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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. There arn't much "better" ways to doing the Similar topics. It would be better maybe if the similar topics also were grabbed out of the same sub forum/parent forum, to keep the information more.... relevant... Maybe if when you create a topic, you also have a list of tags to choose from, then similar topics can use those tags to help relate things.
  2. I haven't paid a thing (except for hosting and domain, which was basically free thanks to Xisto) and I have been pushing pretty good traffic in my very FIRST month. It is just about what you have, and how devoted you are.I have almost used 1GB of bandwidth in less than a month, which is pretty astonishing. Just remember, you can't do something and expect to have a ton of traffic the next day, you have to wait, and wait, it might take me months, or years, to start getting extremely good traffic.You just have to be devoted and put your time into it.
  3. Personally I hate dell laptops.Most of the ones i have used just.. dont work well! But thats just my opinion, most of the ones I have used were around 5 years old, and some that I repair now are brand new.. Such as one of those mini dell notebooks, it just.. died one day.. It was sent to me and the problem was that the battery was just completely dead.Dells don't seem to use the full potential for the technology, but they do offer good budget laptops. (except for the XPS)Good luck with your laptop.
  4. If it's not broken, give the choice for users to have an upgrade on more up to date. If you ever had/have children, and you move out of your house for more space.. your house isn't broken is it? You just need an upgrade. Windows 7 is giving the upgrade option to many users, until windows XP is not supported anymore. It is not like it was "broken" but there were some things taht could be improved upon or fixed.
  5. what you want to do is ask yourself: What makes people want to come to MY site instead of the big famous sites out there?If you can't find an answer, make one. You need to have compelling resources, and features that other places don't have to attract people. People don't want to become members of 8 different places that have the same thing, right? Just find that one thing that is custom to your site, and build off of it.
  6. Tramposch

    Hi All,

    Welcome back :PEnjoy your stay.
  7. When I first read about Gran Turino, I thought it was going to be pretty good; maybe some laughs, good scenes, the usual. When I actually saw it, I was taken away. The movie was outstanding. I touched me in a way I haven't known since seeing Windtalkers so many years ago. I started out laughing, I mean, there were a lot of funny racial slurs in there (it sounds bad, but it was really funny), along with tons of other good humor. Then when it got further in to the movie, I really got attached to it. It moved me. While I can't say everything I want to, I will say that towards the end it gets very touching.Here is the plot of the story:The main character of the movie is Walt Kowalski (played by Clint Eastwood), he is a Korean War vet that has strong, somewhat negative feelings towards Asians. Throughout the movie he throws out racial slurs at the Asians (mostly Hmong) people in his neighborhood. Honestly, it was funny. Then there was Thao, played by Bee Vang. This guy is a great actor. He is a teen that has self esteem issues, and basically does whatever he is told. When his cousin coerced him into joining his gang, things changed. His initiation was to steel Walt's 1972 Gran Torino. While it doesn't go according to plan, it ends up changing both of their lives.After Thao failed at that, his mother wanted him to repay Walt by working for him. Walt, being the hardass he is, completely reformed him. He taught him many valuable skills, and even got him his first job and girlfriend (though not directly, that would be weird). Walt was Thao's mentor, a good one at that. It made me wonder why not all guys can have somebody like that to teach them the ways of life. Walt reshaped Thao completely; he gave him confidence, skills, and basically a life.However, when Thao's failure with joining his cousin's gang comes back to bite him, Walt starts really sticking up for the Hmong community. This is where it really started to move me. A man that seemed to really dislike these people starts to stick up for them. While this may sound corny, if you see the movie you will feel the same way I did. Thao's cousin (Spider) starts getting violent; trying to get Thao to join his crew by whatever means necessary. Obviously Walt doesn't like this because he doesn't want to see a good youth succumb to the underground.From there I will have to put it in spoiler tags, as I do not want to ruin it for people.ONLY HIGHLIGHT THIS IF YOU WANT THE MOVIE REVEALED TO YOU! This movie really is distinct. It differs a lot from Clint's other films. The advertising really made it seem like it was going to be another movie with a badass main character, but he is a distinctive, memorable character on his own. He is funny, serious, and dramatic; all in a good sense, nothing is overly done.Gran Torino is probably the best movie I have seen since Windtalkers. This movie really shows how a person with strong racial prejudice can be completely turned around by the actions of a few people. Even though Walt was a senial old man, he changed. He turned in to a great person; fighting for what he believed in. Gran Torino was a great film. I will definitely be buying it when it releases. I highly recommend it to everybody.
