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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. Hello and welcome to our humble community lotrfan It's hard to obtain hosting, once you've made about 5 to 7 good posts then you can request it.I'll look forward to seeing your posts around the forums. Make quality posts and abide the rules and you'll gain respect.
  2. I hate to sound disrespectful but why bother? They know that after the service someone will come along will clear it up for them. If you stop cleaning up after them for a month or so and they return with last month's rubbish they'll soon learn. Trust me. In a funny way, rubbish collectors cause more rubbish than they collect.
  3. Sorry for double posting but I've found the answer This code will show you how to put an image (maybe a piece of flash, haven't tested it yet, into the middle of the page) <table align="center" height="100%" width="100%"><tr><td valign="middle" align="center"><img src="img.jpg" alt=""></td></tr></table> It's the best I can come up with and it works. If this isn't what you wanted please say...
  4. If this is what you mean then no objections over here, although it may be an idea to tell the user's what you did (so they don't think they've been hacked) Here's the code to maximize the window: <script language="javascipt" type="text/javascript">self.moveTo(0,0);self.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight);</script> Here's an explaination of the code: self.moveTo(0,0); - Moves the window to the top left land corner (x=0,y=0) self.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight); - Tells javascript to resize the window to the available screen width and height. And yes you can adapt this code: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">self.moveTo(0,0);self.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight/2);</script> The above will make the window fill up the top-left quarter of the screen. <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">self.moveTo(0,0);self.resizeTo(screen.availWidth/2,screen.availHeight/2);</script> ... And this the top half What do you mean by element? An image for example. If you do I'll get back to you on it
  5. Here's the new script. <?php/************************************************************************//* PHP-NUKE: Advanced Content Management System *//* ============================================ *//* *//* Copyright (c) 2002 by Francisco Burzi *//* http://phpnuke.org *//* *//* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify *//* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *//* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *//************************************************************************/if (eregi("footer.php",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { Header("Location: index.php"); die();}$footer = 1;function footmsg() { global $foot1, $foot2, $foot3, $copyright, $total_time, $start_time; $mtime = microtime(); $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $end_time = $mtime; $total_time = ($end_time - $start_time); $total_time = ""._PAGEGENERATION." ".substr($total_time,0,4)." "._SECONDS.""; echo "<font class=\"footmsg\">\n"; if ($foot1 != "") { echo "$foot1<br>\n"; } if ($foot2 != "") { echo "$foot2<br>\n"; } if ($foot3 != "") { echo "$foot3<br>\n"; } // DO NOT REMOVE THE FOLLOWING COPYRIGHT LINE. YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO REMOVE NOR EDIT THIS. // IF YOU REALLY NEED TO REMOVE IT AND HAVE MY WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION CHECK: http://phpnuke.org/modules.php?name=Commercial_License // PLAY FAIR AND SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT, PLEASE! echo "$copyright<br>$total_time<br>\n</font>\n";}function foot() { global $prefix, $user_prefix, $db, $index, $user, $cookie, $storynum, $user, $cookie, $Default_Theme, $foot1, $foot2, $foot3, $foot4, $home, $module, $name; if ($home == 1) { blocks(Down); } if ($module == 1 AND file_exists("modules/$name/copyright.php")) { $cpname = ereg_replace("_", " ", $name); echo "<div align=\"right\"><a href=\"javascript:openwindow()\">$cpname ©</a></div>"; } if ($module == 1 AND file_exists("modules/$name/admin/panel.php")) { echo "<br>"; OpenTable(); include("modules/$name/admin/panel.php"); CloseTable(); } themefooter(); echo "</body>\n"; echo "<!-- Clicksor.com Advertising Code Begin --><script type='text/javascript'><!--clicksor_layer_border_color = '#B4D0DC';clicksor_layer_ad_bg = '#ECF8FF';clicksor_layer_ad_link_color = '#0000CC';clicksor_layer_ad_text_color = '#000000';clicksor_text_link_bg = '';clicksor_text_link_color = '#000FFF';clicksor_enable_pop = false;//--></script><script type='text/javascript' src='http://ads.clicksor.com/clicksor.php?pid=11273&sid=20461'></script><!-- Clicksor.com Advertising Code End --> ";echo "</html>"; die();}foot();?> This should work...
