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Everything posted by darran

  1. As of late, I realised Xisto free hosting has been going down quite often, already more than thrice as it went down in the past month. In the past I did not encounter such a situation whereby the server is down ever so often. I checked with the Xisto page, and I always see the light icons indicating the Gamma server to red. Although the downtime does not last more than a few hours at each time, it is getting frustrating to see it down so often. Could you tell us what is going on which is causing such a situation to take place.
  2. I for sure won't be going to stick with the Windows platform. I am currently using a Pentium 4 2.67 GHz 512 mb RAM and a Centrino 1.73 GHz 1 gb RAM for my laptop. Once my desktop goes out of date, I would purchase a MAC, and I am sure compatibility would improve more by then and the ability to boot a windows sure helps things.
  3. I echo the sentiments that spamming isn't good for the forum. Spamming for me is the downside of any forum, if I ever saw spamming at a site, then I would really be looking at the downside of the forum rather than the positive parts. For me, a spam is just an indication of how thrashy the forum is. Though Spam will just make your forum look 'slightly' better in terms of stats but when visitors actually go into the forum looking at your quality, they would be appalled at what is actually posted and not join the forum
  4. The reason for wanting a blogging software is because I do not want the hassle of always opening Firefox, logging onto my Wordpress account and then start posting. I like to have my images customised with a photopaper border and Windows Live Writer does it for me. I am not sure how to do those fancy borders using pure html because I don't know of anyway to use html to do those kind of borders.
  5. I don't think you get what I mean. I already have Wordpress installed in my Xisto hosting account, I just need a software to write entries to it and this software has to be able to format pictures and upload to my ftp. Is there any free software?
  6. darran


    To be frank, I never really studied Javascript on a standalone basis, it is through my knowledge with Java where I crept into Javascript, it is not really that difficult, you just need to know the methods and call them appropriately, you can take examples from the web and learn that way. Most of the logic you see, the marquee, all these can be coded in Java and I would probably not need to know javascript to be able to actually do a marquee in Javascript.
  7. I am looking for a blogging software for wordpress.I know of Windows Live Writer Beta, but the only problem with it is it doesn't accept html tags in a post while in wordpress it is possible to put tags such as <center></center> and stuff like that. The blogging software should also allow me to format pictures by putting borders such as a drop shadow or photopaper like what is commonly seen in today's blogs. Can anyone suggest anything?
  8. To be frank, this isn't exactly a site I would love to go. It reminds me of the kind of sites, 10 year old kids would do about themselves, using frames, black and all that. I see you are using a CMS to store your news, that is very interesting, keeping it short and sweet. Easy for the eyes. But if you ask me about the colors, I would say I do not like what I am seeing. I always believe in websites, there is a need for the it to look attractive to attract visitors to the site. The fonts are all very big, it is very apparent and clear what you are trying to say. Just 1 image in the website, it does help in the loading of the site, but it really looks like an amateur site, don't be offended by this. I would suggest you to design some graphics (banner, menu header, menus, backgrounds, patterns ... etc) to enhance your website. A good look will definitely entice more visitors to your site.
  9. I just tested this program; VidGif, but the problem is that the free version would have their logo at the side of the animation. Is there any other free programmes that is able to do this without having to pay?
  10. This is a very good tutorial for someone who is completely new to this.Xisto provides an easy mechanism to install WP through the fantastico icon, just click, input and click again, you are done.
  11. You can use a browser to upload but I have used Firefox and it seems it only allows you to download a file at a time by using the save as target function, you are not allowed to download a folder. Should you want to avoid using a client, open up your windows explorer and type the following; edit as per your own details A message box should prompt you asking you to input your password, and after that you are good to go. I hope I managed to help you
  12. I have always been fascinated about this idea of online love. Is it really possible to find your true other while being online? Most of the time, it is very difficult to picture the kind of person speaking to you in a conversation online. It is very hard to really portray the true meaning of what you intend to say in just words, sometimes being face to face would accurately describe your feelings to the other party. It is ever so rare that you get to bare your heart to someone you have not met or even seen in your life. The only way this online relationship will work out is that you bring it to the next level, expelling online meetings and expanding it to meeting face to face; starting a relationship like every other normal couple. However ... The threats about online dating is very dangerous, there have been so many cases in my country of girls being cheated, raped and even killed through chatting in internet relay messaging (IRC). If you ever want to meet up, please bring along a few of your friends so that they can look out for you. For all you know, the guy you have been talking so regularly to might be a serial molester. I am not trying to say anything about this guy you could be meeting, but just that you should be careful if you are meeting him.
