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Everything posted by darran

  1. I installed a wordpress blog on it but today when I tried to access it, it just gives me a blank page and when I tried to login into my WP admin page, they prompt me to select what type of application to open up wp-login.php, this should not be the case. Instead it should just take me to the admin page. I have checked the Xisto website as well, there is no indication that the Gamma server is down in any aspect. Can anyone go to my site and perhaps suggest what is wrong? Thanks in advance http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. Wow ... I didn't expect to have 5 replies in just less than 2 days. Really amazing feedback. unFREEze: This application just threads all the gif images, what I need is an application which will help me to take a video and return many gif images for me to thread it through. I will give this applications a try and let you know- Jasc Animation (By far the most promising) Is the full name animation shop 3?- GIF Construction Set (I suppose this simply reduce the frame rate but does not construct the animated gif I want)@Sharn: I have photoshop and imageready but I had no idea they could accept video files. I took a look at the formats they accept, but I don't see any wmv or even mpg for that matter so how do you put those files into imageready?I think a potential problem could be because I am using a wmv as my source file to trim the video and then the format I work with is wmv, does anyone knows if this plays a difference?
  3. I tried searching on the forum, but I could find nothing about how this is doneBasically, I want to create an animated gif which is derived from a video. Lets say I have this video file, and I want to create an animated gif which shows what the video is about. I have already trimed the video appropriately but when I tried doing it, I ended up with a 8.32 MB animated gif. I thought animated gif was supposed to be lightweight, can anyone help me?Thanks in advance
  4. On the 1st word (Ao Qi Ding), not really sure what it meansOn the 2nd word (Jie Da), basically I have not seen this combination beforeBut the first character means something out of the ordinary and the second means reaching. So I can only deduce, it means reaching to something out of the ordinary.
  5. I have decided I will be most probably going for a 80 GB 3.5 Portable Hard Disk, it should cost me in total SGD 130 plus the casing. I will of course wait for the Christmas season to see if there would be any offers
  6. First of all, let me compliment you on the wonderful design you have created, I have always wanted a blog theme which is as clean and yet classy like the one you have created, very very nice design. I just loved the way you have used the diagonal scanlines, one of my favourite effects while designing banners. However I feel you should include some images to really enhance your site, the theme may be nice but it would be good if you can just manage to capture some images and merge it with your theme. That would give any visitor the captivating experience of browsing the site with your theme. I don't notice the problem which jlhaslip is experiencing, I find the site pretty alright in 1024 * 768 pixels, and plus my screen is pretty average, but like what he has said, the internet audience is a big group, you need to try your best to cater to everyone, be it those with smaller screens or those still using the 800 * 600 resolution, although I do not know anyone who still uses the 800 * 600 resolution. Other than these, there isn't nothing much to be said.
  7. I agree, your website is looking very good with the design, the base of a successful site is already done, so I think you can work more on other areas. An Ajax shoutbox would be good for the site too, allowing guests to interact with both yourself and other guests who visit the site. I went to your forum, and its sad to see that it is not active, I believe you should span your forum out to more things rather than just RPGs. The forum is the ultimate interaction place for members, and I am sure your visitors would appreciate some Harry Potter content being discussed in the forum. And lastly, how about adding some interactive media? Some flash e-cards for the coming festive seasons, some beautiful harry potter wallpapers, you can never get too much of these kind of media.
  8. I have always to try out a Mac Book and just last tuesday I did try it when I was uploading some pictures and videos I took on an event I was attending. The interface is cool no doubt about that, but the difficult was in realising that there is no right click and reading a USB device is a little trickier. All in all, if you have been using Windows all your life, you will take quite a while to suit yourself to a Mac. Anything would be fine if you stop using Windows, though it is the popular OS in the world, people tend to be forgetting the liabilities it has caused us, I do not want to list any of them because it is such a long list.
