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Everything posted by darran

  1. Recently, there have been a lot of burning of forests in Indonesia, a country which is just neighbours with mine; Singapore. As a result, there have been clouds of haze over Singapore, and no matter where, you can smell burnt ashes. I was playing football just yesterday, and the haze really took out a part of my stamina away. I was grasping for breath after just close to an hour. Usually this does not happen to me when I play. Is anyone experiencing this as well? I just don't understand why these forests must be burnt? It not only hurts nature but also the humans living near it. Trees are slowly disappearing from our earth because of the extensive wastage of paper. And we humans are just continuing to destroy them. I am a person who is pretty oriented to nature, not as well as an environmentalist, but I definitely forbid the burning of forests. Why can't they just take the time and cut them down instead of gunning the trees in the entire forests to death? Does any of our South East neighbours feel the same way about the haze and burning of forests?
  2. First of all welcome to the forum keri-jI do not think posting is a big issue for anyone even for a 13 year old such as yourself. Think of it this way. Use this forum as a platform to learn new things and gain more knowledge. I am 19, but to be honest with you, in the what is forum, I hardly know more than 20% of what is being spoken about there. The learning curve is always there, and we should not pass out on such a good chance to continue learning. There is no regulation that a member needs to have a certain level of web programming to be able to efficiently post here. I can tell you that every member is worth having on the forum, each person is unique with their input to the forums and I would be more than happy to read their opinions and comments.I started on 31 August 2006, and now I have 110+ credits to my username. You can simple take 1 day and spend 20 minutes, and you can easily get 7-10 credits. So you can just post once every week in order to keep that quota or if you want, you can try doing what I do. Visit the forum whenever I am free, post whenever I have something to say, and soon enough, you will have an incredible number of credits and it will fill up for any emergency you might have
  3. Hi there, I have not seen you before because I registered just over a month ago. The routine of waking up and posting is really amazing, but for me I find it more of a strain than anything. I do not have the mood to post once I wake up for some reason or another. With regards to Xisto, as far as I am concerned. It is still providing the marvellous free hosting service for us and the community here is still as great. I don't know anything about Firefox because I am supposed to be using the latest version and it is only Photoshop 8 the newer version of Photoshop CS 8 because often I get confused.
  4. Do you know the icon on the quick launch bar which allows you to show the desktop once click on it? Alternatively, you can right click on the task bar and click on the option 'Show the Desktop'.My problem is I have accidentally deleted the show desktop icon on the quick launch bar on the taskbar. Is there a way I can bring it back? I know I can show the desktop by right clicking and then selecting the option I want. But it is very troublesome for me, I would prefer just to click once and thats it I am back to the desktop instead of having to right click, move to the appropriate menu and then clicking again.I would appreciate it if anyone could help me?
  5. I have just got the phone 2 days ago I really like the phone, the camera is excellent. Even under weak lighting it is able to capture a very clear picture of my room. Here is an example But with regards to making use of 3G, I am still unable to really tap into it. So far I have not found any bugs regarding this phone, except that the memory stick slot is a little difficult to pry open, but nothing serious. This phone is certainly a dream come true for all Sony Ericsson supporters who fancied an excellent camera with a classy phone. For people who need free themes, ringtones, software, games ... etc for K800, you can visit http://www.mobile9.com/, it is a very good website.
  6. darran

    Nokia N95

    I am by no means a Nokia supporter especially after my experience with them. However the specs are definitely impressive. 5.0 mega pixel camera, that is something worth looking out for. But being a N-Series, I would never consider it. I just got a new phone. Sony Ericsson K800i, the camera is 3.2 mega pixel and it is loading generally very quickly. Symbian phones being a mini computer tends to be slow. I do not think I will have the patience to wait 5 seconds for a message to complete loading. Perhaps in the future when Symbian phones have a faster loading time will I then consider.
  7. From what I understand Your site is located at this URI: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I have just tried to access it 10 minutes after you made this post. It gives a confirmation message that you have got hosting done on Xisto. Funny how things have gone, you made a post regarding a problem and 10 minutes later it is solved
  8. I second what is said here. There is no way to get free internet in this world. You have to pay for it. Why bother using dial up when cable is so cheap nowadays. Sometimes you are paying more for dial up especially if you are a heavy user like me. 100 hours a month? Sounds pretty impossible wouldn't it? I am only paying SGD 50.00 a month for unlimited usage of my cable internet. Other than connecting to a wireless network using a network adapter (infrastructure connection), there is also getting it through another computer which has internet access. Something called an ad-hoc connection. I am sure you can look it up into wikipedia or google as to how to set it up. But your best chance of getting free internet is connecting to other wireless connections. A lot of people are not exactly IT-savvy, so you could tap into their insecured connection.But be prepared for the internet to go off anytime, so it would not be wise to play MMORPG or download large files using their connection. My advice to you still stands, get your own internet connection and pay for it.