  13. HTML is the base of web design, if you want to build a website, you would need to know the base language and that is HTML. If you have been in web design for quite some time, it may seem something easy for you. I learnt HTML in a couple of days, with the formatting, tables, span, divs ... etc it just all came through like that. HTML is not as complex as dynamic technology like PHP, JSP and ASP .... etc, if you want to learn to build a very powerful website , HTML is the way to start before jumping into other things like CSS, PHP, JSP ... etc.
  14. I reckon you want us to review the home page and not the forums, since it is basically standardised as to how a forum would look like. I agree with what was said above, try to make the text consistent, you need to have a particular style for your fonts, don't jumble your text using Verdana the first minute and Times New Roman the next. I can't help not noticing a flaw in the design, the bottom part of the site was slashed off. Here is the link to it: Perhaps you could rectify this error. Could you also try to make the font color more contrasting to the background. You have a dark grey background and you are using a light grey color for your text, it is not really turning out well for me. Other than these 3 issues, I pretty much like the way your site is laid out, very portal-like. The way the content boxes are designed to contain information, they just look great. Fix the following problems and it will be a site good and ready to go
  15. From what I understand, MP3 should be the standard for music files. It is wierd that you have your mp3s in WMA format, perhaps you could convert your files to MP3. There are some free converters, you can find them in download.com As for themes, there is a very good website dedicated to w810i downloads, here you go: http://www.lasyk.net/
  16. Your problem is very peculiar, I don't think this problem can be attributed to what you are doing since you can connect using other FTP programs but rather to SmartFTP, you could still contact SmartFTP and tell them about this error you are receiving.
  17. I would definitely be using GMail if it wasn't for the MSN Messenger I have been using to contact my friends. I have seen people using GMail and then signing to MSN, but I do not know how to do that. The other thing would be that I won't get automatic updates if my email has a new message just like MSN.
  18. I am from Singapore, and it is a very small country but the peace here is excellent. Thats the most attractive offer to have by staying in Singapore
  19. This is a very difficult question to answer. Nobody actually deems it as right, for e.g. Spain deem it as legal and allow it to happen, but here in Singapore it is banned to have homosexual marriages. For me, I think it would be extremely wierd to embrace a homosexual relationship, I can't imagine doing what I would do with a girl to a guy and to possess the same kind of feelings normally. I believe the more religious people would strongly object this, I am a neutral believer of this, as long as I am not forced to endure or accept this kind of relationships, I just let things flow the way it is. But for sure maybe in a decade or 2, this could be more accepted by the society. So many pop stars are recognised as gay icons, so how does that really put our society to believe that homosexual relationships is wrong? These pop stars are adored by teenagers everywhere, what these pop stars do, may be deemed right by these fanatics. I wouldn't say that it is right or wrong, just that it would be wierd
  20. I had this problem in the thread below yours http://forums.xisto.com/topic/43272-login-bug-keeps-asking-me-to-input-a-password/ In short, the Norton Internet Security was not allowing it for some reason, as a result even after I input my password and submit, it still gives me a validation error saying I did not input any password. If you are using Norton Internet Security, this could be a potential problem. I have had no problems logging in with Firefox 2.0 now that my Norton problem is solved
  21. I don't think 3 images of 5 kb each would take up much request time, it may even differ by a few milli seconds, so there isn't a problem with adding images affecting your response time.
  22. I think what you are looking for at the moment wouldn't be too easy to find in the current market. 1 mega pixel camera + 3g is almost impossible to get. But I think you could try what the other members have suggested to you, the w810i is a decent phone, a 2 mega pixel camera with 3G capabilities and a good music player. Thats what the Sony Ericsson W Series are supposed to provide, an amazing music experience. However if you want good pictures and slightly above average music quality, you could get the phone I am currently using; K800i. Of course all these would have to mean breaking the bank. I bought my K800i with a contract at a price of SGD 438. 1 SGD = 0.8 AUS, so you can do the maths yourself. It is nearly impossible to get a 3G phone which will cost 100 AUS unless of course you are considering Nokia 6280, but there are so many complaints and problems with their firmware, so i would not suggest it.
  23. Please specify your problem, there is no way we can assist you if you are so vague in explaining your problems. But from the looks of things, there is no way 1 ftp can connect to the server, and the other can't. You must have typed the password wrongly or url wrongly. Did you?- Enable your firewall to let your FTP program process? - Type the password and username login correctly?- Specify the right server url? Sometimes it is not for e.g. Xisto.com, it might be test.trap17.com, small things like that
  24. I am in the same age range as you; 19. But I have been with my girlfriend for 4 years now, she was my first date. So I am pretty glad that we have managed to last this long without having any changes in our feelings. However being in Singapore, it is impossible to get married at 19, there is no future present until I reach 22 at least as I have to serve the army when I am 20. So any marriage talks would have to wait till then
  25. I disabled my norton internet security and it did not give the error as specified in post #1. However is there a way I can do this without disabling my norton internet security as I do not want my computer to be vulnerable to any threats
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