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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. This is a great tutorial, but like SM said, skins are a lot quicker and won't void your warranty. Additionally you can change them whenever you want, with this method you need to repaint it. Not to mention a high gloss paint would look best. And just painting it a solid color is rather bland. The concept is good, but the product leaves much to be desired.
  2. Well that is pretty bad. That is rather emasculating and somewhat cruel. While DMX's views on going to jail aren't very great, but DMX is one of my favorite rappers. He shouldn't be doing stuff to get in jail, but I guess he has to keep up his hardcore image.
  3. I think it will actually be adopted quite nicely. It organizes items very efficiently, and you can tell when things are open, how many windows of each program are open, and if there is an alert on the window (though it isn't extremely noticeable, depending on your display settings). Opened and closed programs are very distinguishable. An open program has a border around it to make it looks raised while closed programs just show the logo (if pinned to the taskbar, otherwise they do not show). I have used it with each different grouping setting and the default, icons with tabs, is by far the easiest. It makes getting to windows rather easy, especially ones from the same program. Additionally, being able to pin programs right to the bar is nice, no need to open the start menu to get to them. Generally I have noticed faster transfers. While they are nothing to gawk about, it is something. However, I would note this more to better use of resources than simply being able to do it faster. HomeGroup is by far one of the best features. It really makes networking easy. If you thought it was easy in Vista (which it really was, between Vista machines...Adding an XP machine in there could cause a snarl), Windows 7 provides completely idiot proof networking. Sharing files and devices has never been easier. Except maybe in Bonjour on Mac OS X, but that is a bit different. Wake ups are incredibly fast. It takes a few seconds to get to the login screen - no matter how long you have been away. As for power, it is hard for me to test, but I would think that it would be more efficient. I have noticed smart power turning off my webcam and ethernet port. Sometimes at not very convenient times. It won't turn off my external hard drive, though. That is a pretty big power eater. UAC has definitely approved. You can set it to different levels of annoyingness. Anywhere from Vista annoying to not annoying at all (off). I have it set to the second lowest level. It will notify me if there is anything dangerous going on, but otherwise it keeps quiet. The Solution Center is also a great feature. But what I think needs at least an honorable mention is the Action Center. It displays all alerts in one place on the task bar. It makes it easy to see if your virus protection is missing or needs an update or if you have updates available. I haven't been able to use this much, as I don't have many devices to use it with. But from what I have read it is going to be very useful for printer sharing, and like you said, using your devices without the crapware you "need" to install. It is a great idea by Microsoft and allows you to see all devices connected all in one area, making it easy to access any one of them and use it however you need. It will be interesting to see its full capabilities. All I have to for this is to vouch that all my Vista drivers work so far. They work without any major problems. I don't say any because my computer has some incompatibility issue with one device or another. I can't figure it out. But that is unrelated. The only thing I don't like about Windows 7 is the invisible windows feature. I find it almost pointless. If you want to view gadgets (which can now be placed anywhere on your desktop), it is useful. But it looks like an attempt to recreate OS X's expose feature to show all applications and be able to select one (like Flip3D or the ALT+TAB window switcher, but better). Also the window shake feature is just dumb. I can't see anybody using it much. If you don't know what it is, you click hold on a window and shake it and it minimizes all other windows. Not very useful for me. I mentioned the ability to put gadgets anywhere. That is nice, even though I don't really use many gadgets. I hated the sidebar. And this is one step closer to the Mac OS X dashboard (sorry for all the Mac comparisons, but I think OS X is the closest OS to perfect that is currently available). Being able to place gadgets where you want not only enables you to have a lot more gadgets, but you can order them more efficiently. Regarding your last question. I would definitely suggest all Windows users upgrade to Windows 7. Microsoft is dropping XP early 2010. That means fewer updates and more possible vulnerabilities. Additionally, it is always good to have a the most updated OS. And if you get a new computer, it is a no-brainer to get the newest OS with it.
  4. I heard about this earlier today. It sucks, but I didn't like Circuit City at all, so I don't care that much. I mostly feel bad for the employees that will need new jobs. That is a lot of people to add to the unemployment list. But when you make dumb decisions like Circuit City did, that's what you get.
  5. Somebody might be able to contribute something useful to the topic. Even if the topics are old, they might not cover every aspect. And somebody might be interested in that topic, too. Expressing opinions and sharing facts is the point of a forum.
  6. I will see if I can implement it in my forum and finish it up. But I am not the best with coding in PHP, only a little editing and stuff. I have a friend who might be able to help, he is pretty smart and does all my PHP coding for a great price.
  7. This deep freeze makes you wonder where global warming went....Have we corrected it too well? haha. To cope with the temps I am just staying inside and wearing lots of clothing. It hasn't been warmer than 5 F here, and well below zero with windchill. It is terrible. I just want to move south.
  8. I see how praying could help people. It puts a motivational thought in their head. They are expecting God to do something for them, but in the end they do it for themselves if it is reasonable. And I respect peoples beliefs. I just have yet to be convinced that there is a God or even a higher being, or possibly just a destiny for each person. They are empty explanations for things that have yet to be explained. I know this is unrelated but think of the past when the church would kill those who opposed them. Those who opposed were those who thought differently; those that "believed" in science. Why would they kill them for not believing in the same thing? Maybe because they didn't want the scientists to actually find out what really goes on in the world.
  9. Stable means that everything works how it should, with no big bugs, BSoDs, or major incompatibility issues. While no OS is perfect, Windows 7 is quite close. I haven't run into any major problems, just a few minor bugs with the taskbar and Windows Explorer. I have yet to BSoD. I have run into an error with some hardware, but I have been getting that error since I got the computer on every operating system I have used, so it isn't abnormal. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. They plan on releasing it at the end of this year. They have about 11.5 months to do the beta builds, take care of bugs, and release 2 (that's usually how many they do) release candidates. They will probably be pushing the out pretty quickly, which is not bad in this case. There are only minor bugs to take care of, from my experience.
