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Everything posted by elevenmil

  1. Well, with people trying out making sig's now and showing off their first works more than ever, I may just have to give it a shot...Yours is pretty darn good. But as others have said, the text needs some work. I think the text is good style wise, but it is hard to see, other than that nice work for a first product.8.5/10
  2. Don't you already have a topic describing the same similar issue?
  3. I don't understand your problem, please be more descriptive so others and maybe myself can help you.
  4. Geez, well as long as you have the space I guess you could get as much as you could manage to have space for. I don't know the exact answer to how many IPB allows you, but I had four or five at one point, so if I had up to five, then you can probably get more...In addition. you only can have 99 MySql databases, and each IPB is one database, so in essence, you could never go above 99 IPB's, even if you somehow had the space...
  5. No doubt, Sienfeld, best comedy show of the 90's, and quite possibly of all time. The brand of humor is incomparible, real life people can relate to the show's characters. Everyday events that we experience is just what the show was about, and the show really had no point, it was never going anywhere. Just funny moment after funny moment, a type of comedy never to be compared to again, and in this day and age of reality TV and crime drama on TV, we may never even see a comedy for years to come.Seinfeld, so popular that stations today still have it on their prime-time schedule.
  6. Wow, I really don't have a morning routine. Everyday is something different on the schedule, so I wake according to my plans. I'd like to wake up at a certain time everyday to get into some kind of organization, but every night I seem to fall asleep at different parts of the night. That troubles me because once I graduate from college I'll need to have some kind of morning routine, otherwise I won't hold my career position too long.
  7. A little too much there Microsoft, haha, but just another great creative idea out of Google. Their creativity is very interesting and quite often humorous.
  8. I am not really critical about websites. The one thing that boggles me is advertisements, no, let me be more specific, pop-up advertisements. I don't mind the advertisements that are embedded in the site, but those pop-ups, oh I just want to punch the computer screen. Especially those ones where you click out of one, and a bunch more just fill up the screen. By the time I can finally get to what I am looking for, I'm so ticked I click out. So the pop-ups...no good.I don't like a lot of animation. A little can make it look better, but overdoing it and it looks bad. Just like graphics, too much is no good. Have a nice banner at the top, and maybe some smaller images throughout the page, but not too many, it gets me emotional when there are more pictures that actual valuable content. One final note, many people on here don't like websites that used templates to design their site. I personally don't care. In my view, they are trying to do their best to make their webpage as attractive as possible, and if they can't design one themselves, then why not use a template? We all want our websites to look good, but some are better than others at doing it. Some can actually do it, and do it very well, while others need help until they learn how to do it themselves.
  9. Yeah, I definitely might try this thing out, but I've only ever used one chat program, AIM. And as everyone says it will be hard to use it often when there is no one to talk to...but we'll see what happens...
  10. I think it's a descent idea, although it is very easy to showoff your site in every post you make...use the signature to put a link to your site, actually exactly what you and I have done. I think people can see that link fairly easy.
  11. Hacker you should be banned or warned heavily here as soon as a moderator logs onto the forums, if you are looking for hosting these immature actions will not get you hosting here. Even when you actually posted something of any value it made no sense at all after "looking for hosting". Have a nice night now.
  12. Once you are accepted for free web hosting, your credits will automatically reset to 2. This feature is to keep new members active in posting right off the get-go. Unfortunately for you, you got a little confused.When you apply, you apply either for package one or package two. It's what you apply for that's what you will receive if you are accepted. You can apply for either one at any time, no need to upgrade or anything like that. What you apply for is what you will get, and evidently, you applied for package one, and after you were accepted you were set up with the package one features...once you were accepted you were only going to get package one, there was no option. But for you, you were confused...I would state your case to OpaQue. You are one of some others recently who hasn't fully understood the process of receiving free hosting here at Xisto, but hopefully things will work out for you. Welcome to Xisto!
  13. I love basic. It's effective in my view. I am not experienced in website design, so I like your little setup. I also like the colors, a nice blue theme with the background, in my view, matching nicely with your table border images. Overall 8/10 from me...a few graphics could help...
