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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. Both OS are good.XP hand runs faster if you have older computer (at least 5years ago model) but it was limited to use 3GB of memory regardless of how much memory you really gave. It is also stuck with directx 9.c which render your new video cards to run at half it's capacity.Windows 7 on the other hand have issues with default drivers when you boot from DVD which is commonly found on Samsung WriteMaster drives (if you have the driver intact somewhere, you can load it up while on the installation screen). You are no longer stuck with directx 9.c but you can use the latest version of it enabling your video card to run at optimal. The 3 GB memory limitation was removed. Windows 7 also runs faster than windows XP on average computer with at least Pentium D or an equal AMD processor model as long as you have at least 3GB memory.The advantage of Windows 7 have some negative impact on driver supports which is minimal at this time and the OS have a few problems with USB devices amd phone/camera memory cards.
  2. It is not clear with me which is the case since ideally on my windows XP, IDLE represents the free cpu process that I can use without slow down but on Windows 7 it freezes the computer for 1-4mins (commonly 1min) which is odd for me. It is also possible that there are extra garbage memory cleaning being done by IDLE process or there was an IDLE cpu leak which unfortunately hits random users. @NNNOOOOOO If your computer don't hang between high IDLE cpu usage then everything is good. That is what I am getting on my windows XP which constantly have at least 60% IDLE cpu use.
  3. It is turned on automatic making your Ubuntu experience a cross between windows XP and Linux. I was able to install 47 different windows software with no problems but uninstalling them is not easy since the installer sometimes complain about write accesss to missing drive. Ubuntu was passing the partition data the same way Linux does when uninstaller are being run (dev01/xxx and other similar drive info). Maybe when they upgrade the support to the level of Vista/Windows 7, this issue will be removed. It must be on my side alone but almost all drivers that I am using for windows XP work on Ubuntu and the only one that complains was my Realtek built in sound. I never upgraded the kernel since June last year but periodic patches are being applied.
  4. Ubuntu is on the road of making it MS Windows clone with Linux backend. It detects plug-n-play hardwares and install the correct driver if it is available and downloads the missing driver. The system also have Windows compatibility mode for some device drivers.
  5. Nice thing to hear that the confusion was cleared, just avoid potential spam topics if you are worried about the credit system. I post both on potential spam topics but not often and the post was not long to avoid huge loss. I post longer contents on valid topics like this one to compensate for the loss.
  6. I experience something similar, though I am from Philippines.. Some of my tech support was being answered by Indians or by Americans. Indians are polite but there was a good number of them that have a hard time pronouncing letters or words. This annoy me but the Indian guy on the other end was way eager to spell them using words for me to understand what they are telling me. Fire - Loop - Open - Open - Pan/Pen - Yarn : this is one of the most common things I hear from them, this improves as days progress and talking to them starts to be easier. For Americans who answers calls, they are not always polite and I can even hear that the operator/support staff was complaining at the background. Yes they can speak in a manner that I can easily pick up but I don't like the attitude that they are giving most of the time. Majority of phone support I get was being served at my country and I can mostly convince them to talk using our own language, majority of them speaks fluent English unlike the Indians who still have a larger group of people who can't pronounce well. Comparing Philippines call center agents to Indians, the Indians are still more polite and helpful to the point that they are suggesting other items to check since they are commonly asked in connection to the support that I am seeking. **************** The things above are only for calls of technical support like defective hardware, software conflicts or online services that gone wrong. NOTE: I think it is kind of funny, when an Indian person was doing support via chat, on each error that I made like providing the wrong info or sending the wrong mail was a sorry response from the guy on the other end as if he/she was the one who have done the error.
  7. Strange, the only possible solution is to check the changelog on of OSX and MySQL version installed for any issues known. I used to have the problem and I just created a new account with full root access. :DMy problem is not related to a change in the system but on the rule I inserted on the server which I can't take down. The server only recognize logging to all root accounts using the local IP space in the range of 192.168.xxx.xxx excluding - The problem started when my work computer was put behind VPN to connect to Japan and Thailand servers. The fix I have done is to create a new user, give it full privilege and locks that user to be allowed to login with my own IP address.Kind of a cheat, I was reluctant to read changelogs and bug issues to figure out why my IP change regardless if the VPN was initiated or not. NOTE: When the VPN was turned on, I get a new IP and when it was turned off, the IP resets to what is was before the VPN started (any IP as long as it is not on the range of 192.168.xxx.xxx). The other machines maintain the same IP in the local area network range regardless if they have VPN turned on or off.
