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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. I have split thoughts on this one..1. I will give him the money but only a small amount maybe $2.00 then ask his name and home if he have a home.2. I will ignore the man..This is case to case basis since some people just goes down to begging than to work for money. On my country, some people beg for money on streets just and can be spotted on bars drinking booze at night.Asking a person's name builds connection, asking him where he lived will potentially open up for more connections. There are a lot of ways to help a man, giving them spare money is the least effective. If that man shows you where he live, you can ask for local assistance via community volunteer groups to help that man stand on his feet again and be productive again.I don't have much cash but I can always invite 1-2 random stranger to a meal with me and still have around $5.00 spare. I always walk and rarely drive or ride public transports which is why I always have that extra cash.
  2. It is a clean install, the only logical thing I can think of was since it is free for Students, they might have disabled removing IE. The DVD also comes preactivated and have a tag "NOT FOR SALE". Local Microsoft corporate office only says that they came 'as is' and support is available via phone and it was limited since it's a free product. I also have KB971033 installed and running and the only patched that I don't have is KB982670 which is .NET 4 client profile. I don't know what it is so I never installed it.I can call Microsoft anytime I wan't but since it is working and the only problem that I get is removing IE completely, I did not bother them. I only call then every time I reformat the other hard drive which host my Windows XP SP1. This is due to the reason that I have replaced my motherboard 2 years ago causing automated activation to fail (hardware checksum error for serial).************I am using Windows Components Add/Remove since it is a windows component, for the rest I use 'YOUR Uninstaller 2010' except for those things that needs a reboot after removal or things that uninstall themselves on an odd manner. This still retain traces of IE 8 and mostly only removes the patches applied and turn IE8 disabled. Checking made1. checks on the system registry2. checks on the actual file locations3. checks on threads running on boot - IE still loads then unloads.4. critical system patches still gives me IE8 patches - :DThere is however an option to Uninstall IE which requires me to remove all patches that was applied on Windows 7. I don't want that way of removing IE since it will be another 5GB download to update my .NET framework, Office system and the SQL Server 2008 developer edition from MSDN.
  3. I have no problem with time with Fedora core 5, Ubuntu and Windows XP on my computer before. I set Fedora to pick the timezone from Taiwan, set Ubuntu to pick time from Taiwan and set Windows time sync to Taipei. Basically I am from Philippines and my timezone is +8 Manila. We don't have Daily Time Savings but the other zones on my timezone does. The root of the problem was Ubuntu and Fedora can give you an exact timezone up to city level and have more time tables, technically Linux/Unix time is correct but Windows was not. Windows for some reason thinks that a timezone of +8 Manila does not belong to timezone + 8 instead it puts me to timezone +4 or timezone -6 which are both wrong. Since Windows have a time table for Taipei and Australia, I can use them and tell Linux/Unix to use the same city as base timezone. This does not come with a price since all my bash upgrade commands will start checking Taipei servers before it checks my local real zone to get the downloads. It is windows at fault and not Linux/Unix (Ubuntu on your part). To confirm to this problem rooting from windows, I installed Mac OS on the same computer on a third hard drive and the timezone did not change when I boot from Ubuntu, Fedora Core 5 and Mac OS however without manually changing the timezone table to what locations that windows ONLY recognize, the time goes wrong. In order words, all the Operating System I have tried knows how to read the time and gives more precise time zone but Windows will only follow it's own rule. Another one of 'Microsoft Only' standard.
  4. yahoomail.com = average on all, can't catch all spams pretty well, deletes your inbox if you can't open it for 3 months. slow on receiving emails, some mails gets lost for no reason. it still have the problem of its first generation of mail system which is deleting things that they think is spam before it gets on your mailbox.gmail.com = high spam control and accuracy, never deletes an email and secure, big mail box size, account is forever.rediffmail.com = never heard of ithotmail.com = trash security, accounts can be easily hijacked and can be used as a high spamming service.. if you use it.. you risk being blocked to around 30% of websites email system. erases your inbox for inactivity.. i don't know the exact max time before they will disable your account.
  5. Check your network card (Ethernet) interface icon. It may be set as 'disabled' or your antivirus/firewall is blocking all data coming from your Ethernet card. I did it one and I can't figure it out that I was blocking my Ethernet card on my firewall.
  6. Lucky for you guys and you can remove it completely, I can manage to disable it on my Windows 7. It is still there and I can't use it but the sad truth it was still there. I still need to patch it up so problems won't happen while I am online. On normal view it is complete gone. I am using ultimate version of windows 7 or was the 'Free Student COPY' thing that prevents me to remove it. I never bother calling Microsoft about it since they will surely not provide support for a free product.
