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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. Well you are in luck, I was presented by google 2 words to solve. One of the word is "Crappy" while the other is "Mind". I got this when my ISP got some trouble with connectivity that some connection request are send twice. I got that when logging in with "Gmail".
  2. I never like the idea of texting and even calling someone. I usually visit that person and talk with her even if it is out of pure nonsense. Most of the time, I just visit her with no idea on topics that we need to talk and then just tell her about my "great adventures" going to her home which sometimes included giant ants, killer spiders and mutant insects which was being told seriously. The catch was, all my friends know that I will tell random nonsense while smiling but not when I am serious. If she believe some part of the story, that is where I will laugh.I was building open conversation with her, teasing her at time when I think she was serious or a little down with emotions. I make her smile. This build more interaction and you will be an integral part of her life that she will soon expect a visit from you. Just don't overdo that visits, girls do want time being alone.The only time I don't visit is if she live more than 50kilometers away.
  3. Honestly I can't understand you. Alienware is a trademark used by a certain computer company.
  4. Reinstall/replace is different from a real repair. Repair means to replace the broken files with a healthy one and flag for an update. Reinstall/replace is the thing you see on most windows setup CD which will replace or reinstall a certain module. Having Windows XP pro SP1 installer CD does not mean I am running SP1. There is no limitation written with the installer that I can't upgrade upward to SP2 or SP3. The point is, if I have Windows XP pro SP1 and Windows SP2 comes out, I wont bother buying that new installer instead I will just slip in a Live CD, slip stream that SP2 patch to my Original Windows XP pro SP1 and then burn. Now I have a Windows XP Pro SP2 installer which I can pop in and install (I never reinstall windows, upgrading the installer allows me to "repair" files correctly) Sadly no, I have no use for it so I ever bother remembering the name. It is usually available to professional edition installers on exception with windows 7 (unless you own a starter kit). There is no performance descrease when you have norton ghost, you can just run it via command shell or run if before windows boot up (shecduled), the space will still be used and the partition will be hidden. There are hundreds of replacement for ghost partition.
  5. conflict with And windows can always be tricked to download fake updates. I am using the same firefox version you mentioned and not a single viral attempt executes. By visiting the website, you are already engaging a viral infection, a viral website can always be setup to look like your own desktop using javascripts. You can then be tricked to click on the shaddy links and download an update or an activex file that will tell windows to update. On the moment you visited that website, you already left your computer address and since you have no protection, your computer is way open to the whole world. In fact, if this forum will show your browser details, your IP address and MAC address to the world, any of us who visit here can plant a virus on your computer. An antivirus is not a thing for bragging or something to waste your cash, it is their to provide a lock for your computer. Visiting a shaddy website with no firewall and antivirus is like walking to a field of snow wearing only a boxer shorts. Since you said that you never do any of the above things, I will tell you that you are the single person I ever know that never inserted a CD, never connected a cellphone to a computer (including blue tooth), never listen to music, never watch a video and never used any form of USB device.
  6. "The only time you start at the top is when you are digging a grave."

    1. Nameless_


      True. That's kinda sad.

    2. chini13


      ohh yeah...but may be u will find some hidden treasure :D :D

    3. deadmad7


      treasure in a grave? *packs up to go the nearest cemetery* XD

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  7. If this is the same computer you mentioned on another thread that got infected, then it is possible that you have a corrupted OS due to viral attacks. Virus can stay in your computer for years and only activate at a certain time. I use to have that type of virus sitting on my work computer for 2 years without it ever activating. The virus was intentionally added by a jealous coworker and sad to say, it never completes the required trigger to run. :DUntil now I am guessing that one of the trigger is to contact a certain computer to activate, my computer at work on the other hand have firewalls installed to prevent my computer to connect to any machines on our network and only allows outgoing connection to the mail server and incoming connections was also limited to the update server and the mail server. :)I setup it that way since I don't trust our corporate antivirus which always end up spreading infections rather than fixing them. ******************Crack softwares can potentially destroy a windows registry hive that will cause BSOD. A virus attack from an outside source can trigger BSOD since it is really trying to shutdown defenses and the most common method is to shutdown windows to a certain level and still allow inbound/outbound communication. Windows is a multi-thread software and sometimes, a BSOD screen still allows incoming connection (tried and tested).******************Hacking softwares can trash your partition and corrupt your windows registry including your device driver.******************Sudden power interruption while windows is being update can cause unknown random BSOD. This will persist since you already own a partially corrupted system files.*******************Try using windows repair kit, it is included on windows installer. I never know which edition have that kit since I only own windows XP pro SP1 which have dos repair shell which of course does almost nothing and Windows 7 which have installation fix.What you should see on the kit is a windows file integrity scanner which will check bad files. To avoid problems in the future if ever you need to reinstall, make sure that you have a ghost partition. This will reinstall everything back up to the state when you created the ghost partition.
