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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. All my software let 2 popups through When I had ie it only let one in, but I had the google toolbar then. Oh well at least it let all the good popups through
  2. Yep, me. I've had it running on my site for about a month or so now. No problems with it. If you want to decrease the size of the script but still want it to remain just as functional as it was before, change: if (!$ext) {echo "Could not find appropiate information";exit;}if (!$filename) { echo "Could not find appropiate information";exit;}if (!$img) { echo "Could not find appropiate information";exit;} To... if (!$ext || !$filename || !$img) {echo "Could not find appropiate information";exit;}
  3. Actually, you can get any amount of credits per post. There is no minimum or maximum. 20mb is enough to build a site and have some room left over. Unless your hosting downloads or large graphics, 20mb should be fine. Most hosts only offer 10mb. Those which don't usually have ads. 500mb bandwidth is quite a bit aswell. If every hit (a hit is when someone visits your site) you get uses up 50kb of your bandwidth then 10,000 people can visit your site every month before it runs out. You don't have to post that much. If you come on and post once maybe twice a day, your credits will rise. Once you have enough credits, say 5 which is easy to get, you can start coming on every other day and still maintain your account. If it sounds hard, you will get the hang of it.
  4. Why not just use php.net? It's got pratically every function there is. It doesn't cost anything and I haven't seen their site go down once.
  5. I still for reluctant about using the transfer feature as it hasn't been announced I like the email address but we could use the pm system. The organizer would need the password and username for the email account but if we use pming it would be easier to track down and penalise spammers and find out the person who sent the answer.
  6. Sounds good When should we begin?
  7. Before you ask for scripts, please look around the forums (especially the how tos and programming languages) and check that one has not been done already. A register page, a login page, a secret page has all been done over here and the files can be downloaded as a zip. However a basic knowledge of php and mysql is required.
  8. Nice work. I especially like the top one and the one fourth from top :DYou got my vote.
  9. Consider Xisto - Web Hosting. Aswell as being inexpensive, it helps Xisto For $8.45 a month you get: 1GB space 30 GB b/w Latest CPANEL version Fantastico 2 Unlimited MYSQL databases Unlimited EMAIL accounts PHP 5.8.1 PHP 4.3.7 And more... Also there's no overture.
  10. Ooh, I didn't know about that! You'd think they would announce such a thing. Maybe with this, we could start that up. We may not need a seperate forum for this you could put in the entertainment forum, although the no post count may deter people from entering. One of other hand we could easily post this in General Talk. Looks like us members could start this up on our own then. I don't see how people could cheat, so now we've cut out the need for an admin. All we need now is 6 other people interesting in entering this event. We should make it so that only people with the status "Member Level 1" (50 posts) can enter. A list of the status' can be found here. Judging it on posts and not credits is easier to do as we can see post count but no credits, so ignore my suggestion on basing the entry requirements on that. However, the entry requirements may deter people from joining When the rules have been decided and such we should make a topic displaying them and try and get a moderator to pin it. I also think that we should wait until the transfer module is announced before we begin using it. Has it been announced, I was away for a few days so probably missed some things. Any suggestions/comments? Anyone else interested in entering?
  11. It's a nice idea and I like it but you have to find an admin interested in dealing with the credits because you can't transfer them. We have 3 admins - one's tempory, one's very busy at this moment. Again with the new forum, there has to be an admin you will accept your idea and create the forum. A good 90% of the active members here are hosted and if there not, they are planning to request hosting. If you want people joining, you're gonna have to eradicate that rule. Also, the whole point is to get quality posts. You could make 100 posts of complete c--p and you would still get in. Maybe make it 20 or 30 credits and 40 for those who are non-hosted, because their credits don't go down daily. Most people have around 30. You can't steal credits and once again you'd need an admin to track down that kind of activity. If people did find a way to steal credits and they used it, they would be immediately, permanently banned. It's a nice idea but unless an admin is willing to run it, it won't happen As most people, I'd join if it were.
  12. If you go to the frontpage and read what it says, especially the parts in green and you'll find out where your credits are. Go to the frontpage and scroll to the last forum on the page. Also, read all the pinned topics in the alerts news and announcements. Also, this shouldn't be here.
  13. Your credits go down 0.01 about every 15-20 minutes (which then adds up to 1 full credit loss per day) just like everyone else. Staying active just means you come on frequently (every day) to post. Make one quality post every day and gradually you're credits will rise until some day you will have so many you can stay off this site for a whole month and still have your hsoting.Being active does not invlove being on the site all day but perhaps everyday. It doesn't involve you looking for posts to reply in for hours, just finding one, replying well and then that's it.
  14. I don't like where the text is or its size. You should make it smaller and put it in a corner somewhere. Oh and change its font too.9/10
  15. Why not do one of both? One "This is the piece of work I'm most proud of..." and one "Here's one I made today....". Another way to ensure that the results aren't biased would make it so that so that you must give a reason for why you voted. Or (if you were actually doing a proper) poll, run the voting for this just like you would for battles. Make the voter state you he's voting for, why he's voting for who he is and the current score at the end.
  16. I like the one week idea. Anyone who would want to vote would "look" for the topic when it was announced. The people who vote later on stumble upon the topic by chance. I think we should have one or two rules for the work the candidates would do such as no names, no animation or things like that. On the other hand you could allow people to post names as long as it isn't their username on this website or Xisto, ipbgaming or antilost
  17. Very nice Frozen. I like it, although I think the banner at the top should be a bit of a darker blue. I think that's my only complaint....9.5/10
  18. Another, perhaps one of the main reasons why I quoted free was because it's included in the price of Windows, not free, but they just like to make out that it is
  19. There's tonnes online. Taken from: http://neopetscheats.org/ More cheats: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. So when you get a new program, you never look around it and find out what it can really do. Did you know that if you type google bla in the address bar it will run a google search for bla? I found out that by playing around with some of the features What moonwitch said. Also nothing microsoft makes is free - unless it doesn't work or is a trial version. And microsoftantispyware is beta. They will make you pay for it when it's done. Microsoft is a company which cares about sticking a price on unfinished products. I challenge you to find me some free, legal microsoft software which isn't in it's beta or trial stages.
  21. If I were to be honest, I never saw a popup or a popunder in either browsers. If you fiddled around with some of the options, you'd have found out you can turn that off. ( Tools --> Options --> Downloads ) Internet Explorer. But it comes "free" with Windows. I didn't say it was totally the webmaster's fault - just mainly. If he wants his visitors to stay he should build round them. If people like a browser which displays pages differently and I site wants visitors then the websites should change its design. Just like if a hacker discovers a new hole, then the browsers should change their code to keep their users. You can find out over here. IE6 users are at 68% and FF users are at 20%. I also forgot to add that FF loads surprising faster than IE. When I load it, there's no major scratching of the hard disk.
  22. I have a input box in a form called "button" and when the user clicks Submit! I want php to determine whether or not this is a url or just text.All urls have "http://forums.xisto.com/; in them so I have decided I need a script which can determine whether or not "http://forums.xisto.com/; is in a variable or a string. The problem with using strings is that I've never needed to use them before (and thus have no knowledge about them).When I was using asp, I knew there was a function called instr() but I can't find php's equivalent. Does anybody know?Thanks in advance!
  23. When I visit your website everything's fine, unlike before. The index page displays correcting and the directory /xoops/ displays fine too. Does this mean the problem's solved?
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