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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. No, there are no difference on speed of loading if you will just connect it with color and if you are that way to focus on speeds (just like mine), on the hardware level.. black loads faster since there was no need to turn the pixel on to any state/color. The reason why it is loading fast was directly related to the use of no image on exception to the logo. Ordinary text content always loads faster than those with images. No, the start page is just a plain input box and if you will login using your Google account, you will get extra menu on top for added features. The only thing different with Google was that it GEO loads. This means that if you are on china, the text will be in Chinese. The other thing you can click are alternate search target such as image, video and what ever you installed on your google account. About your last point, a search engine don't need to copy a certain website content, it only search nothing more and nothing less that is why it was called search engine. Google on the other hand was extending the search engine to do more without sacrificing load time. Google also introduced the now standard method of adding page links in the search database by using robots (google bot for Google). This bots sometimes are annoying specially that Google bot will try to guess things from your website and unless you tell it to stop or tell it how much it will search, the bot will travel all links found on your site. Some search engines still require you to submit all pages to them but on Google, just give your websites main page and the bot will do the rest.
  2. Google is one of the best and in fact the top most search engine. If you can't find what you are looking for then perhaps you are using the wrong search string. You can refine search strings, use whole phrases by putting them inside double quotes.Unless you are looking for a non popular term on the internet, Google will always pull down nice results.I saw some common error that people commit when searching such as...When searching for guides on migrating MSSQL to mySQL, the term most commonly used was "MSSQL to mySQL" which of course will pull down softwares that convert MSSQL to myMSQL. Refining it will yield better results such as "PHP how MSSQL migration mySQL" which will pull down results that are talking about PHP and discussing MSSQL and mySQL. You can also use a whole phrase or even a sentence.It is also common that SEO people are cheating the search engines into categorizing themselves on areas that they don't belong. Such method was being used by a certain "legal" website which pulls down all popular search terms from a certain search engine and padding them at the footer.I stumble on the site when I was searching "connecting PHP to MSSQL" which to my disgrace, the site was selling vitamin pills and sporting goods. At the footer was the terms "PHP, MSSQL, SQLserver......", I am hoping that google can find a way to remove this trick out like the way they stop SEO black hats from exploiting the meta, description and alt image tags to gain a high rank/points in search results.
  3. Posting at a new line for ease of reading.. USB and Flash Drives have a maximum Read and Write buffer/counter. Defragging your USB and Flash Drive speeds up its lifespan. When defragging sectors that have data, they get moved to a temporary location if the space they need to occupy still have data. This process already increased way a lot your write counter. The write counter is in millions or even billion while the read counter is way much bigger than the write counter. This counters are present to ensure that each data writes will be a perfect one. This is the reason why they are never being flagged for defrag. A thing to notice, if you open a file on your USB/Flash Drive using an editor, the editor software keeps on writing temporary files and some of them writes on your USB/Flash Drive without you knowing it. Microsoft Office before 2007 was doing that.
  4. Shadow sectors on Windows 7 is an updated version, the only defrag that works with no problem was the built-in defrag that Windows have. I called technical support to microsoft when the defrag turns slower and causes random slow down after the process. It is safe to defrag partitions that is not your system drive/partition without any error. The compatibility check only says that defraggler can run on windows 7 64 bit but it does not say that the software can't harm your system drive. Microsoft told me that the shadow sectors present at Windows 7 is not the same version present on older versions. It is a miss and go process. The common things that happen when defragging system drives/partition are the following: 1. crashed index or partially damage - can easily be repaired by checkdsk while booting 2. system files being permanently locked up or profile files locked up 3. denial of access for files and marking as system only - this is your case. Shadow sectors is always on but it was not present on all sectors/files. If you are unlucky and you still defrag your system drive/partition and the system suddenly locks up access to files (shadow sector trigger), you will end up with a messed up harddrive. I have a badly fragmented 300GB system partition half filled from my 520GB harddrive and no slow down was encountered. However my 200GB 2nd partition that was almost non fragmented was slower when searching/indexing files and sorting them on a tree view. This is not always true and frequent defrags can literally cause more damage since all the files get scanned and moved around. This causes too much heat on your hard drive and some may experience problems on the long run. Systems are now being aware of this fragmentation problem and they write the data in sectors strategically in a way that few hard drive head spins will be required to read them all. Some hard drive manufacturers are also adding this method on the controller chips. Base on my experience, most defragmentation software do scatter pieces of your files around the harddrive if you want speed improvements and they will compact (store the file in sequential pcs) if you choose compact mode. The difference between the 2 was the first one is optimized for speed and yet your files was still fragmented and the second one was optimized for repartitioning (resizing partitions). Defrag only if you need it.
