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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. This may be kinda late but here is my opinions: 1. ads in between the content can annoy a group of people, unless you can have a nice separator that goes with the ads then go for it. 2. ads on top produce more/high CTR, the reason is that they are easy to spot and people usually click them if they are related to what they are reading. 3. ads on the bottom is only used to capture those readers that reads the whole page and expect a discussion on going below the content (comment system) The best ad block is a mid square one on the left side of the first paragraph of your content, make sure that there is enough spacing/padding around the ads to prevent it from touching the actual content text. Even if it is the best one, I don't use it since people may click the ads on error.. I favor visitors to comeback often than to have a high earnings from the ads. Also note that most people tends to be ads blind, they won't even recognize that an ad is viewing displayed and most of them will just treat that as a typo error or something and go on. This is known to infolinks and kontrera so they introduced in text ads, double underlined text always triggers that there is something more behind that text and people will mouse over or click it.
  2. Thats way fast, the only thing I was able to duplicate that is when I remove kaspersky from the system having nothing in there to scan the system heap for viral stuffs. If from a cold hard boot, power down status, the fastest I can see is 3seconds BIOS loading screen, 10-20secs Windows OS loading (user/pass is hard triggered and was not needed on booting locally). After that, I need to wait for Kaspersky to release the lock and sometimes wait for windows update to scan the update list (this is one of the things I hate with windows, it still scans the online update server for new updates when I have set my OS on manual update).
  3. One program was adding a phantom/ghost NIC card, do you happen to have a virtual pc installed or a virtual system? If yes then disable its adapter, if no, the fix generated a phamtom adapter to bypass the private IP. There is a configuration in the HL/Steam server about an outside IP though it depends on what patches or version of modules you have. All Steam servers have an outside and private IP configuration. The private IP is the one you won't bother touching. Please NOTE that the last time I setup/manage such server is 2 years back using Steam Dedicated Server/Condition Zero server.Also a point to remember, if you have both IP v4 and IP v6 enabled and you have values on both protocol, you will appear as if you have 2 NIC cards. If the values points to the same physical address, they will only appear as one.
  4. At some point, everyone turns out to be bad at any language even if it his own one. There is a huge problem on your site and that is being a static pure html one, the only thing i can recommend for now is google custom search having your site as the target. Just to let you know that this search service will redirect to google and will hijack visitors but on the good side, the results go back to your site. For more info, google for "google custom search" (that sounds a little paradox) I have not enjoy atomz but it was present on most bulletin board system years ago.
  5. akismet only blocks spam post but it was never been designed to block robots that sign up for an account. You need capcha on your blog.
  6. I am new with blogging/making websites with ads (just been on this industry for 1 year) however a friend of mine who started one 5 years ago was able to get checks from google (it takes 2 weeks before getting here - philippines). When paypal starts its operation here and added support for widrawals to banks, she got offered an option to get the payment via paypal. Western union is the worst case to take since they will charge you a huge amount of money taken from the cash google sent you. I don't know if adsense payments get delivered by local google companies or from USA, in our case as far as i know it, it always comes from USA. I know they have a business partner or an office here in our country since google adwords free coupon always get sent with google philippines tag and with a local PO box number.My friend earned her first $100 in 3 weeks, she made a gossip website :DWith the saturation of adsense ads, she adopted using "in text" link ads from kontrera / infolinks.
  7. Thanks for the reply, actually phil web services is not a good hosting service base on my own opinion, my hosting goes down without notice and they give no explanation why it happen. They only send info when there are mass complain emails from all users. For the past 2 months, my website goes on and off for more than 2 hours a day. Thank you for that recommended chat system. Meebo was plain annoying sometimes and I indeed modified the javascript just to prevent making every possible thing in my site sharable. ********* I already moved a copy of the website in xisto hosting, sorry for the problems. I will update it from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ domain since my paid hosting is way unstable.
  8. Thank you the recommendation. I will update the site layout today or tomorrow taking in consideration all of the posted comments.
