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Everything posted by elevenmil

  1. Ah, first of all, if you used IPB instead of phpBB, I could answer almost all of your questions, but here you with what I can give you go to /php/templates/subsilver/images that is where your default logo is located. now go to /php/template/subsilver/overall_header.tpl, scroll towards the bottom of the coding and find... <td class="bodyline"><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr> <b><td><a href="{U_INDEX}"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/logo_phpBB.gif" border="0" alt="{L_INDEX}" vspace="1" /></a></td></b> <td align="center" width="100%" valign="middle"><span class="maintitle">{SITENAME}</span><br /><span class="gen">{SITE_DESCRIPTION}<br /> </span> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="mainmenu"> <a href="{U_FAQ}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_faq.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_FAQ}" hspace="3" />{L_FAQ}</a></span><span class="mainmenu"> <a href="{U_SEARCH}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_search.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_SEARCH}" hspace="3" />{L_SEARCH}</a> <a href="{U_MEMBERLIST}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_members.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_MEMBERLIST}" hspace="3" />{L_MEMBERLIST}</a> <a href="{U_GROUP_CP}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_groups.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_USERGROUPS}" hspace="3" />{L_USERGROUPS}</a> <!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_out --> logo_phpbb.gif is your default logo, I think you know what to do from there snlildude. Then, also in the code above, you see all the links (member list, user groups, etc.), you should be able to add links there. As for adding content, I know what you are trying to do, I've done it on my IPB Forum, but as for phpbb I am unfamiliar. I really think IPB is much better that phpBB, but that is up to you - that's all I can help you with... At least that will give you something to work on, hope it helps
  2. Check the pressure in your tires and make sure they are inflated to their proper PSI. Having well inflated tires will help. Also, remove any excess weight from your car. If you have some junk in the trunk, get it out. A lighter car means less to carry and haul around (compare it to carrying someone somewhere and not carrying someone somewhere, it'll take less energy if you don't carry anyone). Lastly, keep you tank filled constantly, don't let it get to empty. I have heard that as your gas tank gets increasingly empty, gas evaporates and is used more quickly, so keep the tank filled!!! (heard this as rumor, I don't know if actually true)Those are my tips, go and get em done!
  3. So glad the word has spread to you about Xisto, you are sure to enjoy your stay here. Please look over TOS carefully as you begin here.The community here is great. There are many topics to suit you, and there are many ways you can contribute - joining was just the first! So welcome and enjoy your time here at Xisto!
  4. Wow, a tip I never heard of! Usually I do fill my tank up after hours, when America slows down...I get things done at night. But hey everyone, I guess my prediction came a little early! It wasn't until a couple days later the effects of Katrina spread throughout America's, and maybe the world's, gas stations. This is horrible right now, horrible, and it will only get worse. As Saint Michael said, we're doomed.
  5. Excellent! Welcome aboard. There are many things here to interest you, and there are also many things you can do to help others. Welcome to Xisto! In reference to Microsofts link... To play the army game on Xisto, click on Microsoft's link. To play with advanced players, play over at IPB Gaming , where you will still find a community of folks from Xisto.
  6. Yeah, I kinda figured that out as soon as I clicked on the link eventually put in by Kubi...Old site- extremely slow to load. In fact, all I saw for about 10 seconds was a white browser with a banner ad on the top. I was about to click out, but the page started to open...Xisto site- very nice, I like the look, even though it's not that different than your old one. The page loaded almost instantly, so yeehaw to that. Overall, 7.5/10. It is original, much like my site, which I would actually give a 5/10. If you can get the creative juices flowing and make something special, you'll have an excellent site.One more note, it seems like you're targeting both baseball and religion. If this is just a personal site, then I understand you are doing this for what interests you, but if not, then you have to pick one subject, religion or baseball, because those two topics are so not-related, it makes your content unprofessional.Well, just some notes for you, I'll check back for some updates...