  5. That's a nice thing but I think you also need to pick some pages/content to be free for US users, think of it as a free trial to your site. I am happy to hear someone to remove zone locking for areas that don't have surveys. My site was also configured that way but it was set to allow all for the meantime. I am earning revenue from video ads that I have and I was surprised to earn $3.56 4 days ago from a 'StarCraft II' trailer video on my site. I host all the movie files that I have and they eat up my bandwidth but it does not matter as long as I earn a few cash to cover the cost. My free hosting on Xisto was being shared to 3 of my friends, we use it to teach each other about publishing contents, getting contents and basic web programming with database connection. By the time I earn enough traffic, I will surely activate my CPAlead content locking. I am not considering 500 visitors per month as a steady traffic.
  6. Before Gmail introduces that plugin, there used to be a 'priority' header in each email. I am using that before on my company email. The priority list was Urgent, Important and 2 or 3 more items. This was being transmitted over the world wide web and all servers that can translate them picked up the priority flag.I started dishing the idea since most spam mails being generated by professional spammers was being sent with 'Urgent' as priority. I still remember the time that I have 149 'Urgent' spam mails on my inbox and I need to scroll down to see my real emails. I hope Gmail can complete the code and move away from Beta so I can also enjoy this service.
  7. I think there won't be a free program to do that. The task is hard since an ISO is a sector by sector copy for CD/DVD. I am also looking for such software 4 years ago and give up, my problem roots with my Debian and Fedora installers. I am very reluctant to download a full copy their DVD ISO and was hoping that I can just download the files that was updated and replace them inside the ISO. Winrar can modify the ISO by removing files from it and adding new ones but this DAMAGE the boot sector most of the time. And new release of winrar that can do that was no longer FREE.
  8. Byethost terminated my account 6 years ago due to over usage and funny part.. the hosting only have 3 files.. 1 is index.html that contains 2 paragraphs, 1 readme.php which contain nothing and 1 config.txt file that only contains directory structure of my test computer at home. I went over the CPU usage 27 times which is silly. The best part was I went over the provided 50MB free space for my MySQL database and it went over to 1GB as they claim, best part was it was never ever been used and it was empty. Each week I get an email from them that I need to upgrade or lost all my files and data until this date. Last mail was sent 6 days ago and I am hoping that they wont send me another email tommorow. ************ Asta since I joined in a few years ago and applied for my first free hosting never imposed CPU limit but there was a script that kills or stop those running php scripts if they take way too long to execute, I am not sure if it was still present today. The script installed before only kills or stop php codes that runs for 30mins and more. It is also default for all servers to have a maximum execution time for each process to stop the server from hanging. Even our dedicated server at work kills all process that takes 10minutes or more to complete except the weekly full database backup.
  9. Yordan was asking that question since it is possible to plant viruses over the web. Using a root account on linux will make things really easy. I am also running linux and when I need to browse something, I am using a lesser access account. This way when a virus find its way to install something, only my lesser access account was infected and I can removed totally the infected account.For ordinary access like chatting or browsing random sites, I use my windows partition.
  10. $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; Do you have any other reason to setup your host to a dynamic one? That was the part where the error was being triggered. When you mention 'after an update', which files got updated and what is this update about? That area should be 'localhost' or the IP of your MySQL server and have root granted access to localhost which is odd since this is always setup as true on default.
  11. Was that an SQL database dump? If it was, open up the file and edit the part where it says"USE MYSQLDB1" with "USE MYSQLDB2". This mostly appear at the top part of the file.
  12. You will surely hit that consumption in just a couple of days and the reason was....You are running a proxy script/server. Proxies hide people from the rest of the world by actively being the server to browse and connect to the world in behalf of the user. Example, a webproxy script was running that will hide a users browsing activity..When the user type in the web address in the script input form and hit the submit button, the script will be the one that will visit the site and reads back the resulting page and echo it back to the user. This consumes bandwidth equal to the total size of the files being viewed and a few more for the fetching the result page content.Proxies always consume bandwidth every second while they are being used.
