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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. I created an animation about this once Let's begin listing them shall we: It's free -- That's right ie costs, firefox doesn't. Not a penny. It's secure -- It's more secure than ie and it's holes get fixed within several weeks! How many months did ie have that security hole? Are we still waiting for the patch or has it arrived? It customizable It has themes, which can change the colour, look and feel of firefox. A bit like the themes Window's has - except better. It has extensions. Extra files you download to make firefox that little bit better. I have 3. Adblock, Google Suggest and CustomizeGoogle Tabbed Browsing Tired of having 5 windows open at once? Then use tabbed browsing and only have one window and 5 tabs open at the top. It cleaner and they're easier to switch between than windows. Community Firefox users make their own creations and don't leave it to mozilla. They actively help out by spreading the word and creating themes and such. Therefore, mozilla has this extra time to fix security holes and make the next edition of firefox better. That's it I think. But the one problem firefox has is that some pages don't show up correctly. Then again that's not firefox's problem, it's the designers fault. He's just lost 20% of he's customers through poor testing and creating. Companys are now realizing the value of firefox as a browser and are creating extensions for it. One good example would be the not quite new google toolbar for firefox and the aforementioned google suggest tool. But what pulled me to use firefox? In fact none of this - although this could probably be down to ie's marvellous security . I noticed that more and pages wouldn't load and instead they displayed the cannot find server error. That really p***ed me off. I found a solution and that was to add pages to my trusted sites. I didn't want to do that because of security reasons so I decided to download this fantastic browser called firefox. To my disbelief pages loaded and I've never used ie since
  2. No problems from this chair In fact I never had this problem. Maybe there's some kind of error in counting the credits with the some of the user accounts.
  3. Well this uses javascript and the code looks quite compucated. Here it is: <form name="jumpto"> <select name="here" onChange="window.location=document.jumpto.here.options[document.jumpto.here.selectedIndex].value"> <option value="/index.php">Home <option value="/forums/"> Forums <option value="/chat/"> Chat <option value="/about.php"> About </select></form> Pretty easy to work out. When you click on home it redirects you to the file /index.php and when you click on chat it redirects you to the directory /chat.
  4. Bingo! While fixing that error I also found that I didn't close and else right at the end of the document. Both triggered the error.Thanks for your help. It is much appreciated
  5. I am trying to create a file which send mail after a user has filled in the appropiate fields in a form. It checks to see whether the required fields are full, writes some mail headers and sends it. When I check to see if the code works, I get this error: The funny thing is that regardelss of how long I make the file, the file always appear on the final line, whether I leave it blank or just put ?>. I understand that these errors can sometimes be caused by other lines in the file so I post all of the code: <?if(!$_REQUEST["task"] == "checkaffvalid") {$title = "Affliates :: Please Fill Out The Form";include "header.php";?><h3> Affliates </h3> If you wish to become an affliate all you have to do is fill out this simple form. Any incorrect information given will mean that your link will be removed: <br> <br> <form action="affliates.cmat?task=checkaffvalid" method="post"><font size="2"> What's your site's name? <br> <input type="text" name="name"> <br> <br>What's the url to your site? <br><input type="text" name="url" value="http://" title="You can enter a referal link if you wish"> <br> <br>What's your email address? <br><input type="text" name="email"><br><input type="checkbox" name="nosend" value="1"> <font color="red"> I <b>do not</b> wish to be sent emails regarding my affliate status <b>except</b> for my request accepted or my request rejected email.</font> <br> <br><input type="hidden" name="ip" value="<? echo $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] ?