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Everything posted by darran

  1. Here are 2 links which you can read more about WML and XHTML. WML http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_Markup_Language XHTML http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XHTML I have only briefly done a wap site using wml, and it works exactly like a xml document in the format like: <title> <name>darran</name> </title> Something like that. WML is designed for low processing mobile sets, in the past the processing power of this mobile were not able to interpret the current http pages which you are seeing at the moment. In the past, from experience there were only wap pages/'light' html pages which could be viewed on the mobile, but now the modern mobile sets are much more powerful in terms of processing power and are able to visit http pages of any sort. WML is going to die out sooner or later because XHTML is replacing it. I think XHTML would be the better option for you since it is the standard which will be going to use from now on, rather than WML which is a dying standard.
  2. I do not recall Sony Ericsson phones having a D750, as I presume that by SE, you are refering to Sony Ericsson. If I am not wrong, it is a Samsung phone you are talking about. Sony Ericsson only has the K, Z, W, T, Z, M, P and S series, but never a D series. With regards to your D750 dropping into a bucket of water, I am afraid there is nothing you can do to solve it, 1 thing which should never happen is for you to drop your phone into water, much less a bucket of it. A friend of my friend dropped his Sony Ericsson K750 into a pool, and it instantly stopped responding. Your best hope now is to send it to a repair centre, and if you still have the warranty issued to you when you purchased the phone, even better. You can waive all repair charges. But if you have not, be prepared to fork out a huge sum of money. As for your Sharp Gx15, as you did not give any details whatsoever on how you locked it, what did you do then after and stuff like that, I can't possibly give you an accurate solution. At the moment, I can only presume that you locked your phone using the SIM lock function, for that to be solved, just bring it down to your telco which in this case is T-Mobile UK and ask them to release it for you, but be ready for a charge
  3. I don't understand the use of CRT monitors anymore. the_aggie is looking for something upcoming I believe, and CRT monitors are definitely not the latest thing, in fact they are dying out, a huge percentage of us now use LCD and I don't think people will use CRT monitors unless they are on an extremely tight budget.
  4. I am actually feeling very confused with regards to what you are saying. I have seen flash on computers, they are those animative graphics/content, the videos in youtube are all encoded in a .swf format, flash format. With regards to application, we have seen lots of games and applications being coded in flash, so this is not something relatively new. You mean all the graphical animation on Sony Ericsson phones, their menu is the output of flash?
  5. I never really seen flash as a programming language. So in truth, it doesn't really matter whether there is a change in their class organizations. I did flash before and for me, it is a simply GUI tool to make animation, action scripting? It is just a click and watch kind of scene, not really much programming IMO. On the other hand, I am not too interested in flash, I am not cut out for multimedia content either, so I would just stick to being a concentrated Java programmer
  6. As what was said above, I don't think you can do it to have multiple access of CPanel. After all, it is a control panel as the name suggest for the site. And since the other sub-domains are within that site, it can only have 1 control panel. A situation to explain this would be like a work hierachy system, the administrator would add new workers, new positions, new departments, but he will not be able to give his access to these permissions to anyone else. If that were to happen, how would anyone keep track of what is being done?
  7. I have just downloaded firefox 2.0 and tested it. The spelling check is actually a good thing for people who do not know how to spell certain words but it is also a bad thing since it can't even detect firefox as a right spelling and also things like imo, ic ... etc these common abbreviations we always use in the internet world. The design is certainly more sleeker, with gradients in he tab as well as the buttons, and the icons have changed to nicer looking ones. They mentioned about search recommendations, but it doesn't seem to work for google but only yahoo. Can anyone confirm this? But so far there are no significant changes in terms of experiences, I will continue to test it out but so far so good
  8. I think you forgot to mention the content, in powerpoint slide presentation, things are always going to be described in point form. So I think it is important not to overstretch in a point, meaning not to go more than 2 lines of text, ideally it would be good to have each point binded to 7-10 words. After all it is a presentation, you would need to explain to your audience what each point means to keep their interest instead of having to read from the slide. If each point is done with the utmost detail and elaboration, what would be the point of this presentation? A presentation is meant to be a light weight representation of the information to the audience, not a detailed informative and technical lesson to the audience about what you have set as your focal discussion.