  8. It is hard to find free web hosting service without ads that is of quality. The culprit are those abusers signing up tons of account just to provide a warez download center with advertisements such as a survey system that locks out anyone who don't want to fill in a survey. The survey in question pays the abuser and the free hosting gains nothing and they end up being sued for piracy.
  9. I once visited 3 web hosting review sites and JustHost earned 47+ but less than 60 bad comments. Only 2 users give proofs but they are not convincing base on my personal judgement. I however know that out of 100 users who are happy with the service they have only 1-3 person will tell about it and actually 1 will share it to the world. Out of 100 angry customers, 100 will tell about it and at least 50% of them will tell it to the world. I also seen a pattern, on all 3 hosting review website, the people rating JustHost as bad are almost the same people rating them bad on the other sites. I however read and have seen confirmation from JustHost that a few accounts was blocked without breaking TOS, this was not intentional but a hardware/server fault when they attached a new server to the server farm. Company claimed it was fixed and with this kind of downtime, it is not enough merit for a bad reputation.
  10. @QuatruxJust doing a quick scan with his code.His code if unaltered only display back and next links, this means that only 2 links will appear. @LiquidizedThis is just a basic pagination script, this have nothing to do with users tracking. You can also alter the query so you can list users if you want it.
  11. did you consider resetting all the password for all root accounts?some versions of MySQL does not allow blank passwords for root but on your case, it seems it was accepting a blank password. 4. It is also possible base on the screenshot that your server was having conflicts on who will take over for local connection (case between connection strictly for and localhost) I only got the problem related to item #4 on a Fedora OS with high security and no other UNIX/Linux or even windows system have the same issue ever. This is only base on my experience making it non 100% accurate statement.
  12. All computers have its own DNS, all ISP have its own DNS and if you are accesing the service of your ISP then you are copying its DNS or passing all your DNS needs to the ISP. What is DNS. DNS or domain name sevice is the one responsible that when you type youtube.com, it will connect to the correct service (probably another DNS server) which have the IP record of youtube. On your online life, everything is reference by numbers, each computer have this one and the human readable version of it was called IP address or internet protocol address. So where DNS poisoning enters? When a DNS poisoning happen, some entries on the target DNS was being modified to somewhere else and the other approach was another DNS server claiming that he have the record for the website you are trying to visit. Take this for example SERVER A: Healthy DNS server that owns youtube IP SERVER B: Poisoned/fake DNS server that claims he have the records of youtube. When you type youtube, your ISP will stumble on this 2 servers and the one that your ISP will believe depends on how its rules are setup. If your server picks SERVER B then you are forwarded to a strange site but still on the same domain name youtube.com Network solution was sued for this type of global DNS poisoning and one of my work website falls to this scam causing the whole website unreachable on the whole continent of america. The domain loads a network solution page that have 30 ads and a claim that the domain name was not taken yet and network solution was asking for $500 to secure the domain name. Take this local DNS poison Youtube.com maps to a poison attack will replace this IP to another IP. You can still see the domain as youtube.com but the website is not youtube. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_cache_poisoning This link below used to have a DNS poison check example, I no longer know if this work since my ISP don't trust his DNS server. It if works or not, he included a short and brief explanation of what suppose to happen and why it will happen. http://ketil.froyn.name/poison.html
  13. When you got paid dollar credit on your billing system, your myCents gets deduction in factors of 100 for each dollar. This happen once or twice in a day. Sometimes mine got updated twice a day. If for some reason that one thread where you actively post stuffs gots deleted, myCents system will calculate the points earned and deduct them from your present myCents value. Since 100 myCents always gets converted regularly, there is a very high chance that your current myCents value is way lower than the value that needs to be deducted from penalties of deleted thread/s. This results on negative value, just like how bank accounts work, how credit cards work and other money insitution work. It won't be fair for the system for example that you have 189 myCents penalty and you currently 12 myCents. Making that to 0 means 177myCents loss to the company. In Xisto, we work for xisto by posting and this post was being pulled into other websites that xisto have which displays ads. This ads in turn gives revenue to xisto. Xisto then pays us in dollars of virtual money which we can buy hosting and domain services. The domains you buy can be used anywhere you want and can even be transfered to any other hosting that you like
  14. Deleting IE from the command prompt is different from removing it. Yes the file was no longer existing but the registry files, the windows update hookup link, Explorer (used to be the base software for IE) still have IE hook ups. Deleting it from command prompt messes your system when you trigger one of the hook ups. All windows help files loads up IE, you may be surprised that they are being rendered by IE and not a specific Microsoft help file viewer.*************About overwriting browsers, when you install a new browsers, nothing gets overwritten unless you installed the same browser before. Some browsers like Firefox can fix this over writing error at least on version 3.x. Opera on its latest development cycles can automatically remove the old version and install the new one. Some other browsers are adopting the automated removal of old version for their browsers. The reason why this was being a trend because there are thousand of "dumb" (sorry for that word) users that believe that overwriting files will fix everything like magic.*************IE can't be uninstalled but it can be disabled, some windows 7 users was able to remove IE but not 100% completely. Traces are still in their however IE files are way to minimal and the hookup chain was fixed. I have no idea if this will affect help files (windows format), I can't uninstall my IE on my windows 7 so I can't verify the help file part.*************On windows update, you don't need IE to do a windows update1. you can use automatic update which uses a hook up system that don't use IE2. you can use Firefox or Chrome to download updates provided that you have installed the active X for Firefox/Chrome from windows update center3. you can install IE rendering plugin, IE may not be present but 80% of the time, the render library is still present thanks to Microsofts "inter operatibility" which presents more problem than fix.
