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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. we can give better results if you can give the motherboard model and maker for builtin souncards or the soundcard maker / chipsets. i always have one and i just popin the sound card driver installation if i accidentally uninstall it.. =)
  2. i have not logged in for a while and since there are other post.. i think it is better to create a new reply.. for me.. the only thing that i need is the upgrade of mySQL so i can tap into the rich feature of the database. i do transactional databases and the upgrade will ease my life much much better.. on the other hand for the upgrade of php 4 to php 5.. i guess that it wont be a problem on me but i dont need it also.. my codes worked for php 4 and above.. i have recoded my pages so it wont face problems when it is up on the server.. and since i have not update my scripts now and my hosting main folder holds a prebuilt cms.. this can be a problem for me when people view the main folder i have.. i did not write the cms program myself and i am not sure if it will work on the upgrade.. all mySQL quries base on my experience will work regardless with the update..
  3. no need for me.. just have experience with this before.. though i usually stock up everything for auto renew using cron jobs every month.. maybe they dont do that since they may have a different billing system in the server.. ************** i cant live a few mins downtime every year.. if it goes down everytime i get back logging in to the forum again.. LOL.. this is more of an easter egg than a problem anyway.. cept for those who have 1 point remaining before being suspended in hosting..
  4. maybe Opaque failed to pay his bills for Xisto.com and then i just remember.. Opaque is running the servers.. perhaps he failed to pay himself for the hosting.. anyway.. nice it was back.. just been idle for a long time then that suspended page displays when i visit the site..
  5. i will trade 10x increase in shutdown time for a fraction of boost from boot up time..currently.. my boot speed from bios is 1 sec approx but windows boots the system for about 1 minute to 3 mins since it opens programs on the task system tray.. my shutdown speed is around 1min to 10mins.. depending on how many days the computer was on.. --- anyway on linux.. my boot speed is 10 secs.. 40 secs including the login screen which i always press ENTER key or tab key to go down the password field.. i wonder what takes windows to boot up and shutdown slower than my linux which have 3 times much more programs running..
  6. bloody hell IE.. it does it again for the 5th time.. i will just edit this one anyway when i logged in again in few hours.. i have reposted this 5 times and still IE messes everything up... darn IE.. darn M$.. if only I dont have work for asp based websites.. i have never ever pruchased an M$ product.. ***** by the way.. my messed up post was about mySQL4 and mySQL5.. which mySQL4 quries running in mySQL5.. just this IE messes it up and screws everything and lost the data on the fly and bounce everything back up to my local host... totally freaked up and busted IE.. i fell sorry for myself for trying to use IE again for 3 years of firefox/opera use..
  7. long before.. this was not useless.. this trick generates an unerasable folder w/ an invisible name down the days of win98 and below.. back then... when the admin status for windows is not a big deal.. anyone can wipeout your entire harddisk with the command del "*.*" today.. i guess it's a little way to obselete.. on early windows, this will produce a non-clickable folder [includes early windows XP]
  8. some stuff to add, there are some variants of keys and hash that windows uses, depends on what version of windows and what patches are installed. some windows versions have two hash keys.. each part ressembles half of the original passwords. --- rainbow takes a lot of time to generate.. it takes me 3 months and 5 pentium 4 2.6gHrtz to compile / generate 90 gig of rainbow tables.. it only gives me success rate of 60% and that is for passwords 1char to 24chars long.. rainbow tables is usefull with a popular cracking soft.. i will not mention it here since I guess cracking is not permitted as a topic here.. this said soft will read rainbow as input and can decrypt char by char level.. ---- SAM files can only be read when you boot on command shell and you need to be an admin.. that is the last time i remember how it works.. SAM files cannot be copied when on windows GUI since it is locked for system use when the GUI is enabled.. Someone asked me a few months ago why this is so.. And I have answered with a blank reply of "Beats me, I just read them.."
  9. i understand you bro.. i was also staying in windows for the same reason until i have found out a nicer method.. one is to develop a software to read and translate the documents that can be compatible to linux Wine.. the 2nd is to convert those data into PDF.. i use the second option.. I generate PDF Editable files.. =) -- anyway.. since i was a programmer i have solution 1 also in my unit..
  10. some people do draw the images on the fly.. using fast server processors.. it is possible to draw complex graphics.. some just copy an image file into an output stream with a header type of image.. try this one.. one of my scripts.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the script generates random chars and draws it into an image.. i have complex image drawings.. one of them was used in an ecommerce shopping cart.. the script generates thumbnails every time you view them and the output is being stored in your local pc.. not good way but it saved space from the server and removes the burden of incomplete data writes when there are a lot of people viewing a certain product and requesting thumbnails..
