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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. if there was no firefox, i will end up using Opera..I am a fan of tabs and before it have appeared, i use opera..time before.. opera is a paid service and i hate the ads thati got stuck with IE..
  2. default range for wireless router is 100 meters.. something less is crappy..i have tried aireonet from cisco and it works great.. the receiver wireless card can even receive signals from 130 meters away.. speeds are affected by movement.. if you are moving.. the speed may flactuate.. i played counterstrike using aireonet and the speed is great.. ---about the attic, not everyone have an attic.. not all countries plus it is a lot of trouble putting the router in there since it will be filled with stuffs that can easily burn.. old stuffs.. papers and others.. a router uses electricity and it can have electrical short circuit.. in some countries, an attic is just a space between the rooms below and the roof.. not a space good enough to put things but a space enough only to crawl.
  3. yes..the main concern is why do a post like this ends up in the forum..i cant be sure about the windows xp system but there is a way to insert a user confirmation without requiring a keyboard input.. hmm, ever familiar with pipings? and one thing i like about windows and people hate about it too is that you already have all the resources you need to create simple viruses.complex ones need some patch libraries to be installed.. there is no system like windows where i can create a worm using notepad alone. this cant be done on Mac OS and on linux, but can be done on windows..I love windows
  4. that is cheap..the one i want to buy is an ACER 17" LCD or an almost equivalent.. it cost $250 to $320 each..i only need one but the price is big.. so i drop my plan and get myself a Intel Dual Core instead.. it cost only $120 here in our country..I always want to have an LCD.. lucky you..
  5. i hope mySQL will be upgraded to version 5..i can save at least 10mb - 15mb of code by using stored procedures and cascading system.double with triggers, my mySQL libraries will trim to a few lines of code..----------i think that Xisto must announce 5 months ahead if php or mySQL will be upgraded..this gives enough time to debug the old legacy scripts..
  6. aww.. this post make my nose bleed.. to much technical..the reason that gmail sends all to inbox is that there seems to be noway to tell outlook that this email must go to this folder..one more thing.. since gmail is built with search engine on mind.. all emails are really on the inbox..they are just tag so that they wont show on you inbox if they are draftsand wont show on any folders if they are not tag..gmail implements tagging not actual folder categories..
  7. it is called hashes.. or serials.. no lan cards have exact same mach address.. it is considered as a serial identification of lan cards.. well, if the lan card do come from a legit source and not a modified specialize one.. i never know how this mach address is computed anyway.. some video hardware also have uniqque indentification sequences but i dont know if there was a standard about this.. i think i can assume that there is no standard yet since there are video cards without this coding.. motherboards have serials too.. this was inserted on every hardware specific updates.. --- If windows is aware of this settings and employ this ones in checking.. then it may not work.. knowing windows and M$.. a simple restore CD will do the trick.. just update it first.. --- if you have the cash, just but the open license version AKA as corporate.. it may ask for cd key but not for activation.
  8. actually googlemail and gmail are one.. one of the two is just a domain alias..a google account if different from the two posted since a google account is aglobal login without any service on it activated..while googlemail and gmail is an account that have a corresponding google accountand a gmail email service and comes with an online spread sheet access..older google service is accesable by using your google account login but in the pastmonths, there was a shift in hype and it seems that google account will be drop in favorof gmail account. i think they want to duplicate the passport system use by serviceslike yahoo and msn.these systems uses the email login information to login to all services..----feel free to comment out if i miss something or misunderstood something..
  9. can i see the forum? maybe there is something in the content that breaks the layout.. or there was a embed html..
  10. yeah, you are rigth.. i just posted the query.. i was so sleepy when i do that and lazy tooo... $sql = "SELECT * FROM users u JOIN content c WHERE `u`.`access_name` = \"" . $active_user. "\" AND `u`.`id` = `c`.`id`"; there is a semicolon at the end.. and the parse error is that it is suppose to inside a quote string variable.. -------- They told me this when I started.. Good programmers -- modular / Object oriented approach of programming.. Good programmers -- reuses well crafted codes as libraries.. Good programmers -- have less work to do.. Good programmers -- turns into lazy people.. I guess i put much more focus on the lazt stuff. maybe if i was lazy enough i can be a good programmer..
