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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. i may not be yet good at it and my code was still a mess but i have embarked on the multi database system connector by using data providers. keeping safe SQL commands and using this techinique that i am employing, you can create a vb.net program that can connect to mySQL, SQL, MSSQL, Post Gre, Oracle and others by just switching a data adapter. i just get if from code project and extends it. the original source code was a c# one which i have just converted and its code base was for studio .NET 2003.. my version port was 2005.. ******* about the mySQL one.. i think consult m^e, there was also a connector from mySQL.com that gives mySQL connection into visual basic .net *******
  2. i agree with you with this mate. Specially now that most websites have ajaxed themselves up. just last december, i have stumbled on 17 websites of good quality with a ajaxed floating window for login. *********** between normal pages and ajaxed ones.. i will go with the ajaxed ones.. it saves time and bandwitdh on some slow connections, that it if you are viewing some sort of heavy graphics site. *********** i was dragged here thinking this tackle about this certain pesisting bug that i have read.
  3. mate.. where are you located? asian hubs are totally messed up now if either your ISP or one of your connection pass thru taiwan internet hub. i also have some of this problem. but i made some work around by using proxies. on my connection. some ftp access goes to the taiwan hub and all port 80 access goes into a different internet route. the taiwan problem made my ftp connections a hell. though redirecting my ftp connection to use proxies from some trusted sources, i manage to solve it. ***** in case you are out of the taiwan problem. boot up your computer.. wait till everything loads up. then shutdown zone alarm after it completed loading. in case that you can load and connect to your account then it is the zone alarm that blocks the connection.
  4. thanks M^E for this one..it seems that you have created this tutorial on your site.. can i have this one quoted in my website? it seems to be interesting enough to do some experimentation on this plugin using your code..****cheers M^E. good share.
  5. what does it do? i am kinda low on info with wordpress but i find it a good temporary solution for having a front website to show while i code in the background. -- a thing i loved with this wordpress is that i can create a guest book trick without any codes involved or adding a script/plugin.
  6. thanks mate.. i guess i need to take some check for this one.my temporary site is using wordpress while i was finishing the ajax based final website.
  7. happy new year guys.. i hope this year would be much great than the past one.
  8. one thing to add to the post above.. pick the one that generates the image on the fly.. avoid using fragments of images and showing them side by side.. bots can detect this
  9. i think it was fixed, no need for my help.. i think it is funny that you have answered all of my questions without knowing it.. and there are some issues on your selected forum board.. anyway, weaponx have figure out an alternative method to fixed your problem.
  10. this wont work.. i have been on a company with triple DNS server used inside the company.. this also have 6 outgoing live broadband connection.. the user base on the private network that access asta just to read is rather large.. at least around 60++ users out of 300+ active net users.. using that IP block method will lock out this legit users from accessing the Xisto registration and shun them out since base on the settings.. only 6 registrations can be made.. sad to say that this can drop to 4 connections since the 2 connections are for email access and still drop to 2 or 3 connections since 1 broadband connection is for VPN and the other one is sometimes used for VPN. using this method, Xisto already lost at least 50 users.. ************
  11. what script are you using to upload the avatar? *** i can help if you can be specific on what you are using, what version and i hope it was also hosted on asta since i can mirror ur problem here..
  12. i just know a hottie who are in tech forums.. and one who makes creadit systems and databases for an online game.. quite a good designer as well.. thing is,... i always get this "do this" and "do that"... and coz shes hot and cute... i always give the generic.. "oh sure" look and response..
  13. i think i may need to write a tutotial about this.. the stuff you need are.. a locahost that can support ssl serving.. xampp will do or install mod_ssl on your local machine a working gmail account most important is an internet acount.. the method uses the same technique that outlook and other mailler programs do. i will post the link here after i finish the tutorial.. ********** this is not a perfect solution but good for testing emails.. you also need to play around with your apache and php.ini configurations.. ********** EDIT you can send Private Message if you want me to send the solution to you or ask questions on bout the trick. till here, i can only write the tutorial every sunday.. im pretty occupied as of now..
  14. it will look best on my website with my watermark of "property of vhortex". nice one there. i think you should complete it and just update links on your blog article. what did you use on that one?
  15. i have this problem regarding file accessseems that my admin host or the server system itself have locked up the acces to create new file, delete[unlink] a file.. change file permissions and such controls to file..someone told me to use php shell script.. can you help me out here?********i just need to find out how to use php shell script and add it to my php scripts to delete a file..thanks
  16. the host is now in readonly.. too bad i waited to upload the files and see that the uploads are all red after finishing a movie..well i will try to upload it later and i hope it will be over..
