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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. hmm.. the site is still in plain html and not all links are working.. i have visited the site a few days ago and still no improvement. windows hosting is expensive but not as expensive as this.. for the price given you should have SSL, SSH, at least 50 email accounts to create.. an FTP, support for SSI and ASP with PHP or a frontpage full support.. Tel: 301.258.9599 Fax: 301.330.2217 Toll Free: 888.389.6822 where on earth was the company.. they dont even provide the contact location just in case they change number and you need a method to contact them.. all my host have email address and a real live address to contact them with even the free ones..
  2. becoz it is a big beast that is hard for everyone to comprehend..
  3. yes you can call them now.. they are now spending millions of dollars for support.. anyway.. be prepared on unexpected results or answer.. i was asked multiple of times why i need to activate over the phone my windows xp.. i dont know whats wrong with them when i said that i need to download drivers from my ISP to connect to the net and windows XP wont allow me to download anything unless i activate windows.. so i called instead.. by the way.. microsoft's forum is full of bugs and missing links..
  4. the best way to do what you need is to setup a proxy server.. i recommend a linux one.. the proxy server will be the one exposed to the internet.. meaning that the proxy have direct connection to the net.. it can be guarded by a hardware firewall with a software firewall or software rules for linux.. the clients will access internet using the Local IP of the server. if the proxy server's local IP is then all clients must have a setting of proxy set to you can choose what services you can have open and what ports.. i dont recommend windows firewalls/proxy. windows is so lame that even on firewalls.. it will try to sneak some connections out.. with windows OS you will surely need a firewall hardware. please take note that in order for this to work.. you need two LAN cards..
  5. hmm.. that code is something that only microsoft can understand...the only thing i can tell from that is your on service pack 2.. product is your OS code and sometimes the programs identification code that triggered that.. --------- windows is a freaky software.. when i upgraded from service pack 2 and the auto update have installed some patches i never know that they are.. my http://localhost local service ends up being searched in msn.com website.. soemtimes it is ok but most of the time.. it was not.. it is suppose to be served locally not searched on line..
  6. feel your pain bro.. feel your pain..i too lost a very special friend some years ago..took me around 5 long years to get over that.. she was my most trusted friend and destiny took her away..
  7. the install and backup of mambo components can be only answered via the component writer/developer. the first part of the component installation is the creation and initialization of the needed tables and variables. some components are badly written that they just overwrite some major parts of the database.. the uninstallation is also the writers/developers taste.. some removes all data.. some just remove the files and some creates a backup.. while there are some chance of other programmer just leaving everything behind..
  8. I hope it was called PRE..POST means only one thing here.. that is after.. Gives most of my old schoolmates why the word POST meaning after be use as term when you are actually opening the computer.. [Procedural Reliability Examination] PRE --------------------- People with lots of time to waste a lot of time for nonsense.. --------------------- On the topic.. Please check the beeps.. If the unit beeps there was a problem..
  9. yeah.. much better that you wait.. sometimes the DNS server will refresh itself and correct itself.. you only need to wait for someone under your same block to modify his/her DNS settings.. anyway.. the faillures is on some regions only.. so most surfers will see that domain..
  10. No idea if that will work.. some DNS server retains a cache system. And the only solution I can think off is to point those domains somewhere else for about 3 days then point them back to the correct location.. hopefully, after 5 days the domain DNS record must be refreshed from the global DNS servers. Maybe you need to ask someone here more experienced with that stuff..
  11. do the computer beeps when it shutdown and open again?sometimes a bad memory module is causing this and most people do the the worst case scenarion problem solving.. As far as I am concern, the programs that you said that runs in your drive C: are not memory intensive programs so you will mostly hit the bad memory location less. While using the more memory intensive programs on Drive D wil end you up hitting that location more often and the shutdown more often..The one that wont allow you to open again is BIOS issuing a POST faillure response.. POST is the checking done by the BIOS to ensure that all devices are working properly before letting the system boot up..
