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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. Yes, Planeshift is free. A subtitle says "Planeshift is and always will be free" and well... I hope so But if you?re looking something like Comand and Conquer I don?t think this is your game. It?s a fantasy RPG you know with humans, elves, dwarves and some other weird races. I don?t know Strong Hold 2, sorry. But, PS is more roleplaying oriented than strategic.
  2. You have been chatting here about Anarchy and Guild Wars. Well, I didn´t know them (I´ll check them) but here is the one I like; Planeshift. Anyone knows it? Planeshift is an RPG 3D online game. I think it´s similar to Everquest and that kind of games (which are usually paying). But PS is free and it is created by users (if you know to make polygons, textures, maps and things like that you can help to develope it. If you don´t, just play and tell what would you change to make it better). It´s available at least in Windows and Linux and I´m amazed of the minimal resources that it spends. I play it with Azureus on and the speed goes well. The fact is that the game is still far from being completed. I don´t even know when a game of this kind is supposed to be completely finished. Now there´s a large city, a temple, an arena, a death realm, sewers, a little forest... and the roleplaying is supposed to be increased with time. You can train all your abilities and earn money not only killing enemies and doing quests, but also mining (which is a very original concept in an rpg). So the posibilities are wide open. It´s like beta testing but it´s enjoying and I´m addicted to it. By the way if you try it, my name there is Gonaruj Kereth. Greet me if you find me Do you know of other rpg games online which are free? Apart from the two mentioned, sure. I would like to know more. Some links: Official Site http://www.planeshift.it/ Official Forums http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. Sprnknwn

    Nin Fan?

    I like Nine Inch Nails and Trent Reznor is a genious, but I find With Teeth a bit dissapointing though. My favourite album is The Fragile because it?s a complex and emotional trip. And Downward Spiral and Broken because they have lots of visceral rage.But this new is more public oriented... more singles, more unoffensive... it?s a great album from the technical perpective but i find it their weaker one in compositions. And its a great work anyway. Strange posture mine.
  4. I agree with that. Change the background of the site, not the colour in which the images are loaded. I would try to make the menu more visible, and enlarge the zone of the mouseover.Very stylish anyway. God job, I?ll wait for the portfolio.
  5. It?s a great job and your school building is very nice.
  6. Sprnknwn