  9. Thank you for both replies, I have no plans at the moment on hosting the site in xisto. The videos are streamed using youtube. I already run Yslow and can't follow some of it's suggestions like 1-4 DNS lookup for reasons that the video was hosted on youtube, the ads coming from google and infolinks and they are paying for the existence of the site.I'll try the WP-minify or equivalent and thanks for the comment for the tweet. I'll locate that somewhere below. I don't know however if people wants the meebo chat feature below the site.************For speed, I am getting inconsistent speed using the same ISP and using the same set of computers but with different browsers. 20% of the time, firefox loads slow 30% IE loads slow and the rest of the browsers such as Opera (great browser), chrome (another great browser I am using) and safari for windows loads the site fast.There are limitations on the site such as total speed, the shared hosting seems to be overselling them a lot. I am going to either move the site to one of the 2 paid hosting services that I have been using for clients on virtual dedicated. 4-10 accounts in 1 server and that is less crowding.
  10. Xisto never slowed down on me except the occational 5-15mins downtime 1-3 times a month. The over all speed of Xisto is comparable to a Paid hosting that have 95% uptime. I don't think that the downtime are hardware related since mostly they happen when new accounts are being added to the server and only http part was affected which seems to be a restart on the server. FTP keeps on working perhaps because they have a different FTP server software. I never used mail for the hosting since it was being feed by google. My suggestion for your site at the moment base on how it look are the following 1. make your menu to look pretty, ordinary people wants a menu that look pretty. It does not make sense though since people who will need your content will not care about it. 2. try to use layman's terms on your menu like "upper limb", it is straight forward but most people I met online don't even know what a limb in reality. Some point that the head is a limb, some says upper limb are the palms and other stuff. 3. try to put a thin line of margin on your page to define edges, try this when you already know the basic of stylesheets. 4. experiment on using arial, helvetica and roman fonts. I recommend arial, helvetica and verdana as a main font across the page. This 3 fonts shows almost the same on most browsers and looks nicely on IE. Roman was widely used for reference materials which matches yours. 5. try to use font size 12 pixels, experiment with it when you already tried changing fonts using css. 6. some people love to see a webpage that centers on the browser views, when i say page, i mean the whole content, header and menus center in the browser. No need to center the text. 7. maintain having lesser image on your website, if needed, add some. it is best to have minimal images to make sure that your page loads faster and search engines this kind of sites higher. don't yet use an almost image less design until you learn mid knowledge of css since without images or the fancy styles a css can provide, your page can end up dull. 8. for search engine part, 8.1 make sure that you have at only 1 (one) < h1 > < / h1 > tag, you can use up to < h3 > < / h3> 8.2 make sure that all images have the "alt" attribute set, images with no alt attribute was being ranked down and this total score can affect your site. mine got 2 page rank down just because I miss 1 alt attribute. 9. for adsense, make sure you have 3 or less adsense slots. the TOS states that you can only have 3 and if you can defend your site that you are not spamming, you can have 5 but this needs a request. I don't know how it is done. If you really want more than 3 slots, try https://www.google.com/doubleclick/publishers/small-business/ which is google's double click dashboard control. it is harder to use than adsense but allows you to have any amount of ads. this is to prevent you from being accused of spamming and having your earned income voided or get you suspended. 10. adsense revenue: image, video and flash ads gives more income but they only display 1 advertisement at a time. I suggest using text ads only. judge swapping from the two types base on click rates, you can do this by using channels on your adsense account. most of the comments i have are just eye candies except item 8, 9 and 10. the first thing i learned about online presence is that people wants to visit a site that have a nice eye candy rather than a nice content. researchers on the other hand prefer content than eye candy and they get slightly annoyed with eye candies. i was assuming that you want to attract the common people.
