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Everything posted by darran

  1. Okay man, I will try downloading DirectX and Nvidia drivers againI am afraid a cooler is something I cannot afford at this point of time. But I have a fan blowing at it to ensure that it does not get too hot. I am not exactly playing graphics intensive games, Pro Evolution Soccer 5 cannot be considered graphics intensive can it?Anyway I will do what you ask, and see whether that helps.Thanks for the suggestion anyway
  2. I just got a FTP errorCOMMAND:> DELE .pureftpd-upload.45155447.15.730f.64c88fa1 550 Prohibited file name: .pureftpd-upload.45155447.15.730f.64c88fa1ERROR:> Requested action not taken (e.g., file or directory not found, no access).Just take note, if you can't do it in your FTP client, then do it CPanel's File Manager. It really works wonders
  3. Well if we are talking about serious hosting, I have only been involved twice, Digital Pulse and Xisto. Digital Pulse is reasonably good, it is actually paid hosting but was given a free account as the owner is a friend of mine. The only problem with it was that it was down a tad too many times, DNS problems recently finally convinced me to make a switch to Xisto. Hosts which posts advertisements in your HTML pages are a no no. Spoils the layout on a large scale and it can't be any good for your site
  4. I know what you are getting at. For my problem, I want the result to be reflected back at the original value. So after clicking the default reset button, I want the result to be shown as 0 or something like that. As you said Javascript handles button clicks on the client side, so I want javascript to reset the value but this variable is a php variable, how can I port it into javascript so that I can reset it?
  5. Well there is 1 advice I would give you anytime of the day. Never trust Windows, better to get an alternative to a Windows powered product because they can never do anything for you. Anyone heard of SpyStopper and ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware, are they any good?
  6. This has been an issue for many years now but it has really started to bother me as of late. Whenever I play any game, after about 30-40 minutes, the rendering of the graphics start to have problems. At times there are black patches, pointed edges sticking out of the screen's display and things like that. I do not know what is the problem? I suspect it is a compability issue and as a result these 'wierd' things are occurring but can anyone help me? I will give you a list of my system capatibilities SYSTEM PENTIUM? 4 CPU 2.66 GHz 2.67 GHz, 512 MB of RAM DISPLAY NVIDIA GeForce 6200 Chip Type: GeForce 6200 DAC Type: Integrated RAMDAC What other information do you require me to deliver to you in order to effectively diagnos my problem? I would appreciate if someone could actually help me solve this problem. Thanks in advance
  7. I am using a 6200 and for me it is pretty alright, you can play most games with not much difficulty, only problem would be you can't do much with a laptop but with a desktop, things changes and you can have the best gaming experience
  8. I remember a few days ago doing something similar like this. I set up my router perfectly well, connecting to my PC and putting it in a high position so it is easier to broadcast the signal to the other wireless device in my house. I used Windows to connect into my wireless network which is broadcasted. However i typed the wrong password and it simply hangs there for close to 20 minutes before giving me a 'limited network connectivity' message without actually telling me that the password was a wrong 1. Another poor glitch of Windows I am afraid. Is that your problem?
  9. I think what he means is that this super computer is definitely not affordable to the ordinary human like you and me. Unless we are working in a profession which requires instant realtime effects, we won't be getting near these type of super computers. But nonetheless, this is a really amazing computer.
  10. My story is not as interesting and advantage-taking as yours but I will post mine nonetheless. I figured I was going to do a lot of projects while in my 2nd year of tertiary education mainly programming. I can't be walking around in the campus looking for an empty computer lab all the time and wait to get home before starting on my programming project. So I decided to head down to my local Harvey Norman retailer and purchase a laptop. At that point of time, I wasn't too concerned what brand I would buy, be it an Acer, HP, Compaq, Fujitsu ... etc, I was introduced to a Sony Vaio laptop. I was fascinated by the design of the laptop, one which is used for large scale video editing and also entertainment purposes. Its specs were one of the best around there and on top of that, it was the only laptop providing wide-screen resolution, very useful for me especially as I do designs using photoshop, it could really help me. Some bundled software came with it, namely Sonic products (Burner, Music player, editor ... etc) and Adobe (Premiere).I have been using this laptop for a year and I am very satisfied with it. I will definitely continue using Sony Vaio if they are going to cater to Macintosh OSes, but I guess that won't be happening anytime soon.