  7. Microsoft, I strongly disagree. How can a few images excite a game? Images don't excite a game, the features do. Now I haven't had access to IPBGaming's test forum in a long time, but I think new icons were made, but the last time I had access, the original races weren't changed, rather, new races were created with new icons. On the other hand, though, the test forum with AS had loads of modifications to make the game more interesting, and I can't wait to see those changes.Wait until new features are implemented into AS. The game will take on a whole new level of excitement. Simply inserting new icons will most definitely not.
  8. Yes, I hope it to be a member friendly board. I have seen a great boost in visitors to my forum, thanks to everyone who checked it out, but as I state again, take a second to register, the higher the amount of members now will only help to increase member flow over time. And thanks for the compliment TripleH13!
  9. The world's population is exploding so fast that I think it's impossible to prevent such a future disaster. I truly believe we are on the cutting edge of ruining our planet, and I don't think there's anything we can do about it. The majority of the population (in my view) lacks the knowledge and care that we need in order to prevent the destruction of our planet and every living thing that roams the world. I don't think this will happen anytime soon, in fact, I'd say long after I'm gone, but I'd say within 200 years we will ruin this planet.
  10. Haha, Klass, thanks a bunch, I've gotten 4 members from the Xisto community so far, keep joining in fellas, help a member in need.
  11. Well thanks for your truth, as for the games I have debated whether to give them a shot. I'm targeting hockey fans for the board, although my proposal to the Xisto member is to register whether you are a hockey fan or not, just to jump membership. My hope is that I can get enough members and enough visitors before hockey season that my site can get accepted by search engines, therefore the potential to really draw in members. But these browsers I hope to attract won't want to join a dead board. So all I ask is like one post or something, or stay active if you wish, as for the games I'm still debating, looking towards no, but anything to attract members I must take into consideration.
  12. With the oncoming of Category 5 Hurricane Katrina, there has been news coming out saying that gas prices in the United States are expected to jump 20-30 cents a gallon - by tommorrow!The cause of this is directly related to the location of oil within United States' access. The Gulf of Mexico and southern U.S. states provide America with most of the domestic oil. As Katrina begins to tear apart the southern part of the country tommorrow, you may see a huge jump in gas prices.So take caution America, fill up your gas tank - NOW! Even if prices do not rise substantially, it is still a good idea to take the precaution of getting gas now. There's your warning, I hope this doesn't come true, but who knows, it is definitely a possiblity. What will come true is the devastation that the hurricane will leave behind. Be sure to have these people who will be affected in your thoughts.
  13. Oooo, ouch! But no worries, Microsoft, we all start out somewhere, I'd still call myself a newbie, eh, maybe, but for you, you gotta do what you gotta do. Seriously, that's a descent looking template for you, but you gotta make the adjustments to make it look better. Maybe you should've finalized everything before putting it up for review, but for now work on changing your font and the background color to make the site look catchier and easier to read content.
  14. I'm a huge hockey fan and played for a long time, now I just watch . But I also like poker and, yes, the Xisto community as I begin to spend more time developing my webdesigning skills.
  15. Yes, the mods have their own installation instructions, that is mentioned in the tutorial...to use the D-Shoutbox instructions as a reference...This tutorial is aimed at the newbie, it breaks down the instructions and gives you a better idea of where to find the codes. Also, it is important to note that when editing the index.php file you won't find the code it tells you to look for, so this fixes up that little problem too.
  16. affiliate program is something i could do, especially in the Xisto members forum...
  17. I don't necessarily want all who are on Xisto who are only hockey fans to register, I just want members from throughout this forum to help me gain membership. You don't have to be a hockey fan in order to register at my forum. There are other threads that you can contribute in. I just want a kickstart on membership numbers so when hockey season rolls around I have a quality amount of members.
