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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I've actually run into that (very rarely) elsewhere. Haven't figured out what causes it but sometimes it'll even jump to the middle of a sentence. Kind of annoying but since it doesn't happen too often I've gotten used to it, .
  2. The camera itself could be faulty as well, in that it may not be directly readable. This would be much like when a flash drive goes bad. It may not be the case (and I'd follow the advice from mrdee) but it is a possibility to take into consideration as well.
  3. Different people react differently. While it may have some effects on some, with others it will have no effect. I find it hard to fully "blame" games for people's behavior.
  4. I've never played EVE but people still talk about it a lot in modern games. Many claim it has the best PvP ever. And my understanding is you don't have to pay monthly since people can "trade" game time for items/gold?
  5. An alternative to an animal MMO would be the Kinect game Kinectimals. In that you "take care" of your pet, play with it, etc. It's pretty cool for what it is, . Though it's only single-player.
  6. It definitely is. The amount of information I've learned from the community here is huge. Though it does seem that over time it's been dying off, which is pretty sad, =/
  7. Not sure what rating Skyrim is but it's a very open RPG. You basically choose your own paths and do as you wish, though there is a linear storyline as well. An alternative would be something like Fable, which is pretty linear but there are a lot of side quests and exploration you can do outside of the main line.
  8. Well, regarding that, the problem is that games are being rushed out full of bugs. Look at Skyrim -- an offline game that's already gone through four big patches (the last one is 230 MB's or so). It used to be where games would release and in the off-chance that they DID need a patch, it was small. Now everything's so bug-ridden you can expect a lot of patching regardless of the game.
  9. Welcome back! I kind of drop off and on every once in a while too, lol. Just kind of depends on how hard I'm working and whether or not I want to take the time to stop and drop by, .
  10. We actually had a talk about PETA not too long ago in RIFT (a game) and I questioned their stance on meat. People stated that they feel "meat is murder." So you're right on what you said, .
  11. Well, at one point the PS3 wasn't cracked, and the cost of Blu-Rays were $20 each (for blanks). I'm sure that has some part to play in it, but you also have to look at exclusives. For example, as far as I know the last Final Fantasy only came out on 360, as well as games like Halo. When it really comes down to it, exclusives play a huge role in systems and how well they sell.
  12. lol, oddly I think I would have been better off without reading all of that. Can you comment on what seems to be the degradation of quality as of late? I'm from the US so it may be different but around a year ago the quality of our chicken from the two local KFC's has gone down, like bad.
  13. Anyone happen to know if there's a freeware alternative to this type of thing?
  14. For recording videos I use ZD Game Recorder (which also works for recording other things, including the desktop, web browsers, etc.). As for pictures, I use FRAPS. I'd use FRAPS for video as well but I have a lack of HDD space right now and due to the video size it's a bit out of my range. ZD compresses on-the-fly though and I love it.
  15. I actually prefer Fantasy games instead, though SciFi isn't bad either. Though I disagree with the statement that SciFi is more popular -- I think Fantasy is.
  16. This is not necessarily the issue though. Since it's an external HDD it could also have to do with the board (HDD controller) messing up while trying to install drivers or something. If the issue doesn't get resolved, break open the enclosure (or try to open it carefully) and you should be able to use the HDD on its own, assuming it's not defective.
  17. Luckily I avoid STEAM, just because I don't like the fact that they require proprietary software to even run their games/update them. It's like they want their users to be dependent upon them, and that in itself gives them too much power and allows them to do as they please.
  18. That's interesting news, though it may not go F2P in the US. As an example, when Lineage II went F2P it's because NCSoft sold the game to Innova, a completely different company.Really, the difference between F2P and P2P is based on their income. If they are earning enough with the current model there is no reason to change. F2P is usually a last resort for these companies.
  19. Resources I would go with are:whitepagesFacebook (if you can not find the person you are looking for, maybe you will find others that know her?)Other familyYou should also be able to do research by calling the local city courthouse to see if there is a death certificate or something like that filed, or maybe they can even help lead you in the right direction.Hope you find her!
  20. I had not heard about this until now, though I disagree completely with the notion of "slavery." Animals kept in places such as Sea World are treated extremely well and I would even go as far as to argue that they live a better life there than they would be in the wild. After all, it wouldn't be in Sea World's best interest to torture or otherwise treat the animals badly, as that would bring about suspicions from people who visit regularly, as well as boost the costs of their training and other things.I do feel that some places to NOT treat their animals properly, but in a case like this I honestly don't feel that's what's going on.
  21. The success of Adsense really depends on how well it's implemented though. You get almost nothing if people aren't clicking, and most people ignore ads, so they have to be implemented with your site well enough to gain their attention and warrant clicks. This is an issue I've been having lately,
  22. If you're on an older system that only works with 32-bit, my understanding is you can't even install the 64-bit OS. The only reason for 64-bit anyways is due to ram limitations of 32 (3.5 GB's) holding you back. Aside from that, I don't think there are any other benefits.
  23. It definitely would have. The reason computers "die" is because of heat. Theoretically if all heat was dissipated there would be no wear-and-tear. The issue with the dust is that it creates more heat, which kills the computer faster by making it overheat. The best way to combat this is to clean out your case every couple weeks, or every month at the least.
  24. Even for commercial sites, I don't see much of an issue with using Xisto - Web Hosting. Even recent tickets have been taken care of fairly fast, and despite paying $1.95 a month the quality of the hosting has been great. There is very little downtime except in certain rare cases where it happens multiple times in a row (such as for a 3 hour period having 5 minute outages). Really though, for a truly 99% uptime I'd go with a VPS or Dedicated anyways, so for shared hosting I feel CH is on-par with how they should be.
  25. I've actually noticed this as well... And with old topics like that it's worthless to read most of them as well. On the same note, the search function is the same way -- ridden with useless content.
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