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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. I think Ubuntu is one of the most user friendly distros out there. Also, it has been acclaimed by many credible websites as the best distro available. openSUSE was the first version of Linux I used, and it was great. So either of those would be good choices.
  2. im too lazy to spoof it more, sorry. haha
  3. Some POS Samsung fliip phone. It was free, so of course my parents had to get it for me. Now I have an iPhone and I dread having to get a different phone when I switch back to US Cellular...
  4. This was copied almost word for word from http://www.mobilephoneking.com/ But as for what I think: It looks great. But it's price isn't. For $750 I don't think I will get one, especially when my iPhone does 90% of that stuff just fine, if not better. Mobile phone technology is advancing, but it has to come down in price before it gets very far in the consumer world.
  5. At CES they had a countertop example for the kitchen. It was super cool. There were appliances with the receiver built in and when you put them over a "hot spot" they would have power. You could find hot spots with a LED indicator that lit up over one. That is what I call the future of the kitchen.
  6. Cod 4 is great fun when I have nothing better to do. I have cod 4, and personally think that cod5 is a piece of junk. I like the idea of Modern warfare instead of like World War 2 stuff. I also only have it for the xbox, I find it more enjoyable because th en its created so it doesn't lag, and there aren't really any glitches or cheats.
  7. Like george said, it depends on what you need the computer for. You can't get every program you need on every operating system - even one that does pretty much the same thing. So it truly depends on what you need the computer for. That should be the base of your decision.
  8. None of your tips will affect a ping that much. I have been downloading at over 1 mb/s and still gotten less than 30ms pings. Additionally a ping does not affect game play. Your connection speed affects game play in online games. Your tip of decreasing resolution and playing SD really took the cake though. If your internet speed is affected by resolution, you need a new computer. They should be in connected in no way, shape, or form.
  9. I plan on getting a Powermat for my desk. It is an incredibly cool product that you simply can't pass up. It makes charging a lot nicer looking for sure. I can't wait until they are actually for sale.
  10. Look at it this way - it's 10 days before your plan expires. Sure it won't be deleted right away (or even suspended for that matter), but it is good to keep it in good financial status and paying early is a good way to do so. The invoice is generated 10 days before the actual due date, this gives you time to pay.
  11. That makes free space. Technically that is a partition, but its only recognized in operating systems if it is formatted. You will be able to format it during the Ubuntu installation.
  12. I heard from Opaque like a couple weeks ago that he was the only support staff working, replying all the tickets. I heard there was some sort of staff problem or something.. but I'm not sure it is true.
  13. There is no problem with Google Chrome. I don't use it anymore, but when I did I loved it. It was fast and reliable. Pages never rendered funky in any of my experiences. The fact that it is another one of Google's "forever in beta" projects, is kind of annoying.
  14. It really depends on what you want to do. Monitors are known for generally being better quality, especially at larger sizes hence the larger price tag. They usually have better response times, better contrast ratios, and a lot slimmer profile. If you need a really big monitor, an HDTV is definitely the way to go. However, if you really need the quality, go with a monitor (unless you get a really good HDTV, but that wouldn't be cost efficient). Or get both
  15. Try to look in some like google archives, or something like that.Contact the NJ gov.
  16. Circuit City is closing every US store, they declared Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and had their liquidation process approved by some court. I think it was 572 stores total, if not that, something close. Canadian operations will continue, though they are seeking a buy for that. Surprisingly, they have over 700 stores in Canada. That is a pretty big chain to be buying. I would if I had the money. Circuit City would be a lot better under new management. They have made terrible decisions that led to this.
  17. I can't think of any free burners off of the top of my head. I know there was one I used a while back, but I forgot what it was called.To boot from a disc, obviously restart your computer, then when it first shows the BIOS splash scree, you will press F12 (it isn't always F12, but it usually is. It should say somewhere on the screen). A menu will pop up then you just select boot from CD.
  18. I would say the best laptop makers right now are Gateway, and HP, for affordable laptops I believe, and ones that work..Not trying to make you mad about buying a Dell, but It wouldnt have been my choice, it also depends on what your standards are.
  19. I don't really use gmail enough to bother to have a theme for it.is their an option where you can create your own theme? that would be pretty cool.But again, i only use gmail once in a while, so a theme doesnt serve me anything special.
  20. Ah flash games, it is all people do in my study hall, when they could actually be productive, like me, and work on my website!Flash games can be fun and addictive, as long as you don't lose!
  21. Ah I wish I knew a good useful language like you guys.All that matters to me are the web pages that I make, and use, both work and are functional. And of course, if it serves a good use to me.I would think that there is a way to plugin almost any language into a website.
  22. Honestly, I am not flexible AT ALL. What things seem to be for me is that I am flexible when I need to be. When i take tests like physical fitness tests, I perform at the standard (or higher) for flexibility, but when I do it on my own time, i pretty much fail..It is odd... haha
  23. I have been thinking of doing some sort of Martial arts, but I can never decide if I ACTUALLY want to do it, how I would use it, and if I have the time..I think i have enough chuck norrisy fighting skills that I don't need to take any martial arts
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