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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. It is also nice to let the facebook admins know about this problem. I once have this 'hacked' account and it was not due to signing my account on a bogus site unless Disqus system is a bogus one which is unlikely or an application that was recently installed instead part of facebook's API/code was compromised by a rebel application that one of my friends have. Due to the way facebook stores login and credentials and other stuff, the viral approach of this rebel application was able to hijacked my account and changing password never worked. They put my account for checking for 2 weeks and the problem suddenly disappears. Pinpointing who of my 650+ friends have subscribe to the rebel application was hard. As a rule of thumb, when a sudden 'hacking' attempt was done, remove the last friend you have added. He/she may be one of the link used to compromise your account. I also develop some apps on facebook and sad to say that facebook lack a solid security system and was starting to become myspace/friendster where security is just a joke.
  2. I recommend using Kaspersky Internet Suite and fully update, self defense turned on since Kaspersky is way much better than NOD32 on the process of detection and elimination. NOD32 on the other hand is second to the best and it fails a lot for the last 4 quarters in comparison to Kaspersky. Please note that NOD32 and Kaspersky are both high end viral removal, picking which of the two can destroy the rootkit gives more scale end to KIS (kaspersky). This does not mean not to try NOD32 since the two are on constant battle for winning the top ranks on cleaning viruses.If possible, do not try to clean an infected computer with rootkit virus using the same computer, it is wise to scan using a second clean computer using a network scan and granting the second computer full access to the infected computer while the infected computer is not granted access. This can be tricky.If a second computer is not available, you need to update your kaspersky antivirus offline since 99% of cases when rootkit hits your computer, those well known antivirus sites will be blocked. A good thing for kaspersky is the ability to grab boot from windows on an infected computer (KIS 2010 and KIS 2011) making it possible to remove the rootkit virus effectively.You can also try malware bytes removal or MBAM to remove those rootkit spywares. Be warry that those internet links that appear on random specially on messengers are virus carriers 90% of the time. Avoid clicking them from your messengers. Also there are virus that comes from USB devices so disable AutoRun on USB and CD/DVD drives.And also be noted that prevention is much better than cure.
  3. I can't fully understand your post and what you want to do, i may require some time to think about your problem. I am interested on how this will develop so I check and loaded your script from the URL you provided and found out that I am only seeing a blank screen. Checking your root site gives me tones of errors telling about deprecated functions for assigning new to classes which is common to people using PHP 5 and have Deprecated warning turned on To solve your most noticeable problem at your site, I suggest that you turn on file error logging on your control panel and then using this command on the very first line of all your main pages. ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL ^E_DEPRECATED ^E_USER_DEPRECATED); ini_set('display_errors', TRUE); this command tells PHP to disable sending the deprecated messages and still send error messages. in cases you want to disable NOTICE errors, just add this at the right side ^E_NOTICE
  4. it is possible to connect to Oracle from PHP and I have an active website that can connect to 6 database at a time with Oracle as the main database. Oracle have two editions, the enterprise and the free for students. there is no need to buy licenses for the free academic versions and as a programmer, we are using the free one to build and test databases for new programs before purchasing a license. MS SQL problems was its bad habit of loading all the database locks in the memory, most of its index was also loaded at the memory space. a scheduled job in your Microsoft server that takes a big chunk of memory will cause the locks and index of MS SQL stored at the memory to be flushed and written to the hard drive to conserve memory. This problem with MS SQL is almost similar to a MySQL database which turn all of its database tables into HEAP type. One of the best thing I love with Oracle is its portability, there is one Oracle server edition that exist for almost any Operating System that exist. Same thing is true for MySQL which makes me think a lot that Oracle and MySQL are two sibling databases. These two database also shared code at a regular interval to improve both ends.
  5. this is a possibility that your IE8 was not properly uninstalled. i was amazed when you said that you have uninstalled your IE8 from your windows 7 OS since I can't uninstall mine from my windows 7. There is also a possibility that you are using an old IE installer which is either IE7 or IE8Beta which both don't work with windows 7.download from Microsoft or use windows update "extra software" to fetch the installer. Microsoft will always offer you the installer if you don't have one installed.