  15. This may be a late reply (kinda busy the past weeks), the only logical thing I can think are:1. you have 2 users defined as root, one of them have an access of localhost and the other of % (all connections). this 2 instance of the account root have different passwords and using the host as localhost will select root with access localhost and using any other value will trigger root instance 2 which is allowed to login to any host (with a different password)this case is possible with MySQL.2. second possibility, for some reason you have blocked root from accessing the server using localhost connection, odd but possible. even if and localhost points to the same machine, to the database system they are 2 unique connections and treated differently.3. the user/privilege table got corrupted.
  16. Build a QUE of events with start time and time of completion. When someone view that town/person or whatever it is, scan the QUE.. 1. If an event should appeared to have completed its elapse time, perform the certain actions then remove that event on the QUE 2. Check for next event and go process 3. Go back to number 2 until every event was checked. 4. Add the new event to the QUE and if it needs instant action then perform. So when to process, well basically.. If someone views my profile then process QUE If I login then process QUE If I buy something then process QUE If I attack someone then process QUE If someone attack me then process QUE That is what Quatrux means. Added info: Judging from what you are trying to imply, you want a certain condition to process without loading the screen then use javascript, fire the timers on each load so you can get the actual time and issue an ajax command to do a certain actions
  17. Without doing any subqueries, you can use my quick tips with dealing with high scores, popular products and such using "SUM" and "group by". Check how it can be done using this link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The article was written using MySQL as a base database but you can apply the same thing with PostGre, Oracle and even MSSQL. ************* To answer the question, you need to issue an extra query.. SELECT prodID, description, SUM(quantity) FROM orderItem NATURAL JOIN product WHERE SUM(quantity) = topcount GROUP BY prodID, description ORDER BY SUM(quantity) DESC LIMIT 1; What to do: 1. issue the original query then store SUM(quantity) into a variable called topcount. 2. issue the same query but add a where clause checking for all values that have SUM equal to topcount then use this result set.
  18. I am using the social media sub par, I have 800 friends and posting my site article wont do any good since it will attract only a fraction of visitors however if i will write content that targets a common interest like a certain movie and share it to Facebook via wall/status post, they can easily forget about the link.. it will be covered up soon.What I do was to upload a video related to what I have written and turn it viral by tagging the target persons to the video. The video will stick on their "video section" which their friends can view. So how i drive them to my site? I insert a caption and a link, this is where you can become creative.Most facebook users also have no idea that you can embed your own video player on facebook if you got whitelisted. How to earn money from this approach? Well get a video ad service then share your player to facebook, when they play the video the ad will get served.Video ads comes in 2 flavors, the CPM (cost per million /impression type) and the cost per click. Pick CPM if your video is good.
  19. You cannot converted an english XP into another language OS. The language packs was used to install support for keyboards and language set. Take for example, I am using an english version of windows XP/7 and my hardwares are marked PH (Philippines) and my OS language as English PH. For some reason I went to japan and forgot my keyboard, I can buy a japanese keyboard but it won't work since the operating system don't know how to handle the keyboard keys (sometimes you will get lucky that the keyboard will also support international standard key inputs), this is where the language pack works. Once present, it will detect the keyboard and reassign key buttons to the Japanese keyboard mapping. I am using my laptop to type in Thai language to mail my Thai friends and I unplug the keyboard and use the keypad to write English contents to be sent to other contacts. My laptop can only detect 1 keyboard type and it is always the one plugged in the keyboard outlet and it always overrides the default keypad.@BuffaloHelp way too old postI never know that Intel was doing it that way, we never suffer from reduced bits on the processor maybe because we are producing them here locally, the case was different on AMD chips 6 years ago.