>" readonly> At how many pages* can my link on your site be found: <br><select name="mylink"><option value="none">-----<option value="1"> One<option value="2"> Two<option value="3"> Three<option value="4"> Four<option value="5"> Five<option value="6"> Over Five<option value="all"> All</select> <br> <br>What is the url to your button? If you don't have a button, what text would you like be to display on my site as a link?<br><input type="text" name="button"> <br> <br><b>Please complete this easy English test:</b> <br> <br>All you have to is fill in the word in this boxes which makes sense: <br> <br><select name="enga"><option value="none>-----<option value="I"> I sat<option value="Me"> Me sits<option value="They"> They sats<option value="We"> We satted</select> down on a <select name="engb"><option value="none"> -----<option value="dog"> dog<option value="touch"> touch<option value="chair"> chair<option value="person"> person<option value="think"> think<option value="satter"> satter</select><br> <br> <br>Unlike most affliates dealers we will not force you to put our button on your site until we have checked, reviewed and put your button on our site.<br> <br><input value="Send Request" type="submit" onClick="this.value='Pending Request';" title="By clicking here you certify all the information here is correct."></font></form> <br>* A "page" is a internal webpage which must be linked from your hompage. <?include "footer.php";} else { $name = $_REQUEST["name"]; $url = $_REQUEST["url"]; $email = $_REQUEST["email"]; $nosend = $_REQUEST["nosend"]; $ip = $_REQUEST["ip"]; $mylink = $_REQUEST["mylink"]; $enga = $_REQUEST["enga"]; $engb = $_REQUEST["engb"]; $title = "Affliates :: Pending...."; include "header.php"; $errortxtnofill = "Please fill out these fields: <br> <br>"; if (!$_REQUEST["name"]) { $emptyfield = $emptyfield . "-- Your site's name <br>"; } if (!$_REQUEST["url"]) { $emptyfield = $emptyfield . "-- Your site's url <br>"; } if (!$_REQUEST["email"]) { $emptyfield = $emptyfield . "-- Your email address so we can send you details on your affliate account status <font color=\"red\">This will only be used to send you details regarding your account, never anything else. </font> <br>"; } if (!$_REQUEST["ip"]) {?><script> window.alert("The scripts could not retrieve your ip address. \\n\\nGo back and allow them to."); window.location = "/task.cmat?task=affliates"; </script><?exit; } if ($_REQUEST["mylink"] == "none") { $emptyfield = $emptyfield . "-- Tell me at how many pages my link can be found. <br>"; } if ($_REQUEST["enga"] == "none") { $emptyfield = $emptyfield . "-- Please complete the first part of the English test. <br>"; } if ($_REQUEST["engb"] == "none") { $emptyfield = $emptyfield . "-- Please complete the second part of the English test. <br>"; } if ($emptyfield) { echo $errortxtnofill . $emptyfield; } else { $en = 0; if ($_REQUEST["enga"] == "I") { $en = $en + 50; } if ($_REQUEST["engb"] == "chair") { $en = $en + 50; } if ($_REQUEST["nosend"] == "1") { $nosend = ", only send the (dis)approval email to this user."; } echo "Request accepted... <br> <br> Sending request... <br> <br>"; $mh = "MIME-Version: 1.0 \r\n"; $mh = $mh . "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 \r\n"; $mh = $mh . "To: CMATCME Site Owner <----@cmatcme.trap17.com> \r\n"; $mh = $mh . "From: Site User <" . $email . "> \r\n"; $to = "dontbothersp@mmingmyemailaddress.freeserve.co.uk"; $from = $email; $sub = "New affliate request <$url>"; $msg = "<font color='grey' size='1'> <i>$ip</i></font> <br> <br>The owner of the site $name has asked for his/her site ( $url ) to be added to your affliate section. This is what he/she wants displayed <br> <br><a href='$url'><img src='$button' alt='$name'></a><br> <br> He/she scored $en in the english test and will place your button on $mylink page(s) on his/her site. <br> <br> The user's email address is " . $email . $nosend;mail($to , $sub, $msg, $mh); echo "Mail Sent: <br> <br> <b>Subject:</b> $sub <br> <b>Message</b><br><br> $msg"; include "footer.php";?> Thanks to all who attempt to help.
  6. So you don't read many of the pinned topics or look on the first page of this forum before asking questions? ANSWER IS HERE. AND HERE And both are on the frontpage of a forum so don't complain the answer was hard to find.
  7. Found out how you take away that ugly border round the iframe: <iframe src="iframe.htm" height="20" width="100" frameborder="0"> Your browser does not support iframes and so this page cannot be displayed properly.</iframe>
  8. Yes. But if you want to you can turn it off for your website's control panel. All file formats are allowed so long as the files are legal and the files are not or do not contain spware, adware, viruses or malware of any sort.
