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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. If it isn't taken, I would use it. For what - I don't know, but I could find something. Having a domain arsenal is a great thing.
  2. I personally love riding. I completely agree that kids should be able to ride at whatever age they want. Keep in mind that their parents will probably be buying the bike for them as most kids can't afford one. It is a great sport to get started in. If you are properly equipped, then your chances of breaking bones are very slim. Most people who end up breaking something are usually unsafely riding or not wearing proper protection. You also have to make sure they ride in suitable places. Public roads and such aren't very safe places, but on trails in the woods or on a track would be the best place.
  3. With your Joomla problem you can set it up through Fantastico, which is located in cPanel towards the bottom. As for the domain transfer, you can only really wait. Make sure they haven't tried to contact you via email, especially if you supplied an email you don't check very often. Also make sure you don't have a registrar lock on the domain. Just make sure you check the little things because those are usually what cause the hiccups.
  4. I don't think you can really expect it to use less RAM. Any system you buy today and even from 2007 on has way more than enough RAM to run Windows 7. Using 1GB is nothing. If you're concerned about it using too much, then you probably don't have a new enough system to run it efficiently.
  5. Your monitor that you get will actually depend on what you do aswell..Say you just browse the web, right, well then you might want a nice, but not so expensive 19" monitors, such as ones made by viewsonic.If you are doing video/photo editing you might wanna go a bit bigger with the 20-24" range, and maybe some that can rotate from horizontal to vertical. This is offered at a good price by HP..BTW I HAVE 400 POSTS. YAY
  6. That doesn't sound quiet right to me... Penetration rate? I mean almost everybody uses adobe for something, like flash, or PDF reader.. its almost a must.
  7. WIndows 7 actually needs less specs then windows Vista did.Its realy great, I have had no problems so far at all. and it is still in BETA
  8. Great points. In addition to that, almost every piece of hardware is plug n play. And if it does need a driver, Windows Update will get it for you. That completely eliminates the need for driver CDs and such. I had problems with drivers on XP because I forgot to get them beforehand. Windows 7 (and Vista, for that matter) don't have those problems at all. Like you said, the transfer rates are vastly improved. Even between a USB HDD and my internal I notice a difference (usually 1-2mb/s faster). I also have noticed a difference in my download speeds (sometimes as much as 200kb/s more). That all may not sound like much, but it is less of your life wasted waiting for transfers.
  9. All you have to do is create an addon domain, then set it to work for the subdomain. That way both URLs work, you use the same hosting, and you keep it very simple. It even includes separate ftp access, if you want to use it.
  10. The only time I really get nervous is if I don't know the material that well, or how I plan to present it. I can usually just go up and whip something up and go from there, but if it is more involved, then I need to plan and practice. But I usually don't have a problem with public speaking at all. Which is somewhat weird because I can be shy sometimes.
  11. You can create a subdomain if you would like, then add files to it and it really just works like a normal domain. You could also buy a domain and have it direct to that subdomain, too. Or treat it as a whole separate hosting account, but still on the same plan. I can explain more on msn, I will be on in a sec.
  12. That's a great idea. I am going to try that.
  13. Eating pasta and rice isn't a bad thing. If you exercise a fair amount, that is actually very good for you. Many Asian countries base their meals off of pasta and rice, it is a great food. You can easily add some meat or vegetables to it to make it even healthier.I would try not to get canned fruits and vegetables, but if you have to, it is better than nothing. They lose a fair amount of nutrition during the canning process, and even more while sitting. You could always by V8 Fusion, which gives you your vegetable and fruit servings very tastily, but that might end up being a bit more expensive, I haven't done the math.But the easiest way is to buy in bulk. You usually end up saving quite a bit of money in the long run.
  14. If you are trying to call the configuration beastly, you are somewhat wrong. That is a normal configuration, and actually not even as good as most baseline computers offered by Dell or HP. I don't really understand the second sentence, but I think you are trying to say that people who bought computers in 08 are out of luck. That is not true, as most computers bought in 08 were made to run Vista, which is more intensive, I think, than Windows 7. So they really aren't out of luck. Windows 7 provides DRASTIC improvements over XP and Vista. Many parts of the Windows OS were redesigned from the ground up for this OS. And they did a beautiful job. I am not really a fan of Microsoft's OSes, but they did a fantastic job on Windows 7, so far. I am using it right now, and it is great. I got rid of XP for it, actually. This is beta 1, and it is incredibly stable for a beta. Even the pre-beta builds were great. I can't see Windows 7 failing at all. In fact, it should easily beat out Windows Vista and XP sales, possibly even combined. Every company has failures; Vista was Microsoft's. And they are coming back with a bang when Windows 7 is released. I promise that.
  15. I never truly understood why companies cared so much about leaked info. I understand that would motivate competitors to beat it, but with patents and such that would be harder. Also, I think it would build up some hype about the product.With what Apple is doing - it is wrong. Apple shouldn't be checking people's emails to find the leak. I don't see how Apple could possibly get away with it or even think it is right. And undermining the system is just bad...This will bring a lot of bad publicity to Apple. I really like Apple, but this kinda makes me angry. Microsoft has done worse though, in a way. The whole WGA system is *BLEEP*...
  16. Im going to test that Jl, im like.. Wow how could i have not benchmarked XP and vista before installing windows 7 over them.. i was just kinda dumb. I might make a partition and install vista and then try, then install XP and then try, i dont wanna do a vmware thing because I wouldn't be getting the full... power that i could usually get.
  17. its not really a line, its a crowd :Pedit yourself on the list haha
  18. Windows 7 bet build 7000... just a couple of stats for running programs and booting and installing.
  19. Yay got a new member.Join in on the fun! Imma try to get SM to join.
  20. This is the ASMA. Join! Ok guys, I'm going to be honest here. SAINT MICHAEL CHEATS! Lets see how many people we can get to sign this to get him BANNED (hehehe) He has too many posts and too many mycents. Here is the list so far! -Tramposch -cemeteryrecords -baniboy -Nabb -triplebtalk -miladinoski -Serverph -jlhaslip -Echo_of_thunder Post if you want in!!!! yay.
  21. Well guys, here is a link to the video: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You May watch it in HD. Install: 17:24 Boot: 1:08 Photoshop: 11 Firefox: 9 Skype: 4 WMP: under 2 seconds MCE: 16 iTunes: 10 These were all tested under my computer: E4300 Core 2 Duo (1.8GHz) 2GB of RAM (dell factory brand) XFX 8600GT XXX You may request me to test any program if you would like.
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