  12. Actually.. the thing that needs you to worry about is with the DNS propagation.. I believe that there is no problem with the cPanel since i can see the site with the www part.. the extra function was just to force the www part to resolve to the default location.. -------------- on my region of DNS server farm.. all was copied well.. and I can do see that your domain with www part resolves.. On the part that you cannot add www in cPanel, the only explanation is that the cPanel have reserved the www subdomain as a reserve subdomain.. other than people have the intention to always add www at the first part of the URL's and the browsers appending the www string when you press CTRL+Enter, it differs none from the standard subdomain.. as nigthfox said.. the www part can be anything.. on my side.. i use the ww1 as default and ww2 to connect to the other server.. --------------- I am using hide IP platinum.. when i checked your site using proxies.. I found out that I cannot open your site using jordan IP.. either that my connection is slow between jordan proxy or the proxy have a hard time opening your site.. The error is DNS malformation did not resolve.. this can be critical thing.. There was also a proxy that I have access that cannot open your site with www appended on it.. But I was proud to say to you that your site loads up fast and steady in 27 other proxies I have.. those are located scattered all over the world. ---------------- I dont know how to make the DNS servers reload your domain data again.. when we change info on domains.. the global DNS servers send information and inventories on the domain records and will copy each others data. somehow something goes wrong here in the copying.. [i am not sure]
  13. it seems that the main domain for your host is CPSERBIA.NETsince this is the one pointing to Xisto and have subdomains pointing to the domain names that you have registered. DNS configuration is sometimes a nigthmare when DNS information you have created did not properly propagated around the worlds DNS servers. Normally, for main accounts and for default setting of the CPanel.. there will be a sticky bind just like the nigthfox said.. this is called sticky is that whenever the DNS servers encountered this special subdomains.. it will call the main DNS server and you will be redirected to the default location of your account..I never have any idea how Xisto implements this but i was not very familiar with CPanel hosting my DNS records.. I go down and dirty always to the DNS control records and turn off the other DNS support of the host.This gives me flexibility but the changes I do to the domain takes a full 2 days to fully propagate around the world.. like adding a new subdomain will take 1 day to 2 days of waiting.. while if i use the host CPanel and DNS settings.. this will only take a few minutes..
  14. well that is because www.the-brits.net is not a domain but rather a subdomain of the-brits.net when you have a DNS control over a domain.. you can specify sub domains.. i mean you can create sub domains and it will ask you where that subdomain is located. you are either prompt for the following.. 1. the folder and host where that domain must jump into after being called.. in paid hosting this is the subfolder in the host package for those using cPanel.. example: sub1.domain.com --> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ [this is mapping] 2. the nameservers for the subdomain if you have more than one host for your domain.. i typically uses two.. one linux [my main paid server] and the other a free windows host.. made my domain appear to be hosted on dual OS system.. this will be available only if you have full domain control and a DNS database from your domain registrar.. Godaddy.com used to have this feature on advance domain panel [paid service] 3. the URL of the page where the subdomain will jump [redirection only]... this is for the non full control domains. the subdomain will just jump to the new location and the addressbar will show the real location where you are.. putting http://forums.xisto.com/index.php? for masked subdomain sub2.domain.com will bring you automatically to http://forums.xisto.com/index.php? when you access the subdomain and the Xisto address will be the one appearing in the address bar.. ------------------------ One thing to think about this one is that.. if Xisto was setup to take over the DNS settings of your domain.. some of the settings you made for your domain wont take effect since Xisto will overwrite them.. and not all host offer DNS settings..
  15. well i mean.. you need to do that www. thing from the domain control panel if that allows you.. i dont have any idea if Xisto fully overrides the domain settings for subdomain mask but i was sure.. that most host do not override.. I use to have 7 domains that i maintain ang control and i encountered that problem for 2 of them.. when i mapped the www sub domain to the main folder that the domain must show.. all gets fixed.. I cannot give full and exact advice here since I have no domain hosted in asta.. -------------------- as far as the resolve thing.. i can view your site without errors.. i guess that the problem is in the other DNS somewhere around the world.. this issue is only relevant to non defined www. subdomains.. ------------------- i think you need to check some extra settings here http://www.gold-domain.com/ for your domain about the www subdomain.. you ned to redirect that to where the main domain points.. or just point it back to the main domain.. by the way.. is this your real name? Nenad Bozidarevic
  16. i can access both.. no problems.. the domain with www and the one without www.. and the subdomain version..--There are host / dns service that requires you to also set the http://www.domain.com/ to where domain.com points.. basically they are two different URL and you can have two versions of your site by exploiting this.. you can server a different http://www.domain.com/ from the default domain.com view..most webhost and admin control services just points the www subpart to where the non www domain points too.. i know my post is crappy.. i am writing this halp awake and half asleep..
  17. we can discuss full of nonsense in there and stuffs that can get us banned in this forum.. have you seen a spamming admin in here.. in this forum.. but in orkut.. m^e got the spam boost..
  18. as for the one unique visit.. you can visit your site daily.. you can even cheat using other methods and that is just one unique.. the main concern i have is the ads.. how big and how many are they.. the ads part is the main reason why people go to asta on the first place and it is expensive in that site to remove the ads.. i can better fare away from those ads for just $10.00 a year on all aliases it have except if i use a subdomain under my domain hosting on my old host..
  19. first thing is.. he may not have a cpanel.. or if he does have one.. it can may be served in different locations.. being a webdeveloper.. i have stumble on this kind of sites and control panels.. [control panel not cPanel].. 1. http://ww38.yoursite.com/ <-- cPanel from a certain webhost 2. http://ww38.yoursite.com/ <-- cPanel from a chicago base hosting -- http://ww38.yoursite.com/cpanel/ <-- you may think that it is cPanel but this is webmin from the same hosting 3. http://ww38.yoursite.com/cpanel/ <-- most common and the way Xisto use it.. i even stumble with this.. http://ww38.yoursite.com/menu/ and http://ww38.yoursite.com/;~ the ~ tag is needed and insert yourusername inside the <> tags.. it seems that the host is using a server side script that read this tags.. ------- first is.. asked your webhosting if you have a cpanel or what kind of host administration you are using and how to connect to it.. not all hosting have a web administration..