  6. for your email needs, you can use this one to check the email field PHP wise function IsEmail($_email){ $x = '\d\w!\#\$%&*+\-/=?\^_`{|}~'; //just for clarity return count($email = explode('@', $_email, 3)) == 2 && strlen($email[0]) < 65 && strlen($email[1]) < 256 && preg_match("#^[$x]+(\.?([$x]+\.)*[$x]+)?$#", $email[0]) && preg_match('#^(([a-z0-9\-]+-*)?[a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}\.?$#', $email[1]);} Sample usage for the email format checker. if (IsEmail($_GET['email'])){ echo "email"; } else { echo "not email"; } the code typical breaks down the email into different chunks then checks if there are more than 1 chunk for the email name part, this is the reason why the email address was broken split at the instance of the @ sign. the second check was to verify that the name part is less than to 65 which is a good exemption since the longest email address name that I have seen was mere 20 chars long. then the domain name part was checked if it was less than 256 chars long, this is based from the known fact that the maximum domain length was 255 chars long. third checking is the filter for the left side of the domain where all special chars are scanned and checked if they exist, this is base from the common knowledge that certain special chars are not allowed to be part of a domain name. the last check was to see the length of the extension which usually is 2 to 6 chars long and check for multiple extensions. it is up to you on how will you develop the rest of the code checking but i usually do an array scan of names, this may not be applicable to you since in order to make this work, you must be able to read the variable part in your GET or POST stream. example was.. index.php?check=email&andsomeother=123 which in this case you are going to need to be able to read the variables in your $_GET stream. please note of the variable name part and not the value part since what I mean for the variable name is actually searching the $_GET stream to fetch all the variable names inside that stream. this is very tricky and is not recommended on shared hosting.
  7. You need to note that not all database servers support the call, this is only supported from MySQL environment. This gives me problem when I am working with a website that uses an abstract connector to the database. Since the function is database specific and no almost no databases support a method similar to what MySQL provides, half of the website collapses when assuming that the database server can return the last increment value for the auto increment columns. Also, there is no need to worry that someone inserted a new record while you are fetching this value, this is connection instance related function and you will always get the last auto increment value that your query have generated.
  8. If you can view the email headers, you can check where the email was actually sent from. This kind of email keeps on landing on my mailbox and they are all phishing mails with a template of an exact paypal email but there was an extra link on the mail itself that you will click. Paypal will never ask you about a refund instead it will sent a notice that you have an item that needs an action. ******************Checking for spoof mailViewing the email headers gives me the full view of where this email was coming from on my case, they come mostly from hotmail. Not that I am blaming hotmail but it was hotmail mail server that sent the mails and allows the spoofing of the mail address. A few of them are third party hosting accounts mostly on trial access. This gives me relief for ignoring my hotmail account as they seem to lack a more robust security model for sensitive data. For webmail services, Gmail or Googlemail have this option to view the full headers. Yahoo mail also have this feature but it seems to be absent from Ymail which is the same email service as Yahoo which is a little strange (this may be case to case basis). The last time I tried this with hotmail, hotmail is asking me for a fee to see the full headers but that was 3 years ago and things may have changed.Viewing the email header for Gmail requires clicking "view transcript". This text change depending on the theme being used and the version of Googlemail running. Both will open a text dump of the email as it was logged by the server including the mesage ID from the senders mail service and Googlemail's message ID. It also includes the IP address of the sender and the IP address of the receiving Googlemail server.
  9. This is just a plain scam used by scammers. This people will pose as anyone and will usually stays at social network sites to find someone they can fool. Most of the time they fool by the victims by targeting their weakness. If you find them on social networks, they will surely post sexy photos of girls and even nude ones pulled from someone's account. After a trust relation have been built up, they will ask for information like email where the scam will start. Not all scams takes place by taking large amount of money, some do take less than a dollar a day or a few pennies.. I have written such method on my website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ where scammers steal from 25cents $0.25 to $9.00 per credit card on random days of the month. This are base on the victims purchase power. The next step on your scam scenario will be an attorney / lawyer will contact you asking for a small fee and will send documents to you for tax, claims card and such other bogus documents so you can open a bank account and claim the money. They will ask you more than 3 times and when you noticed that it was a scam, you have already spent a lot of cash. So don't be greedy and ignore that offer and put the guy on the ignore list and thank yourself for asking here first for opinions.
