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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. I will look into that for you. I haven't used AEF in a while and I know they were making changes to how modding and themeing worked. jlhaslip probably knows too. But I will search around for you.
  2. I know from experience it can take a while. Most of the time it will be done around 10pm CST (-6:00 GMT). If it takes more than a day to setup, then open a support ticket or email sales@xisto.com and you will be taken care of quickly.
  3. I personally like AEF better than any other forum software. It is rather new, that explains its smaller user base. But it is a great forum software. There are lots of mods and themes for it. And the support community is great. The forum software as a whole is very easy to use. The interface is rather nice, and is much sleeker than any other forum software. In my eyes, it is the IPB of free forum software.
  4. I think I am going to start messing around with AEF again. I really liked that software. Just gotta go download the newest version. Do you have any idea when 1.0.9 is coming out? I am excited.
  5. Does anybody know what a DCOM error is? I am getting one and it causes my computer to shut down. It has something to do with a service not being able to start...I will look around on Google too.
  6. Haha, do you need help with the rest of the install?
  7. Well...I have seen most new computers come with at least 250GB of HDD space. That is surely enough for any normal user. Everyone knows that Vista is bloated in a lot of ways. And this feature is useful to prevent headaches, but the sacrifice is a lot of disk space. The funny thing is, Windows 7 is even worse. I would say it is safe to assume that most people will have large HDDs when Windows 7 is released, but 10GB just for the OS is outlandish. I had a 50GB partition set for it and it ate through that space very quickly. Windows 7 looks like Vista now. However, there are a lot of subtle improvements made. Like the start menu being completely Aero Glass styled, along with maximized windows (that pissed me off to no end that they went black, along with the task bar). That styling was in the pre-beta builds. They have the new superbar (which is unlockable in build 6801). The superbar is amazing. It is a combination of a dock and task bar. Very useful and very beautiful. Also, explorer changed yet again. Files are yet again displayed differently. Pictures are in albums that you can see previews of. It is like they took the folder off the preview they have in Vista. There are still many design overhauls in Windows 7 that haven't happened yet because you do design after functionality. I agree with what you are saying in the rest of that paragraph. Vista isn't ideal for a professional environment, and sometimes even in a home setting. It is very different from XP, which will draw people away from it. There is also the publicity it has had, which is quite negative. That throws it down a bit too. In addition, it is more money. If you want to upgrade to Vista, you shell out a few hundred bucks. And if you are buying a new system, you might save some money by going with XP. Not to mention XP runs faster than Vista. Vista was designed to run on faster computers. You almost need a dual core (preferably a quad core though) and 2GB+ of RAM. Couple that with a higher end video card and you will have good Vista performance. Even with the Mojave experience ad campaign that Microsoft is using, not many more people are convinced. Windows 7 is promising. From my experience, it is drastically better. Though it is still buggy, which is going to happen in pre-betas, it was usable and fast. I think it will be able to easily compete with Linux and Leopard (probably not Snow Leopard, Apple's upcoming OS) and whatever else might be released. But I still do see XP having a large market share. Even with computers coming down in price, most people and businesses do not want to dish out the money to upgrade entire fleets of computers. It is just plain expensive. And the whole economic crisis doesn't help that. Buying a new machine with Vista is the way to go. Upgrading to it, unless you have a power house system, is not a good idea. It offers a lot of great things, but shouldn't be just plain upgraded to. The plug n' play compatibility of it is amazing, and Windows 7 does that even better. But that is a minor detail. If and when you get a new system, I think you will change your mind of Vista. I did. Even though I am using XP now, haha. But there are reasons for that. You just need a computer made to run vista.
  8. Be careful. There is a high risk vulnerability that could have possibly not been solved yet.When you chmod the universal.php, it can be manipulated by an outside source, basically injected with the manipulaters wanting.Be sure when you finish installing, remove the 777 chmod, to be safe. I fell into this security mod, and being in the AEF staff back then, it was quickly dispatched to the others, and they fixed their problem.
  9. Then don't put in the 0. Sometimes it is referred to with the 0 sometimes not. I am not sure why they put it in there, but you just live with it I guess. All you will need to do in CPanel, then, is put a 7 in each spot. That will give you a the correct permissions.And good choice on AEF. I used to design for them. They are provide great forum software. Very fast and beautiful.