  14. I don't think moderators have to be the most active people in the forums, personally. What they should do, while they are on, is manage the forums to the best of their ability. It is what they were called or volunteered to do. The moderators have improved dramatically since I first joined, and I am not saying that it was bad back in March, but rather the moderators have done more "moderating" than ever before. Now, there may be more errors being made by our members, but if that is the case then our moderators are doing a fine, if not spectacular, job of cleaning up mistakes. I won't base my reputation of a moderator based on how active he/she may be, rather I base my reputation on how affective they are at their responsiblities.
  15. Looks okay to me, although I think your choice of colors are too bright. I've gotten comments on my forum that its colors were too bright, although I never thought they were (never affected my eyes). But your site makes my eyes squint, so if you cahnge anything, maybe change your colors.
  16. Thank you for the compliments, but thank biscuitrat for the banner. Nicely done, and yeah, I hope to get some members, but hey, it's the offseason and it's minor league hockey, so it may be slow, but whomever wants to join for the heck of it feel free.
  17. Thanks for the advice, actions already taken. The red you saw at the top was the background for the banner area. I simply changed the background to white and it looks better.
  18. Some of you have seen me either on Xisto or on IPBGaming trying to get some assisstance in order to successfully start up a new forum. Well, I have finished it, finally! Actually, yesterday things got messed up with my database somehow got deleted, so I had to start completely over . But all is good and well, at least for me. My forum is geared towards a local professional hockey team, the Johnstown Chiefs. Their website once held a forum of their own, but it was taken down in light of heavy criticism that members posted towards the team and its front office. So in turn, I have started one up. I also have a homepage with general content, but that is not my focus. So check it out and comment on what you like and don't like. Even join the forum so it gets a nice little jumpstart on things. The more members, the faster hockey fans from the league will join when they first visit the forum. And once again, a special thanks to biscuitrat who made the banner. It looks pretty good, doesn't it? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. Haha, Johnny I just was thinkin on how many times my name has been spelled like an Army System weapon...you're not the only one =)
  20. thanks everyone, hope to see everyone's work when finished... Not the official banner, just testing it out, but take a look at biscuitrat's banner at my forum...looks pretty good don't it? Johnstown Chiefs Forums
  21. My intelligence is limited...Yeah, I was looking for a banner...but I'll accept basically anything. I guess I'm gonna put 10 hosting credits up for grabs...yeah it's only 10, not 160, but that's all I can afford right now (2 jobs and college, busy busy busy). So 10 points to the lady or gentleman who presents the best banner, and if only one banner is presented, well, we'll still have a winner. :)Thanks all again.
  22. Hello all. I have a small request for anyone interested. I have created a new forum for a minor league hockey team, the Johnstown Chiefs. I have edited the Invision Power Board skin and everything, for the most part, is looking good. I have but one problem. I have no experience in making sigs, and I'm sorta in a rush to accomplish getting everything done. My request to you, whomever would like to donate some of their time, is to make a hockey sig to be inserted in the header of my IPB. To me, it doesn't have to be spectacular, nor time-consuming. I would like something w/ the colors of the team...please visit forums (link below). As to this point in time, I don't have a stash of credits to give away, so I can't really give an award. What I can do, when the site begins to get traffic (we're moving a previous board and its members to this new one), I can provide links to your website to increase your traffic (if you want). If anything is unclear, please state...otherwise, hope to see some stuff. Thanks for anyone who helps me out... Johnstown Chiefs Forums Elevenmil
  23. Sharpshooter, please be aware that a thread was already created with the exact same question, be sure to recognize that your topic is a "new" topic before creating it.Might as well answer your question though...hockey. I love the sport, the fastest game on earth, and I'm so so glad the NHL is back. I'll finally be able to watch my team, the Penguins, play live games and not taped ones!!!
  24. Yeah, I know those features are included in v2.0, I just didn't know if some MINOR php editing could be done to make it work...
  25. I'm glad I only know one language, and that's English (oh wait, limited Spanish, horrible, but a few words here and there).Moderators do a good job here, in fact, its better than ever before. So keep it up guys, I ain't got nothing against you, in fact, I support you all the way...
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