  11. Most people build a computer for gaming purpose as the main reason (even people who claims that it is for office works only) and second is office works. In comparison with the newer generation of computers for desktop, AMD is beating up Intel by a huge margin, this battle change when the processors are used on servers since on dependability, Intel keeps a higher end but not so great in comparison to AMD. Since AMD adapted the same technology (reworked to have a distinction of being an AMD) that Intel have and dishing the Duron/Athlon original architecture, they have cope up with speeds and dependability. I can rarely see a Duron or Athlon chip being busted because you used it for a long period of time. On a side note, some sub contractor companies that Intel used to have are now hired by AMD, if AMD did reverse engineer or improve the old existing models of Intel chips from this sub-contractor is beyond my knowledge.
  12. Kabayan. Just reply to new post or post that have contents that you are interested in, some people dig the post if they want more clarification or updates on the topic. In case you only want to focus on 1 aspect of the selected old post (1 year old and up), just start a new one and put a reference and a summary on your now topic. Creating topics asking help from different members can also earn you points as long as you are not spamming. Points collected are converted to MyCents and then converted into virtual cash where you can buy hosting or domain names. Most member here are hosted on xisto networks or just buying domains using the virtual cash.
  13. I have not noticed this part but maybe you are right on this one. I have 3 SDK on my computer for different software language that is not Microsoft made. The installation includes setting the path and everything ensuring that the whole software works. Everything works well until I rebooted and things got messed up, the path info was stripped off by the system. It was fixed by reinserting them manually which was done after a few days of scratching my head and reinstalling/uninstalling cycles including searches to the net on what have happen.
  14. WAMP! I have wamp to be honest and I will end up with a wamp like version if I compile them myself. The thing I have on my wamp is mod_ssl, open_ssl, mysql, php, oracle brigde and lots more. The one I strip from it is the mail server or smpt, ftp was stripped down since it is really a local server. I don't find any problem on Wamp since I can rebuild all to add the full modules, I just like the right-click and rebuild icon to swap to another version. This is the same version I will have if install them by product on exception of disabling SMTP (blame that to laziness), even if SMTP is shutdown, I can still mail using google SMTP.On topic, Vista and Windows 7 have problems on finding the extensions when you run your Apache, the reason was.. it refuses to load the list of plugins for apache or php since it is not on the patch. I find it silly but its microsoft, they have a very high reputation on trying to block non microsoft items on their products. Maybe you have missed the nag screen on Apache about adding the path on your windows environment or perhaps the developer for Apache for windows removed it thinking that people will already know about it.
  15. The 2 links above are proven clean and working, zenia was fast on posting those links. I still have no info on the other links and I can't validate the content without checking them.
  16. I am actively using it every time Google stumble on an error 404. I have allowed Google to index everything and that caused problems. I also used that rule to throw bot scanners trying to harvest emails on my site, they now land on a random site which I pick. The ranking was not affected, the only problem I am getting as of the moment is the slow down issues on my host. The website I am using is hosted on a different web hosting service. My Xisto hosting which is active is mostly empty and was being used to modify WordPress plugins. I also have been on the extent of rewriting the whole page but I keep the keywords and all the things that was being search on that page. The info was collected from Google analytics linked to my site. The only time I lost ranking was when I forgot to put back the keyword list. You can never know how many people have book marks on that page so keep the rule but you can remove the old file. It won't slow your website even if you have a long redirect list. Once the rule was added, the old file no longer needs to exist.
  17. For me, learning Dreamweaver is the best thing to do for starters and mid learners. For a well versed person, notepad++ is enough however, error checking on Dreamweaver still solves a few headaches.Dreamweaver is both a tool for starters and expert on the industry in fact 19 out of 20 people that create website templates that I know uses it. I am more incline on programming, both Dreamweaver (which cost a little high) and notepad++ (free) is enough for me.I can only recommend to use the software that makes you comfortable. I started coding and programming using Coffecup HTML editor with "live view". I think that software is long dead but I still have a copy. Compared to FrontPage it really is left behind a lot but unlike FrontPage , the software won't insert rubbish trash (my personal opinion with hundreds of space and MSO coding that FrontPage inserts).I used that software because it was comfortable for me to use and it allows me to edit the file on the built in text editor instead of using "live view". The choice was made even if I have a free complementary copy of Dreamweaver (was owned by Macromedia by that time).To make the final choice, just try the trials, I think the counterpart for Microsoft is free if I am not mistaken. Using the trials will give you a basic view on what will make you comfortable without using cash.