  11. One of the trial users is me.. I got a trial Photoshop C2 full edition.. when the trial expires.. I use a restore CD.. It is annoying but the restore CD makes my life easier.. No choice anyway.. cant give the money to buy a copy..I already spend a good deal of cash for M$ OS and Office set since I was not the only one who uses my units and not all are capable to use Fedora Core Linux..-------------I only keep all data in a different drive so it wont get affected by the restore..
  12. true.. to avoid future problems.. create a restore cd so that you only need to activate once.. here is the trick.. when using OEM version of windows XP specially XP Pro.. you need to activate the key.. if you reformat and nothing was changed.. the Key will be unique and wont let you activate again.. crappy approach.. a techinique that i use is to create several pcs with same specs.. install XP pro on one unit and activate it.. install Office 2003 and build a restore CD.. i will use the restore CD on the remaining computers and i wont need to install for the rest nor need to activate there windows.. they are just "restored".. ----- this way I end up having more spare cd's for activation.. if i say i have done this on 7 computers.. i got 6 cd keys for XP pro that is left unused since i only "restored" the 6 machines OS. I dont know if what is the legal implecation M$ will see from this since I dont break any rules here.. I got 7 machines and 7 license keys.. only thing is.. I did not install 6 of them.. this also works on machine which is not closely indentical, windows will just reinstall the rest of the drivers anyway.. ----- PS.. There is an open license version of XP pro.. much more expensive though but it wont require you to activate it online and you can use if on more than 1 machine.. my office 2003 comes in open license.. ----------------------------------- One thing more.. M$ have a crappy copy protection.. The activate stuff only toggles a registry setting.. If you know this registry and know the math on the variable key pair plus the computation of the found hash.. then you can edit it manuall and it will end up activated.. I wont tell what registry entry it is nor where to find it.. this is a helping forum anyway not a cracking site..
  13. Please take note that the new core cpu chips comes in 775 pins.. this pins can be found in the motherboard and are very tiny.. the price is worth it if you get an intel duo but the pressure of inserting the cpu chip or upgrading your pc parts is great..you can virtually damage the whole motherboard by bumping the cpu assembly.. the pins are so tiny that a small bump may potentially damage the pins.. damage pins on the motherboard will force you to buy a new one..------i am on a dual core with dual channel DDR1 memories..it works fast even if i dont have a video card.. i assembled it myself since i prefer to use mix pc parts..
  14. Ky1e, on what you are doing, the thing that you will earn is a warning or perhaps a ban.. he is asking a question on design and not on what software to use.. plus you are turning your post into a spam..just my few cents though..----------@Demonhawkthere are a lot of ways to do your question.. it is also possible to create a stunning website without graphics and make it look and feel as if the whole site is heavy on graphics.. these of course takes time to build and you will need to try more on CSS and some javascript perhaps.. Just avoid IE's interpretation of javascript and CSS.. they are not standard anyway..----------
  15. i still prefer being called a mental patient.. not a geek.. i am full of wierdness and stuffs.. Crazy is an exact word to describe me.. LOL
  16. please try this one instead.. SELECT *FROM users uJOIN content cWHERE `u`.`access_name` = \"" . $active_user. "\"AND `u`.`id` = `c`.`id` the changes are in the quotes.. \"" . $active_user. "\" plus this typo `c`.`id` i hope this will work now
  17. i just wonder what information that this IE and Windows is trying to send.. one thing i hate with zone alarm is that sometimes the default settings is on paranoid setup.. maybe depends on the version..On my third day using it with a fresh install.. a message pops asking me if i will allow access or block Zone Alarm for running.. The old program ask me if i will allow himself to run or not.. anyway.. the risk factor is said is very minimal.. maybe it wants to update itself up..