  8. I agree. I don't understand how somebody can have such an easy job (yes, I do mean easy, especially compared to a doctor or engineer who needs a lot of schooling) can get so much money. What makes them deserve more than a janitor? The fact they can play a sport well? If everybody who was good at sports pursued a professional career, we would have fewer skilled workers. For practicing every day and having a game once a week, they get multiple millions a year. I do that with swimming and pay to do it! And when you look at people who go to school for years to learn, they end up getting paid nowhere near that much. Even a neurosurgeon doesn't make that much and they start off at close to $1 million/yr. There are some players making 4 times that just starting out. I don't understand the industry at all. It is super overpriced and not worth it at all.
  9. Tried it in Windows 7 and it doesn't work very well. I would much rather just use an FPT client as it is designed for FTP. I personally use WinSCP and probably won't change any time soon. It provides a great interface with a plethora of features.
  10. The Skullcandy brand headphones all around are amazing. The ear bud headphones provide great sound quality and only have a small pocket footprint while the DJ style headphones provide even better sound, and still are mobile. The DJ style headphones come in 4 different categories; Hesh, G.I., Ti, and SK Pro. Each has its own call to arms. I bought a pair of Hesh headphones, and they are unmatched to any other headphones I have tried. While they may be big, DJ style headphones provide astronomically better sound quality than earbuds, thats a given. The Skullycandy Hesh headphones hold true to this. All levels of sound are great. The bass, mids, and treble all sound superb. There is even an inline volume control so you dont have to fumble with your MP3 player to adjust the volume. A huge plus is they are only $49.99. They may not be the best for an audiophile, but if you need an upgrade in headphones, Skullycandy Hesh DJ style headphones are for you. They combine great sound quality with an attractive price point. It cant get much better. Pictures: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. I recently bought a DVD recorder to record VHS tapes to DVDs for my aunt and other people. I have recorded 3 VHSes so far and it has worked phenomonally. While there are cheaper solutions to record VHS tapes to DVD, this is definitely a very reliable one. I bought model number D-R410KU. It has a very elegent and sleek design. It blends in very well with the rest of my equipment. It doubles as a DVD player, so it can replace one of my older ones, too. It provides quite a few output options as well as input options. There are the normal RCA inputs - 1 set on the front (L1) and one on the back (L2), instead of the RCA video you can use S-Video, each input has an option for that too. There is also a DV input, also known as iLink, IEEE 1394, and Firewire. This is obviously used for plugging in a DV camcorder to the DVD recorder to record footage directly to a DVD with no editing. As for outputs, it allows for RCA, S-Video and Component or HDMI for HD output. It also has Coaxil audio out, allowing for high quality audio output. Recording is exceptionally simple; simply plug in the device you are recording from, play what you want to record, and press record on the DVD recorder. It doesnt get much simpler. It gives you many options for recording, such as audio quality. I have yet to use the upconvert feature as I am just using it on a small junky TV in my room to record these VHS tapes while I do work. But I will test it out when I can move it downstairs to one of the better TVs. This is for sure a great product to check out if you need to record DVDs and cant do it through your computer. It is substantially cheaper than having a company record your memories and old tapes to DVDs and probably will end up being faster, too. I got it on eBay for $70, you could probably find one cheaper, but with some missing pieces (like remote or A/V cables). They retail for $120. Picture(s): http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. Showing that the operating system is this stable as a beta already kind of says that it will most likely only improve, not go down hill.I didn't even install ANY drivers when I installed it, and I have not yet. I have run into zero problems.You should try it yourself, it works so much better than vista I have it as my primary operating system.
