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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. I will check again, it might have been a temporary error. But I still would like to have a different theme for IE, though.
  2. The current theme that I designed for Passtheboll, i designed using firefox, not even thinking of testing with internet explorer, and just today, I opened internet explorer and went there, and the whole site was not working properly. I want to set a temporary template for IE while i fix the current one to work in IE
  3. Do you need a banner aswell? The link to the signature is: [img]http://passtheboll.com/images/Echoofthunder.png[/img] You may re upload it wherever you want.
  4. Uhh tell me whatever you want subtacted, added, changed, or done to it.. I have all the time in the world (kind of)
  5. I have to agree with you. I would much rather pay more for better food. That is one of my philosophies in life; you get what you pay for. I always end up paying more for something, but I usually end up having what I paid for be substantially better than an alternative.
  6. Yea, the implementation is what I am confused about. I don't know how to call specific themes other than the global one. I wish it were just as easy as putting in that PHP code and telling it to load the other theme :/
  7. I think I can help you with this. I will get to work asap and see what I can do.
  8. Anybody know how to load a completely separate theme for IE in Wordpress 2.7? I don't really know how to call specific themes, which prevents me from figuring it out myself. And there might even be a function for it, but I haven't found one. So any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  9. Most of the "Change the look, give it a new name and you are ready to release some new version of OS" you are talking about is a tad more involved. Microsoft redesigned many features from the ground up. The 2 most notable ones being Windows Explorer and the taskbar. They are completely redesigned to be more useful and my appealing to the general user. And keep in mind that they may be experimenting with features normal users may not use, but not everybody who uses Windows is classified as a "normal user." You can't leave out a complete audience because they aren't the majority. In addition to this, most of Microsoft's "experiments" are UI tweaks to make navigation and usage EASIER for the normal user. Windows 7 doesn't need any more memory than Vista. It has pretty much the same system requirements. I even had it running better than Vista on one of my old machines just to test it. And if you are going to use Vista over Windows 7, you are crazy. Windows 7 drastically improves on Vista in every way I have found. The launch won't be a flop like Vista, I have a feeling it will take off quite nicely. Heck, I don't really like Windows but I still feel Windows 7 is a great OS.
  10. I just bought a pair of Oakley James Stewart Conduct sunglasses. I haven't gotten them yet (I bought them online), but they look amazing and Oakley is a great brand, so I know I won't be disappointed.
  11. It is working now for me, too. I will ask if anything changed on the Xisto end...
  12. I actually think Windows 7 is support multi touch gestures. I THINK. Which would be nice. But most people don't have touch screen monitors, and the only really nice application for the touch screen would be Microsoft's Surface. They are practically made for each other...
  13. You will need a new touch screen monitor to take advantage of the touch screen features. They aren't even THAT expensive. They still cost a fair amount, but they aren't ridiculous. You can convert a monitor into a touch screen, but you need to add hardware on to it, which can cost a lot and be ugly and not as a responsive.If you were to buy a new PC for Windows 7 with a touch screen, it may come with those abilities, but it is limited. Windows 7 is designed to be able to use touch screen technology efficiently and as a complete replacement for a mouse and such. Most touch screen computers can function fine using the touch screen, but not all features work as they would with a normal mouse and keyboard. Most of that touch screen software is just additional software that works with the touch screen, then if you want to use it when interfacing with Windows, it doesn't work as well.
  14. For some reason, my main site won't load. I can access cPanel and my webmail though. I have no clue what would cause this. It was working earlier today, and I haven't changed anything. I don't owe any money for the hosting or domain, and all my nameservers are correct...When it tries to load a page, it just give a blank page with the URL as the title. Any help?
  15. Here is my quick response:I tend to buy name brand because of higher quality (though it doesn't always have better quality). If I know I am getting a better product from an off brand company, I'll buy it. But I tend to see that name brand products offer a lot better services and products. That is from my experiences.
  16. Vista was like those babies you hear people hiding that are very different and people are embarrassed by them. Windows 7 offers drastic improvements in every way. I used the pre-beta builds and, boy, are they promising. I am for sure getting the beta. Windows actually shows promise with this OS. I am sure it will overtake XP and Vista.
  17. Original content is key. That doesn't mean something obscure, but maybe taking a different approach to something. Point out things people might not know, that will help draw people. I try and do that, and I am getting 40+ new users a day. I have only had my site going for less than a month. Then just keep going from there. Once you find something that works, stick with it. Another great way to tell what is working is Awstats, available through cPanel. It shows you unique visitors, page views, visits, hits, and more. You can also see where they are coming from. I use it a lot to gain valuable information on where to keep advertising.If you are willing to pay, AdWords is a great option too.
  18. In addition to what I said earlier and what echo said, keep in mind that school sets you up for the rest of your life. If you push it off now for relationships, you might regret it in the end. Excel in your studies and go from there. That way you can have a good job doing something you like, then focus on finding somebody you like.
  19. Tramposch


    I haven't noticed a difference in speed or anything, but as for looks, changing the style is amazing. I really don't like the default style, so I changed mine to Sunday Morning. It is fresh and elegant. Organization isn't big for me, and I believe you can move things around how you want. So it was mainly the looks that encouraged me to change.
  20. You are YOUNG! Don't worry about that stuff. I am 16 and have had 2 girlfriends. I don't really care for relationships. At this point in my life, it isn't worth it. If I find somebody that I really love and would like to spend the rest of my life with, I might explore, but that hasn't happened so far. At 14 just worry about school mainly. Honestly, I would have relationships in the back of your mind. You can do other things, and then if something happens, go for it. Don't go seeking, just let it come to you. That has always worked for me (yes, I have had 2 girlfriends, but quite a few hookups). I don't understand why people think they need to be in a relationship when they are young...It doesn't work out 90% of the time. Out of everybody I know, there are one or two that actually are in love, and one of them is probably going to get married to his girlfriend. But they are also 18.
  21. Yea, I am expecting to pay a bit for it...I don't really want to wait till 2011 for it to expire, so I will call later today. I really want the domain. But it isn't necessary, I am sure I could think of another quick one for easy emailing.
  22. I prefer Oakley. They have awesome designs and they are superb quality. However, they can be pretty expensive. But if price doesn't matter, I would go Oakley.I don't know an insane amount on this stuff, but I have also used other brands of goggles like Spy and Fox (though that was more for motocross) and they preformed very well. I am not sure what you are using them for, I actually am just going to assume snow sports haha, so goggles are nice. I would also see if you can try some one at a local store, because fit is a huge thing too.
  23. Thanks for the help guys. I am going to try the effectiveness of those methods. I will probably check out that site sonesay mentioned. Now I just need to build the sites...Woohoo!
  24. Like it was said before me, you will probably score different on different tests. It shouldn't be by much though. Your range is acceptable. It mainly has to do with differences in questions. Some you may have found easier on the one you did first, thus you got the higher score.However, I wouldn't entirely trust online IQ tests. Most of them are quick and not formatted very well, or even accurate for that matter. If you really want a true IQ test, you should find a testing facility and take on there. I am not sure where you could take it around you, but around there are psychologists (I think that is what they are...) administer them along with some schools and colleges. Look around, though. The ones they will give you will be a lot more accurate.
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