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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. The plugin does not work on me or I was getting more and more emails than Gmail can organize. I am not really worried if this work or not since Gmail was providing me around 90% of my email needs and the plugin was on Beta.About people not using Hotmail, in terms of using the mailbox it is a big yes that lesser people are using hotmail. 1. Hotmail was spreading spams non stop, this can be a security hole. I am getting tons of hotmail emails on my mailbox with valid id's and headers and when being submitted for checkup on complains to hotmail, they are indeed coming from their server. Since this mails are coming from legit mail boxes, Gmail was not marking them as spam unless the same email address sends mass spams from only 1 email address.2. Hotmail will suspend your inbox of inactivity.**********Almost all of my contacts now use Gmail and use hotmail to login to windows live services. This will hold on forever until Google can come up with a universally accepted equivalent to all services that Live have. Up to this date, windows users still occupy around 60 percent or more of the OS usage Pie and since there are no other providers that lets you connect your windows machine to services online with lesser effort the way Live was doing it, hotmail will still stay. It may change a little but it won't cease to exist.Just like windows, as long as new computer are being shipped preinstalled with windows, windows won't die as it creates newer user from each new machine that was purchased.
  2. vhortex

    Linux Games

    I really love games, that game will be soon tested by me. Well, after I finish fixing wrong state info stored on one of our customer's database (we are paid to fix it and it suck).
  3. What I learn from Oracle was the virtue of laziness and the use of imagination. I came up with this query when playing with Oracle and applied it to MySQL and both works perfectly SELECT SUM(`resultpoints`) AS `sumpoints`, COUNT(`resultpoints`) AS`countpoints`, (SUM(`resultpoints`)/COUNT(`resultpoints`)) AS`average`, `studentid` FROM `results` WHERE `countpoints` > 0 GROUPBY `studentid` ORDER BY ` average` DESC The target table where this query was used is a list of unkown number of scores of all fighters, the number of entries was more than 3 million and I need to fetch the top 15 fighters base on the total and average score. It was a headache but experiments on the use âviewâ tends to get way too long to process (MySQL and Oracle) and started to consume large memory (MySQL). Using the subquery approach yields negative result since the query doubles on load time and triple on memory and processor usage. The query posted run for 0.005 seconds on my test machine and 0.0001 on our live busy server (fetching top 300). *************** The thing I learned with Oracle and views is the fact that each view generates temporary tables and while they are working much better on Oracle, they will choke MySQL if the view query was not optimized.
  4. I think he wants to tile a certain part and make it look like a contiguous piece of paper, to do this the CSS will be {background-image: url('relative/path/to/image.jpg');background-repeat:repeat-y;} Which will tell the browser to repeat the design vertically and not horizontally. @StarGaiz The only thing you need to change from 8ennett's code was background-repeat: no-repeat; and replace it with background-repeat:repeat-y; In case there will be problem with the css given, you can also try to remove this line. background-attachment: fixed;
  5. vhortex

    Linux Games

    On one of my groups forum, we usually solved problems like that by appending versions or systems where they run.As an example was:[Linux/Unix/Mac][Apache] Autothumbnailer ScriptThis is on assumption that everyone will follow the naming convention. Even on our group, there are times that people will instantly label the shared code as [Windows][iIS] even if the code was strictly for Ruby Rails on Apache.
  6. You replied to a post that is 5 years ago. What he means base on my understand was that wordpress have been moving towards professional development and with hundreds of professional plugins and themes, it won't be so hard to convert this free blog system to a professional website. ------- About importing post/contents from a certain blog system to another blog system: There are numerous converter/importer plugin or services for this need, some are free and some are paid. I usually transfer my contents manually by uploading the videos to the new blog system (wordpress) from blogspot (or any equivalent). The database then gets analyzed and 'mapped' into the correct format that wordpress (as an example) expects. You need to be good ad database handling and have at least a minimal understanding on how data was being saved and where the files get saved. Either way you used (via plugin paid/free or manual method) to migrate your content, you will always need to manually edit some links and edit content authors. Embedded videos should also be manually checked if they are pointing to the correct plugin/file.
