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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. $1.00 for 2000 clicks? I get $5 for 1 click at bidvertiser. That seems like a terrible deal. You would need insane amounts of traffic. And if you had those insane amounts of traffic you would be accepted in to Google Adsense which is the mother of all ad programs.
  2. Seeing as they have been developing this for years, I don't think it is really going that well. From what I have read, they are pretty much no farther now than they were in the beginning. This is more for media attention than practical use. All companies have that. Microsoft has the Surface and Honda has the Asimo. They can be purchased, but they are ludicrously expensive.
  3. These are of private companies, according to him. So I assume that would leave out Google and Yahoo and other big sites like that. Well considering he has to pay employees and there are server expenses and what not, I don't think he makes massive amounts of money. But I am sure he is pretty well off. It also seems like he plays the game a lot because he has 99 everything. And if he got 99 through illegitimate means that would be pretty unfair.
  4. I have checked all of my drivers, and they are all up-to-date. I will go through them again to make sure, however. And I will also read through that guide.As for replacing parts - it isn't really worth it to me. I will just deal with it until I get the MacBook.My friend knows about the issues. I told her up front, but she just wants a laptop for normal usage, and for normal usage this thing works fine.
  5. I bought a new laptop about this time last year and I was super excited. I dropped 750 cash on it and expected a lot. I tell ya, it was great at first. With Vista pre-installed and everything running fine, I couldn't've been happier. Then I started to notice flakiness in the OS. Naturally I just reinstalled and thought it to be one of those common problems with factory OS installs. Well a year later I just dropped Vista for Windows 7 and XP. And soon I am thinking about dropping Windows all together. I honestly have had nothing but problems. On XP, even with all the current drivers installed I still have hardware problems. And they just come and go. I consider myself rather experienced with computers, but this just makes no sense to me. I have also been getting quite a few "serious system errors" in which I receive this error code: BCCode : 1000008e BCP1 : C0000005 BCP2 : BF039614 BCP3 : ADBBC820 BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 3_0 Product : 256_1 As to what it means, I don't entirely know. It might be a defective part. I will probably never find out because I am selling it to a friend (evil, I know) and buying a MacBook. While I can't completely drop Windows, I will be for the most part. I will just have it ready in a VM for any use I need. I am not sure if I can even blame a single person for this whole dilemma. Microsoft isn't completely at fault, while neither is Toshiba (the maker of my laptop). And if I tried to get to the bottom of it, I would probably be doing a wild goose chase and just uncover nothing. I think by the end of this month, I will be saying goodbye to PCs and Windows. Slowly, the takeover by Macs will begin. The plan is to buy a MacBook for me. Then a few Mac Minis periodically down the road to replace other computers in the house. Then an iMac for my dad. I just can't stand it anymore...I don't want to live in a world where MS controls my life. Apple is just the better way to go, for me. I've had it. And I am pretty glad to see this phase end. I will be contributing to Apple's market share for the rest of my life, that is for sure.
  6. I remember when SP1 was still going through beta and release candidates. I installed RC1 and didn't notice much of a difference. When the final release was out, I still didn't notice any difference. I have used Home Premium and Ultimate. Now, I am not sure what I am supposed to be looking for, but I didn't find it so I just switched back to XP. And now that is failing me...Time to get a Mac!Anyways...SP1 is a good idea to install. It does contain bug fixes and vulnerability patches. Those are important to cover up. It is definitely worth your time to update. But will you really notice much of a difference - probably not.
  7. I assume that is their networth. If they actually had that much money, they would be a lot more publicized. And there would be no way Andrew Gower could make that much off of Runescape...
  8. That sounds like an incredibly awful host! I have had the fortune of dealing with hosts that are at least decent. I have run in to a few whose servers are slow, or provide funky limitations on things in CPanel. In the end, I always come back to Xisto. I have to say, I will probably be sticking with them until the end. They provide great pricing, the astounding myCENT system, and very reliable servers. One thing I do not really like, though, is having to pay extra for email. And it isn't even that great of a service. There is no structure like CPanel provides. But it is for greater security. Overall, though, Xisto provides outstanding services and support.
  9. This is an error within Windows, but from investigation I have learned it is related to a hardware issue which makes me want to post it here. If I am wrong, please move it to the correct forum On to the problem: I recently installed XP and ever since I installed it, I have been having periodic system crashes. The given error is : BCCode : 1000008e BCP1 : C0000005 BCP2 : BF039614 BCP3 : ADBBC820 BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 3_0 Product : 256_1After I searched around a bit I found that people with similar errors were having problems with faulty RAM, CPU, or mobo. I was wondering if anybody here could help me figure out the issue as I am not the best with Windows errors (because half of the time they don't make sense). If you need the dump files or anything, I have them too.