  9. I have just taken a look at your site and I think on the layout wise, it is pretty good and organised but I think the site is lacking in appeal. It looks like a boxed up site, with a plain color which is dark sea blue. I feel you should work more on the design a little to give a more attractive look. Because right now at the moment, I feel the site is very dull. The banner looks very classy, but the panels which displays the header like 'MAIN MENU', 'LOGIN FORM' .. etc, you could use a better looking background rather a plain color like grey-white. It seems your site was designed using simple css styles and images. Try to use some server technologies like asp and maybe even ajax as well. A shoutbox would be good for visitors to give their comments, and eliminating the need for the page to refresh would be a major plus. Like what was mentioned, a button saying 'go', 'enter' or 'search' whichever suits you best would be handy to put next to the search bar. The foundation of the site is done, with your layout and even some content. But the thing you should focus now is to make it as appealing and attractive to the user and reduce any user hassle, ajax would be good to start the shoutbox whereby visitors can communicate. I am sure they would prefer going through the shoutbox instead of having to type a email and send it to you.
  10. At the moment I am having the Sony Ericsson K800i. A phone where I have eyed for quite some time already. This phone is just like every other recent Sony Ericsson phone starting from the K series (500, 508, 700 ... etc) , the 4 rows of menus. The animation is certainly better than other phones I have seen and the camera captures very clear images, you would not even know pictures taken are from a phone, you would have thought it is from a digital camera. But a downside would be its vidoe capabilities, it records in a very small video resolution, 176 in width I believe, but other than that, this is really a good phone to behold. And this is the first time I am actually beholding such a high end phone as my previous phones were the camera less Nokia 3200 and a very weak camera phone in Sony Ericsson K508i. It would be much easier to use the USB cable to transfer things you want from your phone to your computer and vice versa. Since you are not using the USB cable but the bluetooth capability in your phone, you would need a bluetooth dongle. This dongle serves as a connection point between your phone and the computer. But if your computer has a built in bluetooth, you can simply try to locate your computer. What is the reason you can't connect using bluetooth? Did you install the driver of the dongle? Please provide more information so I can help you deduce the problem.
  11. A very harsh but sadly true indication of how Microsoft thinks. Till now, what have they come out with which really brings satisfaction to us customers? A screwed Windows XP, poor usage of RAM, an unsafe IE 6, and an upcoming Firefox duplicated IE 7, a need for 2 service packs ... etc, do I even need to go on. With regards to programming, I am sure Apple and Microsoft are almost on par, there should not be a disparity between them, but why is it that in the end products (Macintosh OS X and Windows XP), there is such a huge difference? Both in terms of design and performance. This small, short and sweet quote seriously delivers the truth out to the public.
  12. With regards to the layout, the positioning of the news item is fine, I find no trouble reading it. However it is the design which puts me off when I visit the site. I believe you can come up with a more attractive banner than what you are displaying in the site. The same goes for the menus, they could be perhaps more multimedia-oriented. You know flash, javascript, this sort of things. Or if you do not want any flash in the site, how about making a menu button from photoshop, making it look exquisite. The way the menus look now, they are no different from you adding text on a background, why not construct something which people would have difficulty figuring how you did it. This is definitely an area to improve on especially in aesthetics side. On the layout, the site gives me an impression of you using frames because of the sidebar, I am not sure whether that is the way you designed this site, but it does not look professional at all. Sorry for my blunt comments.
  13. I don't think I am going to ever use Vista, I am definitely going to switch to a MAC once my current computer Pentium 4 2.67 gHz 512 MB RAM computer becomes obselete. And with bootcamp already out and being able to run a windows partition, I don't see a need to actually take the risk with regards to Windows Vista. I am sure Vista will just be like its predesessors, filled with bugs after being officially released, and a need to install a service pack in order to fix the screw ups they have. Besides I am sick of Windows and a MAC would be something refreshing, the reviews are much better as well than Windows anyday.