  8. We seldom replace parts and my computer which is a mid range gaming computer when I assembled it last 2003 still performs nicely except that I need to play at mid level graphics if I will play shader 3 (Video card algo for 3D models) games. 7 years have passed before I need am upgrade and that is a lot of savings :)Alienware is way expensive and if you will calculate every parts used on the setup, you are actually paying 2x-4x of the actual price. You are only buying alienware's trademark. I don't know what is the condition on the topic starters country but on our country, we assemble our own pc and never bother buying those "branded" builts.The newest series of hardware gives more favor for AMD series of processors and Radeon cards series. Nvidia is also good but most new NVDIA or shall I shay GEFORCE based video cards comes out with lots of bugs and firmware updates (update for the built in computer software on your video card) is a must.Intel chips are now being beaten to the trend with cheaper AMD chips for high speed games. Nvidia is losing stability in comparison with Radeon.For an amount of $1200 (USD), we are able to construct a gaming system similar to alienware that are being sold at $3000-$6000. And if you really like the alienware look, you need to add another $600 to that price to get the customized casings.The easiest path to know which trend are going to be used in the future is to find a processor that is getting good reviews and cheaper cost. Most manufacturers won't invest on building a system that cost a fortune unless you are selling a very known brand that most of the consumer thinks as the only possible build that can fix what they need.The tip I can give about video card is to aim for the chips power, with regards to video in games, high memory for the video card means nothing compared to what the video cards processor can accomplish. It is also not important for a video card to have more than 512MB of memory when you have a compatible video card, motherboard and memory rams that can sync together. This will allow you to give 1GB memory from the total system memory.We typically set up 4GB base memory for the system and 512MB video memory, the 1GB of memory from the system is then pumped up to share to the video memory giving a final memory of 1.512GB of video memory and 3GB system memory. In order for this to work, you need a fast video card and a dual channel system ram. There are also some motherboards that can dual stack video cards, take that in consideration.For casing and heat reduction, invest on a casing that have the haet exhaust on top of the casing putting everything that heats up as low as possible on the case with a space of around 3-5 inches from the base. This will efficiently push the hot air out of the assembly. Even branded build system such as Dell overheats from time to time and thats a fact
  9. Unfortunately, windows update can be tricked and anyone can inject a rouge software to be downloaded as an update by windows. Surprise, most windows updates are never being verified if they are really coming from Microsoft.Do you also know that all servers where websites are being hosted can track your IP, your Lan Card serial/address (MAC address) and using this info alone a script can be written to automatically test your computer for attack.Virus don't come alone from internet and you can get them via the following.1. infected CD be it an active virus or trojan.2. from your cellphone (Surprise!)3. from your music CD with hidden sectors from a shaddy source (Surprise!)4. from a DRM encoding on one of your videos (Surprise!!) and windows download this DRM files without asking you (Surprise again!).5. your USB devices6. and the most common error that people say "iPod runs on a different OS and can't infect windows computer", it was funny since your iPod or iPad or even iPhone may not be harmed by that virus but once you sync it with your computer, you are executing that "autorun.ini" file. There is no other clean way to disable that completely other than partially hacking windows registry.
  10. Text in bold is the recipient - this can be forged and if you don't appear as a recipient and you still get the email then it is one of the following.1. it was sent to a mail group, a mail group is a list of emails private to the email provider. If some discover the group name then he can send 1 email to 1 address and nothing will appear on the "To:" still everyone on the group will get a copy. 2. you are included on the blind carbon copy list (BCC), it was commonly used way to send mass email and spam since 99.9% of email servers throw away the BCC info in hopes to remove tracing on who got a copy. Text in bold and underlined - is the real email server, 70% of spams i received faking paypal are being sent from Hotmail with fake email header. The sample above claims that the email comes from facebook and the receiving email server accepts it and appends a message ID (f9si6900001anp.188.2010. Text in bold and italic - the actual "handshake", this is a server to server communication and authentication part. If one fails to identify the communication attempt should be terminated. Sadly most email servers are configured to still continue even if the other end fails to identify.
  11. Google is also an invite only and an employee referred type of company. It is either you are invited by Google since they noticed that you are a skilled person for a job opening or at least 3 employee refereed you. The only time they will entertain a resume is when they are greatly lack a certain amount of man power.
