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Everything posted by darran

  1. I think it is a very clean look but there are definitely somethings to be improved on. You have a blue banner and a blue background, there isn't much contrast in that. It would definitely help if you can seperate the header and the background, looks much more pleasing to the user as well. The font can be improved as well:'Tutorials written by: BooZker' the following text is using a Courier font if I am not wrong. That is a definite no no in websites, in programming codes, yes maybe but definitely not as a particular font for a certain text. Lastly, the Boozker Windows Tweaks is blending in a little too much with the banner for my liking. It would be better if you tried having a little brighter color for your text. Other than that, your website design is fine
  2. I have never had any problems with other FTPs, it just doesn't time out and logs me out for nothing. Yes not a single file is 5mb in size. I have used 2 FTP programs (CuteFTP and FlashFXP), and have encountered the same problem, now I am using the Fireftp extension for Firefox and at times I get a no data connection error resulting in me getting disconnected. When uploading we are not talking about 100 files, probably about less than 50 at most. So I don't know how it can create a file overload on the server
  3. It is pretty simple really, they simply re-route the connections underwater, by no means are the connections fixed. An alternative connection if you will. It will take weeks, probably months, I do not know how extensive the damage to the data cables are. Although it is not significant that the speed is slower when we surf websites, but when you play MMORPG, you can see the difference, it takes like 3 secs for it to respond to every action you make with your character, in the past, it wasn't even 1 sec before there is some response from the server. So hopefully they fix it quickly
  4. I didn't think a coding of a method was necessary for a simple arithmetic function such as rounding up to 2 decimal points. But nonetheless, I will try this set of code over the weekend when I have more time to spare. Thanks for the effort though
  5. I don't know whether it is just me or is the server faulty? When I try accessing it, at times it just disconnects me for no apparent reason, what's worst is that they do that when I am in the middle of transfering a huge amount of stuff in terms of disk space like 5 mb, you know the speed access you get with FTP and for broadband, the highest I could go was 12 kb/sec. Is this a glitch with the server?
  6. I will do lots of abs training then, sit ups I believe are the most effective? Also the stretching exercises, bending and reaching your toes helps a lot too. And staying away from starchy food. I will be trying that out this evening and will get back to you my feedback
  7. I managed to somehow fix the problem of the audio streaming on Firefox. In actual fact, Firefox did understood my code and the <object> tag, the problem it was not playing was pretty silly when I come to think of that. The source was using a relative file called "/***/***.asx", but seeing as it is a relative link to my current directory where the page is located, there should not be a "/" at the beginning of the source file.
  8. I can't use java.text, it is not an available package for me to make use of. Is there anything else I could do?
  9. I am surprised that Xisto ads actually contained pornographic graphics. Whilst surfing Xisto, both at home and in the office, I have never encountered ads of such count before. The most was simply a girl in a bikini titled Mate1 Intimate Dating. That was the furthest it got to.
  10. I never thought of that, usually when I run, I always breath in and out using almost the same amount of time. I never thought of breathing in quickly and then breath out slowly, I will be sure to try that today when I embark on a run in the reservoir. I did the breathing in of two times and breathing out too but I was not able to cure the stitches.
  11. What is the difference between flash and asx? Is it simply the file extension? I don't think people want to validate a web player page. Hopefully you can find a site which uses this
  12. I am doing a J2ME application which involves the mathematical manipulation of datatypes integer and double. So the end result would be something like 1.2856 and I would like to round it or truncate, whichever you call it to something along the lines of 1.29. I have tried looking around but realised in J2ME I can't make use of the NumberFormat package to handle this like I do in J2SE.Can anyone provide an alternative solution?
  13. How do I configure paypal to use my local bank account? I emailed them, and they said I need a credit card Can Buffalo guide me on this?
  14. So <object> is containing a plugin which is not viewable for Firefox I presume? What does <embed> contain? Does it contain ActiveX as well which will not be viewable by Firefox too?