  13. Windows 7... One week after the public release of build 7000, it has gotten some pretty strong opinions for and against it. I personally am for it. It truly is a great operating system. It is a huge step up from Vista, and a great alternative to XP. I say alternative because it will easily surpass the Vista market share and most people would be upgrading from XP to Windows 7. One thing that truly guarantees its greatness is XP wont be sold shortly after Windows 7s release. It is about time that XP is cut out of sales, even though it is a great operating system, but it is just getting old. Windows 7, however, is a big breath of fresh air. When you first put in your Windows 7 disc to install, it is a lot like Vistas installer. This is not a bad thing. Vistas installer is very user friendly with a nice graphical interface, unlike XP. The setup is rather simple; you pretty much go through whether you are upgrading or doing a clean install, where you are installing it to, and youre done with the first part. It installs very quickly. On my desktop I did it in about 17-18 minutes, while my friend installed it on his laptop in about 40 minutes. After it restarts and loads for the first time, you setup your account, create your HomeGroup, and customize a few other aspects. So after about 20 minutes on almost any computer, you should be just about ready to being using Windows 7. If you dont have any drivers for your hardware, just go in Windows Update and it should find them for you. It will most likely detect your internet connection so it is usable when first booted up with no drivers. Once you have your drivers installed it is smooth sailing from there. Overall, the placement of things hasnt changed. However, you will notice the new taskbar, one of the biggest UI changes, right away. The taskbar works great. You can pin programs that you use often to it, and it groups programs together by default in an elegant way. To me, it is a hybrid - like a dock and a taskbar just had a baby. Of course there are other differences, like the completely redone Windows Explorer, or the all Aero Glass UI. But it still has many similarities, in a good way, to Vista. One thing that is quite different than Vista, though, is the stability. I am not saying Vista is an unstable OS, but when you compare it to Windows 7, it sure looks shaky. For being a beta build, this is very promising. I cant wait for the upcoming builds. Windows 7 is for sure going to be a hit. I see many people bashing Windows 7 even though they have not tried it yet. That is just wrong. Just because Vista was a failure, it doesnt mean Windows 7 will blow too. In fact, it is the exact opposite in this case. Windows 7 is going to be one of the best operating systems on the market when it releases at the end of this year. I have been saying this since the early builds that I have used in its pre-beta stage. The bottom line is Windows 7 is something to check out. It is substantially better than Vista, and a great competitor for XP. There is definitely an promising future for Windows 7. To view some pictures and videos: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You may request screenshots if you want as well.
  14. That is one thing that is consistent in science and religion; something was there before everything. So you could call "god" the big bang, then go from there. But either way I don't think any person will every be able to fully understand it. No human can wrap their minds around something was always there. Also, with evolution, it is so evident that every species of everything evolves. All the way from Archea bacteria. If you honestly believe god put dinosaurs in the ground to test us, you must be mentally retarded. I don't mean to offend anybody with that, but it truly is ridiculous to believe that.
  15. Send Feedback is the best method. You can use the desktop link, or the link in the top of each window. I would just recommend using a third party extractor like 7zip or Winrar. I have yet to encounter a problem with those 2 on Windows 7.
  16. Hasn't happened to me. Report it to Microsoft. I will watch out for that though.
  17. Another place to check out for cheap foods are ethnic markets. There is a store chain around me called El Ray that sells super cheaper Mexican food ingredients. They also have a reasonably priced Mexican restaurant within that sells outstanding food.
