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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. The top most result is always "For sale" and the result number 1-3 are always sponsored, that means that they are paying cash to google. On areas that the search query does not match any search pattern/keyword, the first 1-3 slot will display ordinary results and the optional top result (which is not part of the search anyway) won't appear. The sponsors on the right side of the search result (on google website) are paying on Impressions. The more people search on google, the faster the Impression campaign will complete and the faster google can claim all the cash.
  2. There is a way to do it and it is by using web forward. With a web forward, I don't mean redirection but a real web forwarding by using web error 301 (this page have moved permanently). Once the bot picks up the code, it will read the 301 error and will be instantly taken to the new page defined on the error command. This will trigger the bot to update its index and some other search engine or even users that are reluctant to change bookmarks or indexes will still land on the correct page preserving everything. redirect 301 /someoldfile.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/[code=auto:0] The code above should be inside ".htaccess" (quote to show that there is no file name just an extension) which will only work 1. if you are on a linux or unix server 2. your host allows you to have that file. If you are hosted on asthahost them you are lucky since Xisto supports almost anything that you need except video streaming.
  3. It is coming from adsense. Well, majority of them comes from adsense since they now provide adsense on search, adsense on videos, adsense on content and any other possible place where adsense can be inserted. Most major adsense alternative also have adsense link on them making google advertisement a sure way to get every penny worth of your advertising money. On my country alone, one company advertised on google adsense and gets 10k increased of daily unique visitors for the first month and he only used 2% of his advertising money. Mostly people seems to click and bookmarked the site then recommend them to friends and since his advertisement have a website url, some people just typed the url on a new browser window.
  4. The full screen button is dependent on the SWF player you are loading. Dreamweaver ONLY provides the basic player which of course play, pause and stop movies from playing. If you want full screen support then buy a license player or use an open source player that have full screen support. The button will only appear or even function if the player bundled with your Dreamweaver have that function.Dreamweaver is a text editor and not an all purpose software.
  5. Base on experience alone (on exception of 3 releases of firefox), my firefox browser never have any kind of memory leak when it is void of plugins. Adding plugins/addons usually tends to build up the memory leaks. On part of resource release, I am seeing that trend with firefox taking more time to release resources. Firefox on windows 7 do display heavy memory leaks even with flash as the only plugin/extension/addon present. I am not affected with firefox memory leaks on windows 7 since I mostly use chrome on windows 7 and firefox on windows XP and unix/linux. However I will admit that I never notice if memory leaks are present on Unix and Linux since I only need the browser when I am downloading or watching something online. The rest are being done by SSH direct access including updating/patching files and modules. IE8 only started good before they added the patches, now it is a joke to use IE8 with its memory leaks introduced by the patches that should fix security errors. The only thing that I will wish for firefox is if they will allow me to keep the old version and never updated automatically without playing around with its configuration. If that function is already present, I may have missed it since I only use bookmark and "Addon" menu on firefox to start firebug.
  6. Can anyone check my site and suggest what should be changed or improved, the site's aim is to host video reviews (games/movies), video tutorials (currently on que for upload), scripting tutorials (php, asp and others) and database stuffs. Currently it is using a modified polkadot theme from zenverse, the side panel is about to be modified too and will soon have a small RSS buttons. There is a known issue on IE where the video preroll ad keeps on getting a left alignment problem instead of centered content (checked with IE8). In case you see a warning for javascript error on your IE (in case you are going to view it via IE), please if possible send/attach a screenshot of the error that will popup. I am tracing this problem and it is giving me a headache since 50% of the time it wont appear. The site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ NOTE: Due to unexplained technical problems with my paid hosting, I purchased a xisto hosting at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. This will be used as the test ground for review since my domain is locked until the end of contract. Thank you.
  7. Try clamwin (free open source) or if you got some money, get Kaspersky or ESET. Check their website first which one will allow you to have an offline update. Kaspersky Internet Suite gives you the option to dump update files into a folder, copy that folder and use it as an update source for the computer that don't have an internet. I have no idea on the other versions. AVG is no longer a good antivirus. Avira is loosing its battle but it still depends on what sites you visit or what devices you attached to your computer. Remember that all items inserted via USB are being seeked with the file autorun.ini which in turn runs all programs listed in it including viruses. In fact autorun is being exploited a lot by viruses. Between AVG and Avira, pick Avira. Between symantec and Avira, pick Avira. This is base on experience on viral strands and actual exploits.There are still hundreds of antivirus that is free and have manual updates but half of them are fake, try to consult security websites specially those that focus on antivirus.
  8. There is no memory leak on my firefox, maybe it is related to what plugins/addons present on your browser. Google instant is something I will never use on my IE8, it is draining CPU power and memory on my side. Never tried it with Safari.
