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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. What really makes a design good? There are many many things that make different designs good. I will go over some of these factors, starting with where your eye first starts on a webpage. Eye Movement: 1. The eye starts off at the top left of the website. The top left of the website is the suggested place for a company's logo. 2. The user then zig zags down the page, starting from the top left. The scanning ends at the "fold" where the page ends on the user's screen. 3. User then goes to top right corner, a good place to put some action, such as search, or navigation. 4. Goes to middle left of the screen, usually were navigation is located. (Starts at the . and ends at the > (Outing and Ruel) Text: Text on the website is larger if the text is content, and even larger if it is a title. The text is smaller when it is a link. When a user first visits a web page, they do not want to see a lot of text, just a little bit of text, with bullets of information possibly. Important images, graphics, and text tend not to go over the Fold line. When the content text is smaller, the user spends more time looking at it, and reading it, but when it is larger the reader tends to scan over it. There is a balance between these two, but it ultimately depends on the reader (Outing and Ruel). Visual Disturbances: Many websites have a "visual disturbance," a visual disturbance is usually a line, or a bar, that is a bright colour; it is usually used to stop the eye. The bar is often put around the navigation, to bring attention to the navigation links. 25 top news websites were used to test subjects, and it was proven that a navigation at the top of the page worked the best (Outing and Ruel). Logos: Logos are a very important part of a website. A logo is something that a user, or reader, can associate with the website, to remember what the website offers. The logo is put in the top left corner of a page usually because that is where the eye looks at first. (Outing and Ruel) Empty space: Blank spaces can be alright, only if there is something of interest to keep the eye distracted, most likely a graphic. Graphics and colours on the website tend to be Saturated (in colour), or tend to have a lot of (colour). Saturated colours make the reader feel liveliness and power. Innovation: There are many "innovative" websites that are built. These websites make new innovations to how websites works, their functionality, familiarity, and possibly speed, or the three F's. Innovation is bad most of the time. Users don't like new. New innovations can cause a loss of familiarity, functionality, and fastness (innovation isn't likely to compromise speed). Age: When a website is designed age is always taken into account. Older users tend not to have patience for slow loading pages, graphics, or animations. When you are older, you rely a lot of familiarity. If a website suddenly changes, more computer challenged, or aged people (usually computer challenged) will have trouble being able to navigate the website possibly, due to the loss of familiarity, they no longer know what to click, where the navigation is, and how to search. The Three F's Fastness: A slow speed is often a deterrent of users. No user likes to wait for what they want. If a user finds a site which has common information, but it takes longer for it to load, then they are likely to go visit another site, with the same common information, but a faster loading time. Often these slow downs are caused by the need to load graphics, or flash based websites. Although flash and graphical websites can be interesting, but when the loading time is delayed, then it is not likely for a user to come back. Dial up is also another problem. Lots of blogs and forums offer a low graphical version of the website, which is just formed out of text, but some don't. Most users are just lost if they have Dial up, and won't be able to stay with the ever increasing amounts of websites, and images in the websites. Familiarity: As stated in the previous Age section, the more websites that are familiar with each other, the more often they will be used by the user. Some of the many familiarities are the location of the banner, the location of the content, and the location of the navigation. If some of these things alter upon different websites, the users are most likely to visit that website less, due to the un-familiarity to the functions of the website. Functionality: Functionality is how the website works, does it work as it is said to work? Do all its functions work, such as search and the navigation? If these simple things do not function as needed, the likeliness of users to visit that website again are very unlikely. Keeping a website functional is a key to keeping users happy. Advertisement: Most people tend to ignore we website's advertisement, unless it is well placed. If an advertisement is well placed it can range from 0.0 to 1.5 seconds that the user looks at the ad. Ads are an important part of revenue in most websites that are created today (Outing and Ruel). If an advertisement is not well placed, it is likely to get 0 total views. Advertisements got most eye fixation in the top and left parts of a page. Ads on the right side of the page were next on the list, and then occasionally ads on the bottom of the page were seen. (Outing and Ruel). Advertisement performed better when the location of the ad was near the pages' content. A breaker between the ads and the context often gives the advertisement less eye fixations. Out of all the advertisment tested, text ads got the most fixations. The best text ad fixation was about 7.0 seconds, and the average was 1.6, already much higher then graphical ads (Outing and Ruel). The 25 websites that these facts were proven with are: Bibliography: Outing, Steve and Laura Ruel. "The Best of Eyetrack III." 17 2 2009 . By the way, I'm not very good at writing papers. haha. NOTE: I did not conduct the experiment.