  10. I ran Vista and Windows 7 before this. And it seems the problem has ceased. I removed the RAM then put it back in and have not encountered a problem. Maybe one of the modules had a bad connection and was causing that problem. But if that was actually the problem, who knows. I will find out if I get another error.I will check to make sure my hardware is compatible with XP. I am pretty sure it is, but I might be wrong. And this is a legitimate install. It is XP Pro from my friend. He upgraded to Vista and wasn't using this anymore.
  11. My experiences with Chrome were great. I really like the minimal interface of it and all. But it isn't as customizable as Firefox, which, as SM said, is the browser to beat. It surely beats IE though. It is incredibly fast and super compliant. It is one of those browsers you can't test solely test a website on because there is a good chance that it will display everything properly unless something is very messed up. I love the incognito mode too.The one thing that really kept me on Chrome, though, was the UI. It was simple and elegant. I have yet to find a nicer looking browser. One thing I do not like about it, though, is each tab is a separate process. It is like having multiple windows open. It is still in its infancy, so it can't be perfect yet. But I can only see good things coming of this.
  12. Online dating does work. You might have herd of tech guru Chris Pirillo, if you haven't you can search chris on google and he will be #1 or just go to http://chris.pirillo.com/. His wife, Ponzi, and him met through an online dating service. Whether it will work for you, I am not sure. But there is the possibility. If you can't find somebody any other way, give it a shot!
  13. In your FTP client, right click on universal.php. There will be a menu that drops down (obviously). Within that menu there may be an option to CHMOD, but if there isn't it usually can be done through the properties menu. CHMODding is changing read, write, and execute permissions for different user levels. 0777 allows anybody to read, write and execute. So you would either type in 0777 in a box if you are given it or just select all the boxes that the CHMOD interface provides.It really depends on the FTP client as every client does it slightly different...But that should be able to assisst you a little bit. If you are still lost just say what FTP client you use (WinSCP, Filezilla, CutFTP, etc...) and I can give you more detailed instructions.
  14. I think the best bet for anybody that wants to switch to Vista is just wait. At this point it isn't worth it. Windows 7 is due late 2009/early 2010 and dropping 200 bucks for Home Premium isn't worth it. If you are buying a new computer, get Vista if you can. It is useful. I do like it. There are bugs. But who cares? Everything has bugs. And the bugs in Vista are just really hyped up. If you are going to delete the WinSXS folder...wow. Why would you delete system files? That is like deleting winboot or your whole windows folder for that matter. They are there for a reason.
  15. It looks like you are obviously commercializing religion. The first thing I saw was about PayPal and Alertpay...And you don't mention those without asking for money. Put a link to a page about that on your site. Posting that first on your front page is just bad. The template is good, but I don't see how it is even connected to anything religious. You aren't really connecting with your content. If you work on that, you will be more successful. Plus I don't even see a clear point to your website. Even after reading a good chunk of it...It looks like you just slapped something together because of your beliefs and you want money.
  16. I want to buy the domain ptb.com but the owner does not respond to emails or anything. I know I can't force them to sell it to me, but it isn't even in use. It has no website or anything. Is there any way ICANN can contact the owner and see if they will sell it or even reply for that matter, and if they don't I can buy it? I have emailed the person like 5 times over the past 2 weeks. I guess that email address isn't checked anymore, or they just don't check email...
  17. Bidvertiser is a legit ad provider, don't worry. They are one of the bigger ones. The one down side to them is it is only pay per click. Impressions don't count...But still, for this, 2000 clicks is sitll A LOT. Even if it is for all of your links on the site...You would still need quite a bit of traffic to have that work out well..
  18. I am not dual booting now. And I didn't let Windows find the drivers for me. I got all the different names of the components. I know what I am doing here. I am not the average user. But even with the newest drivers for each thing, it still isn't working well...In good new, though. It seems that just taking out and putting my RAM back in stopped the crashing. I have not crashed yet, so that is looking pretty good for now. I still just hate Windows. I just...like Macs. And I don't want to argue why because its just a personal preference.PCs still piss me off though. A lot.