  18. As some may have seen in my signature, I have a link to my new forums. It is a hockey discussion forum, but there are other broad topics as well for discussion. Since August 14th, I have received 200 unique visitors, monumental for me, but as for membership in my forums I only have 10 members. I ask all who browse this thread to help me kick off my forums. I need a quality amount of members in order for hockey fans who come to check it out will register when they see a quality amount of members. Hockey season is fast approaching, and I would like to have a good amount of members to entice the hockey fan to join my board. So to all, please help me out. I would like to develop a good community, and in the future, a great hockey discussion forum. Donate a few seconds to register and leave a post or two, in the long run it will help me out a bunch. Thank you elevenmil My Forum
  19. Thanks for the notice, but the topic was already started yesterday in the google forums. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/26479-google-talk-talk-and-im-with-your-friends-for-free/
  20. You finally got to edit some text into your template I see. Well, you'll need to edit the "clanname" at the top for starters, and secondly, background color and black text makes it hard to read. Either change the background color to something lighter, or change the text to something lighter.
  21. Well done, you both answered things correctly, do I hear a *closed topic*?
  22. These icons are the default icons, they have been used for AS forever. I see nothing wrong with them. Changes can always be made, but as for your suggestions they are not completely necessary.
  23. Mayak, your grammar punctuation is really bad , if you post like this all of the time, grammatically speaking, you are breaking a rule . Posts should be nice and clean and accurate.Other than that, I've never gotten arrested, and as a college student, I am fairly lucky. Police at my college are everywhere, and it is hard to have a good time on a weekend with policemen everywhere.Here's a fact. Last year I lived in a house with 5 other people. Out of the 6 total people in the house, 4 were arrested. Here is our criminal statistics from last year.Criminal one - received one Underage Drinking citation (UAD)Criminal two - received one UAD (received another this summer and has 3 within 16 months).Criminal three - received Driving Under the Influence citation. He has failed to pay the fines for his citation, and a warrant is to be issued for his arrest in September . He is currently schooling in Mexico for the next several months .Criminal four - received one UAD and one possession of illegal substance citation.In one year my friends turned out to be criminals . But these guys are my bro's and they just made stupid mistakes. But at my college, that's the way it is, you have to be extremely careful. Although I'm not as crazy as my roommates, I am still lucky to not have a record...
  24. Over the course of the summer I have tried hard to install a shoutbox into a new forum I was developing. I went to the Invisionalize forums and found several mods for shoutboxes, but none of them seemed to work. I first tried to install the D-Shoutbox, but upon this first try, I was unsuccessful. Eventually, after much frustration, and trying other mods, which didn't seem to stack up to Dean's features, I was determined to make it work. For some, editing your files (to the newbie that is) can be difficult, with everything looking like a foreign language (basically it is). So I dedicate my time to fellow members of Xisto who want a shoutbox for their Invision Power Board. I want to make it easy for you, the newbie, to install and run your very own shoutbox. I hope you will find this easier than reading the actual D-Shoutbox instrucitons. Here is a link to my forum with the shoutbox installed if you would like a demo http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ----------------------------- Let's start the process. 1. First off, if you would like to install a shoutbox into your forum, you must go to the invisionalize forums and register. GO TO THE FORUMS AND REGISTER FIRST! http://forums.invisionize.com/index.php 2. After registering, it will say you must wait until receiving the confirmation email, but that is not true, go ahead and log in (you must log in in order to download the D-Shoutbox package). 3. After doing this, click on the below link to take you to the D-Shoutbox mod. http://mods.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/1287 4. At the bottom of the page, click on "download", then on the next page, agree to the terms. At this time, the download notification should pop up. Click on save to save the compressed folder. 