  7. 'On the Canvas of Society' - Click me to see the documentary ?Kambas ng Lipunan? (Canvas of Society) is a documentary by the late Joey Velasco (a national artist) that revolves around the 12 street children from different streets of Manila, Philippines. The painting was a modern Christian ?Last Supper? portrait that was adopted for the modern times. At first it was a work of art but as time progress it leads to a journey of pain, joy and sorrow as the the stories unfold. The video was English subtitled for everyone to understand. Joey Velasco, the documentary author, died July 20, 2010 due to heart attack and seizures. *********************** The documentary have been praised a lot on the web since 2006, I am sharing the video again in respect for the author's works and to reach move people around the world. One of the comments that I stumble upon was.. Marilyn - http://rmschlitt.blogspot.de/2009/01/canvas-of-society.html This is also known as: 'On the Canvas of Society' - The International version, the author have just left the video as is and inserted subtitles. 'Hapag ng Pag-asa' - The painting title which translates to 'The Feast of Hope' / 'Table of Hope'
  8. I own both JW player license and free, they both play an all browers as long as the browser have flash plugin. I guess the problem that you are having now is an issue on how to embed the flash file. As always, IE loads and embed flash files on a different way which is the case for IE7 and IE8.There are a lot of open source stream player on all major opensource project sites such as freshmeat and sourceforge, it is up to you to pick one which match your needs. Basically, I don't handle this kind of software due to lack of resources to build a streaming server and perhaps partially due to laziness.
  9. The IRONY of this incident is that the recommended cleaner for that kind of infection is really the full version of the spyware. So don't install what that popup is saying that you need to be installed. Most questionable anti-malware companies are doing this in hopes of getting some sales but the other end of the spectrum is more shady since this companies also resort to selling the private informations stored on your computer on who ever can pay more.Follow linekill's advice of using malwarebytes, that can help remove that rootkit trojan malware.
  10. you can use undeleter.. you can use recurva from this website http://www.piriform.com/recuva please note that the more diskwrite that happens after erasing a file means the greater change that the file can't be recovered. erasing a file using file shredder also ensures 0 recovery.
  11. Removing watermark perfectly is only possible if the video was multi layered which mean is it on matroska format.It does not mean that whatever watermark that appear on them can be easily removed. If the video inside the matroska file was single layered (example video taped from TV), removing the water mark is impossible.
  12. It is safe to assume that php webpages should appear at public_html or httdocs having www points to them whichever is applicable. Since it is XAMPP, www won't be present. On WAMP, it is www, WAMP is a different packing of the same group of server software.
  13. I think it should be noted that there are shorthands.. Like <p></p> can be shorthand to <p /> which means, the following text is a paragraph and the ending tag will be inserted when rendering on the next line feed/ carriage return. Since this is highly DTD (or doctype) dependent, I am not recommending them. Shorthands only work on HTML version 4 and up with the use of DTD, to point out how it was confusing when starting from scratch.. It took me 3 weeks to finish my first webpage which is basically just a poem with fonts applied. XHTML does not exist or supported way back then but doctype was.. Sometimes, basics are not really the basics when it comes to the world wide web however building blocks are always present and they never change their usage, they just expand but it looks like that almost none gets deprecated. What I found out was, since before I learn about HTML, the person who tried to teach me about it was telling me that it is important to have a head and a body and you can forget the rest. I don't understand him until people commented about DOCTYPES. My first HTML was this single line <center><b>Hello World</center> of course it is an error but I only know one browser then and that was IE. To my horror when I installed netscape, most of my webpages are just blank pages..
  14. vhortex


    Same here, since I always do a database dump using Linux shell, the files don't have the Line Feed / Carriage Return pair that windows needs to decide that a new line must start, what I get was a very long single line text which I can't even read or follow. It is also very helpful when I open my error.log file and have all of its item starts on the first character column.