  10. As I am reading this post entry, i detected script injection on this post alone which was triggered and captured by my debugger. I am giving the benefit of the doubt that the poster is not deliberately doing JavaScript injections. Grammar as I have experienced it is not a judgement of age, there are 70% of post comments and pmed messages being sent to me on other forums, on websites that I made for a fee, on track backs and mailers which have this grammar error and even spelling. Not all speaks fluent English nor even write it. If the poster is from my country I can be 20% sure that the poster is younger and 80% that he never entered school Chinese, Koreans and even Japanese post on poor grammars even if the poster is above 30 years of age. They mock and curse non stop if they don't agree, of course this 3 countries is not alone since most countries that is not fluent in English do this kind of posting. If we rephrase what he said it will be "Go to school again and pay (loans and money) with your money (or take loans) and you will know what your doing. lol" or simple "Go back to school so you will know what you are doing". This is like mocking someone intentional and the guy claims he is 29 years old living in Canada. There is such a thing like a user profile in forums which moderators used to judge someone. Posting a question about a topic does not mean he knows nothing about it. It can mean that he wants to do something but can't start and was fishing ideas from forum members which is not illegal. My weaver group (or simply web designers and programmers / admins) throws questions to each other from the noobish to the most advance questions nonstop 24 hours a day and 7 days a week with a rate of 200 questions per week and yet all are schooled to the topic they are asking. So technically, assuming that people asking questions about something does not mean he was not schooled at it, perhaps a newbie or he have not practiced this branch yet but not technically not schooled. Saying to go back to school to learn something is not wrong if said the correct way and polite way. Neither people from my hacking group nor my elite Linux groups ever told its newbie members to go back to school face blank but they do give you alternatives and a suggestion to seek a mentor which is the same thing as.. go and find some teacher (non-formal education).. ************************** Technically, what is a school? It is just a formal education place where everyone MUST learn at the same speed and at the same pace. A place where if you learn faster than everyone will equate wasting your time and a place where some teachers will scold you for knowing more than they know. Also a place where slow learners waste the groups time by being left behind and being feed by special classes since the class he belongs will have a hard time to progress on the normal way. There is also a long existing school that existed long before the dinosaurs died, and this is peer learning by passing information back and forth to a newbie from an advance level person or even a master. The same schooling which saves man from extinction... and come to think of it, a teacher is also doing this at school with a fee of course ;D.. To PRESS this thing more, I am schooled at engineering and computer designs and yet I am more skilled than network engineers from companies where I have been and also more skilled than the nurses that is available at the clinic and company hospital and i never received any formal schooling to this 2 fields.. ************************** Asta existed to give out people that have almost no knowledge to a topic including newbies to seek answers from posted questions and can post questions. And forgive if this will turn out rude.. someone that claims that a third person is unjust and can't figure out where that person pulled judgement makes me laugh at times.. and what makes me laugh more are those people that agreed without asking the person in question on what his basis for scolding and the most fun of it, the reply was almost 1 year apart.. 29 years old, Malecalgary alebrta canadaBorn Mar-11-1981hello i am doug i am from calgary ab canada i am am new to the server and i am a computer tech by trad i lived in calgary all my life i been in computers all my life sice i was very little and i have been helping people out for a long time anyone needs help post me and talk i am also a beta testter and i am on the new windows 7 and it is awsome u will all enjoy for the people that do not like it it is good you just have to be into the new techNICE to meet you mel and have a grate day or night does not look like a child... and searching his post for a background on how he thinks is free.. if i don't like the forum, i simply leave and no posting like " i know a lot but wont post anything since i don't like this 'person'".. if you really want to help, just post and ignore the person that annoy you.
  11. Flock is a firefox derivative, i used it and uninstalled it since it can't cope up with plugin updates. For some reason Flock consider newest Java, Flash and Shockwave as plugins rather than pure addon.Flocks engine is out dated and it was not totally usefully if used on windows system with Firefox or Opera running with it. It only feels like using an older firefox than using an alternative browser.There are a few more derivative and the most common problem that they have is the lack of timely updates.**********************Firefox was a derivative of Netscape Gecko which was known first as Firefox Gecko. I am reluctant to use it since it is a Netscape clone. On its 3rd version, it separated its development from its Gecko base library and evolve on its own. Now netscape can no longer be found on my computers and firefox have earned its place both on my Linux, Hybrid and Windows system.
