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Everything posted by elevenmil

  1. I have installed Dean's shoutbox for my new forum, but I have two things that I can't edit. Does anyone know how to edit their global shoutbox (shoutbox that show's throughout the entire forum) so that it shows the time of the shout and the coloration in accordance to member title (such as if an admin posted, the color of the member would be red)?Thanks...
  2. brandice, that is actually a good point...Think about how many posts you are going to make during your tenure here at Xisto. If you are one who feels they need to abbreviate their words just so they can post as fast as they can, you are missing out on potential credits. Simple things such as "u" to "you" and "8" to "eight", among many others, decrease your posting credits, and over time, it has a much larger affect. So type out your words in full, not only will it look much better but over time your credit gain will be greater. It may not seem like much per post, but in the long run it will.
  3. Kubi gets my vote, Luki that top section...I don't know, just don't flow as well as Kubi's...6-0 Kubi on top...
  4. I LOVE THE SIG!! LOVE IT. I've seen so many on here, that's now my favorite...
  5. In college I was on everyday, about 2 hours a day, but during the summer with 2 jobs and commuting to summer class as well I just couldn't find much time. For the first time ever my hosting credits were below 3 points for a couple days last week, which is kinda weird because through the whole summer I have been able to find time to spend over on IPBGaming, where you can find me alot. No worries though, as soon as college starts back up again I'll be on Trap alot again...
  6. Wassie, I think your right when you said you only knew her for one day. No need to rush things, and it seems that if she is in a hurry then I think there may be some problems down the road. If she's trying to rush your love, I don't know, maybe she's desperate. I surely hope thats not the truth, but how well do you know her right now? A kiss to me signifies a relationship, if you still don't know her that well then hold off the kissing. If you got a good idea as to the person she is, her likes/dislikes, dreams and such, then go for it when the moment is right, and that moment will come, and you will know when it comes...
  7. Tired of hearing that annoying sound outside late at night? Are your ears just ringing with frustration at the constant screaming of a alarm armed car? Then why don't you just take a gun and put some bullets in that vehicle! Man shoots up car Wow, that man must have been emotionally out of tune that night. Come on now, can't you just control your temper. He belongs behind bars for a while, no telling what he would do if a human being was annoying him...
  8. 50 hours is like, unbelievable to me, and in addition, I'd say 10 hours is way too much. Darn people, we got a bunch of replies on here saying they've been over 10 hours playing video games in one day, that's crazy!!! Go outside, run around, do something!, I couldn't stand to sit there and stare at the screen for half a day!Although I will say this, my personal record is around 3 hours...basically everytime I play it's for between 2 and 3 hours, but I don't play that much so maybe that's why. But 10 consecutive hours...not as bad as 50 but it's still unhealthy guys...
  9. This question has been answered many times, and I doubt you used the search feature before posting this topic. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shol=editing+posts http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shot%20posts&st=10 http://forums.xisto.com/topic/8667-edit-button/ http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shol=editing+posts ...Just a few that took one minute to find...research topics before posting new ones, you have just committed a spam violation!
  10. Am I allowed to vote, this here kid that has no clue how to make a sig.? Anyways, I like Frozens much more, sorry Kubi.The thing that stuck out the most was choice of color, from that Frozens choices of color were much better than that of Kubi's blue. Blue isn't an "armyish" color no? It just doesn't fit...
  11. That is definitely an odd story, and wow, what was wrong with that man? I like to play games, but geez, after a certain amount of time I just have to do something else, I guess he had some over attachment problems...too bad for that guy wow it's sad.But in a way, isn't it a little humorus if you heard..."Today a 28 year old died after complications from playing video games"
  12. Heck I don't feel bad for banks, just my opinion. We're all FDIC here, so if these billionare bank owners get robbed, well, that's there problem...
  13. Well I can't provide you with any answers, but it seems your descent in English. Wow if I had to write in a second language as your doing I would be in some trouble, some serious trouble...
  14. I haven't had any problems loading Xisto since we got rid of the army system and arcade. It was definitely a good move, but as to your problem you need to do what OpaQue advised, if you couldn't load Xisto for over a week there's something up with you ISP, this forums been working well in my view...
  15. Yeah buddy no offense but chill pill it there...just a joke...
  16. This frequently happens, and yes, you need to be patient, you'll know when you are approved. As you'll learn there are only a few administrators on this forum, and they are the ones who accept or deny your application, so you may not get a reply right away...