5. After the download, the D-Shoutbox folder should pop up. You will want to extract all files, so extract them to a place of your choosing. 6. After doing this, you will want to open the D-Shoutbox folder. Inside, you will see many additional folders, such as "html, style_images, sources, lang, Skin, and SQL Queries". For the newbie such as I once was, you should know that these are folders located in the name of your IPB (Invision Power Board) directory (in file manager(inside www folder)). Important: For all folders and files you will involve, change, and upload, you will need to change your permissions to "777". To do this simply click on the folder or file, and on the right hand screen you will see "Change Permissions". Click on that to change them. 7. First lets take care of the "html" folder. In your file manager, in your IPB folder, click to access the contents of the html folder. Create a new folder "shoutbox" and change permissions to 777. Now click to go inside this new folder. Now create folders from the number 1 through the number 12. After doing so, click inside folder "1", then click on "upload file(s)". From there, browse to your downloaded D-Shoutbox folder, click on html, then shoutbox, then 1, and upload all of the images. (For some reason, I thought I didn't have to upload all of these images from folders 1 through 12, but the shoutbox wouldn't work when I didn't, so to be safe, go ahead and do it). After uploading these images, go to folder "2", and go ahead and proceed to upload all of the images located within folders 1-12. You don't have to change permissions for the images. You are now done with uploading with the "html" folder. 8. Lets take care of the "lang" folder. Click to access its contents, you will see the "en" folder. Click to see its contents, and click to upload files. Browse your downloaded folders to find the "lang_shoutbox" file and upload it. You are now done uploading files under the "lang" folder. 9. Next is the "Skin" folder. Click to access its files and folders, then click on "s1". Inside, click to upload files and browse to find the two files "skin_shoutbox" and "skin_shoutbox2". Proceed to upload. You are now done uploading files under the "Skin" folder. 10. Now lets access the "sources" folder. Inside you will need to see these three folders - "Admin" "Shoutbox" and "storeitems". If you do not see these folders you need to create them and type them exactly as punctuated. After this, go inside your "Admin" folder. Proceed to upload the file "ad_Shoutbox". Now go back and click to get inside your "Shoutbox" folder and proceed to upload the five files located under the same folder of your downloaded folder. Now go back to "storeitems", click to access inside and create the folder "dshoutbox". After creation go inside the folder and upload the 9 files you should see under the same folder of your downloaded folder. You are now done uploading files under the "sources" folder. 11. Now go to "style_images" folder, and click to access its contents. You will see the "1" folder, click inside to access and upload the files you will see under the same folder of your downloaded folder. You are finished uploading into the "style_images" folder. Now go back to your main set of folders (where you will also see "sources, style_images, Skin", etc...). Create the folder "SQL Queries", click to access its contents and upload "Install SQL". You are now finsished with the "SQL Queries" folder. 12. Only a few more things to upload. Now, under your main set of folders, go to upload, and upload the following files you downloaded - "dinstall" and "sb_iframe". Now only one more file to upload. Go back to you "www" folder and upload the following file "sb_web" *Check point* Now this may be easier if you have an FTP client, but if you don't like me then this has taken a period of time to do. Take a breath there fella, relax for a second. But, make sure everything you have clicked and uploaded has had its permissions changed to "777". This is important. Also change your IPB folder's permissions to "777". Now you are ready for the installation. This is where I will try to make it as easy as possible for you. 1. Open up the "read me" file in the D-Shoutbox folder you downloaded. This is our reference. 2. Go to your IPB main folder, click on "dinstall.php", and on the right hand side a the bottom click on the option of opening it in a browser. In the opened browser, click on install button, and afterwards, delete it out of your directory. 