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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. I was going to sell my iPhone and pick one of them up, but I decided to wait until a second generation so they can work in more features to the phone. Quite honestly, the phone wasn't all that attractive and I didn't like how they designed the keyboard. The Android OS is great though. No doubt there.
  2. I assume you are talking about the Microsoft Surface. All of your points are true, except for one. When you said you could put any digital camera or other device on it and get pictures and video, that isn't true. It needs a receiver (I don't know what technology they will use, maybe wireless, maybe bluetooth) inside the device for that to work. You can't just set it on there and say "go" and expect magic to happen. Things don't interface like that now. Other than that, I am looking forward to this.
  3. If your other computer is a desktop, put the HDD from the screwed up computer in it and transfer the files that way. That is the most sure fire way that everything will go smoothly. You could also get an HDD dock http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. That would mount it as an external HDD through USB, then transfer the files to another hard drive on your other computer.
  4. I have Norton 360 Beta 3 installed on my computer. It works great. I don't even notice it running most of the time. It isn't one of those programs like Spybot S&D that doesn't shut up, or AVG that needs you to update it, it just works. I am using a beta version, which is free for the time being, so you should check that out. Definitely a good deal seeing as Norton usually charges a lot more for their software. Additionally, they are working on Windows 7 support. It doesn't officially support it, but it is being designed to work with it.
  5. You are obviously doing something that keeps getting you viruses. I would suggest isolating that issue and take care of it. Make sure all your software and Windows is up-to-date and then I would suggest getting a paid AV program. The free ones work, but with your problems, it is worth the investment.
  6. Just get a 30 day trial of Dreamweaver CS4. If you already used your trial, then I would suggest using Amaya from W3C, http://www.w3.org/Amaya/. It comes from the people who make the standards, so it will comply. Plus it is very easy to use.
  7. Very good point. ALWAYS use the alt tag. Without it, you technically don't have valid HTML/XHTML and spiders and people with images disabled get screwed. Also, it's good to put in the title="" tag on all links and give it a short (a few words) description of the link. It makes navigating a lot more user friendly. But like he also said, never put text in an image. Always create it with HTML.
  8. Is there a way I can make a subdomain use a separate server/hosting plan than the actual domain? Kind of like what Xisto does with its subdomains it gives people for hosting. I want a server exclusively for media to take the load off of my site's server and free up disc space. I thought about how I would do it for a while, but couldn't figure it out.
  9. Destroy every single server in the world, or every computer in the world, and you could destroy the internet. That's your best bet.
  10. As long as it is jailbroken and either Install.app or the Cydia installer you have the iSpazio repository added (I believe it is in both by default). Just search for Clippy and it will most likely be the only result. This release is pretty stable, but I can't create every possible scenario so I don't know if it is completely stable. But so far it is great. I would check it out because it works well and if you really need it, its a good idea to have it.
  11. Cod 4 (cod 5 sucks)Halo 3Halo 2Halo 1Need For Speed Most Wanted
  12. If you have an iPhone and really would like copy and paste, you are in luck. While it will need to be jailbroken, you can get a 3rd party application that provides incredibly copy and paste features. From legit highlighting to a clipboard stack, Clippy provides it all. The application is still in beta, however, it is quite stable. I have not crashed because of it, and it is quite sleek and you barely even notice it, unless you need it of course. The best part of it all is it is system wide. That means if you have some text in Safari you would like to copy to an email, just highlight it in the text box and select copy. It is really that simple. The menu is located in the second tab of the keyboard, with all the numbers and special characters (bottom right) . It is located on top of all that, quite noticeably, but transparent and can be closed, so it is a nuisance. There are four buttons on it: Copy, Paste, Stack, and Close. Copy will copy the highlighted text, paste pastes the most recent copied text (bottom left), stack opens a log of copied items where you can select one to be pasted (bottom center), and close closes the bar, which is useful if it is in your way for navigating through a text box. If you do close it, you can re-open it by simply going to the keyboard, then the number page again. A downside, however, is you cannot copy for a website or email; it has to be in the text box for typing. If you want to copy something from an email, you need to hit reply (or forward) and select it and press copy. That feature will hopefully be added in a later release. Double click a text, then either edit it or continue. You can, however, copy a text message by double tapping it (on the left). This brings up a pop up that displays the copied text, then allows you to continue or edit it to just the text you need. Since I found this app in the Cydia installer, there have been huge improvements, especially with the UI. Huge compliments to its developer, Ryan Petrich. Overall, this is by far the best C&P app for the iPhone out so far. And seeing as Apple has yet to add the feature to the iPhone, definitely check this out. You will, of course, need a jailbroken iPhone and the iSpazio repository added (usually in there by default). Link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. ohh woops whats this?Look howmany mycents all of you have made from posting here don't complain, your getting free hosting, and it is much easier to get some like 2$ mycents then 30 credits!
