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Everything posted by elevenmil

  1. Ok, so I didn't quite get the feedback to help me out on this one, so I'll try and be more descriptive before I take the time and try to upload it off the main site (by the way, I am horrible at doing such). When I go to upload pictures, I get the following... Now that is at the top of the page, but at the bottom I get this... The last thing I want to do is install this program myself, because I'm still basically a newbie at this web stuff, I only know the basics. Any help would be wonderful, my main goal here is to set up a site where all of my college friends can put their pictures on in their own seperate account...kind of like a community webshots type thing (if you're familiar with that), but instead everyone's pics are on one main page... Thanks...
  2. Milk, I agree with you, this topic has become way too emotional, I must now back out of my emotion and resume my normal emotional status.Another thing I agree with you about...please posters write more than a couple words when posting, please contribute to the forums better.
  3. Yeah because of the credit system it would be just chaos...what would happen if mods edited your post because of something they didnt want to be said from you, and you kept editing it back into your post...I do think, though, that those with a good history of posting should be granted certain extra previledges, etc. editing own posts??? Who knows, but for now, take your time when posting and make sure everything is ready before you post...
  4. I love writing, and I enjoy reading the poems on the forum. I wrote this poem about two years ago, I'll be sure to post more of my works. Like others, I write in reflection of the events of my life, but I also like to do some comical poetry too, you'll see some of that in the future.But here is my first of many to come, this one is very basic in writing style yet it is one of my favorites...I don't have a title for it though!!! What do you suggest?Take one's breath away,You leave him dazed.Can't get you out of his mind...Cope with him, either find a way to say goodbye,or fly high into the evening stars...So take his hand,let him shed the tears,wondering far back,throughout all the years, you, yourself hold the key,to make him stay, or let him leave,His hopes are that,There's no goodbyes,He fears the chance,of crumbling inside,so will he stay,or will things part,think with your mind, listen to your heart.
  5. what was kenka anyways...i actually never clicked it...
  6. Looks pretty good to me, its a bold look that is really different, it might be a little too dark but I'm sure you'll find whats best...As for the main Xisto homepage I like it but I think it should remain consistent in relation to the basic colors of the forum...heck, but I'm not experienced in this crap, so do what you feel is best.Good shiznit OpaQue.
  7. Haha, I used a simple program called Xara to make my website...my website is just a pile of junk (college life) which is open for my friends and their friends to browse....mostly pictures, few videos, just stupid stuff really...some people want to make their site look nice even though there is no real purpose to what they are doing...
  8. Yes, what a great story...in addition, what a great place Xisto has turned out to be for me, it's been a pleasure posting on these forums with all of you...BTW, the name Xisto worried me not the slightest bit...Good Luck OpaQue in all you do, this is a great place...
  9. When you get this situation resolved stay about 10 credits and you'll never have this problem!!!
  10. Your language is controversial, learn to vent without possibly offending others (retarded, G.D.), I think you lack maturity. Your whole choice of vocabulary in your initial post is that of a child. I do not mean to offend, yet understand that words can identify the maturity of someone. I didn't like your choice of words. You offended me on several occasions, now to my views...To your complaint about the kid in the classroom - some people just don't pay attention the whole darn class and need to ask the teacher in case they may have missed something (heck I never paid attention, but then again I never asked or tried to get the info. anyways). I had a goofball in my graduating class a couple years back who was very smart yet always asked those questions where you just thought to yourself "I can't believe he didn't get that." You're a stressed out guy bro, wow, stressed out. Heck, I laughed so hard each time he would ask a stupid question - it's funny, not annoying. If you're this uptight you're not gonna have a lot of friends down the road, trust me. Laugh it up, heck, make fun of the kid...in a nonoffending way. I hate stupid questions too, but sometimes they can just kickstart a conversation...sometimes I have to pull one of them off just so I can talk to someone...please get upset about other things, THIS IS NOT WORTH IT BECAUSE STUPID QUESTIONS WILL NEVER GO AWAY...NEVER.As for anyone complaining about their parents, especially you milk (16 years old) - and all those other younger ones out there - your parents raised you, they have spend thousands and thousands of dollars on you, deal with those crappy, insignificant topic starters, unless you have the money to avoid them....Any questions?
  11. I am having problems uploading my pictures on the add-on script Coppermine Photo Gallery. Every time I go to upload a file, I get this... Since everything is prepared Database and PHP wise for these kinds of scripts, I don't know what the problem may be...can anyone help? Thank you.
  12. In exactly 3 months on inactivity you can expect to lose 90-95 credits (1 per day as snlildude has stated), so if you are not yet hosted and you are leaving soon, I would definitely wait until you returned. If you are not leaving for a while, I would still debate beginning until your trip is over because 90-95 credits would be very, very hard to reach...
  13. Good point, yet ultimately it just doesn't look good. I guess a spell check feature would be great for situations like that...
  14. It seems lately that I have seen a lot of grammatical and spelling errors when people post in the forums. I really have enjoyed my stay here at Xisto but I get really frustrated when I see people carelessly type their message and give little consideration to any errors they may have typed. Now of course it's not a big deal if there is one or two errors when you post, but when someone posts a small message and there is a couple of errors, it really bothers me.I'm not going to whine or anything, I just want to pass the message that we should all do our best to make this forum as clean as possible. Check your spelling, punctuate properly - just stay on top of your game. It will make the forum a much better place...Thank you,Elevenmil
  15. I really like the shoutbox just because I can see the messages on every page I visit, I don't know if that can be the same for a chatroom...my one problem with the shoutbox is sometimes when I post a shout it takes me to the shoutbox page instead of posting the actual shout, in which I have to retype the shout all over again...(this is due to flooding I suppose...)
  16. Awesome work...I really like it!
  17. I'm not real concerned about how fast it is, all I know is that its free and the best hosting you can find...By the way Round, I really like your site, nice work...
  18. The world will never be in peace, in fact, peace is dying. One day I do fear humans themselves will destroy the world. With the technology we have today and the bombs and weapons we have created, we can already do so. In time, as technology improves, we will only build bigger and stronger weapons. We broke some serious ground by dropping the atomic bomb, so I'm positive some country will break some more ground in the future.In the religious aspect, I believe God will interrupt this with destruction of His own. We all know of the flood that destroyed everything but what Noah saved, one day that will happen again, but of course, it won't be a flood. The world is on a downfall. Terrorism is ridiculous and pretty much unpreventable. Leaders are corrupt and sick-minded. Power is a powerful word that many desire but lack. In time our planet will be destroyed, only then will the world be at peace...
  19. I like speakers, especially in my car I like to blast the music and sing to it, and since I am a horrible singer, I don't have to hear myself and my disgustingly poor talent...
  20. I asked it...How many fingers does a human have?2, 5, 7, 10...oracle says - 2That's the only one I asked...
  21. Welcome!!! It seems you like to chat in forums, and if you have good knowledge of website stuff your input could really help many people, you'll love the community... You like gaming eh? Well, join our Army System!!! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Try and top the NilsC, one who is disgusting at this game...
  22. I had AOL, but since I'm getting rid of it, I switched to hotmail. I also have a college address, but there are many limitations to what can be sent or received...
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