  12. just like yordan stated, most payment gateway are optimized for IE and some won't even render on firefox without using IE Tab. using linux to pay online on this kind of payment websites needs WINE which open security holes. this error is also widespread and it was not posted way too much since if you start to install as upgrade from your windows desktop, magically windows 7 can see your DVD drive. the newer series of motherboards and cheaper price of USB drives that can boot also eliminated much ranting. it is an installer driver loading problem and the cause of it was windows 7 shadow sectors technology that alienates its own installer. this is not as bad as windows vista installer where a blue screen error is pretty common and using alternative methods to install / boot only worsen the problem. i don't know pretty well if windows 7 shadow sectors conflicts with the built in light-scribe features but most of the people i know that have a light-scribe enabled DVD burner/reader have this problem when installing directly from DVD (booting from DVD). i installed mine by ripping the DVD into an ISO and decompressing this ISO on the hard drive and booting from DVD room with windows 7 boot software (customized DVD boot) which only loads the shell prompt.
  13. When booting on my Windows 7 on the SATA drive with 1000RPM, the total boot time is 70seconds and this includes releasing the ethernet connection lock made by Kaspersky. Booting time for windows XP on IDE drive takes me 1-2mins to fully boot up loading everything up until the internet lock made by Kaspersky is released. Installing windows XP on the SATA drive which i made a few months ago results on a steady 2-3mins boot up time from windows XP on SATA. I am betting that it is the memory management and the loading time of the virtual optical disk drive that is causing windows XP to boot up longer. Both system was using Daemon Lite virtual device.Above all this stats, I can boot Ubuntu in less than 1 min including the Antivirus software (but it was not kaspersky though) and this don't change regardless if I install the OS on IDE or SATA. Booting up on Linux/Unix is not included since I seldom boot on GUI version making it boot faster and as fast as 20-25 seconds.
  14. I am using a windows 7 Ultimate that I got free from school samples. It made my computer faster but it also introduces threaded kernel error. The part that made it faster was the enhanced memory handling. The threaded kernel errors was nice for my point of view since it does not totally crashed my windows 7 into a point that the system freezes. There are still some blue screen errors on installations and long time run for this OS. Installation from DVD either needs flashing your DVD roms or buying new DVD drives. It is also annoying to read a system error that says.. "DVD drive not found" when it is about to copy or extract the windows files. This is after booting from DVD and starting setup from the same DVD. I still keep my XP and Linux partitions.. but on line of my work.. I use windows 7 over windows XP.. When I pay online, I do it via windows XP the rest is on Windows 7 or Linux.
  15. I seem lost the ability to modify my post above so I'll post this on a new message. Please combine with the past post if needed. **********************
  16. Mine have "myemail@gmail.com | lab button | Settings | Help | Sign out" @zzj I think yordan was using the old version of Gmail, i am using the skinned version of Gmail from Google Labs. Just for verification, I'll try later to shutdown the content rich feature and the lab tools that is active on my Gmail then go down to HTML basic mode.
  17. i am also interested on any ideas of development that is on going related to what yordan posted.backing up my entire inbox takes at least 6 hours to take even if the file downloads only takes 1 hour for my thousand of emails in my main inbox.it is important to me to be able to see all informations like email sender, sending server's name/address/IP and other stuffs that gmail stores. this items are not important aspects for most people however i require the special aspect of getting this extra info backup together with the attachments that they have and any related files that is of concern.the extra headers will help me tell apart the spam and the valid mails, even if google have a very nice spam feature.. some still go past the protection by spoofing email addresses and sender server name's. the extra info also tells me if the mail was sent by a php script via automated alerts that i have inserted on CRON jobs or sent manually by a server admin for technical reasons.
  18. as a backup reply to the modem part..modems only affect speed if they are broken (or specifically they are set at lower speed) and even the best modem can't speed up the maximum line speed you got. this is the same reason why my non gigabit ethernet connection laptop can't fully use the 2gigabit line speed we have at work. my laptop can only connect wireless or cabled up to 100megabits to the router and the router which i have connection only have the speed of 100megabits. It may also be a factor if you have an Ethernet card (network card) that have low max speed specially if the card's max speed is way smaller than your actual ISP speed. ************ISP's limit your bandwidth and they send you to a series of network traffic switchers. if you are using way too much bandwidth than the contract you have, they will impose penalties on it. My ISP only put bandwidth limits on international connections since it was where the bulk of our pay goes using the international interchange. local connections within my country does not pass this limiting factor. bandwidth is always cut between how many people are using the service as stated by 8ennett. my home connection is a wireless one, i prefer this setting since i can swap to 4 base stations at will and can maintain 2 active connections at the same time which is being handled by my wireless router antenna. it gives me freedom to swap connections if one base station is nearing full usage avoiding slow connection. this however penalize me with some disconnections on systems that are not MAC address aware since i also register a new IP address on this swap. i was thankful that 95% of sites that i visits knows how to handle sudden IP changes.
