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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. Sprnknwn

    George Bush

    I thought the discussion was centered on George Bush. Well, I think he?s the king of all idiots (i?m not calling idiots the american people, I mean he is the silliest person in the world). He doesn?t know anything, their knowledges about economy or geography are just inexistents, he has that abnormal smile wen he talks about catastrophes like Katrina... I think he?s a little retarded indeed. Maybe it?s not a clinic case but he?s enough stupid to be driven by other people enough intelligent to govern a country without being the target of all complaints.How can american people vote him?
  2. As longs as I hate Microsoft I would never buy his products and X Box is not an exception. But Playstation 3 has that Blue Ray format and I don?t want it to become an standard so... I wouldn?t prefer none f them
  3. I think you forgot legal issues. I guess you need to register as a business before offering web hosting, don?t you? and very probably pay taxes.
  4. This is curious, but ridiculous. And the CD would taste like the name of the band? Who would want to eat a CD of Garbage?
  5. Tha red water effect is very cool. I also think that you might do an html/css site inserting the two pieces of flash in two cells (up and down). Or at least make some effect in the button?s rollover. I also would change the typography. The size of the buttons are not the same for the five of them and the same with the vertical alignment of the text inside. I don?t know if this is desired or not.As fot that flash site, eye4u.com it?s awesome, really dynamic, fast... the only proble is that this kind of sites tend to end up tiring the visitor. But is brilliant though.
  6. The whole thing is very sad. Obviously there are people that don?t have more things to do apart from coming here to &%$# with Xisto great service. For all those hacker wannabes, you know that you suck.To shadowdemon: I don?t think your intention was to harm Xisto but think about it... ?what?s the point in sending 50000 mails? You?ll probably get a server saturation or whatever. ?Can?t you experiment with a lower number? We all have to take care of what we like and not play with everyone?s hosting.
  7. Wow, I found this tutorial amazing for a beginer like me. I just have bookmarked it because I think it will help me in the future. I?m trying to learn php and although I don?t have too much free time I hope to get it finally. Maybe some day I could make my own scripts without disturbing my friends constantly with code issues. Thanks a lot.
  8. You make a big mistake calling emulators "illegal" in a generic way and saying that they are used to play last generation videogames.I don?t know which was the first emulator to be released but I think the most famous is MAME, which allows you to play old arcade games that anyone is going to sell you. You can find emulators of almost all system that has ever existed from Spectrum or MSX to Atari, Nes, Master System... Yes, they are not really legal but sincerely, I?m not going to buy and old arcade machine to play Tetris or a NES to play Super Mario. So if I can play them for free I don?t really think I?m doing any harm. Of course you can find emulators and isos/roms of PS2,Gamecube, Xbox, etc. which are closer to piracy but don?t minimize "emulator" term to those, please.
  9. You?re right. Music means a lot to me although I don?t share your tastes completely in this case (I like some Aerosmith songs and some GNR but that?s all) I think it helps me to live, no matter the situation... it sets me up when I?m down, awakes me when I?m half-slept, makes me dance when I want to... and I really associate periods and moments in my life to particlar songs or records. Sad music, happy music, dark, loud, soft, complex, simple... everyone has his moment when you like that style. Mine is definitely rock, most alternative from 60s-70s to now.I LOVE IT also
  10. I think those errors (dehydration, screaming, etc) could be a bad thing for easy listening music, ballads, etc, but I?m not very sure if it can be used for any singer. What would have been of Nirvana, Pantera or the Sex Pistols if their singers had had a perfect technique?. Very commonly rock music are confronted to rules and this also means singing rules, don?t you think?Anyway some heavy metal singers need to have a clean, clear and, loud voice.
  11. Dreamweaver is far better than Frontpage. Yep, Frontpage may be easier if you are used to MS Word and that, but you?ll find that it puts a lot of trash code on your html files. I think that you have more control with Dreamweaver but anyway the best option is to check the code by yourself if you know it, because both of them can write lines that aren?t necessary.
  12. I like that game. It?s been a long time since I don?t play it but I remember it was quite good... even more if you tend (like me) to get addicted to this kind of strategy games.