  7. that's the fix you are looking for. i was wrong to assume that the script returns the full folder information from the main folder or 'www'/'public_html'
  8. You can also use WAMP, it is easier to use than apachefriend's XAMMP. XAMMP can be enabled and automatically run using services but you will be stuck at it running everytime you boot until you remove the service. You can also use the control panel and stop using services which is good but.. the control panel does not work pretty well sometimes. WAMP server on the other hand have a one click shortcut that will run all the server stuffs when you load them and you can easily unload all. unlike XAMMP where you need to individual upgrade each component if you want to duplicate your server settings, on WAMP you can have all the versions of PHP, MYSQL and APACHE that you want and as many as you want. You only need to download the installer module and WAMP will setup for you. You can swap php version, mysql version and even apache version using mouse clicks on it system tray menu. you can even enable and disable server modules without touching you server configuration. your PHP error log is also one click away unlike on XAMMP where you need to load them from the logs directory. The only thing where XAMMP beats WAMP is its default component of FTP service and mail service and a preset SSL setting. SSL module and setting on the hand can be easily installed and activated on WAMP server. Things to note, FTP and MAIL services are not needed when you are testing your website locally and in fact the only thing that you may need is to have SMTP service to be active which is also subject on your ISP's rules if they allow your connection to open port 25 and 2525 or any port mapping that accepts mail service. If they don't allow the mail ports to be active on your account then MAIL won't work. http://www.wampserver.com/en/
  9. PHP5 is an upgraded version of PHP4. before you can possible include a file multiple of times on 1 page and you must load all the file libraries when you want to use them regardless if you really need to use them or not. on PHP5, you can put a code that will tell PHP to include a file only if it was not loaded yet by any part of your page and it contains a class that you are going to use. PHP5 is also faster than PHP4 on lots of aspects and gives a lot of improvements on class creations and scope. Class methods and properties now have visibility. PHP has 3 levels of visibility: Public is the most visible, making methods accessible to everyone and properties readable and writable by everyone. Protected makes members accessible to the class itself and any subclasses as well as any parent classes. Private makes members only available to the class itself. you can visit this site if you like for more info with PHP4 and PHP5 differences Technically, it is bad to use ASP since it is very prone to hijacking and the server that runs it can be easily crashed by using 'buffer overflow' methods. When the server crash there is a small time window where its security can be breached and plant a file that the attacker will use to upload more files. ASP.NET more stable than ASP alone but it also comes with a price. If an attacker manage to bypass the 'strong' (please note of the quotes) security of ASP.NET, the attacker will gain full admin access to your server. This weak implementation is base from the truth that all .NET programs runs default on admin access. This is not a problem when you are working with your desktop but a great problem when you are online serving webpages. When you are serving webpages, no stranger must be able to get admin access to your server since it will mean total trouble. When IIS loads ASP.NET, your IIS may be running on limited access but once ASP.NET runs, it will run at the systems level promoting all access to admin and system level. While the security protection of IIS and .NET was good at protecting you from attackers, it can be easily crashed. This was patched up on some IIS versions and .NET versions but not the ASP.NET implementation.
  10. can you attach as a forum reply your existing randomizer.php so i can check it out? there are still a few bugs with it. about the question mark "?" on your html source code i saw this lines.. <FORM METHOD="LINK" ACTION=""> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="New Picture"> </FORM> the empty action part causes the extra '?' to be padded. there should be something between 'ACTION=""' in your case you can just put randomizer.php on that part. an <a href='randomizer.php'> will also work as replacement for the FORM tags.
  11. i checked your site and there was a problem.. if you added an extra '/' on the end of the URL.. the picture fails to load. you can fix this by rewriting this part of your code into to do that change on your generating script, just locate this line of code and change it to see the red item.. i discovered the problem when i click your hotlink.. normally this wont cause problems but you must also note that some links are being padded with an extra / on some browsers.
  12. They are third party softwares that patches or replaces the kernel display. Most are illegal softwares since they literally crack the operating system to disable parts of it and hook their own. There are also a few legit softwares that loads over your windows system or call the window.display function and register itself as a new render skin. The difference with a theme for XP is that it only change the colors, icons and wallpapers while a skin really changes the UI (user interface) Pirated versions of windows operating system comes mostly shipped with this alternative UI's since they can also aid in disabling the activation system.