  18. All I have to say is:iPhone FTW!!!!
  19. The domain you purchase can be used with any host, as long as you point the nameservers in the right direction. I know they sometimes offer free domains, but I don't think they have a free domain offer right now. Dedicated hosting is the best you can get. It is obviously a lot more expensive and really meant for sites that are very high demand and such. VPS is the next step down, it is like a virtual server. It can support high demand and a lot of traffic for a good price. Shared hosting is multiple sites on one server. Resources are divided. This is usually used by most people. For 99% of this community this will be the option that is the most viable. It is very well priced and more than we need, usually. Shell access is access to the server through an internet connection. It is different than FTP in that it lets you control the server. By adding on request to that, they are saying you need to purchase it. I think it is a $.99 addon to the hosting plans (might come with the ideal plan by default). On-demand backups are done through cPanel, usually. You just tell it to generate a backup and it does it and puts it in the home directory. It should be free. I do not entirely understand your last question. If you are wondering if it also includes all of the features the others do, in terms of the Linux Shared hosting plans - yes, it doe, with unlimited everything. And if by the last part you mean "especially the wild-card sub-domain setup", then they do support that. Keep in mind with at least the shared hosting plans (I don't know about the dedicated and VPS plans), you need to buy an email addon which varies from around $11/yr to $60+/yr depending on storage and number of email accounts. If you don't want the email, you can use an external service. You can also use Google Apps and do email through there. I hope that answers all of your questions.
  20. That means something was there before everything. In both explanations (from science and religion), there was something before everything. It is a concept I don't think any human can wrap their mind around. That is the problem. Nobody could really understand fully how the universe was created.
  21. I am wondering what makes you disbelieve or believe in God.I personally do not believe in God. While I am not totally against the idea, with current evidence I can't believe it. I see people suffering and dying and a good portion of them pray, yet it is still going on. Why? Because they have sinned? How has somebody sinned so much that they deserve to die and suffer their whole life. There are worse people out there making a lot of money. Another reason I think it is false (this more pertains to Christianity) is the massive killings in the Middle Ages and even before that. The Church would kill anybody who opposed them in thought, or didn't think the same as them. This makes me wonder why they would need to do this if there is truly a God.Free thinkers were tortured and killed all the time because they didn't think the same as the Church. If God was real, and things in the Bible did happen, I don't think Jesus or God or anybody would want that to happen in their name. Those who did so, I think, would be going to Hell rather quick.Also when you look at the similarities between all major religions, it is mind boggling how similar they are. It's as if there was a convention and they created guidelines as to how a religion was to be formed and how their holy book must be formatted.And another thing that makes it hard to believe is that vast amount of religions. If there is a God, why isn't there just one religion to worship him? That would make sense to me. But instead you have warring religions that claim they are right, when in reality they are trying to accomplish the same thing; control people with the threat of the "wrath" of a greater being. Which religion is right? If each one claims there is one God (at least the major ones do), then which is the real God? It is troubling that there are a billion different religions all worshiping a God (or Gods) yet there is no proof that any of these Gods exist.
  22. I really like Ubuntu. It is the best free OS out there. MaximumPC called it the best version of Linux yet (referring to version 8.04). If you install the Beryl skin, you can get advanced visual effects, too.
  23. In Vista go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Disk Management Tab. That will get you to the place to partition. On the lower portion of the window you will see sections with different labels, one will be the D drive. Right click that and select shrink volume. Shrink it to 40000 (it is in MB). It will take a few minutes to do this. Once it is done (you will know if you hover your cursor over the window and the loading cursor doesn't pop up), you can boot into your linux disc to install it. During the install you will be prompted where to install it, it should show the empty space you just made; obviously select that and format it for use.
  24. Eating a handful of peanuts works too. And it is substantial so you are getting some nutrients and food. If you followed this method, you would most definitely not be getting your recommended about of water daily. If you wanted to live a perfect life, I suppose this might help, but for any normal person it doesn't matter much. With the food most people eat and the lack of exercise most people get, this wont impact much.
  25. AEF is a relatively new free forum software. You can check them out at http://anelectron.com/ and SMF has been around for a while and is probably the most used free forum software; you can check them out at http://simplemachines.org/.
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