  13. Neither of them. I also use Power Archiver. But I think Winrar has better compatibility than Winzip (I?m not sure, though).
  14. I don?t agree. It can be easy for people that don?t have too much things to do apart from going five or six hours to school. But if you work 8 hours a day (and often more) far away from your home and you run a website that you need to update regularly and his own forum that you need to check daily, you could find not so easy to maintain a high level of credits. And if your computer crash suddenly and you have hardly time to carry it anywhere to have it repaired, you?ll find it very difficult indeed. And if english is not your native language you?ll find it even more difficult. To be honest it?s very difficult for a "non-english-speaker" to be above 20 or 30 credits.I?m not critizising, if I?m here is because I think Xisto?s offer is the best that I know in free webhosting. But that doesn?t mean that being active at the forums is easy.
  15. Looks like a very useful resource. The idea was good but it seems there were done already
  16. It?s the same thing that when you go to buy something with your father (even when you are a boy). Clich?s say that only men know about computers and we have to admit that there is a higher porcentage of boys interested in computers than girls. So, we all try to be equitative but probably you do these kind of mistakes also. I?m sure most of us expect that a girl is better at cooking than a boy or that a boy has more knowledge and ability in some sports but don?t know about clothes or make-up... they?re all generalizations but we do them.Anyway it?s too much that he didn?t even bow the head at you. Another possible cause is that he understood that your brother didn?t know too much about computers and talking to him could be better (because obviously the customer could sell him whatever he wanted).
  17. I think there was another post about this before but the websites I use to download freeware, shareware stuff or demo versions are sourceforge, tucows and softonic basically.
  18. Definitely no. How can you buy something without seeing it or even touching it? I don?t like to buy on the net so I wouldn?t do it with a cellular phone. But I?m a little weird so it may work
  19. I think is a result of the music and fashion business. There were gothics before, but they were really (at least estetically) different people. But now with all that "gothic" fashion and the kids dressed in black with dyed hair and pale faces that are considered cool, it stinks. Like every movement when becomes mainstream.But you are right... gothic comes from "gota" (its spanish, I dont know the term in latin right now) and its a term used to design the architecture of some bildings (mostly cathedrals) Are these people supposed to be like a drop of water or something?
  20. I put one phpBB on my site and it wasn´t too difficult although I didn´t know anything. Try searching some phpBB tutorials and download the mod in the site https://www.phpbb.com/ Good luck
  21. I only have one computer at my house... and its very annoying when it crash. Its not that I can?t live withouth it but when you run a website it?s a mess because you can?t update, etc. And I got suspended because of the credits :ph34r:So I wish I had another.
  22. I agree with all OCAC says.Although you need more time to mentally process things, you can still beat those kids. Remember that design is not only technique. It needs good, and probably mature ideas of what is exactly what you want to do. Use your further experience in life in your creativity... surely you will get better results in your projects than a lot of kids that only think of videogames.
  23. Sprnknwn

    I Hate Greenday!

    I don´t mean that an old band has to be automatically good. What I´m saying is exactly that some talk about Green Day as trendie music but that´s not the case. They started by theirself, not like other prefab punk-pop bands that we all know. They started recording on indie labels (lookout), touring around the world losing money... just the kind of things that Good Charlote or Simple Plan have never done. I mean it´s a bit silly to think that a band sucks only because MTV programs it or a lot of teenagers love their music. And I don´t mean that I don´t respect and listen Metallica´s earlier work. But if you ask me, Metallica are definitely in their worst musical moment and Green Day in one of their bests. And both of them are earning lots of money. By the way I´m not the kind of guy that listens records only because their members are dead. I listen Pantera when I want to listen some good metal stuff, nothing more.
  24. I hope Adobe won?t kill Macromedia products. Flash and Dreamweaver are solid standards with very few competitors, but I love Freehand much more than Illustrator and although I still find Photoshop better, I enjoy Fireworks a lot.Let?s expect what?s new with Macromedia MX Studio 8
  25. Welcome!Anyway, I found no websites, only forums
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