  11. For me, I think VBulletin's interface is the best among the 3 forum softwares and it is also the favourite software when it comes to installing a forum. What you pay is what you get, simple machine forums and phpBB2; although free, do not really give you much satisfaction as compared to IPB or VBulletin. In terms of hacks and modifications, VBulletin has come out a few of their own, although still using IPB's system but nonetheless, it is still there. For me, things like arcade or a vbookie sort of thing are not necessary important in the forum's software features, as long as it can do the basic thing well which is posting messages, its stability and interface are good and up to scratch, it pretty well wins me over. VBulletin is a perfect example of that. For some reason or another, I do not like IPB especially their navigation in the User Options, it got me confused at first. I have been too used to VBulletin that it is very difficult to change now.
  12. I am not really that inclined in the technical aspect of Java but I have been programming for 3 years and I can safely say that it is my strongest programming language compared to other lanuages such as C++ and .NET Right now, I am doing Java Mobile applications to be ported on your mobile phone, and I believe Java will be the way to go when these things are concerned. Just to correct the post by Saint (No Offence)1. Pointers will always be there, it is crucial for any programming language. It may not be as complicating syntax-wise as C Programming, but it will always be there. 2. Multiple inheritance is allowed in Java. I don't see why you say that it is gone. For example, A person may inherit from a human and a human can inherit from a species. There may not be 2 instances of inheritances within a class but there can be multiple inheritances. For some reason, I think Java being case sensitive is beneficial to us. .NET simply pamper us too much with their casing changes. With Java, we will learn to program in the right way with proper variable naming conventions and things such as that. I second your post though, Java is cool! I love Java
  13. My question was a way to reset the values by pressing a button, it is a default reset button but I want it to be able to reset my values to the original ones I defined. In other words, I can reset the value of the variable using javascript? Something along the lines of <script language="javascript" for="btnReset" event="onclick"><? php $result = 0; ?></script> Please correct me on this? But lets say a person decides to disable javascript for whatever wierd reason, is there a way to handle button clicks in a web-based environment?
  14. Different people have different variations of what music actually be so I thought I would just give my definition. Music is a String of musical notes put together which can be accompanied by sound and can be used to portray out feelings of emotion.
  15. From what I understand, web graphic designers earn very little. I mean a friend of mine is doing a website for USD 10. Imagine that? And I must admit his work is of the highest quality I have ever seen. As for other types of designers, I am sure they earn a lot especially architecture designs, they are what ties a building together. 150k a year? That is amazing, so he averages about 12k per month, you have to be a top designer to do that IMO
  16. I would say my main purpose at first was to maintain credit points for my hosting. I have been here for slightly more than a fortnight, but I already have 100 spare credit points, so that shows how much I love it here in Xisto. The forum not only provides well mannered informative discussions and debates, but it also serves as a place where you can seek help in programming. I got quite a lot of help on php already thanks to the people here. And you will never get bored of the site because everybody makes an effort to come here and post some interesting stuff to talk about. In short, this forum is a x-in-1 package. X denotes the number of interesting category discussions (Relationship, OS, Internet, Website, Graphics, Music, Programming ... etc) I don't need to go on, this is the perfect package for every forum user. I hope you guys enjoy posting here because this is one of the best community to ever be in though it is pretty difficult to recognise others around here since there are so many different users however for me, the only person I can remember is Albus Dumbledore because he is just so active around here, I never fail to see his reply to a post. Keep it up buddy
  17. 2 years is relatively quick to switch to another laptop. IMO, 1 laptop can last for at least 4 years depending on how well you take care of it. But sometimes you cannot blame yourself, the world of IT moves so quickly, you thought you have one of the latest up to date technology running on your laptop but in a few years a new thing comes out and your technology is deemed 'outdated'. I rest my case, if you want to play games it is best to do so on a desktop, there is no point spending so much money on a high end laptop which can play games when you can get a much much more powerful desktop with that money. If I were to give you any suggestion, that would be to decide what kind of games you want to play, if it is the high end type, it would be best to get a desktop for it. But if it is those middle end games, it would be wise to upgrade your memory alone and check whether you can purchase a new graphics card. Buying a graphic card you have to be very careful because it does not only depend on that, there are several other factors such as your processing speed amongst other things. I have been through it, I bought a graphics card for my desktop a while back, I was a noob back then and I bought a graphics card which was just too powerful for my computer so now when I play games, after about say 40-50 minutes, the graphics rendering would be distorted and I can't enjoy my games. The best thing to do if you are thinking of upgrading your graphics card would be to bring your system down. Have a good talk with the person-in-charge, and ask him to suggest what kind of graphics card would suit you. By the way, are you using an integrated graphics card or an external one? In my Sony Vaio laptop, I originally had 512 mb but then I went in to add another 512 mb memory module in it. Let me quote you what was said in my technical specifications sheet. If you install memory modules of the same capacity to both of the 2 memory module slots, your computer will run in dual channel mode and provide better performance. I do not know whether it is the same case for all computers, but chances are that it should be the same. I installed it, and it really feels different. I could open up Photoshop, NetBeans, ITunes, Tons of Firefox windows and still have memory left to spare. A plus point is that it will not slow down your system as much as a original 512 mb memory would do.