  14. I have used a download manager or should I say a download accelerator before. And yes it did increase the download speed of your internet connection but it does not increase your internet connection speed like some of the posts has said. Personally, I do not like this download accelerators because they give you adware, and rubbish such as that. I will just stick to Mozilla Download Manager, keeping it natural and free of all those rubbish adware.
  15. Sorry for going off-topic but if I am not mistaken, ajax is a web technology in web programming, how does ajax work in java applications?
  16. Not that I am complaining about the speed at which my computer loads up, but it is always better to have an even faster loading time. I will look to try this Tweak XP. Is it totally free, meaning all the functionalities are there for you to try or like 99% of the software, they lock some features for you. From what I have seen What I would like to see in Windows is a better cleaning capability of the registry and the freeing up of RAM. Windows has a very poor RAM freeing mechanism, and I am sure this has been noticed by many peopel now. As to how it will improve your internet connection, I do not know how this software actually goes about doing that. In any case, I will try out the trial version of this program and see how it works
  17. I don't remember signing up for the use of Windows Live Mail Beta, but in anycase I experienced it and in terms of loading speed, it is definitely slower than the previous version of hotmail when you have to click to retrieve anything. But like what was said earlier, it is totally made in Ajax, we do not need to refresh the screen when we delete something, it does it automatically, makes it very smooth in terms of server action movement. On the design aspect, it is very clean and good looking but 1 thing I do not like is the displaying of links, you are not allowed to click on them until you enable the content to be shown which is a irritating step to take. But then again, this is still a beta mood, so anything can change. However with Microsoft being Microsoft, I do not want to place much hopes on Windows Live Mail being a success.
  18. This is very useful especially if you have visitors who are too busy. This rss feeds is a very interesting component. I tried going to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and it gives me an xml document, I presume this is the rss feed you are talking about? Other than using a rss reader, is it possible for any user to subscribe to the site's rss feed? At the moment, I am trying to test it out with a rss reader which I downloaded from http://www.rssreader.com/download.htm
  19. While I am online, besides surfing at Xisto, I would be heading to my other forums which I am a member of. Specifically, Soccervision, Rainie Yang Singapore, Natasha Thomas and Laziofever forums. Other than that, I would be most probably catching up on the latest football news and occasionally the world news. I would also visit Friendster or write new entries in my blog which used Xisto host. But basically it revolves around forums and stuff like that. Hardly do I use it to play games on websites, but I do play MMORPG (Silkroad Online).
  20. The issue about mobile phones would have to be as less resource intensive as possible. Since many people are connecting through gprs or 3g and every data transferred is being charged. It was ridiculous, I simply downloaded 1,309 kb of data, and I was charged SGD 20 for it. Imagine that? I have unlimited broadband access on the desktop and I only pay SGD 48. A mobile page would have to be very simplistic, and at the same time maintaining to your purpose which is a mobile version of your site, not losing any content which they would be able to view on the desktop.
  21. I echo what Migue2k7 says. You need a design, sorry for being direct. But what I see in your page are simply text, images and links. Those alone are definitely not going to attract many visitors to your site, unless your site is an informative one, otherwise I don't think many visitors will come. A page with only links in the middle, it lacks something, try what Migue2k7 said, add some news, welcome message, animated graphics or anything like that around the website. It is far too empty, it is like a hot dog bun with only 1/8 of a hotdog. I would reocommend you to use Adobe Photoshop, conjure up some interesting designs which you like, maybe something you can relate to, yourself, your favourite artiste, try to find a theme for your site and get its identity.
