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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. It looks very attractive. I?ll try it.Thanks for the tutorial!
  2. Religions can say that their goal is to love each other, to reach the highest good or whatever. But in fact, dogmatic religions (Islam, Judaism and Christianism for example) search (and fight) for the implantation of (their) faith. Their target is to gain believers and if this can be done with a war or just pissing off other religions, they?ll do. It?s so high the level of fanatism that one believer of a dogmatic religion is supposed to know that their God is the one and only and the others are false idols. As long as nobody can asure scientifically the existence of a god, I could say that I have a god of my own and the rest of the people are doing wrong beliving in another god. And even judge them for that. They do search for the same, but they have to be necessarily confronted to gain it. POWER. Don?t misunderstand me, I respect believers (I can?t understand them though) but I hate the hierarchical structures in which religions are organized and the way they lie and do bad things while they preach things that obviously they don?t believe.
  3. A white and light blue Sony Ericsson T-100. A bit old without colors and monotone but functional and small... it still works for me.
  4. It?s an awful program. I suppose there are some big brothers better than others as long as they do it in a lot of countries. All I can say it?s that spanish edition may be considered as a way of terrorism against education... and I could say that this kind of programs are degradating society even more than already was. When you don?t see them you can?t undestand why people see them but I saw the first edition (like 5 or 6 years ago) for a period and you get addicted. It?s sad but it was a period whe I spend mornings at house doing nothing until I had to go to university.But the tv reality in singer contests are even more terrible. When the program ends we have to hear that horrible albums that they make.
  5. It?s not something really good or something really bad. Homosexuality just IS and for me it?s a way to love as good as heterosexuality.I mean, why do we have to be afraid or hate a collective which only is differenced by his sexual orientation? Are we supposing that gay people only seek sex and heteros are trying to find love? Don?t make me laugh, what a sexual maniqueism.So if it seems reasonable to someone to hate homosexuals... Why not to hate fanatical christians that are so self-obsessed with what God says (sic) that they study the whole Bible searching what is sin and what is not? I think this is more unsane.
  6. Very cool layout! Looks really profesional. I would like to make some advices to help improving it but simply I can?t Great job
  7. I don?t think there are the same flavours all over the world... but I agree with Wassie, it?s too strong, sometimes you even have to spit when you put it on.
  8. I agree. Is completely stupid to hate a country only for banning a more stupid videogame.To be truth I don?t even know what is about this Hot Coffee mod... but I don?t care. A country can even ban Heidi and that would be anyway an extremely silly reason to hate it.I think Australia is a great country by the way... I haven?t been there but I have friends who have been living there for a few months and they were very happy with their living there.
  9. Aw, good. I was afraid it was something like the Kursk second part.
  10. Simply be yourself. But take care that "yourself" has some good habits. Anyway if a girl needs you to impress her by doing stupid things that you usually don?t do... go find another, because she doesn?t love you... she wants you to be the kind of boy that she wants... but you?re not. Errr... I?m lost.
  11. As long as Linux keep their free and colaborational spirit, there?s no reason why people should hate them (well, maybe Bill Gates) and start attacking linux users. So I think Linux is very safe. Macintosh also... there aren?t too much users of Mac in comparison to Windows users so I suppose it?s more "productive" to make viruses and things like that for Windows. Microsoft policies suck and windows has a lot of bugs, which makes it the best target.
  12. It?s a good medical advance but I don?t think that the face-to-face with a doctor can be replaced by something like a videoconference and a machine.
  13. Very interesting. I thought the tutorial was really good (I still think it) but the link to the explanation to do the same effect without images it?s impressive!I think I?ll learn some CSS with time and nice people like you.
  14. WoW! Google Moon exists Incredible, I didn?t know that!Another reason to choose Google err... universe?
  15. A complete nonsense. Why use only a few pixels when you can make it easier and more attractive with the whole screen? It?s alright as a rarity but nothing more.
  16. Oh... I feel a little older in comparison to what people say here because my first computer was a MSX I don?t remember my age then (now I?m 24), I was a child but I used it a lot so I suppose it was mine also. It was strange times when you needed a tape (or cartridges) to load games.Later I had an Amiga 500 (such a great computer)... it had impressive games in a time when PCs had too poor graphics to play anything decent. I had a Pentium 120 and now I have an AMD and I don?t ever know the speed because now I don?t have too much time to play games... only need something to connect, navigate and download stuff.
  17. Some people say South Park is more adult-oriented maybe because their nasty talking and violence, but in fact it?s the most childish sense of humor. Yes, it?s crazy and it?s ok for a few chapters but it ends boring me. But I still like it.The Simpsons are more intelligent, sharper and definitely more sarcastic. I love that. People (children) in South Park say exactly what they think and it?s interesting that rude way, but I prefer the clever way that Simpsons avoid censorship issues by letting people catch the jokes without needing to say things too loud.I loved Futurama also...
  18. No matter if it?s a competitor of google maps or google earth. The fact is that Microsoft is once again, copying what their competitors do first and better. This is the main strategy since first Windows release, and here we have another "step" of microsoft, in this case behind google.The sad thing is that they are always victorious, I wish their luck changed.Things don?t have to be cool only... useful, reliable, (but not cool) could be adjectives that would fit MSN Virtual Earth if it were really a good and revolutionary tool.
  19. Tucows, Cnet, Sourceforge for open source community programs... and Softonic (this one not in english, sorry)
  20. Start with the basics. HTML is the best option. You can either try to learn it with a tutorial (as they said, there are millions on the Internet) and when you know the fundaments, try Dreamweaver. You can also try Dreamweaver first and then learn HTML but, although this is a easier way, you?ll assimilate the code better the other way. Frontpage it?s easier to use than DW but I would forget about it, because is a unnecessary step to me.I would forget by the moment any other things, specially if you are a noob :DMy advice, don?t desperate... sometimes it requires a lot of patience to understand why things happen when you write codes (even HTML which is realtively easy). Good luck!
  21. Of these above I suppose Pulp Fiction... you?ll see I don?t like classic music too much I love Lost Highways?s soundtrack and almost all Badalamenti scores. I also love Magnolia?s OST.
  22. Interesting. I didn?t know that four was the point... always though it was 0 when your account can be suspended.Anyway I don?t think I?m going to spend too much time abroad these holidays so I suppose I will have more time to post than the rest of the year. For me getting 30 is almost impossible... it?s not that I post only for credits but it?s hard to post in a language that is not yours. Have you ever thought of setting up an spanish (my case) or french subforums?
  23. Really useful. I?ve downloaded the script and I hope I can make it work. People who hotlink is very annoying (although I have to admit that I have done it several times in the past, ).Thanks!
  24. Congratulations Joer. You can be sure Xisto is a great hosting. I also tried a lot of free hostings in the past and they were unstable, slow, full of ads, without any support, without php, without cpanel... I?m sure Xisto is the best offer I know.You look very happy and anxious to upload your website, ?could you tell us what it is about?
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