  13. IE can't be removed from windows since in fact they built almost everything that can view, list and sort folders and files over IE. This is the main root reason why they can't remove it. I made an example and block IE totally on my windows 7 and viola.. I don't have a taskbar, no folders was visible and no "my computer". It is identical to blocking Internet Explorer and Explorer (windows folder system).Microsoft also have this standard of "stealing others works and sue the creators" which is happening a lot for the past 8 years where they keep on stealing open source codes, get them patented and sue the original creator. There are a lot of this dumb approaches made by Microsoft. The other root reason what that almost all IBM compatible computer manufacturer was forced by Microsoft to sell computers that will always be prebundled with Windows and IE. If they don't comply they won't get updates, of course this is possible since Microsoft have all database of serials for this companies. Even microsoft update sends your serials including your hardware parts makers and serials. This root of evil was starting to be countered and countries are starting to block Microsoft one by one. But still Microsoft wins on some battles due to common problem which is "Most people will refuse to learn new things".****************IE as non lagging on others is a browser where I need to write a separate CSS stylesheet for IE6, IE7 and IE8 having 40% compatibility between IE6 and IE 8 and almost none at IE7 and IE8 with regards on what they support and how they support it. This is not a case with Opera, Firefox and other browsers in exception to Apple browsers that tends to have thicker default fonts.Between IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome (heck chrome is still incomplete) and Apples browser... only IE keeps on sending information that I did not specifically initiated. Only IE keeps on being hijacked and only IE keeps on crashing due to buffer overflow. If only people around the world won't be so lazy to provide payment gateways web interface that also work on other browsers with out using way to much active-X then I can totally ditched IE when I am not developing websites that must also work on IE.NOTE: I am happy that Xisto websites work on all browsers including payment interface.
  14. The hosting is professional and it have some script limitations and it will be a problem if you are hosting a WordPress blog. the reason was, most scripts can't overwrite other scripts which is a good thing if security is concern but much of a trouble when you are updating plugins, themes and scripts via web method. manual update is still possible though, just warning you about it.However every limiting sides have a pros, that is no rouge scripts from injected contents can overwrite your files without you knowing it. The hosting also provides a very powerful option of having a shell access and the ability to have a remote MySQL access which are both pretty easy if you are using MySQL Admin to control your database.. it also makes updating and backing up critical database data easily.The approval can be as fast as 3-4hours for new domains and accounts and this can take a little while if they have a hard time checking your post so avoid spamming. Avoiding spamming methods do speeds up approval for domain purchase and hosting purchase and it also keeps you safe from -myCents penalties.
  15. There are a lot of things that happened before, look at my joined date. when the forum was changed i lost my post but it does not bother me since i am more on Asta than on trap (Xisto.com). As you can see, i don't have myCents either and the post count that you can see is post that I made since around Aug 8 or 10 of the same year till today. The activity here made me participate.
  16. the email headers is the key if you can be easily fooled by URL (web addresses). Gmail and the new Yahoo mail have "view headers" or "view transcript" menu which will show you mail ID - mail id of the email when it was sent by the mail server source mail server - simply the name of the mail server or an IP addresses if it is not available. any webmail client that don't have this info shown to you also discards this info and was more prone for spams. MSN and hotmail for example refuse to show me this info and my mailbox even if it is not known to anyone except 2 friends gets 140spam a day with 2-4 valid emails. my gmail on the other hand gets 500+ mails a day and 3-5 spams a day and it was posted on hundreds of websites around the globe. firebox's mail client also can see this and "some" outlook softwares (i think a patch is needed for this to work)...
  17. technically, you will only get what you need. For an average person windows or Ubuntu will win having a tilt more to windows since school and offices forces users to learn windows. For gamers, windows will tilt the winning more since most developers write for windows.. there are a lot of workaround for this that can give high end advantage for Ubuntu and Unix (Unix is much more compatible to load stuff cross platform) If you want to run servers, windows is on the loosing list but corporations wants windows server not because it is better but because most of them believe via marketing propaganda that Windows server are much better. Corporation that knows what they want uses Unix/Linux and even Microsoft have accidentally admitted on some of their press cons that they are using Unix/Linux servers for critical server system than the product they are selling. Ubuntu is only good for home servers not a big big server. The list is pretty long and will only stop until everyone follows standards.. as of writing, i am very happy to announce that most of what I need can be found on Ubuntu, Linux, Unix, Fedora (harder to setup, much security) and Mac.. most are cross platform compatible but only a few of them have windows binaries. *********** so pick what you need, as long as Microsoft have the manufacturers on a blackmail situation.. no one will see a huge upgrade from windows like bug fixes and others.. also, anyone knows that BLUE SCREEN is still present on windows 7? It will only crash your computer and hang it up and still show you the same desktop you are working with and the only time the blue screen will appear visibly is when the error console also encountered an error which for me is a paradox.
  18. Can you describe more? I am thinking that you only have browser issues where the layout gets broken. IE6 and IE8 are two different browsers and IE8 supports better cascading system. It was common for Microsoft to always remove features on new browsers when they add new ones making it pretty hard to make your website compatible to all browsers. I am experiencing problems like this and the scenario is always "work on all browsers except IE6 and IE7" or "Work on IE6 and IE8 but totally messed up on all other browsers".
