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Everything posted by darran

  1. darran

    Paypal Help

    I see Xisto - Web Hosting.com takes paypal a payment method. Does it apply here? I have a bank account with DBS Singapore, how do I register it with Paypal? Can anyone guide me on this?
  2. My primary browser is still Firefox, I downloaded IE 7 for the sake of seeing how much better have they made it. But when I opened IE 7, I was in the shock of my life, the toolbars are arranged in such a disgusting way, totally un-user friendly, and I was already pissed. On top of that, when you want to close a tab, you have to click on that specific tab before clicking on the [x]. However alternatively, you can click the middle button on your mouse to close the tab. The point is that IE 7 is so un-user friendly that I do not even want to touch it. Firefox is still the best browser on the net, end of story
  3. I think it is very important to know the usage of your external storage, what is it going to be primarily used for? Backing up, transferring between laptops, it all depends on you. You need to know the size of hard disk and the RPM, of course the higher the better. I would recommend you to go around your hardware retailers and compare prices
  4. These are my commentsBanner: I think the banner is looking fine, with the exception of the following text 'Custom AMD and Intel Gaming, Built to Order Machines'. It is overlapping the cube which in my opinion spoils the entire banner. You could either shift the cube more to the right to give space to the text, or align your text in another position. Whichever works for you!Menubar: I love the roll over image, when I highlight the menu buttons. But 1 thing bugs me though, and there is the amount of vertical space from the text to the end of the button. It puzzles me as to why would you put the text to the top and not in the centre of the button. I feel it would look better if it was centralised in the middle of the button. Last but not least, the biggest flaw in the entire site, too dull! The only image you have is at the banner, try inserting some images within each news item, it does help to lighten the site if there are some pleasing aesthetics in the site, perhaps maybe some animation, something to demonstrate what you are trying to say to your potential customers. Some colorful images would be great because total black is not my idea of a good invitation to potential customers. The bad side apart, this site looks very clean, especially the way the news items are seperated with a different style; I like that. And the fact that your site is minimised for old sizes such as 800 * 600 means that your site caters to even the smallest of resolutions in today's world. Work on the graphics site, and I am sure this site would be perfect
  5. This looks like a very very harsh way of doing things. I don't see a reason why you should lock him out of the FTP, CPanel ... etc, after all this is still his site and you are just helping him with the updates. And the worst of all is that you block his ip address from the site, that is totally uncalled for, all these just because he has not come online and update the site since March 2006? I believe things could be handled in a proper way. You could just send him an email, not a nasty one, talking about his contribution to the site and his commitments, maybe from there you will know what would be the next step. If you can handle these 2 among yourself in an peaceful way, it would be the best. If he doesn't reply, I still think you should not lock him out of the site in that wayJust a little advice coming from me
  6. I am using Firefox and the same problem is occuring to me, I have also taken the liberty of showing you the screenshot This is the exact screen after I clicked the login button after typing my username and password. I did not enter anything into the password textbox.
  7. The last time I learnt Chinese was 3 years ago, after I graduated from high school, I no longer learn the Chinese. So anything new would have to be learn by myself
  8. When the above actions happen, I reckon it would be good to have a very good talk, is he still interested in you, or does he not love you at all? You have to get this clear, once that is clear, you can go ahead to check what is happening. Why is he so obsessed with his magic cards that he does not want to spend some time with you? Nothing can be done at the moment except to clarify somethings
  9. It is a very good tutorial, but I don't think there should be too much problems with using FTP, but this is very useful for those who are still very new to FTP. As to regards with FTP programmes, I don't like to use Smart FTP, it looks too much like Microsoft Office 2003, but I do not deny that it is easy to use. But I prefer Flash FXP (30 day trial) and Cute FTP which are both needed to be purchased.
  10. I do not know if any of you have occurred this problem while trying to login to Xisto, but I did. I go through the normal login steps, entering the username and password before clicking the submit button, and expecting to be logged in into the forum. But it always brings me to the error page, prompting me to key in my password, but my password is already in the password field. Although this is a minor glitch, but it is getting kinda irritating especially since I always login using my company's computer.
  11. It depends on what platform you are developing for. Is it for a mobile phone, it is for a desktop, which language is going to be used? Java, C+, Visual Basic.NET, it all depends on you. I think the most important thing is to know what kind of game are you going to program, is it an arcade, action or platform shooter? From there, you can design your logic and things will be made more easier for you. There are many examples for you, but I would suggest to start with a simple game first, maybe a classic breakout would do the trick? Manipulation of the arrays, should really put you into the gear
  12. I don't see a need for the form. Whatever suggestions we have could be made via the suggestions forum, a form would only limit the idea to the admins themselves and not the other members, it would be nice to see the feedback from our members first before deciding on anything else.
  13. Perhaps you could describe what you are trying to do so we can understand the logic you are trying to get behind by using 2 loops. I don't really understand why you are using 2 loops to do a countdown.