  19. KIS or KAV wont allow any trojan or worm inside your computer unless you allowed it. I have been running kaspersky for a very long time. NOD32 is good way before and I recommend it a lot on my first days in asta. Then it turns out that kaspersky is way much better. There are a lot of reasons why virus slip into kaspersky it is listed below 1. The user allowed the virus/worm to go inside. 2. It is mostly known that people are trying to use fake Licenses and even tried to use 3PP softwares to crack kaspersky and remove the license checking. 3. A disabled kaspersky auto scanner. Kaspersky is configurable and I notice people that experiencing problems with it actually turned off autoscan. It does not make sense for an antivirus that have the automatic scanner offline. 4. obsolete database, people believe that if they have a nice antivirus that they will be protected even if they don't update. 5. expired licenses, since expired licenses causes the update to stop, you are then exposed more. after a month of having an expired license, the whole antivirus stops working. I don't know why people thinks that kaspersky was expensive when it was not. It cost less than $40 on my country. on some countries it was being sold on 3 packs license making it safer if you share it with 1 or 2 friends and share the fee.
  20. Frontpage does not only mess with your HTML but it requires that you open some port on your server. Expose for reading and execution of a certain config file and an html file. The config file can point to a server executable file that can be exploited to upload viral files into the server. I got a major headache from 2 clients that have frotnpage on their servers. The problem was hack website and the hacker was using frontpage extensions to dump load viral scripts. Luckily majority of them was targeted to load on ASP environment and the server was PHP.Frontpage also have this bad habit of inserting new line breaks for whatever reason MS thinks that renders a readable template file into heavily padded one. Ever tried pasting a single letter from MSword? The result is a mumbo jumbo garbage bin of MS tags that was pure trash and messes browser displays and specially IE one. :)I have spent 1 month on a big project just removing this trash tags from a jungle of HTML file (around 800+ of them).**************I have Dreamweaver and upgrading is optional. Been using Dreamweaver since it was still owned by Macromedia and Notepad plus and Notepad++ in absence of this tool.
  21. I am using both windows xp and windows 7 and they are nice versions of OS. I will still swap to linux if permitted. When windows 7 comes out, i already expected hardware problems and this was MS' fault by changing the distributed core code without prior warnings to the driver manufacturers about the planned changed. This causes tons of problems which also resulted on me being nagged that I don't have a DVD Rom drive when I am installing from a DVD ROM.For speed, Windows 7 seems to be fasters but later patches makes it slow piece by piece, this slowdown seems to be normal as new patches comes out. Was hoping on my side that the slow down will stop. I still have my windows XP with me as the primary boot harddrive.*******I love linux and uses it on time critical projects and mostly to browse dev cvs. It is fast and less problem was given to me when I swap motherboard and dont want to mess with reformatting the whole partition. On windows, this will cause a total windows failure.*******If i rank everything, my ranking will be.1. Linux/Nix2. Windows XP and Mac OS3. Windows 7......99 MS DOS100 Windows Vista
  22. recaptcha used to be open source and now it was part of google systems in effort to speed up and fix digitizing problems with books. it was now being served as a service and controlled via API calls to google just like the other google services. i used recaptcha twice and never used it on persoal sites that i created, i use homemade scripts for them.there are methods to remove the box and the logo below the image all with an API theming call.
  23. NOTE FOR THE READERS: There is a same webpost that exist on my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, some modifications have been added for simplicity. A base article which I read a few weeks ago existed made by "David Lauzon" blog site with a name "Dave's Laptop" created around 2008/2009 from http://www.davidlauzon.net/. *NOTE to reviewers.. while typing the tutorial, my browser suddenly reloads. if this was submitted twice, please remove the first one. NOTE FOR THE READERS:If you have an MSDN account, you can download SQLServer 2008 developer, this SQLServer have all the features of enterprise edition and only differ on licensing. You can also google for a store that sells the DVD for $47-$50. MSDN account subscription cost around $50 and if you only plan to get the DVD I recommend that you buy a DVD copy from google store. The username 'sa' is only used as an example, my actual database uses the name metalbender as the user, the important part here is to take note that you won't install cluster support and fulltext as this will cause your server to run on clusters which will cause problems on connectivity. NOTE FOR THE READERS: WAMP was used as an example but it is not required to use that. It was favored than the rest due to ease of use. WAMP supports multiple apache core, PHP and MySQL installation and you can swap any of them by a menu click (no conf editing. You can also enable services by menu clicks and view the php.ini and error log by a menu click. Be informed that WAMP is NOT a requirement and any combination of Apache and PHP will work as long as you change the config and replaced the dll file from the corresponding directories. This also includes a compilation of Apache and PHP on another server/computer.
