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Everything posted by darran

  1. Well well what is new? All this hoax just to get our attention, logically everything doesn't add together, especially the part about the price. Why would such toys go so cheap when it is making use of a very advanced technology? However I do wonder with technology advancing ever so quickly, would AI-powered robots eventually take over the human race since they can do what humans have the ability to do twice as well or even more. I know about robots being made available in Japan and they can do some manual chores for you. What do you think?
  2. Wml is a short form of Wireless Markup Language. It is simply a programming language for mobile internet pages. It is not necessary to learn that since nowadays mobile phones are able to browse html and xhtml compliant web pages. I have tried coding Wml before and it is very light weight, and pretty much like html except that it makes use of xml. IMO, I think it is a pretty dead language with the increase in processing power of mobile phones. You can view wap pages by installing the plugin on Firefox, not too sure about IE though
  3. I believe the concern most people have with online back up is the security and time taken to process (downloading and uploading). When you put anything on the internet, you are susceptible to any attack from all over the world, and these are things you cannot control. Whereas with a flash disk, you just to safe guard it and ensure there is no physical damage to it. I have an issue with DVD writing though. I had a very bad experience once, I wrote everything to it, a total of 4 gb of data and when it was being copied to my desktop, an error of 'data cyclic redundacy check' popped up. I was so pissed, and from then on I changed to FTP to transfer data from 1 computer to another.
  4. My mother language is chinese so I guess I can provide some helpful tips for you guys. But I figured a lot of Americans learning chinese so that they can appreciate mandopop
  5. There is a similar program called realVNC and it provides the same functionality of this Anyplace Control. Most importantly, realVNC is free and you can use it to control another remote computer. It makes use of java on a browser, so a minimum requirement would be to have an internet connection for both computers, have java in your browsers and install the software on both computers. This remote control of computers is very useful if you want to debug something in another person's computer but also it can be very harmful especially if you delete some important files in the other party's computer. But I think this software brings us more good than bad results
  6. I used to have a problem similar to what you are having at the moment with my creative Mp3 player. My problem was the cable was not connected properly, but in your case, check whether the cable is correctly connected. Is it loose or anything because that is the only reason I think could have happened to your flash drive. Another issue could be maybe your socket has been spoilt and it may need to be resoldered. Check it out and get back to me in this thread
  7. What a great story. So many difficulties to get to where you are, but that makes us appreciate being at Xisto even more. So many things were sacrificed just to get here. And it is really amazing that you do all these without making any profit for yourself, I am sure at least 1/4 of the members of the forum would have no qualms giving you a donation for all your hard work on the forum. The base and foundation of Xisto is built, we can only grow more popular but I hope in future, Xisto should never become commercial, let Xisto - Web Hosting.com handle it. The fact that Xisto is free, and encourages constructive input from its users is what draws people to the forum. A lot of them were looking for a good site to post in and also get some good quality hosting out of it. But sooner or later, I am going to move to Xisto - Web Hosting.com, once I have applied for my debit card
  8. I am still using a CRT Tv and the only reason I have not changed is because I do not have the finances to change to a LCD or Plasma. I do not know the exact details about HD TV. All I know about it is that its resolution would be significantly better than the current standards like NTSC and PAL. With regards to Plasma and LCDs, in terms of the viewing experience by the user. It is much better, in the past people used to be watching 15 inch screens and now they can watch more than twice of that size. It is more clearer and for sure the viewing experience is tremendous. I have watched tv on a LCD before, and especially football matches, the atmosphere is almost right in front of you. And yes for sure the CRT TV will disappear sooner rather than later. Majority of the people nowadays are switching to LCDs, there is only a handful of them still sticking to CRT because they simply cannot afford LCDs at the moment. I think many people prefer LCD to Plasma because of the longer life span. But I am not sure, I think LCD and Plasma will continue to be the majority of the customer choices because of their characteristics. I am thinking of another 7 years for them to be in the market and in 2 years for CRT TVs to completely disappear.