  17. Well welcome to Xisto and hopefully you have a good stay here, I know I sure have during my tenure.Spamming, in my view, has been increasing around the forums, but maybe that's because moderators have been stepping up to the plate and delivering a good job on their part. Remember that when you apply for hosting, your posts will be reviewed. It seems that you are a new member and in less than 12 hours you have made 30 posts. Now in my view, that would draw my interest when I see your application. Make sure your posts have information, not just one-liners. If your posts are consistently, so to say, worthless, you will not receive hosting until your posting quality improves. Remember, its quality and not quanity.Other than that, enjoy your stay!
  18. Marriage is tradition, it's been going on for generations, it's just a part of a couple's life if they are to spend it together. And if you are religious, getting married is also important, I don't know the whole rulebook, but I do know what God says about premarital sex.
  19. Ok, I have posted this question over on our gaming site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, but I figured maybe with more members on this website I could get some quick feedback as to the state of my problem. I have installed KIM's shoutbox for Invision Power Board version 1.2, and for the most part everthing is working OK, but I do have some problems and questions. When I post a shout, it redirects me to the Shoutbox page where I get the error... Any thoughts on this? In addtion, when I post the shout it takes me to the shoutbox page, but I want it to redirect back to the original page in the forum where I posted the shout. Any thoughts on how I can do this. And lastly, the shoutbox, when viewed in the forum, will only display one shout at a time, but I would like it to display several, such as Xisto's. What do I need to edit there? Thanks to anyone who can provide feedback...
  20. Ok first off... If you are going for free hosting and you don't have it yet, it doesn't matter how many credits you accumulate over 30 before applying for hosting, YOU WILL BE RESET!!! If I am misinterpreting your statement, my apologies, but otherwise read the TOS because you are bound to be surprised when your credits are taken away. If you have 30 now, and plan on getting hosted, apply now and drop the risk of losing the 30-40 credits you think you will have after you apply. Secondly, I am very picky on spelling errors. It's not that I will hate you for it, but I just don't think it is that hard to post with limited errors. Everytime I post, I look through and try to spot any significant errors I may have. Granted, some may slip, some intentionally, but all in all just about all of my posts are grammatically accurate in every way possible, and it doesn't take much effort. Additionally, I have come to accept the fact that we have an abundant amount of overseas members where English is not their primary language. That is all cool with me. But for those, and I guess this would include you (from living in Arizona) that English is your first language. From this, I just don't think it should be that hard for you to post legitimate, and if you have received PM's about it, then I think your posts are so inaccurate that you deserve to be told about it. It doesn't take much, just look through and spot anything. It's no big deal for an error here and an error there, but we're trying to keep this forum professional, that's the whole point. Your first post for this topic was well written, so now we all know that you are capable of writing correctly. - Elevenmil Elevenmil posting error reporting can be forwarded via PM, Elevenmil is online during the hours of 12AM-12PM Monday, and again from 12AM to 12PM in any other day he chooses. As for personal contact information, Elevenmil resides in the upper eastern side of southwestern Pennsylvania.
  21. My family has a laptop with wireless internet. It definitely has its disadvantages because having wireless internet in the first place is supposed to allow you to move your computer around and still have access, but the network connection doesn't have a good range, and it can't be moved too far. Sometimes the computer will be close to the laptop and it'll still lose the signal. So all in all, I'd rather just use an ethernet cable and be assured of a constant connection.
  22. Obviously the two of them need to get together and discuss things, if he has those feelings of doubt then it's time to go to her and talk about it.
  23. I am extremely angry when someone uses my stuff without asking, mainly because I have a bad past history with people using my belongings. And I get even more protective of my things when I'm at college with my roommates. They love to just go in my room and take/use whatever they want. Ugh, stuff like spyware and my PS2 items being damaged are just two examples from last year at school, and wow, what really got me...My roommate had friends over last year and while they were there they were throwing a football inside of the house...what do you know, they threw it right through a window. Thats enough to tick me off, but then they didn't pay for the damages, I ended up not getting a dime back from my security deposit because of that. One funny thing that I didn't care about was the one night we were having a party. Someone went into our bathroom and had the urge to steal our hot water shower knob........who does that???What friends my friends have I guess, but I guess we are all guilty of this sometimes...
  24. Yeah unfortunately you've been hit with a wave of emotion. I, for one, am really poor at webdesign. I have been here since March and I've made minor progress, so I guess it's the people like you I look up to to help me when I need it, and I don't know, guess you're dealing with people who don't think like me, but yeah, do what everyone here is telling you, show off your skills and make them look bad, it should make you feel pretty good...
  25. Gotta just be yourself, to be honest with you. But with that, also incorporate a little flirting, like a friendly flirting, at least to let her know a little that you are interested. Flirtatiousness is necessary in most cases.
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