  2. Today I am going to show you Windows 7 Record Steps to Reproduce a Problem (A really annoying name). Overall the program itself is a great innovation to windows. This will improve support by a lot, even for microsoft, it will help them give support to anybody who asks. The only downside to this software is the fact that it has a really annoying long name. Youtube (HD, 720p) Direct Download (HD, 720p, fast download) Post: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. Today I am going to show you Windows 7s new User Account Controls, also known as UAC. In Windows Vista, UAC was poor, there was an ON, or an OFF switch. You could not have it in between. In Windows 7 UAC has been improved largely. Now you have four different options to choose from, ranging from off, to on all the way Youtube(HD, 720p) Direct Download (HD, 720p, fast download) Post: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. Hey guys, today I am going to show you the new Windows 7 Wallpaper Changer. This is a unique program which comes with the Windows 7 Beta 7000. This tool allows you to select multiple backgrounds, and choose the different times that they rotate at. This is a really cool program and I use it all the time. Youtube (HD, 720p) Direct download http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. Well if all your code is "correct' then as long as you post it with the appropriate extension in the /WWW/ or Public_html folder (both the same) it should work fine, but if you are having problems with code, members of the forum would be glad to help, I will help as much as I can as well.I have had experience with multiple different languages.
  6. Make sure you upload all your files in the correct directories. All your files need to go under your /WWW/ or /Public_html/ folder, otherwise it won't work.
  7. From the events being reported from the court room through various media services, along with audio recordings and interviews and all that good stuff, it is pretty easy to tell that The Pirate Bay isn’t going anywhere. While it is hard to say for sure what the outcome of the trial will be, it will only affect the admins of the site, not the actual site. This is good news for all you dedicated TPB fans. As I am sure many have read, within the first two days the prosecution dropped half of their charges because of a technical error in their explanation of how BitTorrent works, which nullified their half of their case against the pirate trio. Now with the trial halfway over, the Pirate Bureau is throwing a party. While it is a bit early to celebrate, I think they can do so in confidence seeing as they are pretty well protected in their defense and have very strong support from users around the world - topping 22 million people. What do you think? Are the Pirate Bay founders innocent? Or are they guilty of assisting in copyright infringement? Post: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. Well honestly, for me, you would need to have really good drawing skills to get a tablet, because it doesn't make your drawing better, and It took me while to get used to it, I am still not used to it, and I have had it for about a year..I got the Intuos 3, it was great.
  9. School... is alright.I can handle it, but I would rather not handle it. I can see why you need to go to school, but personally, I don't think the knowledge of History will ever serve you will in the future, or science (of course it depends on the job you want) I mainly think that I would want to take English, and a different language, and math of course, because I want to do something computer like with my life, but I would imagine that History and Science does not help all that much.School can get sickening near the end of the week though, I tend to get really stressed on a thursday or friday.
  10. Well the legalization of certain quantities and types of drugs might be alright, you should be able to have an ID, a super counter-fit ID, and a certain age.A bit older than the drinking age thought, maybe 25-30, that age to get the ID. I think in someways legalizing drugs won't be super bad, because again, alcohol used to be illegal, and now when they changed it, it became less of an impact on people's lives.If the government does it, they just need to be careful.
  11. what scripts/forums/blog softwares were you running.
  12. Hey guys, I wanted here to talk about IMAP accounts through the cpanel.The previous system with credits, and the different email hosting, there was a catch all email that you could put in a client, and it would be an IMAP account, and import ALL of the emails which are on the host. So for me the main email was the cpanel username, and I could just setup an IMAP account, not pop3 in like windows mail, and it just imports all the different user folders, ect. Now this feature seems to have just.. disappeared. I believe that Xisto has now switched to using google apps, which I think is great, but its not very convenient for me. So we switched the MX stuff, so we can use web mail which is on the server. We can access this from webmail.domain.com, but again, the thing that I wanted we don't have yet. So I was suggesting maybe the old email methods should be brought back?