3. Now, back in the D-Shoutbox read me file, click to do the edits for index.php. To be safe, go ahead and change permissions to 777 for all of the files you will be editing. It will tell you to look for the following, but when inside index.php you will not see this. //--------------------------------// Expire subscription?//-------------------------------- Instead, look for the following located a little more than 2/3 the way down the file. //--------------------------------// Decide what to do//-------------------------------- Above this, go ahead and copy and paste the code... //--------------------------------// D-Shoutbox Functions//--------------------------------require ROOT_PATH."sources/Shoutbox/sbfuncs.php";$sbfunc = new SBFUNC;$DB->query("SELECT * FROM trap17_ipbshoutbox_settings");$shoutbox = $DB->fetch_row();$ibforums->sbcolors = $sbfunc->get_sbcolors();$ibforums->dshoutbox_glink = $sbfunc->get_glink();$ibforums->globalshouts = $sbfunc->global_shouts(); Next you will need to find the following code. 'modcp' => 'mod_cp',You can find this code relatively close to the previous code in the first step, it is basically right below it. Insert the following below the code. 'Shoutbox' => 'Shoutbox/Shoutbox','sbextras' => 'Shoutbox/Extras',Save the file and move on to admin.php editing. 4. In admin.php, the code you need to find is almost at the very bottom of the file. Go ahead and find 'mysql' => 'mysql',and paste below that... 'Shoutbox' => 'Shoutbox',Save the file and move on to editing sources/functions.php. 5. After opening the file, the code you will need to find is a little before 2/3 of the way down. You can find it relatively after //--------------------------------------- // Get the template //--------------------------------------- After finding $ibforums->skin['template'] = str_replace( "<% NAVIGATION %>" , $nav , $ibforums->skin['template']);you will want to add this below $sb = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM trap17_ipbshoutbox_settings"); $shoutbox = $DB->fetch_row($sb); if ($shoutbox['showglobal'] == 1) { $ibforums->skin['template'] = str_replace( "<% DSHOUTBOX %>" , $skin_universal->dshoutbox() , $ibforums->skin['template']); } Next find m.joined, m.last_post,It is located about 7/8 of the way down. Copy and paste this after the previous code m.use_dshoutbox, m.dshouts, m.dshouts_alltime, m.dshoutbox_mod, m.dshout_limit, m.dshouts_today, m.last_shout_time, m.sb_shoutboxtype, m.sb_showavatars, m.sb_showshouttime, m.sb_defaultcolor , m.sb_refresh, m.sb_sbcardstyle, m.sb_sbcard_value , m.sb_showsmiliest , m.sb_showtdshouters, m.sb_showtpshouters, Save the file and move on to editing sources/Usercp.php. 6. This one should be easy to do, not hard to find what you need to look for. Scroll down not to far from the very top and you should see the code you need to find. //------------------------------ case '28': $this->pass_change(); break; case '29': $this->do_pass_change(); break;Go ahead and proceed with the instructions, adding the following below case '40': $this->shoutbox_settings(); break; case '41': $this->do_shoutbox_settings(); break; //------------------------------After this, scroll all the way to the bottom, all the way, and paste above }?>the following code shown in the instructions (extremely large code, I won't paste it here, but you should know what the code is to paste). Go ahead and save the file and move on to editing sources/Admin/admin_pages.php. 7. This step is also fairly easy. Simply scroll all the way to the bottom, you will immediately see the code you are told to find. Copy and paste the code instructed above the ?> and save the file. 8. Open up sources/lib/usercp_functions.php. This is another easy edit. Simply scroll all the way to the bottom and paste the large instructed code above }?> Go ahead and save the file and move on to editing lang/en/lang_error.php 9. Very easy one again. At the very beginning of the file, you'll easily find the code <?php$lang = array (Go ahead and paste the instructed code below. Save the file and move on to editing lang/en/lang_online.php. 10. This is not a large file, so you should have no trouble finding the code. Follow the instructions, find the code, and place below the added code. Save the file and move on to editing lang/en/lang_ucp.php. 11. This is easy as well. At the very top you'll see the code you are looking for. Follow the instructions placing the new code below the code you were told to find. Save the file and go to edit skin/s1/skin_global.php. 12. The first step is easy, the code to find is once again at the top of the page. Copy and paste the new code below the code you were told to find. The second code you are to find is located just about 1/2 way down the file. Find the code <img src="{$ibforums->vars['img_url']}/atb_calendar.gif" border="0" alt="" /> <a href='{$ibforums->base_url}act=calendar'>{$ibforums->lang['tb_calendar']}</a>and simply place {$ibforums->dshoutbox_glink} below that. Save the file and proceed to edit skin/s1/skin_ucp.php. 13. The first code you will need to find in this large file is between 1/2 way down and 2/3 way down the file. If you can come across the code <!