  9. In the past, when I was younger, I would find it very awkward and would become speechless. Because to us kids at that time, kissing and sensual actions between a couple is something deemed as wierd and disgusting, so we would often cover our eyes or go to our rooms. But now that we are older and more in touch to these kind of things, there is no reason to feel disgusted, we would just watch silently. No awkward feelings whatsoever. It is alright to watch a male and female of the appropriate age kiss each other. Of course you do not want to be watching 2 gays kissing each other or even an incest contact going on?
  10. I started my first ever website when I was quite young at 14. 5 years ago. At that time I only knew the basic HTML formatting skills, I do not know CSS, Design, DIV ... etc. I was with lycos back then, using one of their templates, adding html code to include news ticker ... etc, things like that. There wasn't any designing or coding to be done for me. In fact, it was a click basis, nothing difficult. It was meant as a website for my football team. But that was the bone to get me going and today I can design far more complexed webpages.
  11. It all depends on what type of Java you are talking about. J2SE or J2ME, but my guess is J2SE because not many people program using J2ME. You can try going to Java Sun forums. They provide a lot of good solutions for you. Just by browsing the forum, you learn a lot of new things. Trust me on that because I have learnt quite some stuff from there. However their J2ME forum is a little quiet, I am just surprised why there are not many people talking about programming on the mobile. After all thats where the industry is heading.
  12. I find it extremely strange that a mere copying of files from your friend's thumb drive would result in your computer getting a crash. I highly suspect your friend's files may have contained a virus of some sort. Why don't you use Norton Anti Virus instead of Norton Internet Security?Correct me if I am wrong, Norton Anti Virus scans your computer for viruses while Norton Internet Security checks against potential threats coming into your computer from the internet domain? The system restore is a good solution by kdr__98 but the problem with this option is that us; me included do not set any restore points. But I could be wrong about you
  13. I am very interested in the term Chupacabra. I used to watch the Dexter Laboratory's series on cartoon network, I do catch it everynow and then too. I thought it was some mythological creature which eats goats. I didn't even know that they actually existed in real life. It is really fantastic to know about these creatures because you never know. Other creatures like mermaids ... etc, those which are not of the regular world you see. Back on the Chupacabra, it looks like a vampire bat on 4 legs and on top of that, it has a human touch to it on its face.
  14. I am pretty certain that Xisto's security should not be put into question here. I have been with Xisto for almost 2 months and there is nothing but praise for them from me. The problem is there are so many hackers out there who are really good in their hacking skills but then again, I don't think they would hack your site without any reason unless they are a group of hackers picking on a random site to hack just for the thrill of it. Another issue would be your usage of SMF forums, IMO price determines everything. You pay for what you get. In regards to forums/message boards it is best to get a paid 1 like IPB and VBulletin because these are the ones who will usually have a very strong security and there are constant updates in regards to the security level in a particular version. The way I see it, I think this could be more of a settings problem made by you or even a SMF issue. But it is very unlikely to be a Xisto account because from what I know, none of us experienced a problem of getting hacked like that.
  15. I have just visited your site, and after taking a quick look at it. I can find no such problem (space in the middle of the page) located in the webpage. Can you redirect me to the right place so I can help you debug what is actually going on?
  16. A good way to start building a website IMO is to familarise yourself with the basics of web designing. Small things such as <head><body> and then formatting tags such as <B><I> and from there you go on slowly to bigger things like tables, css, div ... etc Start reading tutorials and get yourself ready. A good site to read it from is http://www.w3schools.com/, a very useful site for beginners to many new things. Understand the basics is the most important thing and then you can move on
  17. This is definitely an improvement in the service. There is much more convenience while posting in Xisto. No more needs to go to a seperate URL like imageshack, upload the image and then copy the url and enclose it with the relevant tags. Good move by Xisto.
  18. Anyone playing in the tibetserver?If you are, please add me at orangejuicy
  19. I am surprised by your comment jdizzleonline. From my knowledge, Motorola was pretty hot on the market in the past year, they are the only brand IMO capable of challenging SE and Nokia for their phone sales. Samsung, LG and DOpod in my opinion do not have much popularity. As for the chocolate, I have to admit the phone resembles the IPod in 1 way or another and the design is really appealing. I am not here to burst your bubble but the features aren't that super, for e.g. the camera is the same as the phone I bought 2 years ago (a SE K508i). I am planning to get a new phone next week and I will be getting the SE K800i, it has been on my wishlist for a very long time and I can't wait to get it.