  13. What you call "overselling" is really just enhancements in technologies. They can provide cheap space because they have massive hard drives for cheap now. The biggest HDD for a consumer to buy is 1.5TB; I think it is like $200. Now imagine what a company can get. Probably multiple TB drives for the same price. And when you have a lot of sites on one server, the break even comes quick. And for bandwidth, faster connections are substantially cheaper. I have a 6 MB/s connection at my house and pay $35/mo. A multiple GB/s connection at server farms is probably only a few hundred a month. It is just more available.Also, nobody who needs that much bandwidth will get those hosting packages. It is a selling point. If your website is that popular, you have multiple dedicated servers to distribute the load. Shared hosting can't handle that. Same with the massive space. Nobody needs it, but it is nice to know it is there.
  14. Yea, that is me too. I can easily afford the $11/mo just for the hosting, then the addition $11/mo for the media server, and the $10/mo for the additions. It is a nice feature to be able to use myCENTs, and it is easy on my wallet, but isn't necessary. I really just like being part of an active community with cool topics. However, to those who think C&P is a dumb idea for a mobile phone, look at it this way: a smart phone is just like a computer, but with less power. How much would it suck if you didn't have C&P on your computer? It is useful. @EOT Yes, you could do that. However, you can also copy emails, IMs, and a multitude of other things on your computer. What is the difference? C&P is a productivity enhancer. Without it, you would be doing a lot of repetitive typing.
  15. If you wanted to start a social network, Joomla or Drupal are definitely not the way to go. I would suggest Ning or ELGG. Those are social networking platforms in which you can build off of. They are pretty easily customizable, and with a bit of use are very easy to get the hang of. While themes and plugins are incredibly available, they are there.However, I wouldn't suggest making a social network to make some money. They generally don't pay out as well in comparison to other types of sites, and take a long time to develop and get a user base; not to mention maintain. I would suggest a forum or blog. Forums are big money makers if you even have a semi active one. Just come up with an idea that is new, or do it in a unique way. Being different is key.
  16. Keep in mind there are also new technologies involved, and probably a lot of them we have no clue of because it isn't available to the public. One that is the most widely known is the ability to place gadgets on it, as mentioned before. Also, this is a 30" screen, that isn't a projector and is a legit touch screen, unlike many monitors that are loosely defined as touch screens that use add on films or sensors to make touching work. These are not as efficient as screen built for touching. But I do agree, though, that $10k is a bit steep...
  17. Mmmm M4 carbine with uh deep impact, uh... some other stuff (i forget, i havnt played cod in forver)and sniper..The first sniper.. that u can get.. stopping power, red tiger, the breath thing, and something else. haha
  18. I agree that they should be expired by now, there should be an auto timer for warnings, and there should be a.. err how do i put it.. "severity" rating.. to show how severe their offense actually was, If it wasn't that severe, then they should get warned, but it shouldn't effect hosting.
  19. I just remembered - When installing a new operating system, at least in Vista and Windows 7, all old Windows files go to a Windows.old folder if you choose fresh install. Another option is to just upgrade from your current install and it will keep your files. Now you may be thinking "Why would I pay that much to save my files?" You don't have to. Get Windows 7 for free from Microsoft's website. The free beta program is on for just under 2 weeks longer. This might be your best option if you want it done very simply.
  20. If you do have an install disc, insert it and run the Repair Tools. When the XP installer thing comes up it is like one of the first thing that shows up in the loading bar. It displays it right at the bottom of the screen and it will instruct you to press one of the F keys to start it. Do that, then have it repair Windows. That should fix it if it is an OS problem.
  21. Spaces go after the comma (,). Anyways. He said he reinstalled it already, so just get some good virus protection. Try the Norton 360 beta, it is free and will last as long as the beta is out. Otherwise I like AVG free for anti virus, Zone alarm for firewall (free too), and just use Windows Defender for spyware.
  22. Well if you have a virus or other malware, it might have deleted it. If you have the Windows installation disc, put it in and restart your computer, then have it boot form the CD drive and run the System Repair tool. That should replace it.
  23. Alright, lets set S_M loose. I think he could handle it. BTW. 500th post FTWYAYAYYA 500th!!!! if you subtract all of S_M's spam that makes more posts than him!
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