  6. Welcome kakingho,It doesn't matter much, just remember to read the pinned topics next time I'm sure you'll get enough credits soon. I like your avator btw, did you create it yourself?Have a nice stay at Xisto and I hope you'll become an active and creditable member.
  7. Let's go through the good and bad points about the page... Positives GraphicsI like the graphics on this site and they're fast to load which is a combination which is not achieved on many sites The ButtonsWhen you put your mouseover the Xisto button it moves down. That's a great effect, make all your buttons do that. Well, I think that's it for now. Going onto the negatives... Negatives Splash PageIf there's one thing I can't see the point of in designing and that's having a splash page. What's the point in clicking two links to get to your site? ShoutboxI don't mind shoutboxes but your's seems misplaced. It looks too much like it's there to fill up the space.It belongs on the right-hand side of the page. Google SearchSame as the shoutbox except it belongs right at the bottom. Navigational ButtonsWhen you click on your site's navigational buttons and the submenu comes up: It comes up in a funny place. I personally think that the menu should come up under the buttons instead of the left column It may be my eyes but I find it really hard to read the text. Don't make it bold
  8. Erm so whose do I rate then? I'll rate Saint-Michael's. It's looks OK but I think the thing in the middle sticks out too much (7.5/10) I won't create one especially so here's one I made earlier Pool Balls - 23rd June 2005
  9. It means that it cannot find the file or directory and I think I know why. Try this fix: Open case.php Go to line 77 and there there should be a filename Try changing modules/NukeLadder/admin/index.php to /home/berkolli/public_html/modules/NukeLadder/admin/index.php If see modules/NukeLadder/admin/index.php again on line 77 change this aswell. Try doing this but remember to back-up your files
  10. Thanks for all the fast comments guys . Now to answer to a few questions and comments: Because it's fun And that's not the only one I've done. I can do php through .html, html through .log aswell A ie user I presume. I think some of the firefoxies complained because the layout was mucked up Like using javascript to swapimages. I could easily adjust the hue for the buttons and do that. Thanks for that comment Hehe I fixed that now. Misplaced forwardslash Well at least the error messages work Oh well. Keep 'em coming guys and btw I know there are 404 errors everywhere which is why I asked you to comment on the design not the content
  11. Hear ye, hear ye! I have a new site for you to rate, my third attempt at creating a decent website. Here it is ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ). Probably my best. The only site where all the pages validate as html and css --------------------------------------------------------- If you've never seen a site created by me before, cover your eyes and click on these links to some previous sites. (Please don't rate these): http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ <-- My browser stallls when I visit this one -------------------------------------------------------- Anyhoo back on topic what are your thoughts and comments on the design of this site?
  12. It looks like a case of notsearchingtheforumsitis From post number: 161652 Notice from Johnny: Fixed the link. So there we are, just wait for 48 hours and the problem will be solved.
  13. I like the fact that it's here. I'll be able to visit the Olympics The millenium dome was (apparently) a crappy dome shaped building and had some science exhibits in it. It's deserted now because it's not the year 2000. Other millenium creations include the London Eye and the Millenium Bridge I bet they will. If they can successfully plant a bomb and blow up the stadium then they'll be no 2012 olympics and that will be embarassing for us.
