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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. mysql -u root -p backup.sql > testDB looking at this one.. i think that the database name was testDB, maybe just a syntax error.
  2. just like i guess but it seems that you already solved it.. sometimes when the motherboard gets too hot, it will shutdown itself up. normally a computer will act like that on two special conditions, one is that your motherboard was busted / overheated or the power supply was overheating rapidly due to busted parts. on problem relating to bad memory, the computer will still have a normal power flow and all fans will spin but the system board will not boot properly and will either beep or stay quite.
  3. i think not all got them [i think i dont got it, LOL] since i was suspended for the 3rd time this year for not partificating well in the forum. too much work and having a paid hosting does not worry me much. my only problem are those people i know that hotlink stuffs from my hosting account in asta. by far this is the most superb hosting i got with no hosting and more features.. Opaque and the red men and the smurfs.. 3 thumbs up.. if i can just find that extra thumb i lost a while ago.
  4. err.. expect the worst.. some dino age DNS servers takes about 48 hours to reload the cache servers. so it depends on where you are connected and where you are located.. on one of my domain update, i have manage to add a domain and see the changes in 5 minutes but on the next domain i got.. it takes me 47 hours to see the changes..
  5. ---------- oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. am i totally insane.. darn.. i can build more websites using this space.. this is enough as a mirror for my active websites.. thanks Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting.com this is really one of the greatest host i ever found.. full of friendly people and some smurfs lurking around..
  6. disk space for warez? i need disk space to store my warez, you know. rapidshare deletes warez when someone reports them. uhuh!!
  7. So does that mean that i can still continue bugging the sales@xisto email for some support. LOL. ******** ads never bug me, just no popup in the forum will do. some text ads here from google wont hurt it much. the thing i hate about the last version is the ads that are too heavy to load. ------ OH MY GOSH: did anyone notice that the "your post is being blah blah, click here to go back etc." message after posting was gone all i can see is a white page which have no contents and no loading screen and after a few second i was redirected.
  8. what this software that you are installing on the first place? i can assist you here on how to do it. though i was lazy to check the forum now that often as I use to [already a paid member and just browsing here], a private message wont do but you can freely email me at vhortex at gmail dot com =) cya mate.. PS. in case you will email me.. put on the subject, Xisto help so my spam filter wont accidentaly put your email in the spam box.
  9. hi, that was not a bug. in reality, all system that are linux based requires you to setup the eth0 IP since it was the primary network connection. that autodetection was just an added feature.. =)
  10. hi, where did you install the drupal? what folder it was installed and what have you done.. i have drupal on my site also and it was working. your installation does not work on my side viewing it with any kind of browser and i can still see the default page when a new hosting account was created.
  11. vhortex

    Need Help

    this is way out of the TOA with asta.. Discussions like this leads to warez which is not allowed here. I can get you those files, any versions you like but you need to find a way to contact me.
  12. This maybe kinda off the topic. anyone have a news about gdrive? the leak project that google is making... it would be nice if the Gdrive leak was really true since i hate sending files that way. that 3rd party software just make a new email and attach your file. getting it from the gmail account sometimes is much harder thatn loading them up.. cheers
  13. you need to grant the user access to the database system. there are many ways the error can be triggered but it all drops down on the grant of permission. one of the most common error that was done here is that the user you have created have a full access on a database but are connecting to a different one which it has no access at all. Giving a full access on a user must be done separately on each database in which you want to grant it access. Unless of course you are using a root account.. =) ---------
  14. hi, I get confused regarding with your question.. are you having problems in general in wordpress or in drupal.. as far as i know, there was an integration module for wordpress to appear in drupal.. some kind of redundant code for me.. Was running drupal here and wordpress on my local computer by using xampp and a non pack apache, php and mySQL combination. i am also running virtual hosted stuff here.. When i last looked at wamp.. it is almost similar with xampp.. perhaps you have some problem with your server config.. if you can point out exactly which you need help.. i can provide a much more accurate answer.. -- Title was: problem with drupal.. Post was: problem with wordpress..
  15. M^Ejust to let you know that i will start stealing your codes for this project effective today..development will start maybe this coming month..maybe a cool and eyecathing button or small banner from you that i can add so that when some visitors visits my site, they will know where the code was stolen..----- Lately, I totally messed up my website and now i am redoing things backup..