  17. He is using xampp, it has a mercury mail server, there are a lot of manuals outhere to enable and configure this mercury server.. one thing to be sure.. you need 3 ports to be open to recieve emails and 1 or 2 ports for sending.. i was not sure about this one.. on the IIS.. can this IIS smtp give access to php and apache? i have not tried that one.. ******************************************** I have a perfect method on how to enable email sending without using any smtp.. though you need to add phpmailer into your software package.. or i can also give the direction directly.. be sure to have email and be sure to test your site in SSL mode.. https:// version Gmail requires you to be in SSL and you are required to connect to ssl://mail.gmail.com been using this one here..
  18. not a problem here.. a funny side effect.. it only just a matter of 1 char in my config this prevent the loop and it only happen 1 hour a day.. ********** and it makes me think what is going on.. so far.. i am not the only one who got the timewarp.. @BitShift same point here.. though no damage on my side.. it helps anyway to warn.. i face the computer for 3 long hours trying to figure out why cant my smarty generate templates.. and 2 days later i stumble to this forum thread.. anyway.. the effect may have not been forseen.. i use to have this kind of updates on my past works.. where 300 computers checks my private mySQL server and downloads the binaries stored in blob fields.. 5 months later.. 15 machines have been added and the whole update system crash mySQL server rendering some clients to have corrupted DLL's.. the problem was not the machine, it is the new network router with a lan cable connected to a network router which is also have a spare lan cable connected back to the other router.. result.. massive loopback that crash the network matrix overloading the mySQL server.. i guess something similar to this have happen considering the volume of data to build and transfer plus the server restart that needs to be done.. sometimes locking the filesystem is way much better than rendering your uploads in the middle while the server is being restarted..
  19. lol.. i guess you have a bot magnet.. i usually use generated images for verification.. you dont know when you need to block certain access.. dont use splited images.. just draw them on the fly or use voice validation.. [recording of the validation key to be entered]
  20. that time warp made my compiled directory clean.. i have templates generated 7 days in the future which my moded smarty treats as invalid and keeps on trying to wipe it out..
  21. you know, it piss me off when i cant see my test site due to disk problem with the server. then i realize that i am on a different timezone.. stupid me.. good thing i read this thread before.. and yes this is helpfull.. *************** anyway.. i dont care now if the disk will lock or not, i am doing my test now locally on my pc and by the time i finish the test site.. the new accounts have been moved completely.. though on the lost files and data.. i lost some data and files.. seems that there must be a warning to be sent or a timeframe for a non safe updates of file.. ------------------------------------ my files was gone, around 7 of them and mySQL database have rolled back a few minutes [3-4mins] and lost some database tables.. the server seems to have a time delay before it locks the files and the SQL database.. on the part of the SQL database.. some rollbacks do occur.. no worries anyway on my side since it was a test site.. the other users may have been affected though and have symptoms like mine.. by the way.. i am on smarty engine and part of my templates are on the database.. this may also contribute..
  22. on the pressing of "Y".. i know 5 ways to do that without the user knowing.. and windows or even DOS provides the 4 methods..
  23. exactly the one i need.. a hosting which can let me access a connection from my desktop.. i have a .NET framework system here written with visual studio.NET and a powerbuilder [borland studio] written software that needs such connections.. i have no luck yet finding a mySQL one. though i found postGre versions.. seems that most companies have locked the mySQL access to localhost and denies the % wildcard connection.. wish i can find a free one that does.. only thing i need is insert, update and delete table row..
  24. that was on firefoxs early days when it was detached from mozilla. firefox updates was faster and only takes 2 or 3 days for a fix. that is what i remember.. i dont have any complains with opera, just its early days where it was a paid browser and was flooded by a free version with ads.. ******************** faster response on IE as i remember was 3 months..
  25. either that the guy have an access to an account that can be an admin or he is in the network with autorithy to modify access for all users.. i have a problem like that before, the place where i work where the system admin have keeps on pestering my access by disabling all ports that i am using.. heck, i am using them for work purposes.. i was on the station and a network admin with stripped access.. the person pestering me was suppose to be much knowledgable but proves empty headed.. reason she shutdown my access is that according to her.. my account resets the access level of a certain network server something i never have access in my entire life.. ************ case this is your setup, a computer which is part of a network.. i detached my computer from the network by resigning from the domain and imposing NTFS security.. i upped 2 firewalls and one of them is zone alarm. only two accounts have access to admin and everything was disallowed even access to USB and such devices.. though the difference is that i disallow IE in my computer but let Firefox, mozilla and OPERA to get connection.. IE sucks.. Firefox rocks.. same to mozilla and OPERA.. netscape is a turtle.. by the way.. the access is controlled by policy editor and my firewall does the dirty job for the restriction of browsers.. ************* do some research on policy editor.. that can help...
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