  9. Well what I can say is that we go into a relationship, we can only take a day at a time, don't ever put your expectations too high at the start, take a few years to really know each other inside out and from there, you can start to gauge where your relationship is going to. In what way did things not work out between the both of you? Sometimes I feel that things are becoming routined in my relationship so you are not alone on this aspect. However if you feel that way, it is up to you to create some 'excitement', try making events more spontaneous, there is no need to make it a schedule, whenever this time comes, I have to do this or do that. Try basing it on your mood, if you feel like walking then by all means do it, if you don't feel like, then do what you feel like doing. I am sure in this way you would feel less stressed and more relaxed in a relationship.
  10. Should you wish to add it under a sub folder, meaning http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ with forum being your sub folder, simply create a new folder and drop it under public html, with all your webpage files to go under that specific folder. Your main page has to be index, it doesn't matter what kind of technology or what extension it is, it can php, asp, html, jsp ... etc
  11. I didn't know Dell actually produced LCD monitors but in any case, their products are very cheap especially their laptop and they seem to be the only brand promoting in such a large scale. However I would not trust Dell products ever since the incident with their batteries exploding. Really freaky incident, I would definitely spend more money for a better laptop than choose Dell. Ever since then, I am against Dell products
  12. I went onto yahoo! finance and did a calculation for the convertion of the currencies and this is what I came up with:USD 1 = SGD 1.5612So from here, you can roughly gauge it, not more than SGD 150 please Thanks in advance
  13. Is there something in the range of less than SGD 150? I don't really need 100 gb anymore, I just calculated my disk space the files took up, and 80 gb would be more than sufficient. SGD 229, is far too expensive for me.
  14. By the looks of things, you want to start a web hosting business? I think you would need far far much more than $20k-40k, remember we are not only talking about setting up servers. Being a business, a lot of money would have to be placed on marketing, both on the web, and also in your local media. You have to set up your servers, get everything placed and that alone would cost a lot of money. The addition of marketing would add an ever bigger load, remember when starting a new business, the emphasize is to make it as well known as popular, so people might decide to try it. Lets not forget about scouting other web hosts, what are their price range? You need to have an attractive plan which will entice customers to your host. Most importantly, once you are up and running, there can't be much downtime and even if it has, the responsibility to send out an email to your customers is a must. People will stick with you if your hosting is cheap and really reliable. I would definitely not see out hosting if it is expensive and always down
  15. Looks like hard disk is the way to go then. I have browsed on my local retailer and I am a bit confused on certain terms and I hope you guys can enlighten me. Take a look at this page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I do not know what type of hard disks I should be looking at. Can you guys suggest an ideal one which is portable, but is able to store at least 100 gb of data? I am really an idiot when it comes to hardware, I stink badly at getting the best one, so I would have to depend on the gurus for my selection.
  16. I am looking to buy an external storage for my personal use. Backing up data is very troublesome using FTP to transfer between 2 devices. I am looking to purchase an external storage device but I need suggestions. I have heard of a flash disk, but also a hard disk appeals to me. Which of it is better? And can anyone suggest to me other storage devices which I do not know of besides a thumb drive? I need to store at least 100 gb of data, since I am backing up all my files from a computer. Thanks in advance
  17. Mobile internet access is something which is very fascinating but if you are asking me to use it for my desktop, I would reject it without much hesitation. Because here, even with a data plan, internet browsing with a mobile is bonkers and can really burn a large hole in my pocket. Why pay SGD 200-300 for varying access when I can get unlimited broadband access with my desktop for SGD 50? Mobile internet access can never compare itself to broadband access. Say I want to download an installer worth 700 mb, wouldn't it be crazy to use mobile internet acesss? When will it ever be done? That would be my main question
  18. The idea of building a dedicated server is intriguing, I would also like to do it if I had the cash. Like what was mentioned in the previous post, you need lots of money. Purchasing a server which has high speed access and 0.01% downtime would be difficult. I have seen that most servers are mainly located in the U.S.A. but I have also heard of servers being in Korea, China and even other European countries. I think a server in the centralised position on the globe would be your best bet. But you also need to equip that server with the most common technologies in today's internet world like Apache, MySQL, CPanel, PHP, Email ... etc, and on top of that, buffing up the server with security, and we are not talking solely about norton, it is far more than that, let the experts enlighten you on this. I have seen a lot of hosting sites who have their servers fail because of their uptime, there are not many hosts who can really provide 0.01% downtime, even Xisto isn't able to do that, for their free hosting accounts (GAMMA server). I have not really experience any sort of downtime for their paid servers
