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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. also note that some resellers can hide block some tracing so what i use sometimes was tracer route. the DNS only shows where the access of the address or domain will go after being redirected to the DNS server. the nameservers may also be pointing to a new DNS and this DNS may also be pointing to some DNS as well.. i have not tried yet the provided link but i am an advance user of DNSstuff, that website provides all the tools that you need to trace something..
  2. hmm.. so it was not only on my side.. actually.. if you got the windows live patch that gives you tabs for IE6, that flaw goes back.. and i also encountered that flaw on IE.. have been doing lots of websites lately and i use to get lazy in window naming.. i have installed IE7 and bing! if two websites uses the same named window, they overlap each other. so much for popups and spawned windows.. no problem with Mozilla and pre IE7, what i did, reinstalled IE7 and the flaw was gone.. since i love the tabs i downloaded windows live tabs control and whoops.. the flaw was back.. ******************** IE wont be secure anymore.. my wise guess.. darn.. if only IE follows webstandards, then i wont need to test my pages on it anymore.. and i hope i can remove this software out of my pc since it cannot be uninstalled, what was uninstalled was only the clickable explorer.exe and the rest of its engine was still present and will reinstall without your approval..
  3. windows IE7 crashes alot when there is a windows live messenger installed.. Windows IE7 encourages the use of windows live since it was according to them, fully supported and integrated on IE7 and give full secure access time.. with a compatibility of that... who needs the next releases..
  4. following that one.. geez.. i should be using konqueror when i am on lunix.. My linux have konqueror as default.. my lindows [linux/windows merge] have no default.. no browser for me.. my windows have IE but was so buggy.. guess i need to use it.. ******************
  5. to add to what SP Rao said.. i do have also UBUNTU boot disc, UBUNTU installer bootable.. Susie bootdisc, Susie installer Bootable.. Mandrake Bootable disc.. no installer.. -------- I have bart CD.. Boot Magic.. And a working XP system on CD.. no installation needed.. I got those on ISO from torrents.. you can easily know what is inside an ISO it is was really an ISO.. download any file that can extract ISO files.. I have power archiver.. Then after that.. scan the files.. if the ISO is for linux.. try to scan that using linux scanners.. they may be much more accurate.. the one you must be carefull was files with filename.ISO.exe or filename.ISO.com or even filename.ISO.dll.... those are viruses. for dos mode booting CD's [for repair cd images].. it is better to build yourself.. it is just 10mb anyway and such a waste of CD plus the image cannot be read since the booting sectors are hidden to windows.. those booting sectors have the drive A: floopy image loaded only on boot up.. be carefull with that types of ISO.. we dont know what it contains.. =) cheers..
  6. well, you are using a server version of phpmyadmin.. then i can safely say that the one at fault was the server side copy.. i dont know if we are all given a copy of phpmyadmin or if we are sharing them around with each other.. ********** if you want to have your own phpmyadmin.. i can help you install it.. you just tell me what version you are uploading and i can help in the setup.. be carefull with it anyway.. if anyone discovers that you are having a phpmyadmin outside cpanel.. they can also connected to it and expose your database.. that is the trade off.. i have made my phpmyadmin authenticate on visit, no cookie.. so no one can use my copy of phpmyadmin just by typing the URL.. plus i chmod the directory after i am done with it.. a little paranoid on my side
  7. never been a problem with me.. i have uploaded my own copy of phpmyadmin just chmod it to deny execute all when i am done with it..plus the installation first ask for login info.. ----------------------------------------------------due to cpanel upgrade.. there may be files in the phpmyadmin that was not upgraded.. if you were using the phpmyadmin supplied by cpanel..
  8. @xboxrulz firefox have a new class checking for its extension.. it was not in there on RC2.. i even tried to cheat from it to pass my template and the cool torrent downloader i have as extension which have a rating of works on firefox 3? it will try to update the extensions and download them and do will dutifully install the new xpi's.. if you are going to cheat.. disable the auto update for extensions.. @minnieadkins there are alot of changes in the kernel.. if you dont notice.. a glitch in some extensions causes firefox to have memory leaks.. i never have encountered a memory leak so far.. the render was faster and the download speed and translations for the pages for firefox was way faster.. much faster than IE does.. no idea with Opera, it was horrible on some sites i visit.. most of the changes in the browser is the automation of those pesky task you need to install and "do it yourself" patching, cutomization to max firefox. though i have no idea on what people say about a spell checker.. @Jeigh it is nor memory hungry like before.. it used to eat up 100mb from my pc's memory.. the patch of 1.5 and crashed much.. now it did not crash even a bit.. plus, all ajax generated and javascript generated views into firefox was now vieawable.. i have an ajax that replace this tags <div name = "replaceme" id = "replaceme"></div> with data contents from the ajax parser which of course was controlled by javascript.. if you use view source, you get the <div> tags.. but you can highlight that ouput on the screen and select "view selected source".. this feature cuts my developement time into a third for ajax projects.. firefox on the other hand have a flaw on its system.. selecting the "view selected source" and pressing the shift button while pressing the end key will strangely eats up your processor time.. it was not like that before.. anyway everything goes back after 1 minute.. ******************** for the look and feel.. you can change the themes.. that is whay themes are for.. a side note: IE7 crashed on my machine 70+ times the last week.. imagine the horror i got.. ******************** i now have firefox2, deactivated IE [damn IE, wont get uninstalled] and Opera..