  18. A website asked me to do a banner (sslazio.dk) and here it is They have expressed their satisfaction with the banner, but I hope there would be more comments for me on this banner Here it is
  19. I second the usage of BitComet. It is an easy to use interface, but then again with regards to downloading torrents, there is no difference with which program you use because they all provide the same functions. Torrents are really coming out now, even websites providing downloads are providing torrents as an alternative to download along with mirrors. However I almost do not use torrents because they are way too slow for me, the fastest I have ever gone is only 27 kb/sec and that is when there are plenty of seeders, with a mirror I can go up to 700 kb/sec. But it depends on your preference and which works better for you.
  20. For my email, I make use of GMail as well as Hotmail depending on the situation. GMail is usually used to store my school projects attachment, so basically you can say it is a hosting site for my school projects backup. Hotmail is more of a personal email whereby I use to register for forums, receive email from friends ... etc, in short my email address at hotmail is more of my personal email. Why did I not choose GMail since it has more space compared to hotmail? The reason being that hotmail is easily accessible just by a click on your messenger. I am using Windows Live Messenger at the moment. The point of having a messenger is to be able to communicate with your friends on your list, if majority of your friends are not using that particular messenger, why would you want to use it? Besides hotmail address are not usable on a Google Messenger and vice versa; their rivalry has caused so much inconvenience to the GMail, Hotmail and Yahoo users.
  21. Zune looks pretty impressive but I am sure when the new features are released, Apple and Creative would do something about it for sure. Perhaps release a new feature which could match up to Zune's WiFi. However I want to understand something: Other than this WiFi feature, I do not see Zune offering anything significant as compared to the other MP3 players. From what I understand about WiFi, it is used to connect a device onto a network for internet access. But how are you able to connect to a network using a MP3 player? And streaming music from 1 unit to another? Does this make use of the WiFi feature?
  22. In American terms, it is called soccer but I would like to call it football
  23. Here is the code <?php function calculate() { $result = 0; $_1stNumber = 0; $_2ndNumber = 0; if (isset($_POST['submitted'])){ $_1stNumber = stripslashes(trim($_POST['txt1stNumber'])); $_2ndNumber = stripslashes(trim($_POST['txt2ndNumber'])); if (!is_numeric($_1stNumber) || !is_numeric($_2ndNumber)) { exit("<font color=#FF0000>Enter a number in the textbox</font>"); } if (isset($_POST['rad1'])){ $rad1 = $_POST['rad1']; switch($rad1){ case "Add": $result = $_1stNumber + $_2ndNumber; break; case "Subtract": $result = $_1stNumber - $_2ndNumber; break; case "Multiply": $result = $_1stNumber * $_2ndNumber; break; case "Divide": $result = $_1stNumber / $_2ndNumber; break; } echo("<font color=#FF0000>$result</font>"); } else { exit("<font color=#FF0000>Select an operation</font>"); } } } ?> However I feel this is not the right way, this is just setting the starting value of the 2 variables $_1stNumber and $_2ndNumber to 0. And clicking on the reset button does not help in changing this value back to 0. Is there a way to check when the reset button is pressed so that I can reset the value of the result there? On a general question, is there anyway to handle button clicks other than using javascript because not everyone would have javascript enabled.
  24. I am using Sony Ericsson. At first I started off with a Nokia 3100 before switching to Sony Ericsson K508i and in about 2 weeks, I will be getting a Sony Ericsson K800i. For me, Sony Ericsson phones are very beautiful, their interface is easy, their graphics at the high end and lets not forget that their new cybershot technology on a mobile phone is going to be one of the most hottest.
  25. I do not know what is IRiver because I have not used it before. I am currently using Creative. I am not a picky person with regards to selecting an MP3 player, as long as there is a lot of space and not faulty, I would be satisfied. Of course I go for a cheaper package. Although I am a firm supporter of Apple products, I am not going to support IPod though, you are paying more for its design rather than its actual technical specifications. So for me, unless you have so much spare cash on your hand that you want to waste on a better looking MP3 player, it is not recommended to get an IPod.
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