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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. Yes, but the limit goes up if you have a bigger package: Package 1: 500 mb b/w Package 2: 5000 mb b/w 500 mb is about 1/2 gb. 5000 mb is about 5 gb. That means users can open 5000 mb of your files per day if you have package 2. For more information on packages click here
  2. Congratulations on a good site with a clear and consistant layout :PWell done.
  3. Notepad is the best html editor - it's simple free and there's nothing to download or deliver. No, no, no. Good software, I suppose but after you install run a full system virus scan. It comes with a virus called "***** from hell" ***** represent some words I can't remember. Look after your PC, use notepad!
  4. Wow I'm 17 (in 5 years time) :(Welcome Iarkalwen.
  5. Over here I can choose on of the three OS { 98, XP HOME SP2, XP PRO } and because I've never really used 98 or XP PRO as in done much with it, I'd have to choose XP HOME for how comfortable and easy-to-use it is but I'm sure if I were to use XP PRO I'd prefer that
  6. Does anyone know if they can transfer all the files and databases' information to the new site so we can continue playing from where we left off?
  7. It's very good especially the way you made it on an image.
  8. Adsense is a where subscribe and you place some ads on your site and every time a user clicks on the ad you get paid money.Got to go
  9. That makes sense. A n00b is a newbie. newbie --shortened-----> newb ---respelled---> noob ---made fun of---> n00b I was once a n00b about yesterday to the word n00b and I bet you found that stupid n00bs are how people learn and if a n00b were to ask a question and someone gave an answer and in it made some points you did not know then you learned and then in that case you would've learnt something too! It has happened to me. And it's right. They're only trina learn.
  10. YES YES YES And every time they open an 2kb file they use up 2kb of bandwidthI think you've got it
  11. Yes. Post until the required hosting credits, 7 should be fine and then pm NilsC or another admin and see what happens.
  12. How does this fit into a what is? What is ... an "intelligent" shoe? What is ... a company that makes an "intelligent" shoe? Please tell me. It belongs not here if it doesn't!
  13. This may seem stupid, but what's a noob?
  14. That means your a fun person Welcome to the forums, if you get bored of posting you can play the army game which I never get bored of. Anyway. Have a good stay and stay active.
  15. Knowledge. Every has to know to get:[+] the current news[+] updated versions of a gadget[+] a new gadget[+] into a conversation[+] a job[+] moneyand other big things that effect our lives.Knowledge.
  16. Five and I never watch them - so I have no intention of buying any more. I know people, like you, with hundreds which just sit there and take up space. They can't watch them all
  17. $20 - $40 is about...?15 - ?30That much. It really depends how long it is aswell.
  18. I'm using Norton's popup and I can guarantee you it does Never one popup, popunder and barely an ad in site. How cleanly a page can load.
  19. Well I've eventaully finished the test:Disorder | RatingParanoid: HighSchizoid: ModerateSchizotypal: LowAntisocial: LowBorderline: LowHistrionic: LowNarcissistic: ModerateAvoidant: LowDependent: LowObsessive-Compulsive: LowI thought I'd post them and warn people it does take a bit of time to do.
  20. I was bullied from about yr4 - yr7. 3 years by 2 different groups. The first stopped and I started a fight with the "ring-leader" of the second who, fortuneately was the weakest. Now I'm in secondary school it's not a problem. The 2 people can't exactly call themselves Dr. Popluar infact one of the groups are 3 social outcasts who no-one really likes. Part of the second group are my friends and the only other member (who no-one really liked) hangs around with another class. No-one really bullies now they pick something about someone and will make a good joke of it for a week of two I know it's not harmful, I've been that person. Bullying would probably frowned upon now and everyone now has a strong stable group of friends to back them up. If there's one thing I learned is that teachers are there to teach and that's all they wanna do. I asked for years for help and none came except Walk away from them they just came back and then they wondered why we fought! (I swear when you train to become a teacher that's what you get instructed to say). There's not one who I asked who would've helped. I hate them, that they could leave me to fend for myself Reading these stories has been really - can't think of the word - enjoyable no - your not a loneing Unhappy days
  21. Another stupid thing i read was the text: [ This page has been intentionally left blank ] on a piece of paper which it hadn't obviously Can't people when a page is blank it's meant to be? We used to have an edit button? What happened?
  22. Just to correct you on your on your code there: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=page.htm"> A guide to the key points: refresh - tells the browser to refresh 5 - after 5 seconds page.htm - to the url page.htm Notice from snlildude87: Use tags for HTML codes
  23. Or Active Server Pages Which is what I use!Thanks for clearing it up.
  24. Nice introduction. I presume you will build on that and make the intro a link to your main site. Good Points: [+] Your background is simple. [+] You can see what your page is about as soon as you go on [+] Good use of graphics Things to think about: [+] Black text doesn't go on your background - change it to an off-white [+] 1/2MB image in the middle - safe it in a smaller size [+] PNG image in the middle - safe it as a different format. Older ie browsers don't support it very well. Points to note: When you're designing a website you should know what browsers your users are using and from that learn their weak and strong points and work out the code you should use from that. It's essential that almost every code can be run in almost every browser. I'm not saying update all your code every month, just write new code for the new statistics Mark: 8/10
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