  15. On some.. PHP = Oracle, MySQL and Postgre.. I think postgre is on a development end since it was having less and less exposure and use. For ordinary websites and hostings, you will always get MySQL since it was free but you can always have the hosting install Oracle which operates faster but have more rigid locking and multi user mechanism or you can just set it up to run like a clone MySQL server. Oracle is not free and cost a huge amount of money for the license. Using it requires adding a few library files for Oracle to your PHP installation. This libraries will enable you to access Oracle on a manner similar to accessing MySQL server. The library is free but the database server software was not.
  16. vhortex


    I am using Notepad++ when editing php files, text files, database SQL dumps and much more. It saves me time to open notepad++ rather than to open Dreamweaver when I only need to edit at most 20 words.Since Notepad++ was a really nice editor, I have my default "view source" renderer set to notepad++.I don't use plugins since the default program highlighting was already enough and I only do plugin installation when for some reason they did not come pre-installed which happen around 10% or 1 out of 10 installation that I made.Notepad++ have more features and more memory support than notepad and runs as fast as notepad and for my case opens on less than a fraction of a second compare to notepads loading time of 25seconds.
  17. <body <!-- parameters here --> > </body> signifies that the code between them is the actual document body. everything that is outside this code block will either be deleted, ignored or randomly translated by browsers. IE on the other hand will force those codes that are outside this block to be displayed as if they are indeed appeared inside the body tags. I will comment to the author about the basic structure. <html><body></body></html> this really is not the basic building block. The actual code blocks that should appear was <html> * this is optional and should signify what document type you are using, mine usually is xhtml<head></head><body></body></html> * sine this is the closing tag/block, this should complement the opening tag above. The other basic building blocks that should always appear are <title></title>, <meta></meta> and <doctype></doctype> but since an html page can be rendered without them, I did not inserted them on the basic building blocks that should appear. There are HTML, DHTML, XHTML, HTML4 and others that are all HTML files, it is wrong to assume that the opening tag should always be <html></html>
  18. it depends on how you setup XAMPP, mine come as public_html and not httdocs.It is also faster to just download the zip file and put it at the root folder like c:\xampp to avoid problems with windows file naming. From that point, locate all the install_service.bat (the names will be replaced with the actual service you want to install like install_mysql_service.bat) and run them to make everything run automatically or use the control panel to manage them.This is to avoid problems when trying to locate windows MSI library.
  19. I was trying to edit it but I can't, strange that I can edit it now. @deadmad7 yup correct, there is no way to steal the username and password since it is still Facebook who grants the login and not the third party website unless of course the login screen is fake. *********** About the apps on Facebook, it looks like most of them are just being served inside a frame. Everything was being passed via API calls and dropping cookies on your computer which can then be picked up by third party websites aimed to steal the cookies. I am not viewing the cookies as evil, it is Facebook's poor security on it's API libraries. I just discovered the flaw when I accidentally posted on all the walls of 3 of my friend's friend list. It's odd since Facebook should block them but I was able to do it. Too bad that gives me bad publicity for my website and it was labeled as spam which is of course not since the posted content was about a movie and a game review summaries with links to my blog which is being served on irregular intervals to 500+ casual gamers and movie goers. My working apps only do this things, feed RSS data via Facebook for those who wants them and post a summary of a blog post on my website. Lastly is to allow Facebook users to post directly on my blog with no login which is later on replaced by disqus system. My Facebook apps page only shows a dot to discourage people to subscribe to it since it was not the intended purpose. I only write to the general wall. The extra info was noticed when i do a dump of what I got from the API. Somehow, some people love to stare at the dot and tried to wait what will happen despite the notice that I will only show a dot. Facebook will only pop out the 'allow this program to.....' box when you are trying to visit the page and grant it access though this process is really optional for evil developers.