  19. You must also take notice that not all server have support for the file extension *.php4 and *.php5 since they the standard extension was *.php. Depending on who was hosting your website, you may encounter restrictions on different PHP disk commands like writing, moving and renaming files. Php can run on all Apache system and Apache compatible system, it can also run above IIS and much more. When writing your file, take into consideration that filenames on Apache/Linux are case sensitive while filenames on IIS and Windows Operating system is not. It will save you time figuring out why you can't load http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ when you typed http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (see capital 'L')
  20. The fastest way to clear them was to use a free high quality cleaner which can be found here http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner. Before you click the link be sure that you need at least one of the following 1. Clear registry trash left behind by uninstallers 2. Clear Internet Explorer history, Cookies and autoform values 3. Clear Firefox history and Cookies and sometimes autoform values (depends on the windows version) 4. Clear Opera's browser history and cookies 5. Clear recycle bin 6. Clear cache installer files from Microsoft softwares 7. Clear bak and temp files and other things that is trash. 8. Turn off unwanted services at startup 9. Reload a system recovery snapshot (requires system recovery to be on) 10. Reset your windows start menu and ordering. 11. Clear your favorite program on start menu. 12. A cleaner that cost nothing and works from windows 95 to windows 7
  21. Google ads does not work well now that it is pay-per-click. Years before, Google was giving Pay-Per-Impression and Pay-Per-Click but gets the first one abused by some cheaters so they remove it completely. Any motivation that will cause clicking on your own ads by you or your visitors will result on being banned and all future Adsense account banned. There is a better alternative and it is Adbrite. Google also have doubleclick (previously Google Ad Manager) but setting it up is harder if you don't have any background info on how to do it. Most sample websites that aids on installing and setting up Double Click was way outdated and wont help. Like Double Click, you can also include your Adsense account as one of the third party ad source on your Adbrite network filling those vacant slots. If you have managed to get a better ranking or status, you can apply for Pay-Per-Post. It is a new kind of ad system where users will blog or post about a certain product/item. If their review/post was approved, they will get a cut from the paid price. You can potentially earn around $5-$200 a post. The agency where paying advertiser gets more hits than what is expected since search engines will start to be flooded with reviews about their product/service. For small sites that don't have a stable visitor rate or with low traffic, you will potentially earn more by putting affiliates links/ads. Just don't overdo them to prevent scaring your visitors. You can also search for freelancing jobs for a content writer, there are thousands or even millions of websites with lazy site admin/content writer who are very willing to pay cash to anyone who can write for them.
  22. For the clarification with Google books, Google is supporting the book digitize process for the blind users. Even recaptcha was absorbed by Google to make things possible by providing an image security verification for anti spam and having a look up table solved by real people all at the same time. old books are being converted to digital form from Shakespeare times and a lot more are being digitize like court records and damage document/books. The part of Google that gets sued was its cache system that takes a snapshot of sites that it have visited and an inherited and still growing problem with youtube/google videos users. ******************* The part about hosting the torrents, as far as I understand it.. OpaQue said that you can host the torrent as long as you can verify that no illegal files are contained inside them. Now this is double edge since in order to enforce it, someone must check your torrents regularly and all sub folders that you may have but who will? As MyCENT users, we are not paying for people to look after this torrent files for us just to make sure we are not violating them. As a person paying real cash, we do pay for people to make sure we are not including illegal stuff inside the torrents. That is the reason why Buff and anwiii said don't. ******************* Base on experience from one of our clients with making customized MMA websites, one user was allowed to host torrents of his videos. A few random checks makes his torrents look legit and clean until we realize that his torrents have some re directors inside them that actually provides active links to ISO downloads for Microsoft installers. Since he was sub-hosted with us, we got a warning from a piracy checking service that we are violating online software usage and we have 2 choice.. take down the torrent links or shutdown our server. We are now then forced to check his torrents regularly or we can kick his account and give him back his $5 a month hosting fee. We have taken the second option since it is cheaper. This is exactly why anwiii said, don't.
  23. As of posting I am seeing him with some MyCENTS around 22 cents point something. I think everything on the MyCENTS area is being batched updated. I have an account at Asta and the updates goes around every 5hours, I am eager to learn when the update time for Xisto.com (Xisto.com) since it looks like my old post just disappear. My post count only reflects my new post since I came back.
  24. I forgot to mention, I don't work with touchscreen phones so take it also into considerations. Touchscreens needs to have a fixed width and height as part of the declaration but this gets automatically fixed computer clients but not 100% sure on phones. If you wont work with phones, my shortcut code will work else use the longer way ;D
  25. On the HTML side, the sizes are optional and putting only width <img src="'.$randir[$getrandir].''.$imgarray[$rand].'" width="600"> will tell HTML to make the image 600pixels wide and maintain aspect ratio for the height and this goes the same with the height tag which is <img src="'.$randir[$getrandir].''.$imgarray[$rand].'" height="150"> which tells the HTML renderer that the image will be 150px and use a proportional width with it.
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