  9. hey, why should it be always fish?cant it be thanks for the pork or something? *******************************************dont get the paid hosting.. the server response from the staff for the paid hosting is a few mins except on specially occasions.. if you do get the paid hosting, you will miss the oppurtunity to use the customer support links and stuffs..plus you miss the fun of bugging your host.. /LOL*******************************************is it just on me or that people are getting more time on work and less on the net these days..
  10. one thing to add if to look for suspicious looking files.. like downloading an iso or zip version of MSoffice as backup.. there are alot of those around the web. note that average size of a MS office installer is around 350mb. most people share one for 2mb max of 5mb which are viruses if you check them using anvitirus.. AVG for me saved me alot from this type of tricks.. --------- and i admit i have downloaded ISO of MS products since i have the serials but my installer CDs got broken [leaking roof] due to being wet.. MS wont send me a replacement installer but says i can borrow installers..
  11. speaking of promotions and such.. anyone sees dhanesh? or did i take soooo looooooooooooooooooooongg away from the board. i still vote two thumbs to dhanesh being a mod.. ah.. the annoy Jeigh fad perhaps have passed.. ----------------------------------------------------------- the topic listings.. got no problem with it and i can always open the locked topics.. including my lock topics i requested to be locked.
  12. this question will bring back to square one.. what are the given standards to know that something is alive? ********************************************** on my small point with regards to biological viruses.. they are not alive but merely a mutating factor for the cells.. they have existed for years and years much way before us.. the questions of evolution lies here.. do we evolve from virus like organism, if we can call them organism.. most viruses cannot be "activate" when it conditons are not meet.. domestic viruses have hard time in "activating" since the potential host have defense mechanism for them.. however when this virus strands can move by our modern man carrier into a new area with no domestic virus similar to this the carried one.. it can have a fresh source of host.. ********************************************** as far as i am concern.. when a virus enters, [not infect on my point of view] a host.. it's Genetic Data (DNA or RNA) corrupted the host DNA and RNA into a pattern similar to its self.. i use similar since a virus do not really produce an exact copy of itself.. the resulting copy have genetic characteristics of its source.. that is why we have different types of viruses.. like we have thousand of common cold viruses.. this is also the reason why on virus discoveries.. the original carrier is the one being search for not to tame the virus but to exact a raw copy of the virus and compare it to the resulting virus.. this carrier also now have the antibodies to deactive the new strain of virus that originated from this living carrier.. if the carrier do not posses certain deactivating traits.. then it wont be a carrier. since it will die out.. *********************************************** computer viruses on the other hand falls on a paradox.. people say that artificial intellegence and robots are the next stage of life.. then if it was.. that we have a next stage of life.. does that mean that there are other stages of life past before our current stage of life.. we are back to stage one.. are biological viruses alive.. on this argument about AI and robots as being alive.. there are alot of people want to say that they are not alive.. on the contrary.. they all believe, well most people do, that they will be the next generation.. most have created articles of man and machine being merged together.. a humanoid machine thinking like us, feeling and breathing.. living and existing.. thinking.. on the listed traits.. the thing that have been considered as the major addition of machines being the next generation is that they can soon think using AI.. this create a paradox again... if the main category or characteristic of being considered to be alive is the ability to think.. then we have thousands of dead thingamagigs in out taxonomy tree.. ************************************************* the problem therefore is not the argument of being a virus an alive or not thing or organism.. the problem is our way of trying to describe an infinity with a finite understanding.. this is the common error that we are commiting over and over again.. this question will bring questions toward the accuracy of the definition of "life"
  13. External drive here for 1 tera solid is around $350 each.. the case dont look nice since it is a little bulky.. it have 3 chasis fans and operate on 110 power guess what.. we manufacture them for japan market.. when we buy them back they cost around $550 a $200 increase.. still we can have this locally at $350 we have an available model here for around $450-$580 or sumthin with a nicer box chasis and 240 volt power and a standby of 10mins power ------------------ having two 500gb harddrives external cost much here.. it is $280 a piece.. but the chasis is sleeker and slimmer.. if we add it up.. your stock is much cheaper.. ------------------ both can be attached in a raid fashion or as external USB drives..