  18. I don't have any idea on what Microsoft have to offer on the new product but I have been using Dreamweaver and notepad++ to make my pages. On Dreamweaver you can link your editor to a live website and Dreamweaver can show you the errors before you upload that modified file. Dreamweaver also have a WYSIWYG and an HTML text view. Notepad++ only offer highlights on commands and variables and nothing more.Dreamweaver have a 30day trial so you can download if from Adobe.com and try it for yourself. Notepad++ is free but you need to do everything building the layout etc from a text editor view.Give yourself a few weeks to test both products and decide, it is you that will use them. Pick which is easier for you to use as long as it still offers to edit a page manual (text editor mode)
  19. Mostly you can get them from Bootdisk websites. From multi boot service, some windows XP versions allows you to make a bootable USB by going to the control panel and look for "Boot Media", this is a non-standard user function and absent on most end user commercial versions.You can also search on linux forums, from Bart CD websites and other related sites. I can do some initial search and reply with links as soon as I have time to scan and check the files.
  20. Add /bones, you must include the filename and directory from the main folder. No, google will know that you change the page name / location and will just update the entry for that index and as long as you maintain that rule, all content checker will know that the new page URL is just the same old page moved and renamed. Only badly written content checker will flag that as copying. If you use the other redirect methods like meta refresh (pure html) or Header manipulation, the old URL and the new URL will be both indexed and marked as spam by Google, Bing and Yahoo. The rest of websites with similar service (sometimes including Bing) won't care.
  21. It is annoying, with respect to the new google images. I have that feature since April and I totally hate it.
  22. I have created a mini tutorial here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Feel free to ask for clarification if you still can't understand how it works, technical people always writes the worst manuals I checked your site a few hours ago, I'll visit it again later within the day, thawte.com's new certificate rules almost made me nuts.
  23. You can only boot from USB if your motherboard allows it. You need to check your computer manufacturers website or check the manual that comes with your computer if it can boot from usb. The question on how to make the usb use windows 98 boot sector is out of my knowledge. I never tried it but msdos 6.22 can be installed on USB and windows XP boot USB is the common boot USB version being used.
  24. I technically don't know what the second was but here are how they earn cash.1. youtube sponsored video - but this website was cost more than they earn plus the piracy cases they are facing in courts, people tend to blame google instead of blaming and suing every person who uploaded a video on youtube.2. (feed burner) RSS feed sponsored link - mostly they look like adsense but they also appear separated with the adsense present on the feeds, they only appear if you have at least 5 contents arriving in the feeds.3. Google apps - google aps are free but you can get support and even bigger space if you pay for it. I only saw 3 big companies on east asia using googlemail as the primary email server. Each account have 10GB of email and that is a big saving than to maintain such email server with that big sizes.4. Android sales - their cellphone operating system, android is gaining popularity on our country and everyone buying new cellphone picks an android compatible phone.There are a few more where they earn cash but I only listed the ones gaining them more money. The problem on how to detect which one earns more money is that they spend a huge sum of money. I was only able to get this insight since 3 friends from my mailing list got invited by google a few years ago, they even confirmed that google seldom accepts online or even walked-in applicants unless they really need someone badly. Google is a company that prioritize its employees happiness almost equal to making profit.
  25. I can write an article about doing it step by step, the link provided is an example and it was really the code to use. For the sake of clarity, i can write the document after an hour as I am reinstalling a certificate file on a dedicated server. The only thing you need to preserve is keywords and perhaps some modification on the new title. The filenames no longer matter since you will be forwarding the robots and even the visitors.
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