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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. It seems like Eminem invented hip-hop... I don?t understand that obsession, their songs are always the same... he must progress a little.Anyway, I don?t like that kind of mainstream rappers that we were talking about. Sometimes you can?t say which are mainstream and which not but in general I don?t like "rappers" who obviously say that they make hip-hop and when you heard their music it appears to be *BLEEP* r?n?b of the worst kind.
  2. I hate them also... what?s the use in seeing about 20 times how perfect your abdominals would be if you use a stupid machine that looks as if it was done by my little brother? And that with these you will get a lot of more stupid presents if you call now (but, when is now if the commercial is almost each night?).Outside the US is worst because we have to see in that commercials supposed "stars" that we don?t even know their faces xD Of course we can turn off the TV... but if we don?t complain then this subforum would be useless
  3. Well, I started playing Role Playing Games in the Supernes (Superfamicom) era. I tried Zelda and some Final Fantasies that were really good but the game I liked the most was Secret Of Mana, incredible two player RPG!! For me, could be the best of all times, despite the high level of graphics that RPGs actually have.In PC I think Baldur?s Gate is a very good adaptation of D&D worlds... Dungeon Siege is good also, but I have a special affection for Icewind Dale, don?t ask me why.
  4. Surrealist, indeed. It can be an evidence of how wise some teachers are... Really it sounds like fiction or an urban tale but you know that reality often overcomes reality. Not only that teacher is stupid... also the one who has to take charge of the school... the headmaster or whatever.
  5. I?m afraid I am very lazy for doing exercise. The only sport I do is the one related to dayly work and studies, etc. Maybe a football match once a month and some swimming, but only in summer time. I don?t like gyms.
  6. I?ve never tried Opera but people usually say that is better than Mozilla. I never received any reason why I find Mozilla a very handy browser... the tabs feature is really good (don?t know if Opera has it) and anyway, I think we have to be united using one browser as a real alternative to Explorer monopoly. For that reason, I choose Mozilla which has a bigger community of users.
  7. Sprnknwn


    Most of us (I suppose) live in a christian atmosphere. Not in our families but most countries in occident are mainly christian, although they consider agnostic or whatever. As I have to tollerate the Church telling people what to do with abort, condoms, homosexuals, etc. which annoys me... I think that I have the right to benefit from the good things, as holidays... so it?s alright to enjoy Christmas without being christian. I don?t celebrate the birth of Christ... only free time to spend with family and friends.
  8. I think that the better point of Ipods are their attractive design because as said... you can listen to music anywhere with another mp3 player, discman or flash memory... and anyway it will be cheaper than an ipod. Fashionable but I?m not sure that has a very good relation price-quality.
  9. arrrrrfffff what delicious meals...I only wish it was time to eat... this hole in my stomach...
  10. Supposing that you have your website or part of it already done, only go to the FTP, login, wait a second and as said above and put into the folder "www" your files. The file that will appear when somebody enters in your website should be alled index.htmGood luck... and take it with calm.
  11. I don?t know which is the best bittorrent client. I?ve only installed Azureus... bacause of his Java platform and I didn?t had any problem so I don?t think about changing to another... Anyway, I don?t think Bittornado could reach faster speeds with my connection and Azureus is very easy.
  12. Sprnknwn


    I don?t worry about pops since I have Mozilla Firefox... and I don?t understand the reason why people still worries... if you don?t see, they don?t exist
  13. I had first 5kb... then I upgraded to DSL 128kb... and due to one great offer that one company launched of 1 mb, mine raised to 512 download, but 128 upload... which is more or less the standard DSL now here (Spain).Fast, but anyway not too estable. I wanted to change to cable.
  14. I had the terrible luck to see th Fred Dursts?s porn video derivated from paris Hilton?s mobile account and... arrggghhhh.I need to recover, but it?s so hard.
  15. I like skating very much. I love the spirit of this sport... that freedom as you said and also like the hardcore philosophy that supports it sometimes. I think it?s a good street discipline.For all this, I hate being so clumsy... but I still admire people that get awesome acrobacies with the board.
  16. I haven?t neither play the second part, but the first was really good. And I?m not a big fan of driving games.Anyway, the music it?s very good.
  17. Sprnknwn


    I suppose that is an interesting post not from the point of view of the theology but it?s funny literature We have to learn to laugh at everything and religions are into that "everything".
  18. Of course, must be aliens ot there... apart from the ones that live on Earth As someone said... I?m not very good at astronomy but there are lots and lots of galaxies, stars, planets, etc. along the universe adn what can make us special enough to say that we are the only life form here? I think that some day, the human race will find and contact with alien species but probably they?ll be totally different to our stereotypes about them. Green dudes with big black eyes? I don?t think so... The great question is if they will de able to think like humans or will have a basic brain structure like some animals...
  19. I think there?s not a global meaning. Each one of us, with our decisions and way of life have to make that sense... of course all these individual "meanings" are linked but we have to choose. I don?t believe in God or fate, so there isn?t a meaning of life before we come here. We make it, try to make it, or not. Probably if we think too much about it, we?ll go crazy... so better not worrying
  20. I live in Spain and sometimes I think about living in the north of Europe. I think that they have a better level of culture and are societies more opne-minded than here. But then, I think of the weather... and well, I love the beach and the sea so I don?t know if I would be able to spend more than one year in Germany, Denmark or Sweeden. Too cold there, you know.Maybe Australia it?s a better place for living... less stressing I think.
  21. I will talk only about alive ones.Danny Carey (Tool)Matt Cameron (Soundgarden, Pearl Jam)Dave Grohl (Scream, Nirvana, appears also in QOTSA, Killing Joke and NIN?s records) You just have to hear "Songs For The Deaf". Awesome drums in that albumMike Portnoy (Dream Theater) I don?t like their style too much but all brilliant instrumentists.Dave Lombardo (Slayer, Fant?mas) The best thrash metal drummerJohn Dolmayan (SOAD) Corey Taylor (Slipknot)Travis Barker (Blink182, Transplants) Probably the best melodic punk drummer nowadays.and two new surprises for me, drummers of Isis (Cliff Meyer) and Mastodon (Brann Dailor).
  22. What I like the most is the hosting. I think the offer is incredible... I don?t know if the best in Internet but the best I?ve seen for sure. I?ve been in a lot of servers and my visitors got tired of continuous server-downs. So, I?m not gonna be cynical, what I like the most is the great HOSTING. Anyway I?m a recent member and I?m starting my life in this community (looks very friendly) and I don?t know much about Opaque yet, so maybe my opinion will change in a couple of weeks. I just wanna say thanks to everybody that makes Xisto possible.
  23. I think they were a good band. Not like the Ramones, Bad Religion, Weezer or Green Day but still better than Sum41s, Simpleplans, Goodcharlottes, etc.They were funny...At least... an awesome drummer Travis Barker even asked to join Slayer on a tour.
  24. QOTSA is one of my favourite bands right now and his new record is (or will be), again one of the best of the year. I wanted more Lanegan?s songs but it still allright.The 3 songs that I?ve heard from the new album of NIN are great too, more rock, less industrial, but the single Cigaro of SOAD has dissapointed me a little.I suppose that Tool won?t have new record till 2006.By the way, the kind of website I want to build in this server is about alternative music (mainly rock, but other genres also) and this bands will be much appreciated. Anyway it will be in spanish so most of you won?t understand too much Sorry.
  25. I use WS_FTP I only have tried this and CuteFTP and WS looks far more easy and plain. I don?t need more features... so it works good for me.
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