  16. on "hot gas" and "cold gas"all must be known that there are two kind of pollution in the sky.. one that blocks the sun and causing a side effect of "cooling down portion of earth". the second type is the one that blocks the reflection of sun rays back into the athmosphere and into the space.the world have these equilibrium processing, it tends to balance itself up on any aspects. i dont know how it happen base on the given theory but i can assume that the blocking pollutants may have decrease on that certain 3 days causing a "hot effect". i also have this 2nd theory base on the first theory.. i guess that the explosion caused a certain pollution that increase the burning down of the ozone on those period. a one meter hole on the ozone do have a far larger area of effect on the ground. one more thing about the ozone is that it is self repairing, it will tend to repair itself up 24/7 and that is the time where it is sucking all oxygene [O2] up to form ozone [O3]. the one thing the burns the ozone is cabon monoxide [CO] which melts the ozone to stablize itself up into carbon dioxide [CO2]..did anyone bother to think that on that period of time, carbon monoxide increase due to the activities that occured?----i guess i dont need to provide proofs on this claims since it can be googled... it is something that can be read from textbooks and such.search for ozone and chemical reaction, greenhouse effects and triggers and the reflective pollutants..--------helpfull or what these gases are.. they will either burn us out due to high heat or make us die to freeze due to cold weather by blocking the sun.. both things i can live without..
  17. fedora core is a beast and it beats the hell out of me.. on core 5.. it takes me 7 1/2 days to replace/upgrade a library since fedora wants me to update a single file ot two with a single file or two dependent modules which i need to upgrade also.. it also have a peculiar higher level of user access controls that can literally block the root account for sometime. got locked out this way and wait for a certain period to let me in again.. it also can render you invisible in the network and you can snoop other computers without a trace.. [i love this one far than the other phenomenon i got]
  18. i solved that by using a filemanager i installed.. of course you need to make it secure.. the control panel file manager belongs to cpanel user, i guess.. and it cannot erase that rouge file. using a filemanager you have installed means that you are telling apache to clean itself up.. since it is apache that put it there.. it is also owned by apache. it worked on my side.. --- this situation also occured in the paid hostings.. aside from the ftp rouge temp file when i get those random ftp timeouts. it is bother some but i think it is ok.. i already have a use for this "feature"
  19. nice thing.. i was also confuse when i start to read your topic since i never lost that feature though i hate that alt + click. about the HTTPS issue, i use to have that one but cant remember when it got fixed. firefox automatically updates itself on my setting and it always work for me using IE tab to visit HTTPS site when i got that bug. There are some strange thing i notice from the last 3 patches from firefox2. issues regarding ajax.. i hope they got fixed soon.
  20. myspace is poorly coded that someone can always find ways to inject harmful codes in it that makes the viewer suffer. only in myspace also is a perfect place where i can see almost a hundred of linked flash videos that are set to download on view.. imagine the overhead on your computer downloading those flash files. i frankly use friendster.. it has some of the problems of myspace but i know one of the person who maintains it, that makes a small difference.
  21. you can also go google yourself for bootdisc images.. there are hundreds out there and some have customized tools included.. i fix my computer using those boot disc images.. the floopy boot disc is different from the cd rom versions since the cd rom version requires burning an iso file while the boot disc for floopy requires running a setup file.
  22. on the topic of security.. depends on what soperating system you are using.. base on my self experiences, on windows with unsecured wireless connection being broadcast and a capable wireless snoop, you entirely exposed you whole computer using windows vulnirability attacks which are so many. WEP or WPA, which is much secure depends also on the manufacturer and geo locations. mostly, i will go with WPA due to its much rigid design though implementations have variations from manufacturer to manufacturer. sadly, there was no global standard here yet though i can recommend using sysco stuffs like the lately purchased aironet.
  23. yup.. this is the only hosting system where the members are the support desk. anyway.. they are some blue guys and some red guys to bug around..i specially like the blue ones.. they cant erase your account.. LOL.
  24. thing i loved with java is that i can slam the users face with the words.. "go help your self".. some users will make your life a hell by bugging all the little details to you.. like.. they are sure that the program you made will only run on windows and bugs you that it wont run when they copy it on linux/ubuntu/mac os. everytime i face this situation i was forced to explain for 30 minutes or so that if it was said not to run on those OS.. it wont run.. ----- now i have special codes for this group of people.. i made them thru java and deploy to the user.. gives them all the downloaded virtual machine in one shiny cd for them to install. now everytime they came back.. i can safely say.. "did you read the manual i gave and the single file you need to run and install to make the program work?".. it saved me a lot of time explaining things since the java portability can really run on almost all OS and i have manage to bring the challenge to my end users. -- big memory and a faster cpu will make your java program run fastter but the loading times will still be slow. well almost all programs loads slow just that some of them have this fancy splash screen.
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