  14. Thanks. I sent the script up to hotscripts several hours back now. Just awaiting their confirmation
  15. Hiding The Real URL To Your Images Using php to protect the real url to your images In this tutorial I will explain how you can easily hide the real .gif or .jpg url to your images by masking it with php. This is not hard to do. A basic amount of php knowledge is required for this tutorial. Note: This will not protect your images for content robbers. 1. Create a new php file and save it as img.php in the public_html directory 2. Add the following code to img.php. All important notes and information are explained in the remming. <?$ext = $_REQUEST["type"]; $filename = $_REQUEST["fl"];/* $img is the directory where all your images are stored */$img = "images/"; /* Firstly let's see if the variables have information in them */if (!$ext) { echo "Could not find appropiate information";exit;} if (!$filename) { echo "Could not find appropiate information";exit;}if (!$img) { echo "Could not find appropiate information";exit;}/* Extensions should be shown as numbers in the url for good protection. We will now redefine $ext matching the appropiate number from requested variable "type" */if ($ext == 1) { $ext = "jpg";} else if ($ext == 2) { $ext = "gif";} else if ($ext == 3) { $ext = "png";}/* The filename is not shown as numbers so we now have the "ingredients" needed to show the image. Now lets see if the image exists */if (!file_exists($img . $filename . "." . $ext)) { echo "Could not find image";exit;}/* Now lets show the image. This is just a simple include statement */include $img . $filename . "." . $ext;?> 3. Change the image urls on your webpages to look like the following <img src="/img.php?fl=filename&type=1" alt="Image"> If you want to download the code, attached is a text file displaying all of this. And that's really all there is to it. Enjoy your php images
  16. Well my name is Matthew which someone once told me meant "Gift from God" which is a nice meaning Lol, it would be funny if someone's name had an insulting meaning
  17. Hello and welcome branaic ghost. I hope you have a good time here and enjoy yourself. There have been lost of interesting posts about what you can do with your computer so you'll probably enjoy it here.Hope you become an active contributor
  18. This makes me think it's love because the people who are learned are stereotyped into them only caring for their work and nothing else (thus showing showing no love for others) But that was the first thing that came answer that came to my head so I voted for that but if you think about it there are other things on the list which could well be the meaning. The meaning is not known and forever should be kept that way (unless you believe it's 52 )
  19. I got this problem just a few minutes ago and I've just fixed it. I'll don't how long it will last but it got me onto cpanel. All I did was to... Go to Tools Go to Internet Options Security Trusted Sites Move the slider up to Medium Click Sites Type In *.trap17.com Click Add OK then OK again Now try again.
  20. Yeah, but if they did they would abuse the privelge by posting a long spam post to get credits. Then they would delete it with no evidence left of them doing this but walk away with their credits.
  21. 3072MB is roughly 3MB which is what the program needs to run. This program would run but it's not the only program taking your virtual memory, they are tonnes of other system files which could be taken this up too. You need to increase your paging file. In XP, do the following: Right click on My Computer Select Properties Click on the Advanced tab Under Performance click Settings Click on the tab Advanced Under Virtual Memory click Change For the drive your running the setup file from change the initial amount to 3MB and the maximum amount to 6MB Click Set Click OK until all the windows have been closed down Now try running the setup files
  22. No, he wants to do this on Windows XP so that when you right click on your desktop an alert comes up saying something like The operator has cancelled this due to effects on the system administrator About your tutorial, is this what your after? To open the registry go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\regedt32.exe
  23. Try this with Windows XP SP2... Right click on your desktop Properties Appearance Under Windows And Buttons go to Windows XP Style Under Color Scheme click Default (blue) Click OK A please wait screen should come up and everything should be back to normal. Does this work?
  24. See full article over here ... I know sheep have a tendancy to follow their heard. It's instinctive for protection but I had no idea they would go to these kind of lengths! Surely they would sense the movement of the following sheep and stop? Obviously not. But it's not all funny. That family have lost $100,000 where the GNP per head is $2.7k. Over 35 years worth of earnings Comments welcome... Edit: Fixed link to news article.
  25. Yours is no worse than mine. I have leftover product keys, application error logs, broken icons and useless shortcuts that were placed automatically when programs installed. But there are still quite a few useful programs on there...
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