  19. That explains the problem with my ftp today, I was trying to delete a file and before that I had tried changing his permissions, and apparently, it gave me a fatal error message. I hope it is solved soon
  20. darran


    Welcome to the forum! I am sure you will enjoy great satisfaction, just like 99.99% of the members here I am sure. It sucks when hosts die on you, there is no reliability at all. But remember Xisto emphasizes a lot in post content, so remember to post an informative one and not 1-liners. Multiple offences could really get you in trouble with the admins, but most of all relax and enjoy yourself in Xisto
  21. I am not sure what other line they are into except making computers, one of the cheapest around too. But have you ever heard of the saying, "you pay for what you get". Though Dell is cheap, but I seriously do not trust their reliability. Remember the case of Dell laptops exploding because of their battery? I sure do not want to take the risk with them. So if you are thinking of purchasing a Dell-ready made computer, think again. Look at other choices like HP, Acer. Not really sure what are the brands which produce desktops. I am more familar with laptops (Sony Vaio, Ienovo, Isus, Acer, HP, Samsung, Toshiba, Fujitsu ... etc)
  22. I am afraid I would have to beg to differ from your thinking that relationship sucks. I think that if you are only having a fling and not being serious about the relationship, there is hardly going to be any satisfaction for you unless you have got what you want from the girl. But I am a person who has been through a relationship without feeling it is a burden or a job/responsibility. I have met the girl whom I want to spend my life with, and this for me isn't a job. I feel that your problem is that you are not able to appreciate what is staring in your face, feeling a burden when you are with a girl and feeling lost when you are without one. It all depends on your seriousness towards the girl. Do you really love the girl? If you do, there is no reason why you would feel it is a job to be in a relationship. Perhaps in the relationship, you are made to do this, do that that you feel you are obliged to do something. Try to take it easy, most importantly communicate well. Does your girl need constant assurance that you are in love with her and still are? Try to pop a simple voice message or text message a day to assure her. Do not think it is a responsibility, if you are uncomfortable with anything, do let your other half know because it is senseless if you are suffering from a relationship. Love can do wonders and that is the case for me, I am enjoying being in a relationship, the feeling of love is just so amazing.
  23. I think I speak a lot for all of us especially when I say we need the internet. A lot of our lives revolve around it, in this case, Xisto, without the internet, we would not be able to enjoy the free hosting which Xisto has given to us. In my case, I use the internet extensively to keep up with a lot of things mainly football (S.S. Lazio), music, programming, research ... etc, basically whatever I do, I have to make use of the internet. Be it my work, school work or even my personal life, it all revolves around the internet. Relying on your local mass media is not going to get you anywhere, after all my country doesn't cover anything about Lazio at all, and the fanbase here is close to none. The access to internet gives us a whole new alternative to materials in the library, mass media .... etc and all this at a simple click
  24. darran

    Java editor

    I am using netbeans at the moment, I have no problem with using notepad but the problem is that I am too lazy to do manual compiling using the compiler. Netbeans compiles everything for me with a single click and ports them easily to a mobile if I want to test it. You can check them out at https://netbeans.org/ furthermore their UI in the program is just perfect, very sleek. But the only downside would be you need to have at least 512 MB of memory if you want to use Netbeans, because if not you won't be able to take it.
  25. I have been programming with java for a few years and based on experience with String classes, what is being mentioned here is simply taken from most sites which teaches Java. Really basic stuff, and even so, this article has missed out on some crucial parts in the manipulation of String classes. Namely, the use of String.indexOf(), String.charAt(), String.substring() and String.length(), all of which are extremely crucial especially if you want to do validation with emails, telephone number, password ... etc, these methods are extremely crucial. Another thing would be the use of .equals() in conditional statements. For e.g. usually when we are comparing a variable to an integerif (number1 == 20) { System.out.println("The number is " + number1);}But it does not work in the case of Strings, for Strings the usage of .equals is required for it to check a condition. if (string1.equals("hello")) { System.out.println("The string is " + string1);}Hope you guys had learnt something from this.
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