  18. i do notice that one.. IE or XP is always trying to sneak a connection into the internet using svchost even on fresh install, firewall on and no liveupdates.. just the plain old windows xp and my trusty zonelab software.. in random times of 5mins to 30mins.. my zonelabs firewall asked me that windows or IE is trying to access the internet.. for what purpose.. i dont know but putting windows svchost and IE on the ban list for internet access do nothing in change with how my box operate and function -- ** i think i am getting sleepy.. it is 4:07am here and i now mispell alot even with what i am doing.. i just err.. crashed the cron job i made since it is writing on a mispelled table name on errors..
  19. well said.. the one sending gets the charge just like on a phone call.. [except on roaming cells]-----and ruben is correct that this topic is not for the mods and admin only.. there are alot of peopleexpert in this field that just lurk the forum.. i assume this since it always appear on google on searches that is computer related and the rank is in page 1 to page 35..this draws great attention to others to answer.. ----there is a anti-hotlink script/program that is being implemented.. if it is on.. the server first check the requesting host for permissions.. The astahosting have this feature on.. if the requesting host is not on the list, then the access will be denied..a simple trick in hotlink control http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is not equal most of the time to anyhost.com
  20. i dont know if this will help..there are some appliances that emits radio waves and signals that can interfere with the transmission and reception.. if this noise making apps are causing big problems, you need to move either the transmitting device or you avoid those places with low receptions..some walls block signals and some will allow to pass..on the 11 channel of connection, some house hold devices can intefere on this one. so be picky on the speed when adjusting this stuff..a satellite feed antenae for televisons can also cause noices and so are wireless phones.. some brand of microwave ovens and refrigerator also causes noises or spikes.. i dont know much more on the home setup and which causes noise and which is not.. --I have full knowledge only of the wireless connectivity on a manufacturing firm setup.. which ones to put between the router and the area to be isolated of signals and what to adjust to gain more frequency and let the sensitive device on the next door immune to the wireless network..
  21. this is way strange or they are just trying to lock the domain.. who really own the domain anyway? and this more.. and this make me feel the creeps.. it seems that the whole domain is owned by the board host and all rigths to the domain also, a domain transfer is also locked making you stick with the service for a very long time.. i hope that this site wont rip you off when the domain you have "borrowed" [they still own the domain anyway], gets a lot of visitors..
  22. i register an account for a bottle of beer.. i hope they wont send spam.. i will use my for spam only email in the registration.. if they send spams.. then my spam only email will get full.. then i need to upgrade account.. and clean the spam only email regularly.. i think i am getting paranoid now.. anyway.. just signed up..
  23. yeah, they should be called boy hunters.. -- the idea is really good but i dont like the implementation.. boy scouts is suppose to be a sample of discipline and comraderie.. the place where boyscouts belong is in the camps, in the community helping and serving.. computer is for researchers and nerds.. and for gamers also.. -- i strongly oppose to the implementation since this is a lot of hellish plot the way of earning the badges is way out of the teaching of scouts i earn my eagle badge with hardwork and community service with some part in relief operation but not in this way..
  24. actually i have tried some test with PHP degration of depracated syntax..those that is develop in php3 works in php4 but not on php5..and almost all that was develop in php4 runs in php5 if coded correctly..--problem is that some webmasters use copy/paste method to develop theirsites which when they move host, they still use that same old script..more likely this group of users will bang the depracated sysndrome wheresome of the scripts wont work.. i still see a lot of people using php3 commands--some users also have no centralized backend design.. on my hand.. the change version will hit me less since i use function libraries..one is develop using php4 and the other is use with php5..i only need a switch case.. i only hit a little problem regarding disk space when i upload all of them. the total size of my scripts hit around 60-75MB due to dual libararies leaving me less space for a database if i will send updates to my scriptsince there was a plan of upgrade, i will wait for it then.. =)
  25. it is fun to play stupid anyway and play jokes.. makes a day or nigth easy and relaxing.. --- MK, dont worry if you want the correct help and support you need.. someone will always answer.. when we are not on the donut break..
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