  10. If your max capacity for the hard drive is just about 80GB, you are not going to be able to install many programs. Vista is a pretty big space hog. I had it on a 50GB partition and it ate through that so fast. Now I dropped Vista and use XP on a 45GB partition and have a lot of things installed and still have well over half of my space left. Also, if you don't have a very high performance computer, you may notice it running slow. That can be very annoying. But if you are ready to upgrade, I would just run the ISO within XP and choose the upgrade option so you don't have to reinstall and replace everything.
  11. Also it depends on what you are doing, it would be faster to play World Of Warcraft on the pentium 4, because it has higher clock speeds, and WoW is a more CPU intensive game then GPU, but for other things, the centrino might be better, such as multi tasking.
  12. I'm using a viewsonic vx1945WM if you wanted to know (19"). I am saying that the crack doesnt look uniform because, on the green glob if you look more to the right side, a little lower than the center, at the point where the globe meets the edge it should really have some curving effect, and the crack on the globe does not get smaller to make as if the distance would be farther, seeing its curving. Does that make sense? But over all I rate it an 8/10.
  13. Hmm the render you have chosen and the background do not blend very well.Try adding more depth and flow aswell.
  14. I have never in my life owned an HP, but it seems like they have something for high end enthusiasts, and low end non enthusiasts.I always thought HP was reliable, but really I have no proof, and would love to try one out soon!by the way...300th POST!!!!! YES
  15. I have always been against Dells, we have had somany problems with dells in our family, but my family still seems to love themThe reason why... because I'm the one who always has to fix them!
  16. Your using dialup!?I don't think I could survive at all using dial up, it would be so painful to me.So your still using dial up now? wow.
  17. I got a brand new Ipod classic for Xmas a couple days ago, and I want to put some notes on it. I tried to put a note on it they way that was instructed, by dragging and dropping into the notes folder, and when i look at it on the ipod, it only displays 1/8th of the note (i have to scroll down to display the hole 1/8) and its missing the rest of it, completely not there, but when i go into the ipod, and look in the notes folder, the hole note is there, the ipod just seems to not be displaying it all..any help?
  18. I learned a lot from this community, and look at me, I'm only 14, I have way more to learn.If you have any other questions, I'll be glad to answer.
  19. Ok, now first off, I do not remember the dates off the top of my mind, but the dates will be around correct, some may not be exact.First off.I wanted to switch to verizon FiOS for a long time, because I have been having some problems with Comcast High Speed Internet, and I just thought it was cool that it would be Fiber Optics, now I don't pay my bills, but I persuaded them a bit. My parents noticed it also seemed to be a better price for better packages so they decided to go with it, so I'm like woopy! I'm getting FiOS TV, internet, and phone! We scheduled our instillation to be on September 17th, 2007, my Dad stayed home so he could help the people who would be installing the line, and stuff like that. I got home, and i asked "Did they do it" and no, nobody had even came to our house. Being very angry my Dad called Verizon FiOS, i was there to listen in, and they said that they would send somebody next week! Again, next week they did not even come. Ok, so we called again, we would have to wait one more week. Surprisingly they installed the Fiber Optics in are yard, using one of those diggers that lay wires, and guess what they did in the process, they cut through the line for the electric dog fence, and they refused to pay for it.Not the biggest deal in the world that it was cut, we could get it fixed, but the fact that they refused to pay for it was just rude. We got the fence people to come and repair it, and we asked them "Should the workers have known that there was an electric fence, should we have told them" and the guy says what are you talking about, no! there is a sign in the front of your yard saying that you have it, and there are flags all over the yard marking it! We refused to do business with them (using their service) until they would pay for the repair on the line. Now it took a month for us to coax them into paying us back, since we had already fixed it, and then we asked for our service to be installed. Now we had the same problem that we had at the very beginning, nobody was coming to our house when they were supposed to! We complained, complained, and then we got through to a very nice man who put matters into his own hands, and dealed with it. Somebody came out and finally installed the box that would run it all, and installed the new router, and the TV box. Ok, so now when we asked for an HD box for our HD tv, they gave us a regular non high definition digital receiver. We called them up, and they said they were out of HD boxes, and they would mail one to us, and we will receive it next friday I think. Guess what? It never came that friday. Since it never came, we called the man who installed the box for the hole system, and he said he would bring one over, since he had one in his van, within a week, and he did what he said. So now its late January, early February. That long for things to work!Oh, whats this, things still are messing up. (it is now fixed btw) our internet would stop working randomly, usually in the evening, and we would have to restart the router every time it wouldn't work, now the thing I found weird was that when we went to an internet page, it didn't work, saying we didn't have internet connection, but I was still signed on aim, and I could talk to my friends, even though my internet was supposedly out. I don't really get that.. So we just kind of adapted our lives to this, not being bothered to call.Then we started having other problems with our On Demand, when we purchased a movie, when the movie is playing it is really choppy, and it lagged. We demanded our money back for the movie, and it wasn't put on our bill yet, so we had to wait, which i understand why. They came over to replace our HD box, and it still didn't work. So they came again, and just replaced our router, and again, replaced our HD box, and everything works fine now :PSo I'm just glad in the end it works, but the company just seems a bit corrupt, I guess it is just because Verizon FiOS was so new, they weren't really... ready yet.The only complaint I have now is that the MS ping is much higher then it was when I had comcast.