  13. Only teenage kids wanting to be popular or be noticed wants to be a computer hacker. (computer hacker is what best describe what the OP was telling)Hacking is not something that you want but more on having a higher learning curve. The first hack that I have ever written was a hack for an overwriting virus (1991 at high school years). Way back then people are very afraid of viruses and yet was very careless with their disk and hard drives. There was a virus named 'Stoned' which locks up keyboard all input devices from being used by redirecting all input streams to device NULL (NULL means nothing). Since it literally means no device can be used as input then the computer locks up.People was trying to develop vaccine on that time but I noticed a very nice code on assembly language called NOP or the character 90Hex. Paired with a few jumps editing and viola, I manage to alter a virus to stop messing with files without removing it. Since the version of 'Stoned' virus local on our area was a 'NON-Overwriting' version (the virus copies the first parts of the infected program into the end of the file then appends itself at the front), the modification I made with the virus was carried over to the new infections and there was no damage code on this newer generation of the same virus. There was a limitation on the accidental success of the code hack, if the file extension of the infected file was a com like command.com or sys.com, the virus breaks apart. Today, you no longer need to worry about this type of viruses since they can't run anymore on modern operating system since they use legacy disk write commands which was way long obsolete.*********************On today's technology, ordinary people are just telling you what they want you to know but they always fail to realize that things can be used the other way around. 8 years ago while I was working as an 'Application Engineer' from a top 500 global company, I keep on telling people that it is possible to print sound clips on paper. I know people reading this post will say it is impossible but the fact it is possible to print audio clips on paper and then scan them back up and convert them into an audio clip.The process was called Stenography (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shorthand) or message hiding but this time the hidden message was an audio clip (something that I use to store voice phrases for my voice activated software) and the media is paper. You can literally convert a voice file into barcodes or matrix of dots. The success of the process is dependent on the following1. paper quality2. printer ink quality3. scanner device and software on the decoding side.Stenography is a technique to hide information used on ancient times to deliver messages without being noticed but no one ever tried to hide an audio file into a medium where it is least expected.As of today:The colleague's that I have on that company now enjoys handing cartoon images as a password list. The password was encoded inside the image itself by using bit flipping, voice activation command phrase was present on stickers holding an information enough for a 4 second sound clip.**************************For the first example, I am well aware of the 250 assembly instructions available at that time (today there are more than a thousand assembly commands for a single processor and device combination)For the second one, I was studying developing barcode dependent programs which where I get the idea of printing audio files on paper.The line that defines a 'good hacker' and a 'bad hacker' is pretty thin, don't expect that you can recognize them easily apart. A 'good' thing that a hacker may be doing can be 'bad' base on another person's perspective.As a nice tip, there are thousands of self proclaimed hackers that will lecture you on what a hacker was and how to be a hacker but lacks substance. Youtube and metacafe was the 2 best websites where you can find them and most self proclaimed hackers on this websites have the nerves to lecture my Cisco Security Engineer friend (he used to be my supervisor from a past job and the one that opens my eyes on linux tricks) about the best defense versus hackers and this is turning windows firewall on. Windows firewall on the other hand can be shutdown from a remote computer within 1-2minutes.
  14. This method varies from server to server and Cpanel version to Cpanel version. One of the servers that I used to manage was running Cpanel X and we have a garbage collector script running. If you remove the domain, all files pointing to that domain gets wipe out including email accounts.
  15. Computer hacking is a very abstract topic specially with legal issues. The line between a hacker that breaks the rule and the one that does not was really thin. To add complications to this subject is the truth that people that secure your websites and online files are also hackers. You should find an exact area on hacking and focus on it and surely you will find the legality of that certain area.*************To cut some searching short, try this websit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ link goes to an archive of the last hacker convention (DEFCON) division. The speakers are hackers and security experts and even FBI. 'Legal issues about hacking is purely dependent on the perception of the observer.'
  16. CPAleads will pay you around $0.70 - $40.00 per survey that was completed. This service mostly serve US markets and your non US visitors will mostly be blocked out of your website.CPAleads is a good money source but it also annoy a lot of people filling in surveys when they visit your site. The only site where I keep on seing CPAleads with people actually filling in the survey was those pirated online movie streaming sites.One of the people that uses CPAleads to give access to shows being aired at our country to people around the globe (mostly targeted to US people) told me that he was earning $1000-$3000 a month.This of course fall under the term of piracy and you may get a law suit as a worst case scenario.