  10. XP will only be a viable option until 2010, when Microsoft won't be selling it anymore. I also assume they won't be making many updates for it, either. We all know Vista was a failure. Even Microsoft knows it. It is a decent OS, but it isn't very practical for most people, especially as an upgrade. If you are buying a system, however, I would get Vista with it. But as I have advocated since the first time I tried Windows 7, it shows promise. It has a great design, it is incredibly stable (and was so even in pre-beta builds), and adds many new features that both a "normal user" and power users would use. I can't see Windows 7 being a failure. It is a huge step up from Vista and XP. It uses a lot less resources, and uses the ones it needs very efficiently. I have the beta installed as my primary OS right now, and when I get my MacBook I will be using it as a dual boot. I highly recommend checking out Windows 7 and at least giving it a shot. It is truly an outstanding operating system.
  11. I can't see talking to nobody helping me. I am an atheist. I understand why people would believe in god and pray; it's a great way to feel like you aren't in total control. And you can explain things that are otherwise unexplainable by simply creating an extravagant story and publishing an updated version of the bible.
  12. I would think they wouldn't let that happen...But I suppose they can't deny the winner his money. The irony of that story is incredible, though. I wonder how the organizers felt after finding that out.
  13. If you were to rid the forum of outdated topics, the best way to do so is just have an old topics forum (commonly called a recycle bin). That way they are still there, and indexed by search engines, and can still be seen by people who want the information. But then the info is out of place. I think it is fine that they are there, personally, as they generally are helpful. There is no real reason to get rid of them, except to free of DB space, but that isn't incredibly important when you have a successful forum.
  14. I can theme, like I used to. I will start checking out the forums again and see how I can help.
  15. Well one line posts are generally considered spam, which is frowned upon. A good quality topic or post would be more than just stating your opinion - it is stating it and explaining yourself. For example, don't just say "I like Facebook more than Myspace," say something like "I like Facebook more than Myspace because it has a cleaner layout, less advertisements, more features, and a better community." Of course you would go further in depth, but that is just an example. A good phrase to describe how you should post is "quality, not quantity." It is better to take more time explaining yourself or asking questions than to just get as many posts as possible. You will also earn a lot more myCENTs that way, which is what we all want
  16. I do not know why you got it, but it should go away after a little while if you post good quality topics and replies and don't break the Xisto TOS. Remember to be a good member of the community and nothing bad should happen.
  17. I believe you can get a component or composite to VGA converter. The only downside to this is it will cost anywhere from $100-300 for the necessary box. I would really just suggest getting a decent TV to play it on. Monitors aren't optimized for console gaming. Though they are high quality, only the higher end ones are good for graphical gaming.
  18. I design all of the web sites in Photoshop first. It makes it easier to design because you know what you want when you start, so you can achieve that goal. If I was just free designing, I have no idea what I would do. That way just doesn't make sense to me. I don't understand how you could just start from nothing and add different parts with no clear goal to achieve. Having some rough sketch of what you want is necessary. To accomplish what you want, you can take quite a few approaches depending on how the layout is designed. For all of mine, I cut up the layout to make the most efficient one possible. It usually involves taking a small portion of an image, then using CSS to format it for the page. Doing it this way, it can be expanded dynamically with the size of the content on the page. If you know CSS and HTML, you can do this pretty easily. It just involves a little bit of of coding, then adding your content. In the end, it is very simple.If you want more info, I can create a video tut on how to do it for you.
  19. You could get a Mac then run a VM of Windows or just use Boot Camp and install Windows on a separate partition. Either way works. But that is if you want to get a Mac.
  20. Haha, yea. After 98 they just went down hill. Win2k, ME, and all those crap holes didn't turn out very well. Windows 7 is a drastic improvement. However, you won't truly see how good or bad it is until it hits main stream and programs and drivers are developed for it.
  21. I've been saying it was stable since the early pre-beta builds. Windows 7 is on the track for greatness. Build 6801 was the first one I thought was truly the most stable. Now with build 7000, the current build, it is super stable, with all the new features implemented. It needs a bit better app support, but, of course, no apps have actually been developed FOR Windows 7.
  22. I would have to know more about your site to really advise you further. Without a link or anything, it is hard to guide you in a direction to help you develop it. If you have a site based off of Joomla, I am sure you can find prebuilt additions you can implement into your site. But again, I have no idea what you want to do, what your site is, or anything beyond you are busy. More information is quite necessary.
  23. Tramposch


    Have any of you heard or listened to them? I think they are pretty great. Their music is mostly electronic based, but not obnoxiously. A good portion of their music is thrash or somewhat rap like while other songs are more alternative. But whatever it is, it is great. They have 2 albums; their self titled album 3OH!3 and Want. Every song on each album is great. Their website is http://www.3oh3music.com/. My favorite songs by them are I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby and Chokechain.
  24. My iPhone loads sites rather fast. I used a speed test app from the App Store and it said it was ~500kb/s on my Edge connection. While that isn't my actual download speed (closer to 30kb/s), it is still pretty fast. On WiFi, I obviously load things faster. I haven't used many other phones for web browsing, so I can't compare. But I haven't noticed many problems. Additionally, I have an unlimited data plan, which is pretty much necessary for browsing.
  25. iPhone FTW! You can use it with any GSM carrier after a quick unlock. It is truly the best phone I have EVER used. I recommend it to anybody looking at new phones. However, if you don't want an iPhone, then go for a BlackBerry or pretty much any Nokia.
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