  20. i guess i have read an issue in that one.. M$ is using PDF algorythm to sell products and adobe dont like that.. they file cases vs M$.. most people will then ask, why are there a wide variety of software with PDF algo in them that are out in the market.. the reasons are enourmous but the main reasons are below. 1.) M$ inserted the PDF engine and sells Office for a price and was trying to brand the PDF engine.. bad idea.. PDF is a standard set by adobe and if you make money from it or use it in your programs.. a loyalty fee must be made and you also need the developers permission to use that.. M$ did not bother to ask.. 2.) Apache, Mac OS, Linux and Unix all have PDF engine. this software developers was allowed to use the engine since they dont make money and they dont brand the software.. PDF engine on this softwares are provided as an add-on and provided as free.. --- M$ main purpose is to combat or replace adobe acrobat writer, the enterprise edition that adobe is selling.. if you are adobe, will you alllow this to happen and for free without you getting even a few cents from a technology you develop.. not so.. I hate M$ with this techniques they use.. I was part of an open source development.. and M$ offered help.. we have been too cautious bout the offer and turns out that they want to brand our developement as M$ project.. we are not that dumb anyway even if we produce them free.. we develop open source not develop to be branded as M$ software.. They are alot of legal issues also involved in windows 2003.. they used alot of open source modules and nothing was acknowledge.. not a fair competitor.. not in my entire life i saw M$ say thanks or tell people that the module they used was from the open source community.. unlike what i saw from other operating system.. I once have a mac OS and there are notices from mac OS that the module i am using is an open source...
  21. that is the logical answer i can think of.. if that is correct, then we are arguing on something that everyone is correct and no one is wrong..
  22. i tried just now and my account was activated in 2 minutes.. i dont know about the reliability but the company was operating since 2006 ---------
  23. here is what i have done.. Since I cannot edit or chmod the files.. I go to control panel and have found use the filemanager..I dit the file and chmod it with filemanager.. you can even erase and upload a newer file..-------The last time I have this problem with simple CMS.. I downloaded the directory.. you can read it anyway.. then using the filemanager.. deleted the old directory.. after that I reuploaded the same files i have downloaded a while ago..Do the download with ftp and the erase or modfications with filemanager.. Filemanager have a higher access than our normal accounts.. So all that we have created are owned by filemanager also..-------by the way.. i encounter a bug in filemanager a few months ago.. when you edit a file using filemanager and saved it without chmod first.. the fileowner turns into filemanager.. then no one can read that on the web..---------------------------I think i saw something like change ownership in the Cpanel sometime.. i was looking at it now..*****************************Gosh.. I have this problem when i duplicate the old error I got.. It seems that my account is yanking of a bad file descriptor for the two files I use to reset.. It seems that filemanger can no longer modify them..I thinkl this is time for the admins or you reset them using a php script..
  24. Well i guess my theories are correct.. I have a copy of windows.. Asia asian region edition from M$ office.. aqquired them from a bulk purchase.. Since i use restore cd much and the two cd's have license for 5 users each.. they gave me a copy [my company] an original windows xp pro.. they have spare license use for 4 users with this CD.. --- I installed it.. and press the F11.. it worked.. Yesterday.. my computer unit blew up its windows copy.. I installed an OEM windows.. the F11 was there.. still have a doubt i ask for a copy from a friend to send me a copy via ftp of his windows.. There was no F11.. he is in california.. I guess he is using an edition for california.. -------------------------------- by the way.. F11 on my computer defaults to system on board diagnostic menu and bootstrap console.. I can select where to boot from harddrives, cd drives, thumb drives or network.. this get called until windows start running its initial bootup.. [until you can see the loading windows message] Californian version of windows, when i installed have no message like this.. "please wait.. loading windows".. ******************************** for the record.. my windows copies are 1) open license [5 users] windows XP pro no service pack.. 2) OEM version.. [can be installed on one machine] with service pack 1 bundled 2001 and also an XP pro.. This version of OS have repair from console feature which will bring you to a linux like console but with crappy text support.. it was in 800x600 video mode with only plain text running on c++ graphics mode emulation.. darn so slow.. i still prefer if they just use plain old console [command prompt].. who need a fancy emulation of the bitmap fonts of a console when you only wants to do some repair.. The console also supports only 15 builtin commands that you can find in command.com and all was not fully supported.. like using the command dir will give you the list of files but you must see all of the ouput or nothing at all..
  25. it GDrive is unlimited it will be abuse.. including me.. since everytime i need to format my pc.. the very first thing that goes OK is my netline.. I can just dump all of my ISO files in that GDrive.. provide extract important tools and the rest are ISO.. and since it is online.. no one can stop me sending the links nor the password to access those files.. ----- It was not there yet but i can already think of an abuse..
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