  11. here. it is easier to find a card reader but hard to find a good sized xD card.. common xD card here is around 64MB and what i need is 1GB or 2GB for my digital camera.. about fragile.. it depends on the person handling them.. but if you mean the comfort of putting the card on the table while you clean some parts of you electronic device.. yeah they are too small for that.. it can be blown by an electric fan.. or even a hair drier.. even some aircon blower can be a hazard to it.. i will still go to the fragile smaller parts.. than the non fragile bigger ones.. from time to time.. they make casings or protectors for this small parts anyway.. i got an xD travel kit pack.. a 4x5 inches mini traveling case with compartments and xD armors..
  12. well.. there are distro that is for noobs or for users that dont want to go inside the system much.. but, since linux is open source.. most of the distro that you can find by just googling are beta or pre realeases.. this are most of the time run with console.. no fancy installation GUI.. the thing that i guess that makes linux a hard time to learn for others is that.. most common programs on windows that users have used to was not available to linux.. teaching people to use new technology varies upon interest.. i have manage to teach 7 people and still giving infos on some other using red hat linux.. each was given 3 cd's containing the full installation OS.. they said that the installation part is much more clear than the way windows presents them.. the system is transparent meaning that you can feel safe that if the system says it is copying a file.. it is indeed copying one.. unlike windows.. on the end of the tutorial i made.. the only comment they have is installation of new software for linux involves alot of planning and may force you to install all libraries manually if you are using open source libararies.. the best they gave out is that they 6 out of the 7 persons like the way linux was built.. they can download the libraries of system parts they need from other 3rd sources and still make linux run well..
  13. i also wonder about how they found old post.. i dont do anything on these files.. i just go on the temps and wipe them out.. the side effect is that is sometimes lost my cookies and bookmarks.. sometimes the history was also deleted
  14. did you overwrite your old installation? if you do so.. you need to unhook all services that the old apache have.. with windows on hand.. you will fair enough if you use some 3rd party software to unload the services.. windows is buggy with services handling.. dang.. check if you got file sharing or even IIS or PWI installed.. or even some daemon listener that grabs the port 80.. then also check you apache configuration.. most of the time it is easier to just move the port to 8080 if there are no installation problems and you got some other program listening on port 80.. the message says that it cannot get a port or resource socket to initiate a connection.. please give us some idea on what is installed and what your current configuration is..
  15. let me add to that discussions.. microsoft is stealing technologies and shutsdown the very own developer that made them.. we use to develop an open source core program with an indian.. microsoft offered some help and attempt to buy the system since we are developing an alternative file system that can read NTFS.. NTFS is suppose to be the secure system of windows.. some microsoft persons tried to get a copy of the system snd before we know it.. we are shutdown.. i dont know what happen to our main project developer.. there are many instances in open source that Microsoft is stealing and shutting down or bringing the developers to jail.. they will take your work.. test it then before you know it.. the software is now patented.. i dont know why patents was honored more than the original open source license that it came from.. on the new releases of Windows system.. i have noticed a lot of open source components that i have tried to test some loopholes that was known from those open source counterparts.. sad to say that the same loopholes are present on these "new savy" versions of windows.. meaning they have source codes that was not really microsoft just plugin.. --------- there are places that people cant have a choice.. except if they assemble there own pc.. since there are people who are dummies in this field.. they buy complete sets.. here in my place alone.. computers that are package comes with a end user license that ONLY WINDOWS be installed.. guess where this license and condition comes from.. surely not from the computer manufacturers.. microoft is trying to shed out the competition by using political powers they have on each region trying to use all dirty works.. i was happy though for the turn arounds.. due to their polical aim to remove competitors.. countries have noticed it and have thrown windows out of there areas.. linux is really not that hard to learn.. i have teach someone to install and configure linux in 3 hours.. and till now he is still using linux.. he just move on to fedora.. it is a big myth that linux is hard to learn.. in fact you are also faced with the same situation when you are merely 1 year old.. on that age you believe that walking is impossible.. with some practice you noticed that you can stand and walk.. few months later you have the ability to run.. the only reason i can think of not to be able to learn how to use linux is when the system language is in different localization as you are.. like an american trying to learn linux with chinesse localization..