  17. This is on addition to what 8ennett said ********************************* The decision to pay for transferring the contents is up to you but be cautious that a plugin that work for a certain user won't mean it will also work with you. Your best bet was to find a good person that understand how the database was being laid out. You only need to get the paid approach if you are uncertain that you know how data was being mapped to the source database and the new database. Data migration can be easy if you are using well known blog systems as source and as target new system. Most of the time for a person that have middle level knowledge with databases and queries, paying for a person to do the conversion/migration can be a waste of time and money unless the person doing the job was a professional one which will take the pain to verify everything from author mapping, links, date of posting (can be easily done) and plugin equivalents to use. Lets assume that you have 1 year worth of data that needs to be migrated to a new blog system and your previous blog system have around 300 contents which most of them have links in them, have video files that uses the previous blog system file directory structure and images that was being delivered by a 'lightbox' like plugin. Migrating this amount of data can start to be a pain and will take a long time to complete with no errors. You also need to note that some blog system plugin inserts video by using plugin only readable coding like [jwplayer mediaid=336] which will appear as plain text [jwplayer mediaid=336] after migrating while on the source blog system it is displaying a video player and a video which have an id of 336 from the media library. This is the time that you need to pay someone to do the conversion unless you want to handle it personally. For blog contents that is purely text and a few images on them, even if the total post counts was more than 300.. it is still relatively easy to import them due to the nature of the content that needs to be moved. Paying someone to do the job can be a total waste of money. ********************* For an example of a plugin only video link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - this is a plugin code tag being rendered into a full video player, the actual code that displays the video was [mediaplay id=xxxx] where xxxx is a video ID. If this post will be migrated to for example to MODxcms (where I am also actively contributing), every text post will appear 'OK' but on the top part where the video should appear will have this text [mediaplay id=xxxx] with no video player. There are also some plugins that degrade perfectly having the content non dependent to the plugin that formats them and a good example for this was this link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - when the plugin that displays the SQL command with line numbers and highlighting was not present on the new blog system, the SQL command will display as pure text and no damage was done. For content that is mostly text http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - this content is non plugin dependent and was safe for migration. ********************* This small step will ease up migration problems in the future. Move all images, videos and sounds (if any was present) to a folder that is non dependent to the current blog system. - in my case i usually create an extra folder then create sub-folders inside it and link all videos, images and sound files to this folders. This way when I migrate the contents on my old blog, I will only migrate the database then upload a copy of this folder on the new web hosting/blog system. -while other users that have wordpress as a blog software have their contents on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I have mine at http://myblogsite.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t since when I change for example to drupal as my main blog software, drupal won't surely have a folder named '/wp-content', this avoids editing all the contents to make sure all images, video and sound files will still point to a correct link.
  18. That is one of the Lab's featured plugin. I was told by some friends that this works neatly with priorities plugin and they never have a problem with the two plugins. It was still unconfirmed if what my friends told me was true that with this feature turned on, priority can work faster and better. I don't have any of the 2 plugins installed so I can't test it. The nature of my mailbox can be describe with the following list: 1. 5 forward mail address being delivered to the mail account 2. it was also being accessed via IMAP or POP mail access using thunderbird on around 2 computers which the original email at the Gmail inbox being moved to archive. 3. there are 13 email rules currently installed and running on the mail account. I was betting that this 3 was causing the problems with priorities specially that the amount of email that I get on daily basis is around 100 - 130 emails a day (around 10% of that are accumulated spam that ends up on the spam box)
  19. I cannot understand why you said that Wordpress uses a lot of CPU resource. I have Wordpress on a server shared with 200 websites and users and Wordpress runs smooth, I have Wordpress on a very old machine set up as a personal test site and as I asked 50 people to visit the IP address that I use on that old machine and told them to press F5 at least 10x for a period of 30mins. The CPU usage only spike to 39% from 35% and this is almost like being attacked by a Denial of Service method (F5 / Refresh loading).Bottom line is that Wordpress does not use too much CPU process or resources and runs even on 100MB memory allocation for running scripts. Most webhosting have 150MB-200MB shared memory for process. This is also true to most CMS software out there even on CMS that uses Smarty. Smarty is a template engine built over PHP that separates skin and logic.Only a malconfigured server can crash with Wordpress installed or those one that are on a highly crowded server with lots of malfunctioning scripts. The only time I encountered Wordpress to hang up was when I use a DDOS attack on our work server and the error was "MySQL maximum database connection reach" which is non Wordpress related error and will even occur if you are using light weight CMS.------------------The main problem on serving webpages is malformed scripts and the top of the chain was bandwidth since this don't come in cheap.