    I suggest you to try to think about your posts before posting some middle-aged sexual role cliches. You know, I hate everyone when act stupid. And of course, people are in places for more things apart from following directions. What you say, also happens with people of the same sex. When a friend dissapoints you and has no idea of what he has done wrong.Anyway, it seems that you and "your" woman don?t have a very good communication.
  7. Yes, that also happens to me. Sometimes I live a situation and it?s like a call to my brain saying "You have seen/lived this before, haven?t you?". Then I try to think seriously about the time when this happened before and I realize that I am sure I have never been there or I have never seen that person before. So... it was a dream that I had before. Of course I?m totally esceptic with these things but we don?t know... there are too much things about dreams and how they are created that we still don?t know...
  8. The Simpons of course. And Futurama. Talking about more childish cartoons I choose The Flinstones or the Roadrunner.
  9. I prefer Halo 2 but maybe if Quake 3 weren?t so simple and net-oriented, I would choose Quake 3 because I?m a big fan of Quake series and ID Software.
  10. I find the navigation buttons too big and besides, hard to read like they said.I would make darker the grid in the background to make the contrast lower.And at last, unify the characters (you are expected, what do you seek?, countdown, all content...) with if not the same size at least the same font.Only my oppinions. Anyway you?ve done a great work!
  11. Dial-up is really annoying but you get used to it. When I had it everything was slow and yes... everybody would like to have the best internet speed, but everybody wants lots of money, a great car and a house by the beach but it?s not possible.Now I have 512 kbps DSL and I still complain abut it because it isn?t 512 in fact (the speed is nearer to a 300 one). Now the company says that they?re going to duplicate it (so 1 mb, in theory) but Im sure I will find something to complain about. P2p always can work faster.
  12. Although I?m a great detractor of Microsoft itself, I must admit that they have (finally) released a good OS, stable and user-friendly at the same time. But I?m not very sure if it?s a safe system... you know there are constantly patches for detected security issues.
  13. It?s not the best game ever but I?m getting addicted with that RPG online free game called Planeshift. In fact I?m always killing rats, I don?t know why I get addicted... I suppose I have too litle force of will.
  14. I can?t understand why people are always disturbing other people about religion... I mean, you can believe in God and you can believe in Pokemons if you want, I don?t care about it, and I won?t criticise that fact. But if you are so religious, ?what about showing a little respect about other people? If I want you to come to my house and try to convert me to anything, i?d put a message in my door saying "Fanatics are welcome" It?s only a joke, sorry. What I mean is that each person is different and as long as religion and beliefs are something so deep of each other we should not ask about it, judge for it or try to convince about it. We?re not in the colonial era, are we? We are all rational people with enough intelligence to choose by ourselves.
  15. Well, it is interesting. I use gmail right now and also yahoo... I prefer Gmail because their space offer is the best (talking about reliable mail services) but maybe if Yahoo gets to one Giga without connectivuty problems, it would be better than Gmail. I?m finding some problems to enter my Gmail account sometimes.Also, any improvement in spam detection is always welcome.
  16. I thought Soulseek was free of spyware... that?s what I use most. I also use Azureus and Emule.Things are going dangerous lately... maybe I?ll have to try ShareazaHow about DC+? Has spyware?
  17. Well... I don?t like popups... ok, in fac, I HATE popups but like someone said I suppose they are necessary if we want some contents on the Internet, especially professional contents. They are annoying, yes, and a time ago the were really one of the Internet?s cancers, but since pop-ups blockers have been released I don?t care about them. I use Mozilla Firefox so, I forgot about pop-ups several months ago, you should do the same and for sure that most of you already do
  18. Yes, for example I think I have only one reputation point. It was given to me by a user whose question I answered (i?m not so wise to answer too much questions, hehe). So whenever you ask for something or want some help in the forum and someone gives you a good and useful reply, you can give him a reputation point explaining why do you give it.I think that?s how it works but I could be wrong.
  19. I don?t like that javascrip counter at the bottom of the page. But for the rest I found it attractive to the sight.Good work!
  20. Music is very important in my life. I am always listening music (if I can). At home in the computer or the hi-fi, when I travel by car, when I go out with a discman or and mp3... walking, in the bus, train, underground... doesn?t matter.I listen mainly alternative rock but I like lots of genres... in fact, except the highly commercial pop and r?n?b, and irrelevant dance-oriented techno, I think I like or at least respect everything.Music has a strong influence in me... a song from Weezer can make me happy when I?m sad, one from Sepultura can awake me when I?m tired, one from Stooges can give me strength, one from Nirvana can make me feel nostalgic and one from Nick Cave can make me think... I love songs that make me think. I have records for different ocassions, you know. For a rainy cold day at home in winter, for example Beck?s Sea Change, for a sunday morning whatever from the first era of the Ramones, for a depressed time, Alice In Chains? Dirt, for a soft drug session Welcome to the Sky Valley of Kyuss, for a little paranoia Confussion is Sex of Sonic Youth, etc.As the 90% of the music that I hear is in english, it?s also good for me because it helps me to learn the language further, although sometimes when you realize that one of your favourite artists only says nonsenses, it?s hard.
  21. Mmmm... I like trains very much. Underground for cities but I love train for long distances. It?s not that I don?t like planes, but they are always late... and you spend lots of time before taking flight. I also find boats exciting, but more for a pleasure travel than other thing.Anyway, I like to go short distances by foot as long as I can and have time... which unfortunately is not very often.
  22. Yeah... it stopped. Anyway, it?s a great amount of space what they offer... but I think it will increase with the use.I thought it were the best when we had only one Giga... now it?s getting incredible.
  23. I can?t talk about one movie as THE BEST... because there are too much genres... it?s better the best humor film that you know or the best drama? Difficult.I?d say titles like Lost Highway, Blade Runner, Pulp Fiction, Taxi Driver, Breaking The Waves, Dogville, American Beauty, Clerks, Alien, almost everything from Chaplin... can?t choose only one, sorry.
  24. Mmm... I haven?t check too much strange flavours... I prefer classics; strawberry, chocolate, vanilla...
  25. I have an old Sony-Ericsson T100. It hasn?t the multimedia functions that mobile phones have today but, hey, it?s little enough and I don?t use it for more than a few calls and text messages. I?m happy with it although sometimes I wish to have one that takes photos.
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