  9. I am not very particular about these messaging clients. The only service I am using is MSN, I don't chat on other services such as IRC, Yahoo! and AIM. I guess the reason that everyone I know uses MSN so therefore I am not much into the new services. Windows Live Messenger does everything for me
  10. This is a good document and I want to share my thoughts on it I pretty much agree with some points with the exception of 2 and 3. On top of that, there can be other ways to make people visit your site. 2. Current ongoing websites is hardly going to outmatch the database for free softwares of bigger sites such as download.com and sourceforge.net, this is not really a requirement for a visitor to visit the site. 3. In fact, many websites do not have provide such contests. It all depends on the kind of audience you are targetting. If they are teenagers, they are unlikely to bother much about these sort of things. Finally something to add on. The appeal of the site is the most important in drawing visitors to it. If your site is going to be designed in plain html with tables and frames and no design whatsoever, people will be turned off. I am saying in the case of me, if the design is sleek and really user friendly, I would definitely want to explore it further. Things such as Ajax, CSS, dynamic content and even flash would certainly increase the appeal. But then again if the content in this site is lacking in substance, there are chances people would not even bother coming for the 2nd time. For a successful website to have its base, you need to have a good appealing design as well as content with substance. I know many medical sites are the ones without much design, so that is why I do not bother to go there for the 2nd time unless I am looking for research documents. Other things such as frequent updates is crucial, if you update your site every few days or a week for that matter, people will always want to come. They want new content and what better way than to have frequent updates. User interactivity would do the site good. Polls and comments would allow user to interact with the author in 1 way or another. And visitors would feel like they are actually getting involved instead of having to only read what the author of the site is trying to convey to his visitors. The last thing which should (try to) never be on the site are ads. I personally feel disgusted about ads. They make revenue for you but it generally spoils the whole site. One of the reasons why I decided to use Xisto.com instead of Xisto.net was because there was no ads. Feel free to share the other things which could affect people visiting your site.
  11. This is very smart business by Google, like what all of you said. Eliminating competition by being the competition. Youtube has been the most popular video uploading site in the internet as of late, more so than google and yahoo. And I can only see more benefits for youtube user, such as the bandwidth and space capacity to upload videos. Regarding the copyrights issue, you mean now we can watch our favourite shows on youtube.com and there will be no restrictions on it being a copyrighted material?
  12. My suggestion would have to be Silkroad but since you can't play it. Then thats too bad. In anycase, any Silkroad players in the Tibet server can find me as orangejuicy or orange-juicy, I really can't remember but do add me as your friend
  13. This is an interesting modification. I always wanted to know how many credit points I earned after every post but it is a pity that I have to keep track of my original credits before posting. Is there any concrete plans regarding this new feature?I think the number of credits should be shown in each post as a textbox which will dynamically change after we have previewed or submit a reply. That way we can keep track of it, but of course there could be some changes to the layout
  14. I find this very cruel especially to animals themselves. Putting them to sleep just because nobody would like to adopt them is very cruel. I had a cat, a stray if you will for 6 years. And then due to my mother's asthma illness, I was forced to part with you. My mother sent it to SPCA (the Society of Preventation of Cruelty to Animals). I could not do anything but watch because I was having lessons I really loved that cat a lot, it always followed me when I walked past it, and before heading to school everyday in the past, I would always pat it and maybe looked at it. Eventually it followed me home and without hesitation I took care of it for 6 years. It may not be a cute puppy because it was pretty grown up when it came to me. I can never forget the memories I have with it. Including the wounds she dealt to me as a result of her fear of water, but I would gladly live those moments again. Every night, I would let her sleep in my room, sometimes on my bed when she feels like it or if she chooses, there is a basket for her to keep cosy in. I have never heard of my cat ever since that fateful day 3 years ago. If an animal is healthy, it should be given the right to live. And not put it to sleep just because there are no owners willing to take it. I know these animal organisations are a non-profit one, but that should be an excuse. There are so many donations coming every year from people, organisations and even the governments, it should be sufficient for them to give the animal a happy life.