--TABLE TO FIX IE/6 ISSUEThe one where 23% margin + 100% table = 123% in IE6 o_O-->then a few lines below that you should find what you are looking for. So go ahead and find · <a href='{$base_url}act=UserCP&CODE=04'>{$ibforums->lang['m_board_opt']}</a><br />and place below the following. · <a href='{$base_url}act=UserCP&CODE=40'>{$ibforums->lang['m_sbox_opt']}</a><br /> The second code you need to find is easily found at the very bottom of the file. Simply copy and paste the added code above the }?> Go ahead and save the file. *NOTE* If you have more than one skin already, you will need to do steps 12 and 13 for every other skin you have (such as if you have a folder s2, s3, etc...). Wow, time for the breather. Get a drink, stretch, whatever, you the newbie is about to see your new shoutbox. Go to your forum, log in and access your admin CP. Go to the board wrappers section under skins and templates, select the skin to edit and find the <% NAVIGATION %> Place <% DSHOUTBOX %> below that. Do this for every skin. Boom, it's over. Go to your forums homepage and see if your shoutbox is there. You can change your shoutbox settings in you admin cp if you want to, it is found at the bottom of your admin cp controls. - Common errors - If you have errors, then one of the following may have happened. 1. You did not change your permissions to 777 for everything you edited, created, or uploaded. 2. The database may not have been automatically updated. If your database was not updated, simple go to your main control panel, click on phpMyAdmin, select the database your forum runs on, and run the following quiery. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS trap17_ipbshoutbox;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS trap17_ipbshoutbox_badwords;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS trap17_ipbshoutbox_colors;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS trap17_ipbshoutbox_settings;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS trap17_ipbshoutbox_stats;CREATE TABLE trap17_ipbshoutbox ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, name text NOT NULL, uid int(11) NOT NULL, message longtext NOT NULL, time text NOT NULL, time_time int not null default '0', color varchar(25) not null, PRIMARY KEY (id));CREATE TABLE trap17_ipbshoutbox_badwords ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, bword varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', switch varchar(255) default NULL, exact tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id));CREATE TABLE trap17_ipbshoutbox_colors ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, color varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));CREATE TABLE trap17_ipbshoutbox_settings ( online tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', sbname varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'D-Shoutbox', postspp int(11) NOT NULL default '10', flood int(11) NOT NULL default '10', flood_seconds int(11) NOT NULL default '30', guestviewsb tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', guestposting tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', minimum_refresh int(11) default '30', refresh int(11) NOT NULL default '30', banner tinyint(1) default '0', bannerurl varchar(255) default NULL, autodelete tinyint(1) default '0', addays smallint(3) default '0', showava tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', showglobal tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', showou tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', showrules tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', showtods tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', todsnum int(11) default '10', showtops tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', topsnum int(11) default '10', smiliestable tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', iframe tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', iframeh mediumint(5) NOT NULL default '370', iframew mediumint(5) NOT NULL default '100', noavatar_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', avatar_dims varchar(255) NOT NULL default '80x80', allowsmilies tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', allowbbcodes tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', usestorep tinyint(1) default NULL, useshopp