  20. svchost high cpu usage can also be a sign of hardware/driver malfunction or a corruption of a DLL file.On case of a malfunction, since the process or hardware no longer respond, your OS will try to give it more CPU access in hopes that it will complete. On case of viral infection/fake svchost, check where they are running from, if they are not coming from x:/windows/ then you have a high change of a virus running and pretending as the legit svchost. The painful fact for this process/software is that you can't turn it off with out potentially crashing your system.Also check for misspellings like scvhost since they also exist and they are really virus trying to trick you.On some windows 7 installations, the process IDLE seems to be CPU hungry which is way odd
  21. You can interchange MySQL and Oracle but still it depends on how much feature you used. It is also possible to write a generic or abstract driver for your database needs which will render your Java application immune to the differences in the flavors/variant of database softwares but this will restrict you to use the commonly available commands and feature. Since Java was now owned by Oracle, expect that connecting to Oracle will be much easier as time progress. The difference between Oracle and MySQL is huge on high volume data access and multi user concurrent transactions but this advantage also comes with a high difference of fee. MySQL professional can handle 1/4 - 1/2 of what power that oracle can do at high load. Most system can get away with this restriction but on inventory systems that was being used 24 hours of the day and 7 days a week with a high traffic/user rate, you will end up finding out that your MySQL starts to lag out. When using your database on purely web purposes, an Oracle server is an overkill unless you are having more than 5000-10000 or even more concurrent connections at a time, MySQL will choke up.
  22. True, POST only checks the following CPU, Video and RAM and since all motherboards have built in video support then you don't need to plug a video card. After the initial POST cleared, manufacturers may introduce extended checks which on my side includes my USB extended sockets (the extra pins on the motherboard) and battery life check (CMOS battery). True, each manufacturer maintains their own set of beep codes and are not required to compel to a global standard however they maintain a beep pattern that is almost identical to ones presented by IBM. An example was this statement: I have 2 boards and the beep codes are (Beep. Beep.... Beep. Beep....) RAM on board 1 (Beep... Beep........ Beep........ Beep... Beep........) RAM on board 2 NOTE: the dot represents interval approximately 1 sec each.
  23. Negative balance happens if you keep on posting on spam threads or judge as spam. For today, my myCents may go up but I am not expecting it to go that way since 2 of the threads i posted looks spam and the person who started them was noted by yordan as attempting to spam.When those threads got deleted, my post will be thrown to limbo or get wiped out which will result on missing credits. Forum will notice this and inform myCents that I should get deductions.Basically it is the same thing way before but today, we are earning cash points good for purchase.
  24. The problem can be a result of DNS poisoning. I was once affected by poisoning attacks on my ISP which was detected and fixed quickly (roughly 5-15mins) however for some reason, our alternate DNS being maintained by the main company (my ISP was just a branch) was still poisoned internally. This poisoning was not an attack but perhaps a side effect of the fix. I am actively using but for some reason streaming data goes to 192.16_.250.251 which is my uplink device IP. All steaming videos appeared as a blank box and my uplink device complains about malformed data. The issue was resolved however by manually configuring my browsers and LAN connections to use the same IP for main DNS server and alternate DNS server and if disabling for the alternate DNS is available, I disable it.
  25. They are actually getting away with it by using Facebook like and other bookmarking services. On my point of view, they have hit a weak point on the algorithm which I presume was aimed for the Google bot into thinking that there are more sites linking to them. This method never worked before last year but it was working now. Mostly they reside on the first 1-2 page of the google result and some manage to reach rank 1. I also seen a weak point on the Google system and this was made possible by weak comment system from different blogging systems. This weak point utilize spamming with comments that don't look like real spam comments such as "nice article" and leaving a website link on their post. Posting the website inside the comment will trigger spam alerts for blog post but if you will add it up only as a "commenter website", it will make the commenter's name clickable with links going to the black SEO/spam site. Google also takes into account the final destination of a short URL service sucht as bit.ly, this also gives leverage on black SEO.
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