  20. Just a word of advice, never ever defrag your windows 7 file system with any defragmenting tools. Windows 7 is using shadow sector which is a new technology. Each part of your harddrive have a thing called 'shadow' which I still can't fully understand. Even the built-in defrag from windows 7 is not doing much.Windows before version 7 can be defragmented with no worries but Windows 7 can't be defragmented safely. There are times that you can literally destroy your harddrive files.Wait for a few more months or a year more to let Microsoft develop a better technique to defrag Windows 7 and this technology be distributed to third party developers.
  21. Break or pause break - used when you are on command shell or the DOS prompt, this is similar to the bash shell for Linux. Break will signal a shell command/program to stop and halt while Pause Break will either 'Pause' or 'Resume from a Pause'. This buttons are useless now on computers that uses newer operating systems or those that ignore the key.Scroll Lock - is an ancient button predating to the time when the first mouse was used on text base GUI (graphic user interface) system. The most basic function it serves was to prevent the scroll bars on the right side of this text GUI system from moving up and down (scrolling) when you move your mouse.The alternate use of this key is when you work on Linux/Unix and you are reading a long manual file invoke by "man command name". This will enable the user to stop the automatic scrolling of text and instead will offer him to scroll up or scroll down. On windows machine this button is totally useless 90% of the time.
  22. This is a real strange, I have an active merchant account and an active individual account from Paypal. My IP at home is behind a private network which makes my IP like and having a different outside IP. With this setup, 40 users can have the same IP at the same time making me one of those 40 people.Each time I feel that I need to work personally at the office (I usually work at home), we are also using private networks with 30 client computers and 2 outside IP address. This equates to at least 15 people sharing a single IP and this outside IP are all leased lines and they are both static. Each client computers have at least 2 users (in rotation for 8 hour work shifts) which mostly have an active Paypal merchant account and also have individual accounts.Non on the two setup have reports of having problems with Paypal. No one was being drag down to limited access. To Paypal servers, we appear as multiple users under 1 single IP with multiple merchant accounts and individual accounts. There must be an extra factor on your side that triggers that kind of access from Paypal. Please also note that there are hundreds of fake Paypal emails circulating and half of them looks genuine Paypal emails.
  23. Let be known that there are at least 300 Paypal spam mails circulating daily, I am getting 7 of this well crafted Paypal scam mail being mailed by hotmail server. It tells me that my account was limited with the same reasons that I read on this thread. They then want me to fax proofs and other things to prove that I own the account and a link to login to:1. secure.paypal.cjb.net2. paypal.secure.webhost.com3. secure.paypai.comand other combinations. I receive money from Paypal from $10-$300 on random occasions and at least 2 $800-$1000 (in a month) transfers which sits on Paypal when I overlooked the emails coming from Paypal about deposits made.If there are emails telling that you violated Paypal's terms of use, just type https://www.paypal.com/de/webapps/mpp/home directly on your web browser and stop clicking or replying to emails that was sent and checked it yourself on your Paypal dashboard. It will help you a lot with potentially giving your Paypal account to a random stranger around the globe.
  24. Some captcha's are being read from OCR outputs and they are given to users to solve the puzzle. This is why some captcha's gets solved without having 100% accuracy on what was shown. Having captcha's as words attempts to give human users an easier time on solving the challenge. My first captcha was being pulled from a random sequence of characters using 2 different fonts, the reason for using 2 font types was to make sure that 'i','I','l','L' and other almost similar looking characters can be read with no problems.
  25. The question can be easily solved by asking the owner of the image. I used a lot of watermarked pictures from the past but on each use I asked the owner. Most photo was selling at $15-$100 each but telling them that the image will be used for a site that targets users of photography and photo editing. I was granted free access on most requested images.The deal was, I will provide a random area that showcase 'featured' images chosen by the image provider on thumbnails linked to a low resolution copy with a 'preview higher resolution' and 'buy' button going to the original creators site. It is a free advertisement and a link at the footer saying 'Professional Images from site.com"There are always a drawback to this approach, you cannot resell the image, modify the image without writing them on your plan. You cannot find another image provider for your photos (unless you pay for them before you made a deal). No advertisement on your site that will lead to a competition image provider. They will also ask you to put either a banner, a text ad or a review article for there service.Overall it is faster to buy them than to agree on all conditions that they will set. *******************If you use them with no permission, they can sue you and even if there are no laws covering your crime on your country, some companies will file a case on international court and can cause your hosting service terminated. Worst case scenario, you can also loose your domain.
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