  9. There are a lot of countries where google services are blocked or partially blocked. On our country, only known warez torrents are blocked and this is being done by the major telecommunication company here as reaction to complains from outside world. We are also blocked from Vebo or something like that (a site that is hosting HD quality music videos being shared also by youtube).Funny thing is that some companies blocked us from watching local MTV's being shared on youtube by their artist on claims of international piracy. The top one doing this is Universal Records earning 99.5% of the total blocking and 0.5% being shared by other companies. Universal Records include self composed song and music on the block list and it is annoying.
  10. My monthly hosting is $5.96, I have shell access and dedicated IP. That is from the base of $1.95.There are downtime of 10-30mins max once in a while in a week or month but it always goes back up less than 30mins. It may differ from server to server, I am on Gamma server. The downtime seems to be connected with account reloads which seems to be done on batch basis.
  11. I have no issues with subs on the bleach videos that I watch, one of the reason why it won't show was bad encoding/packing of matroska files and mp4 files. Since subbing and distributing shows and giving them out for free means loosing money for the creators, they are shutting down the subbers website. Now the long standing subbers are giving links on limited persons and even have selective trackers. The ones that left sharing to the world are mostly bad subbers that have no clue about quality checks.
  12. I remembered something like that, Gmail asked if I want to activate google instant if it comes on my region which I clicked "Yes". Update: I opened Gmail and Clicked settings then click web, it brings me to google and my google account search settings, after 2minutes a button that says "use google instant" appeared (this never appeared before if I go directly to google search signed in). It works good for me and have no interference on my side, CPU usage never even budge to 1% more and the memory usage stays the same. I only hate the "flicker" like effect of fast search result changes. It looks like the missing piece of the puzzle is to active the button via my Gmail since that is the first place where I get the notification 2 months ago. The Ajax fire on "keyup" event. That will be so annoying to most people.
  13. Breaking the reply for easier reading Take a look at this 2 piece of meta tags You site was targeted more on "maps" thus adsense thinks you are talking about maps. Try to rewrite your description and keywords to target PHP. Take a look at my meta tags from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, a topic about nested decoding. The part about "gaming,online games,entertainment,videos,google,adsense,googlesense" are just auto keywords I used on my site, they will appear automatically so ignore that. My description was missing and I know when it appear to search engine results, my link may have blank description and I am loosing extra adsense targeting yet my "keywords" are doing their part. If there are avdertisements that appear as MMA, Grappling and other fight sports, there are intentional as I informated the search engines that I am serving those video content. Adsense reads your keywords, content and then description to know what it should serve. Hope it helps. NOTE: Why I don't have description meta, I am targeting Google, yahoo, Bing and Ask.com, they show up my site perfect by pulling my page title and the first few sentences of the post and that is enough for me.
  14. Take a look at this sample http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ from my site, everything is targeted well. The adbrite ads was the only one not totally blended on the site (there was an issue with the video ads preroll on IE, just ignore that), the reason why adbrite was not totally blended is that I want people to notice it and buy that space . Adsense was blended on the side panel and after the post above the comments.There are ways to trick people to click your adsense links but I hate that so I avoided putting adsense link ads. I don't want them to be annoyed just the way I got annoyed.Your site layout is good and it looks like that it was pretty easy to expand that layout abit to have a bigger content area and a bigger side panel. Why don't you expand those 2 areas by editing the template?For the adsense format just feel free to visit this link so you will know what will happen to your site if you are going to use skyscrapers https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/185665?utm_source=aso&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=ww-ww-et-asfe_&hl=en-GB
  15. I am reading hundreds of complains for Kontrera and only a handful for Infolinks and few for Adsense, you can take that as an added info.
  16. Yordan's reply is best suited if more than 1 person was doing the backup and there are more than 1 method of creating a backup and data logs (hard copy on paper was missing). I also seen someone formating the /usr partition on one of the company we are toured (our client) in hopes that he will restore the files from the backup media. The media was labeled "full backup use only on newly formated drive" . The poor guys was surprised that half of the companies clinic records got wiped out.
  17. I do hope they fix that with a timer on when to perform the searches, I say an instant ajax search system that gives 5-20seconds timeout between keystrokes. If the timeout was reached, only then the ajax code will fire and do the result without waiting for you "Enter key". Good thing is that we don't have that feature yet, we still have enough time to watch and see how the world will react.
  18. Since my reply was quoted and this is a backup topic:1. I maintain a backup of my files on a separate hard drive and on some DVDs. You can call it paranoid approach but it was not. I know a lot of people that maintain a nightly back up of things that changed on their computer and even big companies do this.2. The backup medium must be properly labeled specially when you already have hundreds of them. When I start my work as a system admin, the person who handles the backups never labeled what server got backups and what date the backups are. It was also funny that being on the office for 2 weeks, I instantly get a warning letter of loosing a backup tape. To clear my name (which in fact I have never performed any backup yet), I dig the piles of tapes and found a certain tape made 3 months before I got the job and viola, it was the missing tape which contain all the company's important records. If the tapes are labeled and the backup dates are recorded, none of this will happen.3. Consider also the climate and weather on the place where you are storing the backup. At home the temperature range from 15C to 25C (I am from a tropical country), the medium that is best for me is to store via hard disk on cooler time of the day. At work, the room temperature was maintained at 10C on the fiber optics section and 20C on the regular server area. It is best to not to use tapes on the 10C area specially if you are going to store it near the servers due to possibility of molds forming on the tape.
