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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. HAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHi bet you like 20 bucks that its a virus.Its just a little fun virus that people make. Its a batch file, people can delete certain files, or put something in the start up menu, what you can do when it starts up, before it shuts down again you click RUN, and go to CMD and time in shutdown /a to abort the shut down. if that doesnt work, then you have a more serious problem and I owe you 20 bucks.Another option is that your power button gets stuck when you push it down, and it turns itself off..investigate both
  2. No, For the forum I will just use the same general colours and design, it won't be the exact same.
  3. I think triple back may be an 20-30 year old year old who is kind of preppy, and likes to be serious.
  4. I'm going to throw a couple new layouts out there. Just because you guys are giving some competition
  5. I'm insulted! 20! I like to draw, I am just not all that great, I am better at drawing on paper, then scanning and sketching over with a tablet, thats what I did with that original drawing. Oh, and it isn't a portrait of me. So take another guess. Lol
  6. Digital Dad.. lets see.I would say that you are early forties possibly, and could have 1 or 2 sigs, but for an odd reason I feel like you may be single. I believe you have fun with what you do, and embarrass your children if they are around the teenage age.Oh yeah, when somebody does me, I would rather it not be a member who knows me, thanks in advance.
  7. 1. You know what i find funny, its called Black and White, but there is red in it? haha . I like it, but i feel as if there is TOO much white space.2. I like it, did you teach that effect to yourself, or did you follow my tutorial (please my tutorial, haha) what you shold do is take the burn tool and the oposite (forget what its called right now) and hilight parts of the render to make it stick out.3. Simple, needs a border.4. Same5. The gloss type thing the upper right of the X isn't noticable enough, and you should make the distance for the shadow 0 so its all around the image, not just on one edge.6. I feel as if this might be better if the forum had more of a gray background, but all the colours are a bit.. random..Over all good job!
  8. Amazing SM, thats all I have to say, i like how it looks like there is a little sticker maybe on it that says SM? Or at least it looks like you tried to make it a sticker. I have nothing to say EXCEPT i dont like the little white bar at the very right... uh.. and how did you do it exactly? I have a couple ideas, but im just curious haha
  9. All of them are alright, but i will go through and critique each one.1. The border blends in too much with the signature, you should add a bit of colour also. Maybe red, and make the render stick out more, a bit more depth.2. I think a few more vibrant colours are needed, the border is nice, and i like the rips through the signature, but again the render doesn't really stick out, it needs some depth.3. This is alright, I have a couple problems though, I think the text needs to stick out a bit more, and there should be less black in the background. Also this would possibly be a good "pop out" sig, with the sword, or something like that, the signature doesn't have a lot of action though.4. I think this signature would be GREAT if the background was a more vibrant green, and the render stuck out more, and didn't blend in as much. Also the text is slightly un readable.5. Again, like most of the others, the colours, and the renders need to be more vibrant and stick out. Also the sub text is a bit plain.Overall these signatures are good, but with a little more work they could be great.
  10. Do you have any tips for drawing, I have a Wacom Intuos tablet, and I am not that good.Good signature though, its plain and simple, seems to get the point across, nice cartoons also.Over all good job!
  11. Oh i have too many favourite movies..Lets start with uhPirates of the carribbeanuhLord of the RingsSean of the deadhot fuzzuhall the other good movies, I love movies :DTaken..
  12. I admit, mine has to be my girlfriend... I love petting her and playing with her..Just kiddingI like hippos
  13. I believe, with the other stuff the above has said, that the graphics are too big for the text, its like the graphics are for somebody who cant see very well while the text is for a 20/20, I think you should make the graphics fit the text a little better.
  14. Ok, take none of this for offense, im critiquing. The colours are kind of... Hurting eachother. What i sometimes try to do, when i design colourful layouts with multiple bright colours, i google for an image. Like for this you might be able to google for a "Tropical beach" or something, or the tropics, and take some colours out of the sky, the water, and things like that. I find a lot that colours mixed in nature mix well in layouts. Another important thing are Visual Breaks. A visual break is usually a line that breaks one part off from another part. Most visual breaks are usually under the banner or under the navigation, visual breaks are usually very strong colours, like if you are doing a red theme, you have a very bright red, or if you have a black theme, you use like a grey or a strong white. This makes the eye stop in its tracks and see the banner or the navigation.The second thing is the logo/banner location. Most companies/websites put the logo/banner in the top left corner because it is proved that that is where the majority of people's eyes look first. Also if you are to do this, a good banner is needed, your current banner is slightly.... bad quality. Also a good thing to remember is the border, they can't be too dark, like the black shadow/gradients you have on the left and right side, or the user feels "trapped" and ends up not liking the page.I believe that just changing some of the colours, altering the quality of the banner, and changing the borders, this could be a much better layout, good job so far though.
  15. Thanks for the uneeded info mate! Really appreciate it!Any other info?
  16. Well the monitor i wouldnt be upgrading, i would be using... I would be using dual monitors, one 19" LCD and one 22inch LCD. I need a lot of desktop space, i do video editing, graphics editing and website coding.I would pick the first one also because of its versatiliy, i can turn it 90 degrees, and I can adjust it much better than the others according to my height of my chair, ect.I would be upgrading my system from 2GB of (i forget the speed of the RAM... its the speed before 800MHz and a core 2 duo 1.8GHZ (E4300) The reason i would change the computer parts is because I need better performance for video and graphics editing, and the reason for the monitor is i need SO much more desktop space to multi task, and work easier.
  17. What should I get? A new Monitor, or new computer parts.. The monitors are; http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (most likely going to get the first one if i get a monitor) OR: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ^^ all of the ORs put together, and put into a case with an HDD and a screen and everything.. The second option I would have to make the money, but I have no job, so I would have to wait half a year to a year to get the money, in which i would also blow my money on new headphones, and drinks at school. The monitor i can get right now. What is your suggestion?
  18. Crud, I think I might have to throw some more designs out there so I get to win :-p. Btw I think that your previous attachment only works for moderators and admins, possibly because your a mod.
  19. To decrease your warn level to gain the ability to purchase things with your mycents you have to post. You have to post in forums where they give you mycents, and after a while your warn level should go down.I don't know about your other problem, best to rely on a support ticket.
  20. you should make the streaming true instead of false, im too lazy to look through it and find the point to change... just a suggestion, because it seems as if you have to load the song first.
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