  12. Social engineering is a broad subject which applies to both online life and real life. There are a lot of people that uses this and the target audience are not aware of such attempt which where it gets its name ?social engineering? or shaping the society?s mindset on base on your standard.When you open your TV sets, you will start to see advertisements and some of them are being endorsed by well known persons. Take for example a known chubby person suddenly appears after a few months of absence with a body that is fitter, not 100% perfectly chiseled but way much better from being a chubby one before. The social engineering will start to kick in when someone asked him how he has done it.First they a few diet tips, exercise machines and stretching routines will be discussed and then finally, a product will be recommended. People will start to believe him that the product was good since they saw a result right before their eyes. That is just a basic social engineering on life taken advantage by advertisers.The more advance social engineering involves research and background check on the target. Personally our sales representatives from one of my work were way better than this. Together with some hired persons (with the only purpose to increase sales and distract the target), they will start to establish a slow and careful building of trust. With the background info on the target buyer/company president (or anything involved with sales), they start to build connections. The best sales representative we got even manages to be the target?s best man on his wedding day. The social engineering kicks in when the trust level is enough that the target will start to seek advice. This conversation will take some time listening to his ideas and slowly inserting your own. To cut the story short, we get deals worth at least $3million (US dollars) for a business partnership making us one of the suppliers for their company.***********************I actually used it to secure some job way back. The first step I have taken was to find a target job that I want. When I have finally established that even if I was an engineering student that time, software industry was way much better to invest and there are lazy people around the world who will just pay a sum of money for a job that can even be done in 2-3hours. My aim is to gain access to the global market and make a name or be a part of a multinational company and do the easy job with a balance pay.The common part in building trust (which is the foundation of social engineering) is to start to the bottom and upward. I assume that you will ask me why so I will spill it out. The more people recommend you, the more trust you are pushing to the next level of social engineering target. Please take note that recommendations are just one integral part of social engineering and trust since the persons who recommend you and act as a background support for social engineering needs credibility.The first step is to find this people who are already engage in this kind of business or field of work. On my case they are the geeks or semi geeks who gang up and play games and talk geek half of the time (this is the bottom part), you don?t need to talk to them or hang with them in random. Observe first which one have a possible connection to a higher level of the chain. From this bottom group I was able to get recommendation to small/mid scale programming groups where I collect more data and information and study how they gain clients. In less than 6 months I am already doing business on my own and taking in clients. I get paid from the group by around US $500-$1000 but my own clients which I do some programming works are charge between $10-$50. This is my third step on the chain, instead of telling everyone that I am a good programmer, I let them tell about how fast and efficient my works are.In the 8th month, I receive a job offer for a web programming work which wants me to be a part of the team from California and one from Germany. The social engineering key already worked since people are suggesting my works as good which reach Friendster and even mailing list. Before the end of the year I am already earning $200-500 each week working for 4 hours a day. The next year I was hired to my target job position by being a known Linux supporter and an open source programming supporter. The total time I have reached to get to my job position was roughly 1 ? years and with this time interval I was able to enter and leave offices without being questioned (I am not a part of those companies). Login into their system for a second opinion and learn more. All of this made possible by the word ?trust? and the social engineering skill.***********************This is a trivia, even if a person will say that he never engaged on social engineering is a pure lie. As a person and as a human who continuously competes with each other for attention, job, security, your special persons time (a girl friend or a boy friend perhaps or even your spouse) and other things you can imagine was the sub conscious application of the social engineering skill.On a classroom, some people are way eager to answer or reply to a professors lecture or they constantly ask follow up questions, on rare occasion this just pure asking for clarifications but most of the time it was an act to impress someone unknowingly.On a bus you may offer a seat to an old lady, this can be a pure gesture of kindness or an attempt to condition the people around you to make a ?good? impression. Offering seats to lovely ladies is also a form of social engineering which you are trying to get his attention. The danger part with social engineering is when people start to notice that you are trying to condition their mind. Being expose to social engineering schemes will enable you start to build defenses.Have you ever wondered why a approaching a lady who are so kind of you and shows interest on you and she suddenly dumps you after showing more kindness? The lady may have been exposed to lots of social engineering attempts to get her undivided attention way too much. This is the reason why most successfully social engineering plans involve investing time as much as you can and relearning the stuff over and over again. Good thing that their was an existing shortcut on most social engineering attempts.Social engineering is a topic used on computer/digital security, dating sites, sales and media marketing and unbelievable even on child care/parenting.