  22. Definitely not something we can help with. You need a software which can effectively clean out all these rubbish (spyware, malware, virus, pop ups ... etc) for you. For me, I use spybot search and destroy, avg anti virus and ad-aware. And my computer is good, no pop ups or anything like that
  23. I don't trust the windows sharing mode. I have done this transfering of 'stuffs' as you would call it between my desktop and laptop. So I will give you an indepth step to do it. These are the requirements needed for this to be successful - Both computers must have internet access - FTP Client (CuteFTP, WS_FTP, FlashFXP, Filezilla ... etc) - Host computer meaning the computer which has the files must be the one to set up the server. After you have all the requirements, we can start. Download Filezilla server from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ After installing in your host computer, and doing all you should need to do. You can configure the server, it is a pretty easy step. You just need to add a user, his password and then state which directory of your computer you want to share, be it your documents, music, games ... etc Be sure to check what kind of permissions you are allowing your users to be access because they can delete files if you set for it. After configuring all this, make sure you start your filezilla server and on top of that allow filezilla server to bypass your firewall. You can do this by creating an exception in your windows firewall settings that is if you are using it. Add a program and then allow the firewall to accept it. Alright now that you have done configuring your host computer, head to your client computer which is the computer you want to download the files into. Launch your ftp client and type the address of the global IP your 1st computer is connected to and not the IP of your LAN. I have not tried typing the IP of your LAN to see whether it only allows a particular perosn to connect within his own network. I will try it out and get back to you. But I think this only works with 2 computers connected to the same router. When you want to connect, connect in this manner. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And if you have a username of darran, they will prompt you for a password to connect to the IP. The reason I asked you to put your name ahead of the @ is because there is an anonymos account which will not accept any password, unless you remove it, it will always take you to the anonymous account. So therefore, by putting darran as a username parameter, the ftp client will be able to identify the username which you have entered and process accordingly. After that, you can simply transfer your files from your host computer. And if you want to transfer from laptop2 to laptop1. Repeat the same steps, just that in a different computer. So there you have it, you can ftp 'stuffs' from 2 seperate computers which are connected with internet access.
  24. I feel I have a need to give my view on this as an outsider. I think what Albus Dumbledore is doing is perfectly right, he is a model example of how a good member should behave. He is ever so regular on this forum, I can't give out that amount of time and dedication he does though, he writes constructive sentences and never fails to guide his fellow members around in the forum so that they do not make any mistakes which could put them in the 'red' meaning being warned by the admin or mods. I am pretty sure you would see Albus Dumbledore's posts or advice rather than seeing an admin's warning. I think he has done the right thing in this case, guiding us and reporting bad posts is nothing wrong. Trying to stop any potential argument is also definitely not an issue, at least with me. I have never thought of him as someone who is trying to wave his power and a moderator despite not being one. We are all trying to promote this community as one with high quality and constructive posts, and naturally new members may not understand this concept. It is up to the older members like Albus Dumbledore to guide any users who might feel lost. Even I at times, try to guide our new members and how to get their way around in this forum, what not to do and what to do. Because sometimes, they may post 1 liners which is not acceptable in our forum, or even quote the entire chunk and pass it as their own, these actions are not supported in this forum. The mods are there, but look at the scale of Xisto, it is so big, I don't even have the time to visit everyday, much less every single forum so I simply skip to my favourite ones. Like what was said above, the mods are working on a non-profit clause, they are volunteering their precious time here, and like everyone of us they have a life. They have a responsibility towards this forum and they are executing their responsibility. But nonetheless, I feel every member should help out and do their part to notify any member who might commit a no-no and report to the mod if things get out of hand (A spammer spamming a rival web hosting site on Xisto), things like that, these are some things we can do to lessen the load on the mods.
  25. I have just visited the site and to be honest with you, I do not really like the layout. It has ads, which should definitely be a no-no if you want to attract visitors to your site, plus it screws up the layout. Graphics wise, I feel you could design something more classy and clean. The design just doesn't cut it for me, I would prefer something would look professional and at the same time stylish. I haven't seen the tutorials yet because you said these were sample data, so I will wait.
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