  15. You do know that WML is quickly dying out. With newer phones comes better processing abilities, and that is why even now, on my phone (SE K800i), it is able to view Xisto as it is. I hardly see anyone using wml, at least around me and it is better to keep to 1 standard rather than have many standards, wml-xhtml-html ... etc, furthermore xhtml is just like html with extensions, so it is easier for programmers to code in xhtml rather than spend sometime to learn wml, though it is easy. It is an unnecessary waste of time.
  16. So how different is this from a normal USB Wireless Network Adapter? Nothing has change besides the design for which the Wireless Network Adapter has an antenna and is pretty bulky to carry around while this new version is simply a thumb drive look-a-like. I mean their function is pretty the same, allowing you to connect to a wireless network for your computer, be it a desktop or a notebook. Can this really be achieved, seeing as the network has a defined data rate range, can it go above what it can deliver? In short this adapter is just a remake of the more bulky network adapter. Notebooks are becoming the norm in today's world. Furthermore, all notebooks are pre-installed with a wireless card to connect to wireless networks, why would people want to carry extra peripherals and connect it to their notebook when there is a pre-built one? Perhaps those who want a better performance would use it, as it is always better to have something dedicated and external rather than something pre-built and internal. But other than that, I don't see many notebook users getting it.
  17. <Embed> instead of <Object>?Is <Embed> recognised on other browsers such as Safari and Opera? I do know that it works for IE though
  18. I have read many websites on how to prevent this and most of it are saying the same thing. But what can be the reasons for Stitches besides not breathing and exhaling in the way to match your running pace? Anyway to prevent it besides stretching the diaphragm before running? This is a problem which I encountered whilst running and recently it starts to affect me more causing me not able to train properly for my 2.4 km run test.
  19. There is a problem with internet radio streaming in firefox, it seems to be working well in IE but in firefox it just does not play at all. This is the code I am using: <object classid="CLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95" id="player" width="280" height="50"> <param name="url" value="someurl"/> <param name="src" value="someurl"/> <param name="showcontrols" value="true"/> <param name="showstatusbar" value="true"/> <param name="autostart" value="true"/> </object> <object type="video/x-ms-wmv" data="someurl" width="280" height="50"> <param name="src" value="someurl"/> <param name="autostart" value="true"/> <param name="controller" value="true"/> <param name="showstatusbar" value='1'/> </object> someurl in the link stands for the streaming .asx file. Can some expert in media API tell me what can I do to make this code work for Firefox and IE 7? Thanks in advance.
  20. Personally I like Pop and Rock. The metal, rap, hip hop, jazz and country are music genres which just doesn't blend well with my taste
  21. In that case, which brand would you recommend? Is RAID a brand of a TV Tuner? I remember reading about this technology being used in today's PC. Are we talking about the same thing? USB looks to be the better option after reading what you have said
  22. Is this Active Virus Shield like those anti-virus you see whereby you scan for virus on your computer, quarantine .... etc? I have been looking for a good Anti Virus for a while now because I think it is pointless to purchase a licensed Norton Anti Virus every year. As you know they have a yearly subscription, I would have to pay SGD 40 every year just to continue using that anti-virus. And in the long run, lets take a time-span of 10 years, SGD 400 will be spent on renewing my Anti Virus alone. Furthermore, I am not using it for any corporation, it is simply for a home use; for my laptop. I used to be using AVG to scan my computer but as mentioned by them, as of January, they will not provide any more updates, meaning we would have to pay from what I understand. So I am on the lookout for free anti-virus. Do get back to me, as from what I read about Kasperksy Lab, this could be the next 'AVG' in the making
  23. The problem is I am using wordpress as a CMS for my site. The index.php page is also the page where all my new posts are listed, so by right, the index page should be updated when I make a post. I tried searching 'darran.trap17.com house of self' and I see the index page below the RSS feed in the results.
  24. I don't have this problem. I just seached darran.trap17.com on google and the top 3 results are my rss feed of my site. But what I am confused is that why it does not take the index page of my site instead but rather certain RSS Feeds of my categories, not all of them though?
  25. I may have missed out on this year's awards because I only joined at the end of August, but I believe as time pass, I would be able to get more recognition and hopefully be able to participate in this awards. On a side note, congratulations to all the members who have won anything
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