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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. Amazing, awesome there are no words in the dictionary. I wish I could have a nice dinner while manta rays, medussas and other fishes swim around. The only problem is that I don?t think I could eat anything in such espectacular environment. Beautiful but expensive and I suppose that is an intromission in those animal?s habitat... it?s beautiful but I?m not sure if it's really good.
  2. The third is completely awesome. I love it. The first is great also with tah comic-style plane and the second is the one that I like less, but it still very good.First: 7.5 (I agree, the font doesn?t fit too much)Second: 6.5Third: 9Really good work!
  3. Amazing tool! Google has made its best once again. And for free.I just wish it will increase in locations and quality so we can get to every place in the world with just a few clicks. Instedad of using Internet as an alternative to real world, with this ting we can discover the planet. Travelling will be much more easy.
  4. I also don?t know what are that folders for... but I suppose they?re irrelevant unless you want to make a very sophisticated website. In fact, I only use www/public_html to upload my files. And mysql, of course.Anyway it would be good to know what are vti_bin and _vti_log for.
  5. In my opinion mods are doing very well. I think it?s extremely difficult to control all the board... there are lots of subforums and people posting in the wrong place, etc. But this doesn?t seem to be a problem with moderators. I see warnings, closed posts and they hardly show any prepotence in their work. They are very kind, indeed. And we have to keep in mind that they aren?t given anything for keeping this working.
  6. When you grow up in an evironment where people believes (or so they say) in God and tell him their problems, etc. it?s very easy to think that there?s someone there.I?m not christian, I?m not of any religion but sometimes when things go really wrong I can?t help talking mentally to God. Of course I realize at the next moment that I?m being stupid but don?t know it?s like... a convention or something. But I have to admit that I don?t give unconscious thanks to God when things go well, whic leads me to think that most people only believe in God and pray him in order to get something.So... faith or interest?
  7. Hate is neccessary. I mean, you can pretend to love everyone, but even the hippiest hippie hate someone or something.You hate your boss, you hate politicians, you hate the police, the government, authority, actors, trends... sometimes even you hate your friends or your lovers... hate is in the nature of the human being as much as love is. So I think it?s very important.
  8. I agree with dinasty... maybe it?s that we are growing old but I would rather play a supernintendo now better than a gamecube. Now most of the games are filled with impressive graphics but they haven?t anything original or something that makes really addictive to play them.In fact, I like the thing that the new generation of consoles will be able to run old-plattform games... even old cartridges!!! Amazing!If i have to choose... PC, of course.
  9. If Moral fibre is the same as integrity, for me it?s to act the same way you think, which is not easy at all in some periods of your life. Because the moral is not an universal concept, each society and each person has his own ethical rules.But I?ve never heard of the term "moral fibre" anyway
  10. It depends on the things that you do to control the connections in and out of your computer. With a router, only with certain neccessary ports open a firewall and a good antivirus that actualizes periodically... you shouldn?t have too much problems with viruses.In Windows XP I?ve had some worms... transmitted by e-mail (outlook) but I was able to dettect and erase V before they could do any harm.
  11. Very very sad. All we can do is trying to continue with our lives... it?s hard even when you are far away from there. We suffered something similar in Spain last year and it?s frustrating.Lets hope the dead numbers don?t raise too much in the next hours, there are lots of people in hospitals.
  12. I don?t know if I like your music because I don?t know how you sound. Any style or a list of reference bands would be appreciated.The lyrics are good. It?s not my intention to underate your work but they doesn?t seem so deep (and they?re not very mad). Basically looks like the same old love contradiction... like "I want but I can?t... it?s no so easy, etc". Probably I?m wrong. Anyway I think I need music to feel it.
  13. Well, if there?s anyone who still hasn?t got a google account, send me a private message also. I have 50 in each account, so 100.