tinyint(1) default NULL, usesbcard tinyint(1) default NULL, chargeperpost int(11) default NULL, shoppoints int(11) default NULL, storepoints int(11) default NULL, website_extra text, error_msg_1 text NOT NULL, error_msg_2 text NOT NULL, error_msg_3 text NOT NULL, error_msg_4 text NOT NULL, error_msg_5 text NOT NULL, error_msg_6 text NOT NULL, error_msg_7 text NOT NULL, error_msg_8 text NOT NULL, error_msg_9 text NOT NULL, gsnum int(11) NOT NULL default '5', wordwrap int(11) NOT NULL default '0', gseffect int(2) NOT NULL default '0', skin_selection char(3) NOT NULL default 'new', sbdisplay char(1) NOT NULL default 'L', global_rlb tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0');CREATE TABLE trap17_ipbshoutbox_stats ( totalshouts int(11) NOT NULL default '0', shouts_alltime int(11) NOT NULL default '0');INSERT INTO trap17_ipbshoutbox VALUES ('1', 'Dean (D-Scripting)', '0', 'Hello,<br>Thanks for installing D-Shoutbox 5.7! This is just a post by me to show that your new D-Shoutbox is working. You may keep this shout here or delete it.<br>Thanks again for installing D-Shoutbox 5.7', '', '', 'black');INSERT INTO trap17_ipbshoutbox_colors VALUES ('1', 'black');INSERT INTO trap17_ipbshoutbox_colors VALUES ('2', 'blue');INSERT INTO trap17_ipbshoutbox_colors VALUES ('3', 'red');INSERT INTO trap17_ipbshoutbox_colors VALUES ('4', 'green');INSERT INTO trap17_ipbshoutbox_colors VALUES ('5', 'yellow');INSERT INTO trap17_ipbshoutbox_stats VALUES ('1', '1');INSERT INTO trap17_ipbshoutbox_settings VALUES (1, 'D-Shoutbox', 10, 10, 30, 1, 0, 30, 30, 0, '', 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 1, 370, 100, '', '80x80', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'Sorry, guests cant view the shoutbox!', 'The shoutbox is currently offline!', 'You are not allowed to view the shoutbox!', 'You must be a shoutbox moderator to use this feature!', 'You are not allowed to post to the shoutbox!', 'Guests are not allowed to post to the shoutbox!', 'You have been banned from the shoutbox!', 'You can't delete the shout because it is not yours!', 'You have reached your daily shout limit for the day!',5, 30, 1, 'new', 'L', 1);ALTER TABLE trap17_ipbgroupsADD g_view_dshoutbox tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1',ADD g_post_dshoutbox tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1',ADD g_dshoutbox_mod tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',ADD g_dshout_limit varchar(200) DEFAULT '0',ADD g_dshouts_today varchar(200) NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE trap17_ipbmembersADD use_dshoutbox tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1',ADD dshouts mediumint(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',ADD dshouts_alltime int(11) NOT NULL,ADD dshoutbox_mod tinyint(1) default '0',ADD dshout_limit varchar(200) default '0',ADD dshouts_today varchar(200) NOT NULL,ADD last_shout_time int(11) NOT NULL,ADD sb_shoutboxtype tinyint(1) default '0',ADD sb_showavatars tinyint(1) default '1',ADD sb_showshouttime tinyint(1) default '1',ADD sb_defaultcolor varchar(15) NOT NULL,ADD sb_refresh int(3) NOT NULL default '0',ADD sb_sbcardstyle int(2) default '1',ADD sb_sbcard_value int(11) NOT NULL default '100',ADD sb_showsmiliest tinyint(1) default '1',ADD sb_showtdshouters tinyint(1) default '1',ADD sb_showtpshouters tinyint(1) default '1';INSERT INTO trap17_ipbcache_store (cs_key, cs_value) VALUES ('sbrules', '<b><u><center>D-Shoutbox Rules!</center></u></b>\n<br />Below are listed the main rules of the D-Shoutbox. We can\'t list out every minor detail because it would take forever!\n<br /><ul>\n<br /><li>Be kind to others using the D-Shoutbox\n<br /><li>Do <u>NOT</u> cuss or use bad language\n<br /><li>Respect everyone and treat the forums with care for since it took a good amount of time to create\n<br /><li>Be active and have fun!\n<br /></ul>\n<br />Those are just the main features.\n<br />Remember to abide by these so you dont get banned!'); If this still doesn't work, let me know and I will see what I can do. The support forum for this mod over on the invision forums basically no longer gives support, so if anything goes wrong let me know and I'll be sure to do my best to help you. I hope this makes it easier for all of the newbies out there. It seemed like a overwhelming task to me at first, but with some patience, it turns out it wasn't that hard. Good luck to everyone out there who uses this to install their new shoutbox, and I hope to hear good results. - elevenmil
  25. ProfBob, you hit it right on the money...Try Socom, a great army game that you will get hooked on easily, graphics are awesome.
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