  19. As a racing game, it is amazing. The handling and selection of races are outstanding. They really did a great job at constructing it. However, when it comes to the game play, they fall through. They way they handle drift really annoys me. They only good games for drift are NFS titles. The way grid stacks up points doesn't make a lot of sense. Though, once you get a good drift going you can really get some points going quickly. Also, the racing is a bit weird. The places you start off in change constantly. Even if you just restart the race. And if you are in a series of races the progression is sketchy. If you win the first, you don't automatically get first place in the start of the next race. To me, that would make sense.Grid is a great game, it really is. But I would take NFS over it any day.
  20. Maybe not show them everything, but a fairly good teaser. If they see enough to the point they want to join, then they will join and contribute which is the ultimate goal. Leave some more bandwidth intensive parts out if you need to conserve it. And maybe show some ads to guests. That usually generates income.
  21. I will go through them more thoroughly and report back to you. But from what I went through, it is looking good. It is pretty hard to cover every possible situation to check styles and what not, but I will try to help.
  22. While you read this, you may notice some obvious references to parts of the Xisto corp that people that have been around for a while know about. I wrote this assuming I was talking to people who had no idea what the Xisto corp all offered. And it is a documentation (though short) of my experiences with them. I am not really sure where to begin I think it all started 2 years ago when I was really into working with Runescape private servers. I had made a server and I really wanted to host a website for my server with a client and information on it. Being only 14 with no steady income, I obviously needed a free host. After a short bit of searching around, I found Xisto, an Xisto Corp. website, which offered free hosting with no ads in exchange for posts in their forum. Of course I jumped on it! The forum was super active, so it wasnt hard to earn the credits needed to get the hosting. This marked the real start of my career on the internet. Fast forward to the present and I am back with Xisto. I have used probably around 8 other hosts, and none really give me the same good, secure feeling that Xisto does. Their pricing is very reasonable and their customer support is outstanding. I just used a hosting company called Monte Carlo Hosting and didnt like it that much. They offered relatively cheap hosting, but the customer support was somewhat lacking and their servers seemed rather slow. Thinking back to all my previous hosts, I couldnt help but think about Xisto. I decided to switch back. A huge bonus to being with the Xisto network is that on their forums (http://forums.xisto.com/ and http://forums.xisto.com/) you can post for credits, or what they call myCENTs. Each myCENT is worth 1 American penny. As long as you make thoughtful posts, you are pretty much guaranteed credits. Now the real great part about myCENT is that you can use these credits on hosting services they offer. I bought my hosting from Xisto - Web Hosting (https://xisto.com/) and at the time only paid an initial fee of $30, the rest was covered by my myCENT earnings. I already have gathered almost enough to pay for my next month of hosting. While this all sounds so great so far, and it is, this is where there was a bit of a hiccup. I guess you cant really blame this on anybody though. But after I signed up, I knew from past experience that my account would be setup almost immediately. After a few hours I began to worry because it had not been setup yet. I submitted a support ticket and I received a reply the next morning explaining what is happening. It was something about my payment being risky. I could go on and on in specifics about that, but I dont think it actually matteres that much. However, I next contacted a sales executive I know from past experience about it and she started to explain it all. It turned out that one of their main servers for billing and account setup had been DDoSed (Distributed Denial of Service). This, essentially, makes the server unreachable due to loads of connections. She assured me that it would only be a few more hours until it was sorted out. That turned out to not be true. I waited another day and a half before I saw results. All through it I got pretty angry. Looking back at it, though, there really isnt anybody to blame, as things happen. Eventually it did all get sorted out. And they were really nice about it too. My incident may sound like a complaint, but in fact, it is more a compliment. The support staff handled this really well and I give them major props for it. I look forward to doing business with them in the future. The Xisto Corporation is by far my favorite host EVER. I have yet to find one that beats its quality, support, and speed. I feel like family when dealing with them, and it is a great thing. So if you are looking for hosting, I HIGHLY recommend using the Xisto Corporation to fulfil your needs. You wont be disappointed.
  23. Ha, man, they basically already send robots to kill. At least they are still partially human controlled. That is scary still. But when we have robots that will choose who to kill automatically, that will scare me. I can't trust that judgment.
  24. Main section looks astounding. The social part could use work on the theme, but as for content, great job. This definitely looks better than the old version. I am very happy with your progress. Good job.
  25. I don't think porn sites could be worth that much. Sure a lot of people go to them, but think of how many just go for the teasers. And if you think of how many porn sites there are out there, the wealth is very distributed.
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