  14. Good tutorial... I knew it and I tried. The lightnings look pretty good, but it?s very difficult to get what you really want, for example an specific direction of the lightning, etc. I don?t know how to make it with brushes
  15. Halo 2 as well but I prefer Incubus to Breaking Benjamin
  16. Well, is not something new the probable fact that we will have some kind of microchip inside us... just to be detected everywhere and who knows... maybe some more with years. It?s an awful idea but sadly I think it will be obligatory in the future to be a citizen... just like carrying a ID. It sounds apocalyptic yes, because it is And worst of all, it will work with microsoft technology. Sure we will go crazy. I will commit suicide before this happens
  17. Well, I started discovering the possibilities of making a website in... 1998 I think, I didn?t have even 56 kbps at home so I spent lots of hours browsing webs at University. I have to say that I?m Journalist so, don?t know maybe I?m supposed to be more interested in contents than in design.Soon I started building my own music website in the University... I made a few htmls with Frontpage at home which seemed very easy and Word-alike and transferred it at the faculty. So I try a lot of annoying free webhostings, slow, without FTP and with big banners and popups... I don?t miss those times Later, as my interest growed I found myself doing a few graphic-design and web-design studies and learnt to use Dreamweaver, pure html, some css and Flash. And with some help with friends I got into a bit of php and stuff like that. But once you know some basics, you can improve with those tons of tutorials that wise and sharing people puts to our disposition. Now I would like to try a lot of things in websites but I haven?t got enough time.
  18. It?s really good to have a computer in your room, as long as it is your personal computer and nobody else uses it. We have to admit it... porn is important in that but there are a lot of webs that you can visit and you won?t tell anybody... so you don?t want anybody to know. If somebody else uses your computer you have to be constantly erasing folders like Recent Docs, Temp, History, be careful with cookies etc. I use to download lots of porn years ago... and you can go insane if someone else has acces to the same computer. Anyway if you can?t control the time you spend on the computer, it?s not a good idea to have it in you room. You can spend whole nights surfing and that?s not too healthy... you can became totally unsocial. Another thing, although improbable, is that if you sleep with the computer on, imagine that there?s an energy crash and something starts to burn on your computer while you sleep deeply... risky uh? Be aware of electric storms
  19. Friday... you know, Saturday is alright and on Sunday you start to think about the new week and it?s not the same. But on Fridays is when you finish your school/work and you feel totally free to do what you want... You even go to work/school thinking about your plans for the weekend and it?s a happier day.
  20. Of course they are useless if you don?t buy what they offer... but for me the 99% of TV advertisements are useless too. And that doesn?t mean that they don?t work.I use to prefer banners but now that we can block pop ups... let the popups be I don?t care, I don?t see them.
  21. The LAYER tag only uses absolute positioning so you aren't gonna be able to make it move with the rest of the content.As long as LAYER hasn?t the position attribute, if you want to use something that works like LAYER, and you want a relative positioning, try ILAYER instead.<LAYER TOP="20" LEFT="20" WIDTH="250" Z-INDEX="3"> <img src="alvarez1.jpg"></LAYER>Another option is using DIV and use relative positon, something like this, I think.<DIV STYLE="position: absolute; top:20px; left:20px; width:100px; z-index=1;"> <img src="image.jpg"></DIV>Layers are complicated, hope you?ll find the way to do it
  22. I suppose we have to make some distinction between webmails and the others. I use Microsoft Outlooks to open my lycos accounts, but I?m thinking in changing to Mozilla Thunderbird.In webmails, I hate hotmail, and love yahoo... very fast. I use gmail also, and it?s alright because of the great capacity.
  23. yes, use PHP, better for your money.The difference it?s said. ASP is the one from Microsoft, to use in IIS servers (which are not free) and PHP is free and you have to use it on Apache servers (which ARE free). I only know a little PHP but as far as I know, has the same difficulty as ASP, and when you learn one of these, it?s very easy to assimilate the other, but you can find a lot more help and tutorials about PHP on the net. So, obviousily PHP is more popular.
  24. That?s true... and that?s the big problem of Internet. You can have lots of good contents but if you don?t have links in popular sites (somthing difficult as long your website isn?t corporative and probably small if you carry it alone) or pay directly to be in the first positions, people won?t find you although you offer what they want.
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