  19. I am serving goole adsense and adbrite, they work best together. For extra revenue, I am also serving video ads. You can visit this link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for a view on how they are mixed together. I also tried serving nuffnang ads but they are few and I decided to strip it down temporarily.
  20. My connection is mid way and I can watch HD videos without problem so I guess that is not the issue. Maybe it is activated on selected geo zones. Is it possible to deactivate the feature using google account? I will hate that one when I do my searches. It is geo-targeted and I don't belong on those countries.
  21. You can't create any kind of file named con. This is a reserved file handle (filename for windows) which points to output (screen, printer and other output media). Some system uses it both for output and input. You can freeze up a computer by issuing a set command to make CON equal to NULL.There are at least 9 easter egg stuff included on notepad and 3 on wordpad.
  22. I don't have this feature, does it shows as default when you browse and do the search while logged in to google accounts? Since google unified its logged in and I keep my email or my analytic open, I always appear logged in.
  23. Another example happened on a company near ours. On the industrial zone where I work, every business complex maintains their own power generating building. One sunny day, we get a red alert that 2 50mega watts power generator machine is about to blow and they cannot stop it. The computer maintaining them are full loaded with antivirus and monitoring was down. These generators are overheating without any technician knowing it. We are then forced to stop work and immediately pack our 600 barrels of 2-propanol (modified Isopropyl alcohol) The defective generators won't affect us but the heat radiation it will cause if it blows will ignite our stock of 2-propanol (IPA). ************************** Another one happened on a user doing banking on his computer, his computer got infected by opening an email and letting it load an image that is binded with a virus (see "virus images on email"). His entire deposit got wiped out and transfered to a bogus bank account on the other side of the globe. ************************** A friend it Vietnam had his harddisk entirely useless as the virus he got from viewing a shaddy website issued a random disk write and low level format on random disk sectors. All his research files and work files got lost. The list is still pretty long, infact you may be wasting at least a month knowing all the common possible damage it can cause you. And this all happen due to an absence of an antivirus and viewing or opening an email from shaddy website/persons.
  24. When people will do an attack, they won't be getting your ISP's info instead they will see your computers info and which port they can use. There are 12000 possible attack ports and none was closed as you never used any antivirus. On visiting any website, clicking a link is optional as there are 300 ways to trick your browser and another 400+ ways to trick windows to update. There are also more than 3000 hidden Iframe hijack methods that every browser falls victim and what they do is certainly not good for you. Knowing your IP is like letting everyone to leave a file on your computer. What kind of attack or damage they can do? Every damage that you can think falls on the list including having someone knowing everything that you do with your computer. This is the reason why it is a requirement to have a working antivirus to shield you to at least a portion of this things. This is also the same reason why antivirus makers are earning millions and even billions of dollars. There are even words spreading around the internet that these antivirus companies also release new strains of virus just to be on top of the chain. *************** Just to put an example on what are the possibilities of an attack/damage: On one of the calls I get working as an Application Developer / System Admin, one of the machines on our satellite office operates on its own with no one on the computer terminal. The computer terminal was found fully infected by a "zombie" software and the attacker have full access for more than 2months. The attacker only recently found out that the computer was attached to a machine and was trying to figure out what machine it is. The computer lost all admin access and the sole admin on that computer was the attacker. All information stored on the machine was stolen even the mails are being downloaded, compacted and being download by the attacker using FTP commands. Imagine a desktop computer terminal now have a working FTP server, a Working Email server, a linux bash shell under CGWIN http://www.cygwin.com/ and it is hosting a viral download server. The same computer can't be even unplugged on the internet since it will refuse to boot. Local tracing yields a long list of warez site visits logged on the proxy server (this proxy gives 4 dedicated IP from the ISP on a pass thru method, it's sole purpose to is to log access). The antivirus server also list thousands of viral alert and the missing antivirus software. They removed the antivirus software we installed before shipping the computers to them since they feel 100% secure that windows won't get infected as long as it is being updated. Good thing is that the persons on that office only maintains a glass smashing machine to destroy defective products and to prepare them for delivery back to the supplier for recycling.
  25. I never believed that XP can run faster than Windows 7, even on mu computer built since 2002 can run Windows 7 faster. The speed of Windows XP have a maximum speed gain, this is not related to the hardware but to the OS kernel. Windows XP is way very limited on the resources it can use like maximum speed for video cards, maximum memory and maximum hard drive speed write.The statement that Windows XP can run faster is if you really plan to test is on below average computers that are made more than 5 years ago.
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