  24. Subquery on my opinion is not usefull most of the time, there are people that i know that bloats there queries with subqueries that renders them unreadable. It is still dependent on how the keys are assigned from the tables they come from and the indexes. Sometimes building a temporary table base on a query then using another query on it to fetch the values tends to be much faster than the subquery versions.. there are also limitations on this method as such memory and resources are being used. It must also be noted that a subquery seems to be restricted to return 1 value of data unless this was changed on recent databases. The last time I used a subquery was 4 years ago. This is exception if the subquery is used inside "IN" clause but this can slow down the system than speed it up. I best use I found with subquery is if it was used like this SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `softusers`) AS `sofwareusers` FROM `softwares` WHERE `softwarename` = 'MBAM'; Subquery is just an extra addon, using it is a trick but there are times where getting pcs of codes is faster when using chain selects and subquery.
  25. i personally use MYSQL and ORACLE, some other databases comes in third exception for POSTgre which seem to die out. MSSQL also was on my bin for "not to use".MSSQL seems to be used a lot by corporations to develop software faster (or at least the programmers they hire) but this is a double edge system regardless of version. MSSQL like all software that runs over windows OS tends to crash way often and seeing a message such as "kernel fault/read access error on file <some other file on the remote database MSSQL server accross the network>" which suck pretty much when the system requires accurate data. MSSQL is also known to load locks and rules into its OS memory (windows 2000 and up server). This added more access violation errors.********MySQL on the other hand is light, its database engine can be changed anytime from berkely, INNODB, ISAM/MYISAM and others that comes shipped or attached to your MySQL compilation. MySQL is also cross platform compatible and it is not hard to have a MYSQL server over Windows, LINUX, UNIX, BSD, Mac and other OSes. The program also runs on other custom build OS that can run and open Apache.The main problem with MySQL was it comes out preconfigured to run as a small scale database which is not a problem since you can configure this anytime.********Oracle is much like a big brother to MySQL and support a lot of features and it was also cross platform. I never have any problem from migrating any kind of database into Oracle in exception with MSSQL (though they have an Oracle export on Enterprise editions, they don't really work as expected).Oracle also offers database roll backs if one part of the data failed to update specially if more than 1 table was involved and they must be synced. This can happen without stopping the database instance and all affects the data that was being updated.********I use a lot of combination of databases with my PHP. My current work involves converting a coldfusion system into PHP (security reasons) and connect to MSSQL database. It gives me a headache specially that MSDN is so helpful on problems with the products that they have that it is almost like reading an instruction book on how to repair a submarine when you are just trying to fix your bicycle. Funny thing was that even if you follow the instructions, things will still not work and it will just be dumped to millions of "unsolve" or "solved which still don't work" bin of death. To top all of this, i also failed a lot of times to connect Visual Studio to MSSQL and then boom it suddenly work and then it wont.. In fact I have written intranet company developed softwares that connect to Oracle, MySQL (only guys from MSDN and M$ supporters tells that it is not possible), POSTgre(yes i also connect this one with no problem) and MS Access(much better than MSSQL in terms of connectivity. I also develop 2 softwares that connect to MSSQL, 1 connects without a problem if the MSSQL gets rebooted every 5 days (pretty funny since the Oracle version I have runs with Oracle 9 which never gets booted and was setup and made live 6 months after Oracle 9 was released) and another one that sometimes say that the database server is missing.. ********Also include the migration support, there are thousands of people that knows how to migrate MySQL into MSSQL and claims it was a nightmare and millions of people knows how to do it for free. and out of this millions there are a few hundreds who know how to migrate MSSQL to MySQL using a paid 3rd party service that cost at least $200 for a 1 year license.. I already know and solved migrating database from and to MSSQL and MySQL after a very painful battle with MSSQL and also I already know how to attached that M$ product to apache/php..
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