesn't mean that it's wrong. I won't go into a lot of details on that in this thread but I could list hundreds or thousands of laws that aren't wrong by moral, ethical, or religious standards.
  22. Why wasn't Amazon listed? They really do have a lot of PC items, just usually they aren't the "top end" items. When you do find one that you're looking for there, though, no tax or shipping.Aside from that I use newegg usually. If you have a Frys Electronics near you that is also a great store.To the post about dealextreme...I've heard both positive and negative. The positives I have heard are that they are very cheap(Which is obvious when you look up items on their site), but the negatives, at least to me, outweigh the positives. The biggest one I've heard is that their parts are "fake," meaning not name-brand. Along with that, some items have been said to have taken weeks or as much as 2-3 months to ship out.I personally have not ever dealt with DX, solely due to their record.About Tigetdirect, I've always found parts from them to be more expensive than elsewhere, even when it comes to comparing them to Best Buy or other stores. Not to mention with TD I would have to pay taxes and shipping.
  23. I disagree with limiting at all. Their justification is always the same : it's to prevent illegal downloading. But what still happens? Illegal downloads.I think the truth behind it is just that they want to add more revenue to their pockets. Bandwidth cost money, which is fact. So by limiting your bandwidth they are also allowing themselves not need to buy as much every month(or however they get it).Really I think what they should do instead is do a cost per GB of bandwidth. This way everyone makes it out great. For example,1-20 GB a month = $2020-25 GB a month = 2325-30 GB a month = 25And on and on.Then they would make more money as you use more bandwidth, and you would also feel happier knowing that there is no cap.
  24. As weird as it is I never even saw this, and I'm from Texas. Nor did I hear about it until now.As far as I know our news never talked about it either.So how do you know for sure it is even true? I'd think we would have heard about it before cnn were it to be a true story...I think it's just another case of "Yellow Journalism."
  25. I had the same understanding that you did in terms of him pulling troops out, but I disagreed with it to begin with. So for me, hearing that he is continuing the war is a huge positive. It was one of my biggest fears that he would just try to end the wars entirely. For reasons as to not cause a huge controversy in the forums, I will stray away from the view that the wars were and are necessary.
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