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Everything posted by elevenmil

  1. Well, first off, if you know "One", then you're band is pretty good. The guitar solo's are just, wow, sick, so big ups there if you guys got it down. Secondly, yeah you guys are really young, but then again, that'll give you a lot of time to organize yourselves...in other words, take your time. As for your name, wow, tough decision to make, going with a song could be good, heck I'd take Hero of the Day or Some Kind of Monster if I were to choose a Metallica song, but that goes the other way in comparison to what you want.Some other great songs you should learn from the band that rock...Ones previously mentioned, Hero of the Day, Some Kind of MonsterIn addition, Fuel, I Disappear, Whiskey in The Jar, St. Anger, and Ain't My B*tch, all great guitar...
  2. Ok, here is your answer...1. Log in to Hotmail2. Up in the top right hand corner of the page after you login should be an options button. Click that. 3. Under Personal Options, click password.4. I need not say more, except please try to categorize your topics better, I don't think this is the right place for your question.
  3. I have two at my parent's house, then at college we'll have 4 computers this fall, all internet accessible...
  4. 2nd one is much better, both are good, but the text placement does it. As snlildude said, decrease the space between those two letter and that'll be perfect.I'm not really qualified to rate your sigs, but hey what the heck...1 - 9/102 - 9.59/10
  5. Yeah, I've seen it. It's one of the more dumber films ever made, but if you force yourself to watch it twice you begin to like it...I agree, expand on your post, don't just create a topic just to create one, don't just ask if we've seen it, tell us what you think about it and why you like/hate it so much...
  6. I guess a mistake may have happened, but then again, who knows. GMU has been here as long as I have been and I highly respect him and his posts, and I'm sure the moderators do as well. I hope things get straightened out...
  7. Well I don't mean to sound mean or offensive or anything like that, but you should've prepared better for this I guess. Did you know you were going to leave for an extended period of time? If so, you should've adjusted, but whatever, I'm sure everything will be waiting for you when you get back (if you don't get enough to stay above 4), all of your files should still be there, no one can browse the site though...try your best to build your credits for whatever free time you have during your busy month, just make sure they're good and not questionable spam material...best of luck!
  8. Wow, crazy stuff, what kind of grass were they grazing!?!?!?
  9. There were many problems when the arcade and army system were on the Xisto site, so in order to make sure the forums were working better, they moved it to the link provided in the above post. Right before they closed the arcade and AS the site was getting pretty bad. -----Mods and Admis------ - - I know you've probably heard it from others, maybe even you have thought about it, but why not putting a link up on the header of the forum to ipbgaming? It'll obviously eliminate any of these questions from arising again...
  10. This one's nice, I like it, you do some impressive stuff...
  11. Well, here's what I can tell you... First off, I may be the only current college student to reply to this thread so far, so you'll get a new viewpoint on your debate. I'm now a junior in college, and I remember those days back in highschool like it was yesterday, yet it's been so long. The thing that really gets me though is this, and I don't want to offend all of the highschoolers here because this won't apply to everyone, but I look at the kids in highschool today and I wonder, (Darn, was I that freakin' immature back then???). You ask if the girls will be different in college, and the answer is yes. But, in fact, you as well will be different, and you won't even notice it at first. Trust me, the highschool years are special times, and actually, I would do just about anything to go back in time and live the experience again for a day or two. That's just it though, a DAY OR TWO. The best years are ahead of you my friend. I don't think I got to my main point in replying to this. I think I should maybe make it just a little clearer for all of you - enjoy life. Take it one day at a time. Don't stress out about things so much. I had many friends who were girls, but I never had a girlfriend in high school. In fact, I never wanted a girlfriend in highschool. The only mature part about me back then was the fact that I realized that having a girl during those years was a waste of time and money, because in the end we all move on to college and whatnot, and from there you begin a new life. So I say to you now don't worry about getting a girl, don't worry about everyone else having one. Be yourself and things will turn for the better, and if not, everything changes when you go to college. Everyone is new and looking for a friend, and the girls realize their new long distance relationship isn't worth it, so BANG!, lots of women will be there for the taking...but for now develop a likeable personality and get some confidence, geez, girls don't want guys who call themselves a "loser", so delete that from your vocabulary. Cherish the moments you have at this point in your life. You're in the beginning stage of what I think are the best years of one's life. Live life, be what you want to be, do what you want to do, and enjoy the ride...
  12. If only all problems were that small! Trust me, don't be so worried about your current problem, and take your time. This issue right now is the first of thousands that'll occur throughout your lifetime of relationships...
  13. It's all about one's color preferences. Personally, I like the color selection, I'm a big fan of dark blue, and silver and white go along with blue really good. But it's all about what colors people like. I think this look is really professional, but we all have our opinions...maybe someone should start a poll to see the overall opinion on this...