  20. A good leader both leads and follow. He should have an open mind and is willing to listen to the tiny ideas of the people below him. Will take courage to step up on what he believe but won't drag the pack/group along with his failure. He should also be the person who will protect his group not because others tells him to or others think that they should be protected but instead he is doing it because he believes in them. A good leader is a person that never stop to try to improve the whole pack/group because he clearly knows that the groups overall performance will lessen the burden on his duties.You can spot a good leader when people starts to follow him without him broadcasting any intent to lead. People believes in him without him exerting any effort to control the group. People know that they should follow since his actions and mindset dictates them that it is wise to let him lead.
  21. Most manufacturers just say it is vista compatible because they are using the pre-released specs that was handed out by Microsoft which is 70% less than what Vista really needs. However as standardization aspect of Microsoft (which is not to follow standard) they changed the base libraries and change the spec 2 months before launching. This is already too late for hardware vendors and computer manufacturers to redo the hardware and the bundling also the software driver. This made everything as bad as hell in terms of stability. Vista is project longhorn which was rewritten when they have some open source stuff and put them together in the kernel like the Frankenstein monster in movies. Windows 7 however, they released almost everything transparently including notices of base library changes. This made installation of Windows 7 almost non problematic except on the shadow sector aspect. IBM Lenovo even released laptops with 564MB RAM on my country because Microsoft released a minimum spec of 400MB to run Windows Vista. IBM just gives an option to upgrade to 1GB when buying the laptop. Well, they are literally been pulled out and everyone who wants to get hold of the unit are given the choice to have 50% discount on the next purchase which we grab at work. It's hard to collect 20 laptops and return them in bulk when the users are on business travels around the globe. We do managed to run Vista buy opening the laptop Assembly and replacing the base memory module with 2GB RAM from Kingston giving us 2GB base RAM and 1GB RAM on the memory upgrade slot. Warranty was voided but we have no choice since IBM will accept it as bulk returned item since we also got them in bulk purchase. Next model anyway comes out 4months later
  22. Vista needs 2GB of RAM as minimum and since you are running on 50% of the minimum RAM required, almost all of your RAM data was written to disk and swapping this back and forth causes the CPU spike. Vista may claim to use less than 2GB but it always use 2GB. I once used Vista on 2 GB and I really applied cracks to fix this CPU spikes. Windows 7 is a better version from Vista, when you go hibernate.. It will write the RAM data as page files optimized for reading later. And when you have less than 2GB as system RAM, you will only get random spikes for 2-8secs while page files are being swapped from disk to memory. Just be sure not to go hibernate while running CPU intensive softwares or running flash softwares or you may see freezing or your system will hang. This also applies on standby mode.
  23. totally agree and as a program creator with facebook apps.. i can see the whole profile of anyone who visits my application and this application in question is not hosted on facebook but on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which is my site. here are the things that i can see which surely is also available to spamming/viral programs on Facebook. 1. full name 2. birthday 3. marital status 4. join date 5. school 6. address 7. friends (sometimes they don't work and you can't write on their walls unless they also visit your application page) 8. email (sometimes it work and sometimes it does not, no idea if this is standard or just a bug) and last, userid which identify you on facebook and was also used to get items 1-8 and have this format 100000025xxxxxx. basically it was your database ID and signifies how many registered before you do which is on my example says at least 25million registered before me. and I can write on your wall using this info without you knowing it. which of course on viral/spamming softwares on Facebook will contain links and text or even images that will trick your friends to visit the same application page. this is possible since facebook uses a combination of cookie and session to maintain cross site login.
  24. If you add a homepage when search engines are already indexing your site, this will mean reduce traffic since search engines will think that the pages they are following was lost. this can be avoided however by putting all the keywords that was used before in searching your site at the homepage's meta and making sure that a sitemap is submitted or available to the search engine.You have only added a single page but search engines will think it was a new website which they must crawl again. :DDo not use static homepage, be sure to feed somewhere on that page all the new contents that you have posted and links to an archive type content history like wordpress do on its archive. You need this dynamic insertion of new contents and archive and possibly also dynamic titles to make sure that search bots can travel to this links.
  25. you can get shell access if you select it on the customize host account but i have no idea with the video coders. since video coders are cpu intensive softwares if you are converting large files, i doubt it is available.
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