  13. I read your posted content and can safely say that the code is not practical. Storing templates on database are way faster if your database server is powerful enough (specially on cases of shared hosting) and the database data was properly indexed. The problem arises when you install a large portion of your template on your database, the proper way to do it is to store snippets or segments instead of the whole page.On the problem of using includes and other PHP commands, you can execute them by manually invoking the proper calls. I would agree on everyone who replied that this adds more complexity to the template system. The fastest speed gain you can get with calling the templates from the database in comparison to calling them via folders is just around 5%-20%. The loss you can get if you handle it improperly is a slow down of 50%-300%. You need to plan way ahead and must understand how database and the server interacts with each other, you also need to plan how much power your database have (cpu, memory and number of users).My point of not including the PHP call that you need to execute is to discourage you to this risky approach.
  14. I use a few methods but since I can only vote one choice i pick "Store the variables globally in a config file".It is on a case to case basis and highly depends on the PHP version running on the server. As much as possible I use static class to limit the access to certain parts of the code and when I need to use global variables to store them, I load them up in an array. The config file that I use only contains base directory structure on where I will load up the other classes and a database connection information where I will load up the full configuration information for the scripts.
  15. That's a forge email. It is easy to replace the from address and even the BCC and CC part of the email (you won't usually see the BCC hence the acronym for "Blind carbon copy").The only part of the mail that is hard to modify was the source email server. Google never sends exe files to anyone even my google earnings and my google ads incentives never had an attached exe file. Google's server was wise enough to open up zip files and check for exe files even if they are password protected.I have no idea what was your email service provider was and how you access the mail but if it allows you to open and view the original email just do so. Some email service/reader only allows you to view the headers and this is enough since the header information contains the source server, the time of sending, the timestamp and the timezone, the handshake server and the message digest id.
  16. This is the only thing I am not sure that Firefox can do just for the plain reason that I have no use for this feature and I never tried it.
  17. I am already enjoying this features on Firefox since 3.3. To clone item 5, first set google as your default search engine and then type as you like on the address bar. If firefox detects that is it not a valid domain name then it will call up google. Conversions,, calculations and dictionary lookups are being done inside google. ****************** It will be nice that chrome will have more plugins to choose from. The good thing is that quality and checked/verified plugins for Firefox also works for chrome without downloading a chrome specific plugin. I am using 5 plugins for Firefox and all got imported to chrome. A friend have 11 plugins that are being turned on and off and was able to import 10 of them to chrome. I am using chrome and firefox most of the time, spare time was being devoted to Opera. My least favorite is Safari due to think font rendering. They mess up precise styled divs. The browser that I seldom or never bother to use is IE, most of the time it was blocked to access the world wide web and don't ask me why . I will love to remove IE if only I could and won't need it to check for IE specific problems with my web layouts.
  18. There are times when exploits targets IE. Even if you are not using IE to browse the internet as long as a virus, malware and trojan made is way into your computer, they can use this IE exploits. Sometime ago I saw one of the exploits where windows automatic update was tricked that it was downloading from a valid Microsoft patch server. The questionable file then installs a root kit software that uses an IE bug giving every website that have a visual basic script code and active-X to run as system user. System user is 1 level higher than your PC admin account.
  19. This may be late but google checks on what IP range you login with your Adsense account. It also leaves cookies and other stuffs on your computer that tracks the owner that Adsense account. They won't block you because someone is clicking your ads way too much but they will block on different aspects. They do investigate before blocking an account, the first step they do is to reduce the quality of ads being sent to you then block your account entirely. After being proven guilty, you will be banned from the service and your website that serves Adsense ads will start to get advertising again and this time, no clicks are being counted and no money gets paid. How do I confirmed this? I have at least 30 Adsense user friends and one of them even earn $1000 a Month, from time to time there are greedy competitors that wants them out and they clicked his ads. Before anyone will try to trick google by using proxies: 1. all clicks from public proxies are not being counted. 2. even if you change your IP, there are still other methods to track who you are. you only made it harder to trace but you are traceable. 3. you need at least 1 min to get the click counted, ideally 30secs was enough.
  20. Google never ask for SMS verification unless your IP was on it's blocklist of Gmail abusers. Some countries require the SMS verification part in accordance to local laws. 90% of Gmail users and even google user in general don't need to confirm via SMS.Here are the times where Gmail/Google will require SMS sending1. Forgot password feature2. Block due to spamming or report of hacked account3. Law required them to do so4. The user's IP/ISP is on googles top spamware/malware source as reported by thousands of people.Google even provides this nice feature to alert users that the site they are going to visit is infested by malware and iframe exploits (base from 1 week continued checking)This work on almost all browsers and never on Microsoft products.