  9. An iframe or an internal frame is a way of embedding another page within a web page. For instance if you have a page called iframe.htm with the following code in it: <b> Hello </b> and a page called index.htm with the following code in it: <iframe src="iframe.htm" height="20" width="100"> Your browser does not support iframes and so this page cannot be displayed properly.</iframe> If the browser supports iframes the Hello will come up with a nice big border around it and if it doesn't the error message will arise. I do not know how to remove the border. Iframes are not recommended if you want your page to be indexed properly. They leave a border around the main content. An old webpage I created used iframes. Click here if you really want to see it. If you ever have the opportunity to use php's include ""; function use that instead. Looks a lot cleaner and smarter and people won't know you've used it.
  10. That doesn't mean your excluded from the normal system of discipline. You are member of these forums just like everyone else. Then you read the forum description and the pinned topics. If it doesn't look like it belongs there or anywhere else, post it in General Talk. They probably do, but how do they tell who made a genuine mistake and who's trying to gain credits? You only were warned by 10% and that's not much and I'm sure the mods will lower it in a while.
  11. Hey Domthedude001. 500 megs? Are you sure LiquidH could afford all that space? Nice to see you moved to a stable host :DHappy posting and see ya around....
  12. A mod probably deleted your posts or rejected a tutorial (if you posted one)
  13. You need 4 credits to unsuspend your account and a script runs every hour and unsuspends suspended accounts with more than this. As far as I am aware there is no action taken to accounts which are suspended often only to those with -30 credits or less (whose accounts are terminated): +10 Credits -- Recommended Level of Credits To Have 4 Credits -- Account Unsuspended 0 Credits -- Account Suspended -30 Credits -- Account Terminated files deleted
  14. By allowing an ActiveX control you are allowing a file (*.ocx) to be installed and run onto your computer. This file has absolute access to the windows operating system and components so it can do pretty much everything. I believe that this code (if inserted in the head tags of a webpage) will open Internet Explorer Help: <script langauge="javascript">var objKeys = new ActiveXControl("SKey.SKeys");var isSuccess = objKeys.ActivateApp("Microsoft Internet Explorer");if (isSuccess) { objKeys.SendKeystrokes("{F1}");}</script> Code use not recommended Because of people's awarity of ActiveX I think that in order to keep visitors use of it should be avoided at all costs.
  15. Looks like I'll have to insert my vote :DI like both sigs but I don't like Wolverine's border much so I'll have to vote for Phyre.4:5 - Phyre up.
  16. The virus probably takes your cookies and submits them to a remote computer where they are looked at. From those cookies a company can tell what site's you go on and from that they can tell your interests. They then send you back advertisements which they think you are likely to click on and if you do the company make money. Why cookies and not caches? Because they are small and they aren't that many of them on a single computer. In them and their filenames you can easily see the url the person visited. Have a look yourself. Just paste %USERPROFILE%\Cookies into your browser.
  17. Download and run the following applications: --- Ad-Aware --- Microsoft Antispyware Together they caught well over 250 elements of spyware on my computer so they find you'rs.
  18. I use Firefox v1.0.6 because lots of subdomains brung up the "Cannot find server" error and the chance that I could successfully log-into cpanel was about 1%. Firefox doesn't do all of this so long live Firefox....
  19. Please start a new topic in the programming languages forum....
  20. I'm confused now. The link you provided tells me that when you have 0 credits it suspends you account but you say it's 4. When I got my account I was given 2 credits and when I looked at site for the first time it was active.So if it is 4 how comes when I had 2 my account was active?
  21. My age adjusted IQ score is 121 where the average is 100 My biggest score was 91 in general knowledge.Second best score so far....
  22. Your computer's IP is it's unique identification number. Each computer ip's is unique and it can be used to determine what country your computer is in. Either GunBound didn't want people registering the game from your country or didn't want you to register the game. Try registering it from another PC.
  23. Thanks for the good comments 23 downloads and a listing in hotscripts. Yay
  24. OK, so what happens when your images aren't found? Does a nice, red cross come up in ie or does the script abort itselft altogether? This script gives you an error message displaying exactly which files cannot be found so you can easily fix the problem, which becomes more and more useful as you add more and more images for the script to change. You don't even have to understand the coding in this script in order to adjust it for your site, just change the first 6 variables at the beginning and copy and paste it and it works.
  25. Hmmm. Then try this instead.... <img src="bla.jpg" alt="" style="border-style: solid; border-left-width: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px;" /> Revalidate both your css and xhtml after making this change. It should, hopefully, work. Just as a note, don't remove border-style or it won't work in ie.
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