  15. I would definitely choose Rock over Rap. I just don't like the current Rap songs in general, although there are some rap songs which I like. I think these days, rap songs are abt nothing but women and sex. And mind you, there are kids as young as 8 years old watching MTV, and these type of songs are definitely not something to influence them at such a young age. It would be much better if these rap artists rapped about something more meaningful instead of sex and women.
  16. I never preferred phones which have multiple functions in a sense that it allows you to listen music and take pictures. I would rather listen to music on my MP3 player and take pictures on a camera. These multiple function enabled phone does not give you as much quality as you would expect with a standalone device. I am currently using Sony Ericsson K800 as my phone and the Creative MuVo as my MP3 player. At the moment, I am using my Sony Ericsson K800 camera and until I have the money to get a powerful camera, I am going to stick to it.
  17. darran

    Dumb People

    I don't think anyone in this world is stupid. They just take a little more time to learn. As for the lunch lady, don't read too much into it, she might have miscalculated it. But I get your point, it does get irritating if a small misunderstanding turns out to be a huge confusion.
  18. I beg to differ from the posts saying that wired is better. Though they may be right on certain aspects of wired internet such as the security and such and also the reliability of the connection whilst using it. I am using wireless internet because I have 2 desktop and 2 notebooks seperated into 3 rooms. Wireless is working very well for me, and it definitely looks neater in my room. The only wires I need is to connect my desktop to the router and vice versa. And the rest of the computers which needs internet access, they just need a network adapter, but all laptops nowadays are equipped with that, so it should not be a problem at all. In regards to security, you can always take up 1 of the encryption schemes (WPA or WEP) and on top of that, you can allow how many you want to access your connection in your router settings. But then again, it is all up to your needs. If there are more than 2 users, like the rest of your family, then wireless is the way to go. If not, wired could be your best choice
  19. You need to be more elaborative. What is the error message they give you when you try to save in that format? And have you googled that error message? Alternatively, you can download other software which will make movies for you.
  20. There would be an amazing issue with having a wap website for Xisto though. Imagine us typing a long post, it would practically take ages to do that. For me typing a 160 character sms takes about 30 seconds or so. Imagine a 4000 character post? With a mobile, we tend to reply in lesser number of words and sometimes even 1 liners. That certainly doesn't go with our policy now does it? Perhaps Xisto can implement a different way for a user to accumulate credits through a mobile because for a person to get just 1 credit in a post, it is going to take a lot of effort.
  21. I am really fascinated by the idea of browsing the internet wherever you are. But unfortunately, as I am still using GPRS, the data charge would be considerably higher. I am thinking of moving into 3G connections, since it provides higher data speed, and only then can I consider mobile internet a daily routine in my life. The only times I surf WAP sites, are when I am checking for live scores of my favourite team and also to download some Sony Ericsson themes at their home site. With regards to browsing on your mobile. I have a few enquiries. I tried opening http://yahoo.com/ and I was surprisingly able to do so. I remember when I tried to do it with my older phone (k508i), it was not able giving me an error message that the size is too big. So is it possible to actually don your mobile as a desktop trying to surf webpages in http instead of wap?
  22. On top of what is said in the above posts, like how bad it would be on the forum in a sense that they could register multiple accounts with different IP addresses, another bad thing about referal would be the massive spamming of Xisto URL in other forums. I have seen so many members who would go to that limit just to make people join their forum. Spamming in other forums will not make a good name for Xisto. There are many other webhosts out there and for sure it would be a good place for these users to spam there. So no no to earning credit by referring another user to the forum
  23. What is the error message they gave you?I am sure there would be details given to you when an error has occurred? The diagnosis would be able to point out where the problem exactly is coming from. Be it the system ... etc
  24. Or if you want to simply transfer files from your laptop to desktop. You can use filezilla server and point either your desktop and laptop as respective servers. From there, your desktop and laptop can get the files via FTP. That is what I do when I need to transfer files between each other. But there would be some configuration which needs to be done in your router settings though as well as allowing Filezilla to access your port 20-21
  25. Thank you so much for the wonderful helpThings will definitely work easier for me especially when I have more than 7 windows in the taskbar.
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