  21. I have done just a quick scan for all the post in this thread and come to conclusion that you are trying to send mails via wamp/xampp. Xampp have its own mail server bundled and wamp have it's own mail support without the mail server. The problem of installing and making the mail server work is not related fully related on the installed mail server but on the fact that common internet provider block all the port needed to maintain a mail server locally which is a counter measure to prevent anyone from building a spam server.Each CMS and even forums can be reconfigured to use third party mail services and the most popular and reliable method is to use Gmail mail servers. There are a lot of information out in the web which tackle on how to bridge all mail needs to Gmail system. I am writing an article on about this but can't complete it yet due to hectic schedules.All my locally hosted websites that are in development have full email support enabled and some even have the option to create email accounts. The mail servers on the other hand was coded to hook all outgoing mails to route via gmail while the incoming ones are left as is. My ISP does not block the incoming ports.Thing to note with using Gmail service is that the server needs SSL connection calls and 128 bit encryption protocol. It sounds hard but relatively easy to be done.
  22. I have not tested both version but my bug tracker and exploit list have 17 reported exploits for PunBB in comparison to 3 exploits on FluxBB. The 3 exploits was common to both version so it is safe to assume that as of this moment, FluxBB is secure in comparison to PunBB and much better than PHPBB in terms of amount of exploits present. 3 years ago was the first time I saw SMF 2.0 beta and until now I have not seen any improvements. Nuke was having a good review but it was a portal rather than a forum. Good thing is that a portal can be a CMS and Forum in one bundle. ************** Drupal is fine and more secure in terms of how fast the exploits got fixed but some add-ons takes time to be fixed with exploit errors. The core on the other hand was rigid but not 100% secure but you are nearing to it. I will pick Drupal if I were you however for my own site I will use ModX cms which is an ajax system. I was writing with Modx for plugins and enchancements, that is my reason why I will pick it up. Comparing Drupal with ModX cms: Drupal is already rigid on what it will do which is a CMS ModX cms is just a barebone skeleton system where you will define what your final ModX will be, shall it be a CMS, a forum or a Wiki. Drupal is multiuser as default Modx is single user until you patch something Drupal module writing is hard at some point Modx pages can be turned into a module, theme or whatever you desire Drupal exist using modules to extend Modx exist using snippets, breadcrumbs, libraries and modules to extend To sum it up, Drupal is for common users who specifically have 1 set of defined needs while ModX was for advance users that don't want bulky things slow down their CMS.
  23. That's a very long rant or whatever and will surely earn a lot of myCENTS. *****On the point of inea's post was improving, I noticed that he/she (I am way too lazy to verify) really improved one bit at a time. I am still confused on some of the post that was made though.On the point of decreased myCENTS, I noticed that since 4th week of September until today, the points goes way slow.
  24. It can be a sign that your webpages are being used to spam using a hole on your programming. The webpage in question is also capable to send sms maybe via a contact form or a forgot password script. It will help a lot if you are going to check all pages that can send an email for such issues. Just 2 weeks ago, I was able to send multiple emails from one website due to his poor contact script programming. The page in question was named contact.php and it was way too easy to send messages using this contact form by using this link format contact.php?to=target@email.com. Due to improper programming, his contact form turned into a spam machine.UPDATE:Is your account that is using high STMP the same one on your signature link? If it was, add an empty index.html file on the main folder then dis allow automatic mailings on all your members instead allow sending via digest. Since it was a forum, there is a high chance that you will hit a very high SMTP usage from time to time if each one subscribe to forum updates.
  25. In contrast to what was posted here, file size is not an issue as long as you load it in modular terms. Flash developers forgets the logic of loading flash items one piece at a time. I saw a lot of flash movies/softwares that are at least 80MB in size and yet they can load faster in term of user experience.Here are the steps that they are doing:1. instead of building 1 solid flash file, they divide it into segments and load those segments using a 1MB file shell loader.2. instead of inserting a 10MB movie in swf format, they in turn convert the movie file into FLV (flash video), the one you are embedding was just an empty player which stream loads the actual movie.3. while resolution is way important, people that loads larger flash files will load smaller resolution versions first and continues to load higher resolution piece by piece. this gives an impression that the flash movie was enhancing it self as time progress.one big chunk of flash file, regardless that it have a preloader will still load slower and people will notice it, modular loading will make an appeal that the flash file have already loaded and will leave a "calibrating up" feel.And one point of interest, modular loading indeed increase the total bytes that you are loading but people will ignore that.NOTE: loading faster in terms of user experience means that the files load faster on the perception of your user but in bandwidth wise, they still load at the same time. streaming servers also help a lot, I saw an HD video roughly around 1GB and I was able to watch it with less stops on my regular 130kbps download speed. the video was a streamed MMA fight for review/editing purpose.
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