  14. Yes, the clock may be running out, but evidently you still have a few more years left to get her in community college. But here is my take...I graduated from highschool back in 2003. Wow time flies, but here I am soon to be a junior in college. From my experiences the last few years of my life, I can tell you this - stay with her and don't give up. As you both get older and begin college, you'll soon find out how much you'll mature. True friends become more important, and if you can remain in close contact with her I'm sure things will flourish. Crushes and love mature just as individuals do. I'm trying my best to explain it, but in your next few years you will really go through a transformation. Everything will take on a whole new meaning. And don't rush things either. Many high school relationships tend not to last forever, rather, if you two hook up in the later years, during college, your relationship could be long lasting (in my view, that's what you want).
  15. Oh wow, what a story, I'll need to hear more.Doesn't love suck sometimes? Basically, I think love sucks all of the time. I've had this crush on this one girl for years, I mean YEARS...aka, a very, very long time. It hurts because of the fact that we're designated "friends", and by us still hanging out together I still can't seem to get over her. Additionally, I can't seem to be able to catch a glimpse of whether or not her feelings for me has changed. Ahh, I'll tell everyone about it sometime, it's an long and interesting story to say the least. As for XeNo, it seems like you have a lot of time for your relationship status to take shape. You still have years of school left to work stuff out, in contrast, I'm in my third year of college starting this fall. My chances of getting the one I want right now is slim to none. You on the other hand...take your time, and sooner or later, you'll get the right girl to hold in your arms...
  16. Yes Welcome! The forums here are really insightful in learning many things with website making so anything you need help with I'm sure you'll find the answer to. Hope you enjoy your stay!And I need not repeat what snlildude posted, a beautifully crafted and precise response.
  17. Yeah it sucks definitely when you don't get the girl you want. It happened to me, and I still think about this girl to this day. We go back years and I never seem to be able to get over her. I talked to her about my feelings awhile back, but she pulled off the "lets be friends" move. But being her friend just makes it worse for me, because everytime I see her I get the feelings flowing again, its just not good for me...sooner or later I'm gonna have to tell her the fact that if we are not to be together then I'm going to have to call off the friendship...kind of a tough spot for me eh?
  18. Oh yeah, It got me. Got that there flag with 13 stripes and 50 stars, that'd be the US flag, nice work...
  19. I really have no clue how it began for me, I guess it all started out when I saw a friend of mine had a hosted site up that showed all of the pictures he took from college. I decided, hey what the heck, looks pretty interesting, I guess I'll try something like that out. So I got started on Angelfire and didn't even use the advanced options tab (for the use of HTML). I just used the basic level and wow was the site layout crappy. Soon I was looking at source codes and learning what different codes did for the layout. Soon I was converting all of my files to advanced and did just HTML language.That was about 20 months ago, and throughout time I have read some online tutorials and articles relating to website making. I joined Xisto because I had had enough with advertisements, and wow was I introduced to a whole new level of website design. All of these features were unfamilar to me, and I am now just starting to come around to them. So basically I started out with Angelfire, but in reality I'm really just starting out here at Xisto because of all the features it has to offer that I never heard of...guess I could say I really stink at this stuff, but I'll get it sooner or later...
  20. I'll try the link again, if this works, I'll have a mod try to fix this thread if necessary. Article Sorry for the bad link.
  21. I love reading the odd news of the world, this one got me laughing, and it'll have you chuckling too. Winery gets statue Lot of them pranksters out in this world eh?
  22. A couple brewsky's will get the mind nice and sharp, well at least that's my opinion, (and I happen to live by it), but any more and you're toying with disaster, especially with the stuff you're involved in.You like to drink before you perform on stage, but I like to drink before I golf...even though I never have...I guess it's on my life-time goals list...
  23. Oh yeah, this stuff is becoming a problem. I remember some years back when someone at a local store where I live was caught with a device he/she brought in and used when he/she worked as a cashier. Someone caught here swiping the card into two machines, one for the store, and one that stored the information into the machine that was brought in...wow.Additionally, a guy I work with came in today all ticked off, and guess why? Oh yeah, he used his credit card online and his information was stolen. Personally, I'm 20 years old and I still don't have a credit card. I'm gonna stay away from them as long as I can, because honestly they're nothing but trouble. I have a checking account, and I'll only use the money I've earned...
  24. I believe everyone here has pretty much helped out in explaining your problem. I for one have had difficulty recently in posting. Over the last two weeks I have only made a couple posts because there hasn't been much for me to reply to...(interests, questions that I could possibly answer, etc.). I've tried my best to make quality posts because thats what this forum should consist of, that and nothing else. There are alot of junky, short posts and replies in this forum, and I'm glad with your example that the administrators are trying to eliminate this, but you can still turn everything around... I believe when I first started I made around 15-20 posts and I was up to 30 credits. I went directly for the second package, and with quality posts I was there in no time, so start over, get your hands flowing, and type some good stuff for us, it's really not that hard. You can post a short reply here and there, but expand on it. Be informative and descriptive in what you type, and the moderators and administrators will see that and thus you will get your hosting! Best of luck at Xisto!
  25. wow is this stuff easy for you guys?, wow again, all of this stuff is very impressive...
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