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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. My favourite colour is black but I can?t see it in the poll. So, if I had to choose one out of them, I?d choose red, but not very bright... something a little darker... at least like hex color #CC0000 I also like blue, the two extremes, very soft almost white and when it?s so dark that is near black.
  2. Those who say Microsoft Frontpage... you must be kidding. The other possibility is that you have only used that program because it?s terrible compared to Macromedia Dreamweaver. Each one has his own taste but I think it?s universally known that Frontpage is not very good. The only reason to use it is that is very simmilar to Word (which is not a very good thing), I started making websites with FP because I thought DW would be too difficult and I can say is not a good option.My advice... if you know html and you want to get exactly what you type (and not what you see ), notepad or another editor with syntax advices, colours, etc. You can use it Dreamweaver this way too. And of course if you want a WYSIWYG, go for DW. Another good reason to use DW is the higher compatibility with Fireworks and Flash. I?ve heard rumors that Adobe has bought Macromedia... if it?s true then there?s another compatibility reason.
  3. Adding a website to google is not easy. Is a big secret what google bots look in your website to decide if it is good to be indexed or not. There a lot of things that makes your website lose points... in theory, like repeated tags, frames, submit the website a lot of times... It?s hard to reach the first places on google although your site contains exactly what a user wants.
  4. I haven?t experienced any kind of problem like those you?ve said. It must be the keyboard or something else.
  5. Oh, what an original improvement!. Absolutely brilliant, Mr Gates.Well... better later than never, I suppose. Congratulations... to Firefox developers.
  6. Best wishes for Chinese people in the forum! You have a very interesting culture... and Zgongzi sounds delicious... I want Zongzi :DBut about that story, why was the hero obligued to suicide?
  7. I like the lyrics. Dark, depressing... they fit really good in a grunge or metal song. Attending to your user name (lordofthesabbath) I suppose that you make metal with big riffs like Black Sabbath, don?t you?I would like to hear the music.
  8. The top banner looks too big for me. It spends a long part of the screen size. Also, a logo (integrated in the banner) could be a great idea.Good job.
  9. Great idea cse-icons. I had thought about something similar time ago, but my english is so... err... weak that I try not to start topics (some people could not understand me properly ). But anyway, the iniciative of the user who brings out a good object of discussion should be appreciated.
  10. Of course, yes. If we are talking about and adult couple, I don?t mind what sex they are. They?re supposed to want to marry because they love each other, so for me it?s enough. It?s not about the Church or christianity... we don?t have to mix this with religious issues. We have to live with things that we don?t like... we have to tolerate and if christian people is offended, well, I think it?s their problem.
  11. VLC (Videolan Media Player), that suports a lot of formats without needing to download codecs continually.By the way... are messengers and windows media player freeware??
  12. I think i would be better to call the european americans "Colonian Americans" or whatever instead of calling the aborigens "natives". The natives in fact are more americans than the new americans, although the continent wasn?t called America before.Native Indians is an awful term. With that you don?t even know where they are from. Asia?
  13. I think that in a war between China and USA, China could win. They have not only more population. Their weapons, money and technology are pretty advanced but we don?t know much about them. China is a non-stop increasing nation and everybody knows the power that the USA have. Information in a war is something very important.Anyway, I hope there won?t be any war at that high scale... because it would become the real IIIWW.
  14. Another one for the tabs. When you get used to them, you?ll find extremely annoying to navigate with other browsers that haven?t that feature.I also love think that handles faster the downloads.
  15. You never get enough surprised of how people copy things without asking permission, without giving thanks, without crediting anything... it?s like they think websites are made alone and because of that everyone can copy and paste it.Most of us started copying things... and some still do it just to test them or for at least understand the codes and try to make some changes but upload your website with an entire copied layout... errrr, is not too clever.
  16. Yes, too much mainstream around here it?s alright, everyone has his own taste. I am more fan of some specific directors than films. Usually if a director has good ideas and an original way to put it on his films, he is going to make a lot of good titles, some better, some worse, but every of them interesting. So, let?s start with Eraserhead, Lost Highway, Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive of my favourite, David Lynch. I also love Tarantino (Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bills), Tim Burton (Edward Scissorhands, Nighmare Before Christmas, Big Fish, Sleepy Hollow), David Fincher (Seven, The Fight Club), Darren Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream), the first Guy Ritchie work (Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch), Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, 28 Days After), Coen Brothers (Fargo, O Brother!, The Big Lebowsky), etc. And some classics like Alien, Blade Runner (what happened to Ridley Scott?), Charlotte?s ones... I end here, don?t want to bore If I had to choose one, Lost Highway... it?s just a magical and aggressive trip for the senses.
  17. I hope this will be one day a reality but I don?t think that the cure for cancer is so near. It?s a extremely complex disease, and it has so many forms that it?s very difficult even to diagnosticate it in some ocassions. Sometimes, doctors haven?t the knowledge or the equipment to recognize a cancer and discern it from another kind of tumour.I have some close friends and familiars dead from cancer and well... I hope it end soon but I?m also very sceptical.
  18. Dont think so. It would be too good to have the porn spamming outside the com, net, etc. domains. But I suppose both ways will survive.
  19. I love emulators... are the best way to rediscover old good games (and not so old). I specially like the SNES ones, like ZSNES, but I play to almost all from MAME to MSX, Master System to N64The first RPG I beat was Secret of Mana, my favourite.
  20. Claire sounds good to me, dynamic, short and nice.
  21. I don?t like so much the Star Wars saga. I never undestood the excitement that people feels about it. I think the three first films were good, especially The Return of the Jedi, but more technically and because of the environments that Lucas created than for the story.I think last one is a good film. The best of their trilogy... but this isn?t a great thing. Fans, please don?t get offended
  22. When I am at home I always use the speakers... more frequently the computer?s ones the last years.But I?m always listening to music with the discman/mp3 when I?m outside, on the bus, on the train, walking by the streets... you discover more hidden details of the songs production when you listen to them with hphones and you also get differente emotions out from that songs as they are with you in the day-life, living it with you in some way.
  23. Mmmm... pizza, tortellini, chicken (not fried, roasted better), hamburgers (real cow meat, not the Macdonalds? ones), jam , and mexican food.
  24. Make sure that the links pointing to the pages are the same. For example it?s common to have a link like (links.htm) and the page that you wanted to open is called (links.HTML) because the editor has saved it with that name, for example. Anyway, if you try your website and the links work properly in your hard disk, there is no reason why it shouldn?t work if you upload them all with the same structure to the "www" folder. But only if you have relative links, of course.
  25. Really? I haven?t noticed any lag and I have a phpBB forum. None of my visitors have told me anything about slowness.Anyway I?m more than happy with Xisto service. It?s hard to find a good free server like this.
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