  20. For those who do not know what is Kwiktron. They are actually a company which Harvey Norman outsources their repairs of their computers to for customers who have the extended warranty option. And Harvey Norman is just like your normal electronics department store, but they also have other kinds of merchandise on sale such as furniture ... etcHere is the story:My Sony Vaio laptop which was purchased from Harvey Norman had a problem with its sound output. There were jack noises coming out of it, and so I sent it for repair into Kwiktron. 2 weeks later (awfully a long time for them to repair a simple audio defect), I got back the laptop, glad to see the sound working back again but there was a freakish thing about it. It auto-restarts by itself, you do not need to run anything but it will restart itself. Before sending my laptop for repair, there was never such an occurence that my laptop will restart by itself. So the obvious question was what the technical staff at Kwiktron actually did? They referred me back to Sony. And I sent it for servicing at their service centre. I told them the problem and they said they would engage testing on the laptop. After about a week or so, I got back the laptop. However they said that there was no fault with the laptop. They completely assumed my observations was rubbish and said there was nothing wrong with it. They even claimed that it was a software setup error or even a virus but have nothing to confirm of such a thing. In the first place, there was completely no virus because I did a recovery before actually testing it. I was really pissed with 1 comment they gave me. They said something along the lines of 'Did you click on any button to make the laptop restart by itself, something like restart computer?" They were completely treating me like a computer idiot but at the same time he was unsure of what I am saying; thus giving me a solution that a recovery would solve everything I mentioned. That was a total load of crap by them. They tested everything, but I really doubt they tested anything because if they did, there wouldn't be any problem when I ran it.I was totally fed up with the crap I have been receiving for the past 3 weeks regarding a laptop which originally had a sound defect. When I sent it to be repaired, that was the only problem but when I got it back, that defect was gone with another coming in. The next day, my mother was entirely furious about what was going on. As the laptop was registered under her name, she called up Harvey Norman and gave them a thrashing down. She was totally irate with Harvey Norman especially after they told her that the fault could be the battery's life span. Another load of crap I would say, before this; it was working fine and where did the battery's life span problem come from now? The way I see it, they are running away from their responsibilities. And a charge could be made if the problem is found in the battery's life span, I say thrash that! If there is any battery life span problem, it is all thanks to them. Who knows what they did to my laptop during the 2 weeks they were 'servicing' my laptop? I was very angry with their attitude. Exceptionally pathetic to the highest standards. My mother demanded them take back the laptop to fix it, and at the moment it is in their workshop. Who knows when they will return it? They had better fix the problem they created themselves. I have half the mind to make a public complaint of harvey norman in the newspapers. 1 advice to all of you out there, whatever it is; do not get an extended warranty no matter what, if not they could really screw you with their poor attitude and hopeless servicing. It is much better to pay the full price for a repair than let a 3rd party come in especially a company like Kwiktron
  21. I am sorry, I am a complete idiot in this area. How do I check for the bios of a graphic card? I don't think it could be a cooling problem because ever since I got this graphics card, this problem has been there.
  22. I did what you suggested but still there is no change in the rendering of graphics. I am afraid the versions of the drivers is not an issue but rather the compatibility of the hardware and my computer. Anyone else can help?
  23. I fully agree with you. When buying branded products, chances are that you are going to pay for the brand name and its establishment rather than the quality of the product. For example, an Apple IPod can cost up to 200+ but another brand of a MP3 player, it may cost less than 150. The same concept can be applied to fashion accessories, why go for branded goods like Mango, Billabong ... etc when you can get similar goods which are better? But of course the issue with getting brandless items is knowing how to see them and differentiating between the good and bad quality ones. On the issue of this Microsoft Wireless Optical Mouse 5000, I have not heard of it. But my experience with a wireless mouse is not a good one. I had a free Sony USB wireless mouse when I got my Sony Vaio laptop about slightly more than a year ago. At times it had problems trying to identify the wireless mouse and as a result, the mouse was deemed useless on more than a couple of occasions. With regards to Microsoft hardware, as of now, I have only seen a microsoft keyboard, I don't find it is better than other keyboards with no brands, reinforcing the fact that a brand name != the best
  24. I have always said thisThe best solution would be to come to the forum on a daily basis, post some interesting stuff and not worry about the credits. I was astounded to find out that my credits have already reach past 100. And I only registered 24 days ago, amazing isn't it?
  25. My error was one without any script interventions so maybe my solution did not apply to yours. I suggest you could ask the person who did the script or debug it yourself
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