  20. When people say higher fail rate, they are making it sounds like your computer is going to crash every day. It is not actually like that. When they say higher fail rate, I guess its more like every time 1 slower hard drive fails, a faster one fails. Have you had any hard drives fail recently? i would guess not, because they usually only fail if they are faulty, don't have enough power, or they are old.The running it on a server also depends on the server, because i mean if your are running a fully blown WoW server, then a faster drive would be almost necessary seeing there would be so many people doing quests, leveling, saving, chatting, and things like that, but if your just running like a runescape private server then it would not need to be so fast, hardly at all.Also, water cool does make noise, but substantially less than just having fans cool everything. You still have one or two (some times more) fans included in water cooling. The way it works (assuming that you don't know) coolant is pumped through the tubes to the pieces of equipment, such as the CPU, and the heat from the CPU is conducted by the coolant (is conducted the right word), and then the warm coolant flows to a radiator, where a fan cools the coolant down, and it gets pumped through the system again. The radiator usually has one or two fans. If this is your first build also, im guessing that you have never taken off a fan on a video card, and put on a water block, and if you didn't know how to do that, your video card(s) would have fans on them, generating noise. (You can buy video cards with water blocks already mounted, but they are more expensive). So over all you will also still have some noise from fans. I am also thinking, if this is your first build, you are most likely not going to water cool your north bridge ( i think that is the part that should be cooled) so you might even have two more fans, an intake and an outake, which generates more noise.So it really depends on what you plan to do with the hard drives that will distinguish which speed you need.
  21. Hey guys I wanted you guys to check out our website, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . Rutger and I have been working on this website for a long time. I am the graphics designer, while Rutger is the man who does CSS and HTML. I would really like some constructive criticism for this web design, we have a splash page up front, and then it links ot our facebook page, our blog, our blogtv page, and the link that you cannot click, socialboll.
  22. Ok.. Just first some background information on this subject.a 5,400 to 10000 RPM Hard drive will have aground 1 gbit/s transfer rate. If you get a 10,000 to 15k RPM hard drive, it has up to 1.6gbit/s transfer rates. The makers of these faster hard drives have to also shrink the disk size that the actual data from the computer is stored, to reduce air drag and to be able to achieve these high revolutions per minute. There is a noticeable difference when you are using a 5.4k RPM hard drive from a 7.2k RPM hard drive. Our house has a mix of new and old computers, meaning some of them are 5.4, and some are 7.2. When i backup, or transfer data i can see a noticeable speed difference between the different computers i transfer with.When high end computers, and gaming come in, most gaming enthusiasts love to get faster hard drives, so they can load, play, and save their games faster. The only downside to a fast hard drive is that the hard drive size is lower, since they have to use a smaller disk to reduce air drag, which ends in high end users running multiple really fast drives in a RAID format. When it comes to noise, your planning on creating a gaming system, well it won't be a gaming system if you can't hear all the fans running, so the hard drive noise shouldn't matter, but it really doesn't generate a lot of noise. Since it spins faster, it creates more friction, causing high heat levels, but again, if you are running a high end gaming system, your most likely going to have a fan on or by your hard drive(s). These faster hard drives also use more electricity which also means if you are running multiple, you would need a power supply with more watts.Have any questions? i hope that helped explain.
  23. I created the splash page as an easier way to get to all of the different parts of the site. The blog is still under the same domain and all. And I actually did try to submit it without the splash page, yet it still didn't accept me. Which actually got me to think of creating the splash page. But I will try submitting just the blog, at a url like blog.passtheboll.com and see where that gets me. Thanks for the suggestions.
  24. I am not sure what is going on, but Adsense will not accept me. I have a pretty respectable website and generate a pretty good amount of views and unique visitors daily. The amount of traffic is constantly climbing and I notice more being used everyday. Right now I use Bidvertiser, but I am not really happy with it. I don't like how it is only for clicks. I used to have Adsense, but my account was banned for invalid clicks. That was about 1 year ago on a completely different website. I tried appealing, but they never responded so I gave up. I have tried signing up multiple times now, but they just say the site is not what they are looking for. I know a lot of sites like mine that have Adsense. Heck, I had a site a while back that used Adsense and got probably half the traffic and had a way worse design. Does anybody have any suggestions for ways to optimize my site or make it more appealing to the Adsense program? Should I call Google and inquire about it? I just don't know what to do. BTW, my site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  25. You might just have to wait for the script to run again. I know people's who hadn't had theirs transferred yet had it transferred. But I am not sure about the updating of myCENTs. I think it is only done once a day, and I am not sure when. Just give it time.
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