  14. hmm.. i have half of space you got.. but space for a terabyte or more is cheaper here.. 520 Gig space for HDD is around $110 each for IDE same size for SATA is around $150 each.. I have a RAID capable motherboard and 3 SATA SLOTS for RAID.. guess I can reach that with motherboard/RAID card included for less than $500 *************** what cost here alot are OS licenses.. they sky rocketed few years when we have inflation rates for our money.. we dont manufacture Win OS.. Just Ubuntu builds and Nix's flavors.. include on the Nix OS the full range of trend micro antivirus mandarin version.. and we dont even understand mandarin.. LOL.. ***************
  15. i made errors in my early days of database programming.. almost same as yours.. part of learning.. cheers..
  16. hi,can someone point me to where i can find a bootable windows iso image.. the stuff i need are format and make bootable..there was a problem installing from cd using my windows installer.. when read from the cd but no problem when being installed from harddisk,,.problem was due to bad motherboard.. the system partition got corrupted and i need to reinstall.. i have no floppy drive but i have a tool to burn iso image from dos prompt..thanks in advance..
  17. i hope that there will be notices on boxes on what sizing standard was used.. i have this experience a year ago with my hiking shoes.. different brands using US size standard.. the new brand i use was bigger than the old brand.. the difference is 3/4 on an inch.. this is a problem when you hike since if you go on a sloped terrain.. you lose some grip on your feet and the shoes..
  18. i hate sizes.. specially when there are open market in your area for imported stuffs.. i know i am medium in body size.. [asian size] and now i buy this american sized shirt.. since base on my experience.. american standard on sizes are bigger.. i get small.. it fits me well on the other brands.. i noticed that the shirt was too small.. barely fit me.. so i get those ones with numeric sizing.. still goes in line with small sizes.. darn.. after trying 3 brands and a lot of sizes.. i ended up buying a large size and 2 medium sizes.. makes me think.. do americans outsource manufacture of cloths, shoes and some sporting goods? --- i also have problems with my hiking shoes sizes.. even if i get them direct from manufactures in the west.. i was a fan of western hiking shoes..
  19. google have google ads on its site.. except gmail.. but the way google controls the google ads.. it is kinda different.. they have lots of proxy servers and website version aim at specific regions.. on my country.. when they introduce the region server.. the searches turn up faster.. ******* bout google ads.. not all region can see google ads.. i guess they have a pretty good ads targetting scheme.. like why would a person in asia need to view peoples ads selling stuff locally in america.. makes sense.. something other ads services lacks..
  20. i guess this is another case of the safe mode boot up shortcut where 1/3 have the shortcut installed, 1/3 have the shortcut bring them to somewhere else and 1/3 dont have the shortcut installed.. it worked on me.. i have windows xp pro SP1 edition 2002 release cd.. i am now patched to windows SP2. have no running DNS server and not a part of a corporate network except the router network system of my internet provider.. ********
  21. well, maybe the system just locked that space.. i use to have that problem before.. anyway.. it is the control panel that is affected and so far i think cpanel is somewhere around "/" and that directory or partition may the one that is running out of space.. we are patient.. we wont get hosted if we are not.. cheers... -----------
  22. it is faster on my machine.. and the power tools built in was great.. seems that 3 plugins i am using was now built in and most add ons i got are well written.. i also lost the memory leak / errors problem introduce on the last version of firefox 1.5 ---
  23. @Mark420 thanks mate for the link.. ---- i am on bolt but i frequently visit youtube.. i have watched great movies in youtube split in 10 parts sometimes even 15 to 20 segments.. if it is google it will be good.. i hope they maintain that.. absorption is not bad but they will introduce more people with different beliefs and aim than the original team. they can get conflicts and the product item will downgrade. ---- i have no words to google ads.. they are small text boxes that loads fast.. they pay good money to maintain server.. bout video stream.. i guess they are in the edge of lossing money rather than gaining.. bandwitdh is expensive.. but space is not..
  24. google after ranking the best browser search engine with billions of data to searchhave owned youtube.com, the high ranking video repository..i dont understand this move on google since it got a google videos..-------i still have not yet heard the official news but youtube folks are giving a video message about the sale******************If anyone have the a news link about the sale please post.. I want to have a good confirmation about this..thanks..NOTE: youtube on my last visit shutdown for 1 hour with a maintenace notice as usualwhen it goes back it got the google ads.. after a few days i saw the video link by my emailas a youtube member.
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