  14. I didn't want to be kicked out of the Camp. Also People were cheering because I'm so damn good.
  15. Only cool people use the Windows Uninstaller, I used it windows XP, windows Vista, and I use it on Windows 7 aswell. All you guys are totally not cool.Btw..SPAM?WHat>
  16. Oh my gosh, this is why I HATED windows XP.The explorer.exe seems to be the process that keeps messing up for you, not iexplorer, just explorer.exe This process is like.. My computer, Task bar, and all that good stuff, if you need to like start it backup you can hit contorl shift escape, and then go new task, and type in explorer.exe.you should always create restore points when messing with some tweaks, it is very important because you may lose important things, ect.
  17. FOr my video tutorials i use Camtasia Studio, because i added a youtube HD preset, so that is pretty good.I use, for my other editing, I use Adobe After Effects CS4 and Adobe Premiere CS4, they are great!
  18. I HATE all browsers except for Firefox.Im just going to leave it at that.
  19. Haha yeah it was pretty awesome!I would do it again if I had the chance.
  20. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ yup thats me, at Sheridan Mountain camp for a weekend, a school think, that was the leap of faith..... I was the only one able to kick it, the point of the bell was you were supposed to slap it with your hand.. Oh yeah i also managed to head butt it (not in that video)
  21. Well you are not being exactly clear of what this "pop up" exactly is, it could be the pop up for the Downloads in firefox! You know what I mean?Now you can try free software, such as CCleaner (or Crap Cleaner), AVG, and so on to remove the problem, if it is an actual problem.If you want to manually delete the trojan, it is mostly placed in one of the following folders:C:\Windows\C:\Windows\System32or Temp the easiest way to get to the temporary folder is to click start and on the right column hit run (if in windows XP, if in vista you just use the quick search option) and type in "%Temp%" without the quotations.You can comb through there, but it is not suggested to do so, just in case you cause some damage.If AVG or any other cleaner/scanner don't pick it up, it is either not a virus, or it will be added to the viral database within a couple days.If you want to be completely secure, you might just want to take out your Ethernet cord forever, or disable your wireless forever.
  22. Today I will show you how to create an Aurora effect in adobe photoshop. This tutorial can be done From CS2-CS4, without many problems. Have any questions? Email me at Kyle@passtheboll.com I know when you watch this, this effect doesnt occur to be an 'Aurora' effect to you, but when I first tried to create an aurora effect, these were the results. Here is the video! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Direct Download iTunes Podcasts Official Blog Post Thank you for watching.
  23. Hey that is a GREAT idea! didn't think of that! I'll start looking into that now. I use Camtasia Studio 6, it is a truly amazing desktop capture program. If you know how styles work, I can actually create a style for you and the others so you just hit one button and it makes the.. err vista effect.
  24. Just google how to, you get a lot of answers.
  25. This tutorial will show you how to create a Windows Vista Aero effect. If you have any questions on this tutorial feel free to email me at kyle@passtheboll.com http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Direct download: Download
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