  14. Welcome to the forum! I am from Singapore and I have been to Philippines before, a visit to my maid's hometown in Manila. It was very intriguing especially the areas where the volcano is situated, the ash on the land looks very different and interesting to me. Anyway that aside, I like Asian dramas too especially Taiwan ones and CPop especially Rainie Yang, share with me some nice dramas you know of will you? With regards to Xisto, in short just follow 3 steps, Search before you post to make sure this is not a repeated thread, make your topic and post descriptive and read the rules. That is the advice I can give you, I have been here for 2.5 months, and it is really nice to be here, but sometimes there are just too many forums to post in. But that shouldn't be a problem
  15. I think it is pretty much impossible to destroy the internet. Just think of how many web servers there are in 1 country, much less the whole world? And even so, it is so easy to create a web server and another one could be created easily while you are trying to take down 1. The internet is a major part of our lives, not only economically but also academically. There are so many things such as tutorials, e-commerce going on in today's websites. Taking them down would be drastic, the internet is such a big place, it would be very difficult to explore the whole internet using our entire lifespan much less destroy it
  16. I am not a fan of flip phones, although they are more stylish in terms of design and remove the need to actually press the lock button, they are also very fragile. Should you happen to drop your phone and it hits the ground very hardly, there could be a slight chance that the spring which fits the flipping mechanism gets chipped off and from there, your phone is screwed. I prefer the normal phones, to prevent any scratches, buy a cover. I did that, and I still have 0 scratches on my phone. Usually I put my handphone inside a pouch so there is no chance I will ever send stupid SMS to my friends.
  17. I am really looking forward to this new Credit system 2.1.4. I just need some clarification What is this System timer you are taking about? It would be extremely interesting to know what kind of rules is being set? The updating credits on new post? Is this going to be a sort of ajax-styled function? The credits would be seen after we make a post, instead of having to go to the main page to see how many credits we have at the moment? In the past, the Fast Reply does not give us any credits? I have been always using the Fast Reply field to reply any posts and I don't have any problem with it. With regards to the vacationing function, I think it could be a very good idea but some adjustments has to be made to prevent any of the members abusing it. Members could just go on a 'holiday' every few weeks and they can forget about posting for that period of time. I suggest to limit the number of vacations a member can take in a year. Maybe a member can take a vacation of 20 days at most in a year, or something along the lines of that concept. The vacation could be for a whole week or for a few days. What do you think about this idea?
  18. Wow, thats really amazing I don't think a very big guy could do so many pull ups and being only 16 thats really impossible. I could only do at most 14 pull ups/10 pull ups depending on which way I use
  19. If it is a built in function of IPB, I guess we can't change it. I am just very particular about posting duplicate messages which is not recommended in ensuring Xisto is kept as neat as possible. I am aware that the search function may not exactly return me the results I want. I guess I can somehow post in an existing thread which is addressing the question in general like you have mentioned.
  20. AD, as an outsider here I think you have no reason to be worried about. I believe the admins will do what is necessary to ensure the status of their members, if that means checking and investigating for months, I am sure they would do it. Of course, you have your point, most admins would just pass the sentence on their members once they do a little investigation and the information tallys. But I am sure this is not the case at Xisto. There is 1 thing I am curious about, IPs are dynamic, how are the people at Xisto going to be recognised as who's who?
  21. I know what you are getting at, but it is really or almost impossible to find another word for wmv, this is what people recognise it as. I could try searching for "video converters" but then I realise I would be getting lots of results which does not even give me the answer I want, I could get mpg converters, avi converters, swf converts ... etc but probably not wmv converters. Is there a possiblility of deleting the 3 character boundary and seach for a phrase instead? Something like "wmv converters" and it will search based on this string? When searching for the topic I wanted, I already selected them to search only in the title.
  22. I would like to list out a feature which I feel should be improved. I was trying to search for a good wmv converter to avi format, and thus I used the abbreviations wmv and avi. And it says my minimum search string should be more than 4 characters. The thing is, people refer this video formats using their abbreviations, you don't see people using i want to convert windows media video format to audio interlace video format. I hope Xisto will limit the search string to 3 characters, that would be more reasonable and allow us to search extension related topics (swf questions, wmv convertion, open thm files ... etc)Thanks
  23. Do you have any good free converters which will convert my wmv to avi files successfully? I think this could be the easiest solution, but do enlighten me on this. Once imported into Imageready, there would be something like a lot of frames in the animation window, and how do we reduce the colors of each particular frame?
  24. I did not do anything, I suppose the problem was Xisto related. Something must have been wrong as it could read my index.php. Now the problem is solved and I can access the admin page again. Thanks for those who tried to help. Really appreciate it
  25. I think you have totally misunderstood my intention. I am sure there are a lot of free softwares which will do the animation of images for you. I already have Adobe ImageReady and it does that for me. What I want to do is take a video, and then create an animated gif out of it using a program(s). I do not mind the process, because the last time I did it, it was so laggy and came up to 8 mb +. The programs which I used before was Bink and Smacker's RAD video tools which converts the video into 2000+ gif images of 42 kb each and Unfreeze which threads these images together.
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