  16. pain and suffering.. i wanted to be a a doctor once or a bilogist with skills on taxonomy.. i have memories man.. all the kingdoms, phylums and others together with the scientific names.. only to find out that they have replace a lot of scientific names and reorganize the orders and kingdoms... some of the changes reasons was pure lame.. IMO.. lame.. now about the planets.. i dont care how many then name and how many planets they will add.. just make sure that it wont give conflicts on other studies.. imagine teaching a child that pluto is not a planet and that same child read and was told that it was indeed a planet.. imagine arguing something like this with some folks that do not have direct access to internet and cable media.. -----------
  17. it seems that there was some error on the hosting.. i was denied login from the FTP server also.. and i felt to argue with the FTP console since it pops up saying.. "are you sure you meant user vhortex?"..yes.. i am very very that was me.. LOL anyway.. the dent on the pc casing can no longer mend..
  18. i think the cheaper models of this one will give you 2 suitcases free.. or one backpack.. found inside is the main communication device and batteries.. ---- i used to joke about this.. selling a good and nice watch.. state of the art with computers built in and satellite access.. and i travel alot with it.. [well i tell stories like this while carrying two suitcases].. then when a guy gets interested.. i just tell i am selling it for a buck.. then after he gave me the money i will give him the suitcases and tell the guy to properly charge the batteries.. now.. if this came true.. this piece of science.. i can just adjust a few my old joke.. ---- i still prefer an embeded microchip inside my skull.. and a little reciever antenae or something to that i will just think of my message and i can send it all away.. one thing i fear is the creation of viruses for this embed chips on our skulls.. i dont want to shout.. "OMG! OMG! Please run an AV on my head.. I got trojans inside my head!! " *** keyboard is so sleepy..
  19. sounds cool.. i will try to build one.. currently i have two pentium 3 units i use as proxies and gateways.. got them for P3000 and P4000 or roughly $55 and $74.. i can use them for full desktop use since they can get broken when being used with newer software. an i am thinking that since I already have software firewalls.. i can only use just one and server it as a firewall/proxy.. then i will be left with a p3 spare unit.. i think i will look for the surplus shop for a tv card.
  20. imagine this if we dont make things smaller.. if we dont invent stuffs to be small.. imagine the size of your computer today if the parts dont get small.. for your processor alone and with the upgrades it have if all parts sizes are retain.. then you have a table full of transistors.. and we still have the mother board which in fact is much bigger.. the equivalent of the tiny IC's compacted inside is around 3 to 5 PCB boards each. how many was reduced by the engineers.. have you remember the floppy disc before? how big they are and how they come pack now in a much upgraded formats.. we cant just make things give more perfomarnce or ouput and retain size.. we need to compact them also since smaller stuffs have shorter wirings and faster processing due to less digital travels.. and thing to consider is that we are putting a lot of stuffs together to build better gadgets.. if we dont shrink stuffs.. then we will end up with fast, efficient gadgets of mammot size..
  21. it is also possible that he is trying to hide the real host location.. i use to do that when i was doing my own hosting for myself.. that was just a few months ago when i stop when someone tried to DDOS me. sad sad person.. my zonealarm blocks the access.. i turned it down anyway since it gives me some worries if some of the attacks do break in.. i dont want a pc that turns into a spam daemon server or used for porn and warez..
  22. well.. i do need that name.. makes me remember who i am..i was annoyed a few years ago with that name appearing in my start menu..---okie okie.. snap back to reality.. i dont use start menu.. i am using pop menus.. from souceforge.. something like the themeXP can do but everything is in pods.. in there own containers floating around.. it also have its own taskbar which looks like a KDE Linux/MAC console screenshoot.. i gives me less time figuring out what that minimized pod window have because it have a thumbnail..---i hate windows bugs.. so everytime i have a chance..i shutdown windows desktop and load something over.. i even prevented IEXPLORE or lets say IEXPLODE.. bugs bugs bugs..
  23. on my case. i need the space for database dump and for the scripts i created.. Web have changed so much that a few years ago.. a few html will make you above the others.. now if your website is not run on scripting engine like ASP, PHP.. JAVA and others.. and dont have the niffy cool look that other enhancements can give.. you will not be "in".. you are not in the mainsteam.. today.. even simple websites need a database backend.. like those blogs that common people run..
  24. cant understand it on my side..seems to much colors and that there are too much abstract stuffs..dont want to use it on my pc also..try to add more stuff and reduce the colors or atleast make them blend well with each other..
  25. if you are the only one using your computer or you have some kind of account locking in your pc.. you can save the passwords for all ftp accounts you have [depending on the FTP software] then from that, que all the files to transfer via dragging files to the ftp open window and let it do its stuff.. while on asta.. there seems to be a connection limit for FTP and most of the time i get cut off.. that is on the peak hours for the asta server.. my FTP software awalys have fixed my transfers by traying to resume and do a CRC check for files upload and files in local pc and reupload those with CRC errors.. All i do is watch TV and check the FTP logs from time to time for any problems.. anyway.. my TV is just 5 feet away from the computer...
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